[fg-arc] call for papers: creaRE 2013 - Creativity in Requirements Engineering

Andrea Herrmann AndreaHerrmann3 at gmx.de
Sat Dec 22 16:49:56 CET 2012

Call for Papers
3rd Workshop on Creativity in Requirements Engineering: CREARE’13
at REFSQ 2013
April 8, 2013, Essen, Germany

CREARE’13 in an interdisciplinary venue that brings together practitioners and researchers interested in discussing the role of creativity in RE, the array of creativity techniques that can be applied to RE, and the specific ways in which these techniques add value. We envision the CREARE participants to include both RE experts and experts from a variety of other fields, e.g. psychology, creative writing, design thinking. The workshop will serve as a forum for the exchange of both experience and research results. It also aims at raising awareness in the RE community for the importance of creativity and creativity techniques and awareness for RE in the creativity community. The targeted outcomes of CREARE’13 are: 
(1) an agenda for conducting empirical research about creativity in RE, and 
(2) an action plan to use the CREARE workshops as a platform for linking the RE community to other communities to which creativity is essential. 

Workshop topics include, but are not restricted to: 
-	The interplay of requirements and creativity
-	Creativity techniques and their application in requirements activities
-	Tool support for creativity-enhancement
-	Context-dependent use of creativity and creativity techniques
-	Experiences with creativity techniques in industry
-	Relation of creativity and innovation
-	Requirements Engineering Techniques that enable or support creativity
-	Professional skills essential to creativity in RE
-	Creativity via reuse: trading off innovation and efficient production
-	Theories from other disciplines (e.g. behavior sciences, psychology of learning) 	explaining the relationship between creativity and RE
-	Teaching Creativity in RE

** Important Dates **
Submission deadline: 	January 23, 2013
Author Notification: 	February 20, 2013
Camera Ready Papers: 	March 20, 2013
Workshop Date: 		April 8, 2013
** Submissions **
We invite three types of submissions: position papers, full papers and interactive sessions. Both types should treat a topic from the workshop themes.
- Position papers (3-6 pages): Short papers, stating the position of the author(s) on any of the workshop topics. For example, position papers could describe an experiment or a case study in industry. These papers will be evaluated on their potential for generating discussion, on practical relevance and on the originality of the positions stated. 
- Full papers (8-10 pages): Full papers evaluating an experience (in industry) or describing the results of a research effort. Full papers will be evaluated for innovativeness of the proposed ideas and for technical soundness.
- Interactive sessions (1-2 pages): Proposals for interactive sessions like games, method demonstrations, role plays or mini-tutorials of 20-30 Minutes which can be executed at the workshop, including the participation of circa 20 persons

Submissions will be accepted via E-Mail at herrmann at herrmann-ehrlich.de. 
All paper submissions should be in the LNCS format (see http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-12-73062-0).
The papers will be published in the REFSQ workshop proceedings.
All submissions will be reviewed by three members of the Program Committee.

** Program Committee **
Dan Berry		University of Waterloo, Canada
David Callele		University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Maya Daneva		University of Twente, The Netherlands
Joerg Doerr		Fraunhofer Institut IESE, Germany
Andrea Herrmann		Freelance Software Engineering Trainer, Germany
Anne Hoffmann		Siemens AG, Germany
Klaus Schmid		University of Hildesheim, Germany
Kurt Schneider		Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Roel Wieringa		University of Twente, The Netherlands
Konstantinos Zachos	City University London, United Kingdom 

** Organizers **
Maya Daneva, University of Twente, Netherlands, m.daneva at utwente.nl 
Andrea Herrmann, Freelance Software Engineering Trainer, Germany, herrmann at herrmann-ehrlich.de
Anne Hoffmann, Siemens AG, Germany, anne.hoffmann at siemens.com
Kurt Schneider, University of Hannover, Germany, Kurt.Schneider at Inf.Uni-Hannover.de


Dr. Privat-Doz. 
Andrea Herrmann
Daimlerstr. 121
D-70372 Stuttgart

+49 (0)711 41006191
AndreaHerrmann3 at gmx.de

Gastprofessorin an der FH Bingen im Wintersemester 2012/13

next events:
15th January 2013: A. Herrmann, A. Hoffmann: Tutorial "Vermitteln Sie Wissen und Werte mit Stories!", Software Quality Days, 

21st January 2013: A. Herrmann, A. Hoffmann: Tutorial "Vermitteln Sie Wissen und Werte mit Stories!", OOP, http://www.sigs-datacom.de/oop2013/konferenz/konferenzprogramm.html

24th January 2013: final presentation about gender research during the guest professorship at FH Bingen

26-28th Feb: Course "Requirements Engineering" at the meccanica feminale in Stuttgart http://www.meccanica-feminale.de/

11th March: presentation "Risikobasierte Anforderungspriorisierung: Ergebnisse einer Experiment-Reihe" at REConf2013 http://www.hood-group.com/reconf/reconf-2013/

18+19th March: Seminar "Leichtgewichtiges Requirements Engineering" at www.sigs-datacom.de

20+21th March: Seminar "Entscheidungen im Software Engineering" at www.sigs-datacom.de

8th April: CreaRE workshop (Creativity in Requirements Engineering) at the REFSQ 2013 in Essen

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