[asv-vorstand] [EXT] FW: Complaint regarding aggressive roommate and request for room change
Schmelter, Frank
schmelter at stwpb.de
Wed Nov 6 16:49:47 CET 2024
Guten Tag Frau Stolcis, liebe Kollegen,
wir haben aus der betroffenen Wohngemeinschaft bis 30.09.2024 keine Beschwerden erhalten.
Zum 01.10.2024 sind zwei Mieter neu eingezogen. Darunter auch der Beschwerdeführer Herr Mathur. Dieser ist als Untermieter für ein Semester eingezogen.
Die Beschwerden gehen aktuell in beide Richtungen. Der Beschuldigte Herr Okoye (langjähriger Mieter in der WG)hat ebenfalls Beschwerde gegen Herrn Mathurs Verhalten eingelegt.
Zusammen mit unserer Kollegin Frau Migula aus dem Bereich Soziales werden wir eine Vermittlung in der Wohngemeinschaft starten.
Dies kurz zur Information.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
i. A. Frank Schmelter
Bereichsleitung Wohnen
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Studierendenwerk Paderborn
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E-Mail: schmelter at stwpb.de<mailto:schmelter at stwpb.de>
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Von: Miriam Stolcis (ZSB) <miriam.stolcis at uni-paderborn.de>
Gesendet: Montag, 4. November 2024 11:27
An: Schmelter, Frank <schmelter at stwpb.de>; torsten.meier at uni-paderborn.de; vorstand at asv.upb.de <vorstand at asv.uni-paderborn.de>; internationales at asta.uni-paderborn.de; io.registration at zv.upb.de <io.registration at zv.uni-paderborn.de>; Stefan.Schwan at zv.uni-paderborn.de; zsb at upb.de
Cc: laura.maring at upb.de; Yvonne Koch <yvonne.koch at uni-paderborn.de>
Betreff: [EXT] FW: Complaint regarding aggressive roommate and request for room change
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Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
liebe Kolleg*innen,
wie Sie alle hat auch uns eben die Mail von Herrn Mathur erreicht. Für Studierende der Universität Paderborn sind wir als Zentrale Studienberatung - wie Ihnen ja bekannt - häufig Anlaufstelle für hilfesuchende Studierende in unterschiedlichsten Lebenssituationen. Der Bereich der Psychosozialen Beratung ist in diesem Zusammenhang sicherlich ein Unterstützungsangebot, das dem Studierenden in seinem Gefühl der Bedrohung und ggf. auch in der Wohnungssuche außerhalb der Angebote des Studierendenwerks Hilfestellung leisten kann.
Daher haben wir Herrn Mathur als Reaktion auf seine Mail bereits ein Gesprächsangebot unterbreitet.
Melden Sie sich bei Rückfragen oder Gesprächsbedarf gerne bei mir.
Herzliche Grüße
Miriam Stolcis
Miriam Stolcis
Psychosoziale Beratung
Zentrale Studienberatung (ZSB)
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Von: Anmol Mathur <anmolmathur1999 at gmail.com<mailto:anmolmathur1999 at gmail.com>>
Gesendet: Montag, 4. November 2024 09:55
An: schmelter at stwpb.de<mailto:schmelter at stwpb.de>; torsten.meier at uni-paderborn.de<mailto:torsten.meier at uni-paderborn.de>; vorstand at asv.upb.de<mailto:vorstand at asv.upb.de>; internationales at asta.uni-paderborn.de<mailto:internationales at asta.uni-paderborn.de>; io.registration at zv.upb.de<mailto:io.registration at zv.upb.de>; Stefan.Schwan at zv.uni-paderborn.de<mailto:Stefan.Schwan at zv.uni-paderborn.de>; zsb at upb.de<mailto:zsb at upb.de>
Cc: laura.maring at uni-paderborn.de<mailto:laura.maring at uni-paderborn.de>
Betreff: Complaint regarding aggressive roommate and request for room change
Dear Authorities,
My name is Anmol Mathur, and I recently moved to Vogeliusweg 27D.2.3.4. Regrettably, Today I'm writing this email as I fear for my safety due to verbally and physically aggressive behaviour of my flatmate Mr Frank Okoye (Room no : 27D.2.3.3). I want to request you to please look into Mr Frank's behaviour with new roommates and assign us separate rooms.
Mr. Okoye has repeatedly displayed verbally and physically aggressive behavior towards me, which I find deeply alarming. He appears to believe he has the right to engage in physical altercations, which is both inappropriate and unacceptable. His inability to address issues in a calm and respectful manner has led to multiple confrontations. This behavior can be verified by our Hausmeister as well as by previous tenants who are familiar with Mr. Okoye's conduct. Previous tenant of this room has also confirmed this behaviour to studentenwerk.
Since my arrival, I have made every effort to foster a cordial and cooperative atmosphere. However, Mr. Okoye's repeated hostility has crossed all boundaries. On October 22nd and October 24th, Mr. Okoye escalated matters to physical aggression, pushing me and, in one instance, forcibly entering my personal space.
1. On October 22nd, I approached Mr. Okoye in his room to politely suggest ventilating the living area after his use of the microwave led to a strong odor. Instead of responding constructively, he reacted with verbal aggression and began shouting. I attempted to de-escalate the situation by calling our other two roommates as witnesses. Despite my efforts, Mr. Okoye continued to push me aggressively. When I retreated to my room to call for assistance, he followed me, yelling and even resorting to physical violence, which I documented via my phone's camera. This pattern of behavior, which extends to waking other roommates with minor complaints late at night, is deeply concerning. I can provide testimony from these roommates, who have also experienced Mr. Okoye's conduct firsthand.
2. A second incident on October 24th underscored the urgency of the situation. Despite my explaining that I needed to leave for a lecture, Mr. Okoye forced me to the kitchen by grabbing my hand. When I tried to retreat to my room, he barged in and forcibly prevented me from closing my door, shouting and exhibiting overtly aggressive behavior. This led me to call the Police, who responded at 10:40 a.m. The Hausmeister was also present at this time and can verify Mr. Okoye's behavior during the police visit.
Given these circumstances, I am not comfortable continuing to share a living space with Mr. Okoye. I request immediate assistance in addressing this matter to ensure my personal safety. I kindly ask that Mr. Okoye be moved to a different room to allow for a secure and respectful living environment. If that's not possible, then at least give me an option of a single apartment for which I applied 4 months ago. Even after such a serious situation, Studentenwerk has simply asked the previous tenant to mediate the situation. Still awaiting for an official reply from the Studentenwerk Office. I am willing to talk to Mr Frank only when some higher authority is present because on 24th Oct, even in front of the Police he was not calming down.
This is a matter of safety. I request you all to please look into this matter and conduct a meeting / discussion if required.
Anmol Mathur
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