[fg-arc] FINAL CfP - Linked Open Data in Software Engineering (LODSE2013)
Gerd Gröner
groener at uni-koblenz.de
Sat Apr 20 12:25:19 CEST 2013
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International Workshop on Linked Open Data in Software Engineering
Held in conjunction with INFORMATIK 2013
September 16-20, 2013, Koblenz, Germany
Important Dates
Papers due: May 10th, 2013
Notifications: May 30th, 2013
Camera ready due: June 20th, 2013
Papers should be submitted via the ConfTool Conference Management System:
Papers must be submitted using the “Lecture Notes in Informatics” (LNI)
style (Word or LaTex).
See http://www.gi.de/service/publikationen/lni/ for style files and details.
Accepted papers will be published by the GI-Edition “Lecture Notes in
Informatics” (LNI).
The advent of the semantic web has given a new perspective to many
aspects of
software engineering like collaboration, representation and
For example, programmer support has been already impacted by semantic web
technologies like RDF(S) or SPARQL.
Semantic web technologies and Linked Data principles are paving the way for
the Web of Data, a global data space integrated using RDF(S). Linked Data
relies on a stack of technologies like URIs, HTTP and RDF to empower
information retrieval.
The Web of Data will have impact on fundamental software engineering topics
like mining, collecting and analyzing software engineering data. Thus, this
LODSE aims at addressing, among others, the following questions:
What is the impact of Linked Data upon software engineering data?
How can the scientific and technical results around Linked Data be
used in software engineering disciplines like software traceability
and software interoperability?
LODSE is an exclusive forum to discuss the contributions and implications
of Linked Open Data in software engineering. The aim is to initiate
new research aspects in the software engineering community and bootstrap
the usage of Linked Open Data principles and Semantic Web technologies
in this community.
Workshop Scope
The workshop aims at discussing the role of different aspects
of Linked Open Data in enhancing software engineering. More
specifically, the objectives of the workshop are:
- To foster the development of linked datasets software engineering data;
- To present state-of-the-art research covering Linked Data and software
- To encourage the software engineering community to explore aspects of
Linked Data
technologies like interoperability, mining and traceability;
Topics of interest involve but are not limited to:
- RDF(S) exchange of software artefacts
- Ontologies for software engineering
- Schema sensitivity
- Software Engineering by the Masses
- Software Engineering Data Extraction
- Software Engineering Repositories
- Representing Software Engineering Data
- Mining software repositories across multiple sources
- Semantic software search engines
Program Committee
Marcello Bax, Federal University of Minas Gerais
Serge Demeyer, University of Antwerpen
Gerd Groener, University of Koblenz-Landau
Aftab Iqbal, DERI
Ansgar Scherp, University of Mannheim
Daniel Schwabe, PUC Rio
Fernando Silva Parreiras, FUMEC University
Aaron Visaggio, University of Sannio
Tobias Walter, Cap Gemini
Christian Wende, DevBoost
Michael Wuersch, University of Zurich
Yuting Zhao, University of Aberdeen
Workshop Organization Chairs
Gerd Groener, University of Koblenz-Landau
Juergen Rilling, Concordia University
Fernando Silva Parreiras, FUMEC University
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