[MEI-L] Music Addressability API draft

Raffaele Viglianti raffaeleviglianti at gmail.com
Mon Nov 3 17:11:13 CET 2014

Dear List,

The idea behind the Enhancing Music Notation Addressability
(EMA) project is to investigate ways to make it possible to link to
specific parts of a music document available online. Being able to do so
could be useful to quote passages, express analytical statements and
annotations, or passing a selection of music notation on to another process
for rendering, computational analysis, etc.

As part of the project, I've been working on a URL specification to express
a selection of music notation based on measure, staves, and beats. I am
also writing an API that describes how to process the URL and the music

You can find the URL specification and the API documentation here:

I am now working on an implementation of the API that works with MEI files.
If you have used an image server before, you can imagine how this will
work: given a URL specifying a zoom level and a region of an image, the
server returns an image of the selected region. Likewise, this MEI-based
implementation would return the region of an MEI file, according to the
selection specified by the URL.

I would be very interested in hearing any comments and suggestions that you
might have at this stage. Can you imagine that this system may be useful
for your projects? Is the URL specification expressive enough? Are there
other parameters that you would want the API to include?

If you are interested, I would encourage you to fork the GitHub repository
and contributing!

Many thanks and all the best,
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