[MEI-L] MEI Strategy Development Group

Benjamin Wolff Bohl bohl at edirom.de
Tue Jul 9 19:01:03 CEST 2013

Der MEI-L:isteners,
as mentioned earlier on this list, during the MEI Council meeting at 
Mainz formation of a MEI Strategy Development Group was decided. This 
group should develop ideas and models for future organization of MEI 

So far the initial group has been reinforced by a couple of additional 
members making us the following seven:

- Anna Maria Komprecht
- Axel Teich Geertinger
- Christine Siegert
- David Meredith
- Giuliano Di Bacco
- Laurent Pugin
- Benjamin W. Bohl

We installed a new mailinglist mei-strat at lists.uni-paderborn.de 
<mailto:mei-strat at lists.uni-paderborn.de> for the group's purposes. 
Currently this mailinglist is for goup members only (subscription needs 
confirmation), nevertheless anyone can address the list with moderated 
contributions or read the open archives at 

So far we've elected a "keeper" and started discussing some first ideas.
The next step during the following weeks will be to set up our agenda 
for the following year.

**If you are interested in participating or contributing to our group 
feel free to contact us via the above mentioned list or to adress me 

On behalf of the MEI Strategy Development Group,
Benjamin W. Bohl
- Keeper -

Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar Detmold/Paderborn
BMBF-Projekt "Freischütz Digital"
Benjamin Wolff Bohl
Gartenstraße 20
D--32756 Detmold

Tel. +49 (0) 5231 / 975-669
Fax: +49 (0) 5231 / 975-668
E-Mail:bohl at edirom.de


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