[MEI-L] Call for proposals to host MEC 2017

Giuliano Di Bacco gdibacco at indiana.edu
Sat Nov 21 03:31:00 CET 2015

Greetings to all MEI-Listeners,

The MEI Board invites proposals for the organization of the 5th annual Music Encoding Conference, to be held in 2017.

As all members of this list know well, among its activities MEI oversees the organization of an annual conference, the Music Encoding Conference (MEC), to provide a meeting place for scholars interested in discussing the modeling, generation and uses of music encoding. While the conference has an emphasis on the development and uses of MEI, other contributions related to scholarly approaches to music encoding are always welcome, as an opportunity for exchanges between scholars from various research communities, including technologists, librarians, historians, and theorists. Those who attended MEC in the past know already that the first three editions exceeded the expectations of their organizers, and as we are looking forward to the fourth edition in Montréal, we would like to look farther ahead, and contribute to make the organizing process smoother and even more enjoyable.

This is the purpose of a document that is now available on the MEI website<http://music-encoding.org/community/conference/hosting/>, which gives some guidelines to prospective organizers.

Historically, the conference has been organized by institutions involved in MEI, such as MEI member institutions or those hosting MEI-based projects, but proposals from any interested group or institution will be happily received, and ideas other than those expressed in the official document are welcome.

The deadline for sending proposals is 22 February 2016. The Board will reach a decision by 1 April 2016.

Please contact<mei-board at music-encoding.org>  for all inquiries.

With all best wishes,

Giuliano Di Bacco
on behalf of the MEI Board

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