[MEI-L] clef as milestone element

Andrew Hankinson, Mr andrew.hankinson at mail.mcgill.ca
Tue May 31 16:26:55 CEST 2011

Hi Thomas,

I'll answer inline below:

<system id="1">
  <systemstaff staffref="staff1">
    <systemstaffdef clef.line= "2" clef.shape= "G">
    <custos ... />

<staff n="staff1">
   <sb systemref="1" />

I'm not sure what this would actually give us that we don't already (mostly) have. <systemstaff /> seems to exist only so we could define <systemstaffdef />. Since there is already a relationship between from <sb /> to the <system />, having a pointer the other way is unecessary (also, since multiple <sb />s could refer to the same system, you want the reference going this way).

Actually, we could just put the clef information on <system /> itself; e.g.,

<system clef.line="3" clef.shape="C" />

or something like that. Any thoughts about this?

What I'm most interested in is: how will it be possible to define the
graphical properties of other elements?  How can e.g. the horizontal
position of notes and the vertical position of articulation marks be
defined, if desired?  How will elements that are split between
<system>s be represented, like split beams, slurs or brackets?  Do you
already have ideas for this?

We're not trying to replicate lilypond or any of the other notational drawing programs, so precise drawing information is "out of scope" for our purposes. We define the horizontal/vertical position of notes and anything else via the <facs /> system, where we draw bounding boxes around all the musical elements and then refer to them by ID. The bounding boxes give the absolute x/y coordinates (ulx uly), (lrx, lry). We're always doing it in reference to a page image, so we have a certain luxury there.

Since elements that are split between systems still belong to a staff, we don't have to worry about it. For example:

     <note xml:id="n1" />
     <sb />
     <note xml:id="n2" />
   <slur startid="n1" endid="n2" />

I think line 119 has to be:
 <desc>Points to a system element ID in the layout section.</desc>
or maybe something like
 <desc>Points to one or more system element IDs in the layout section.</desc>
as the type is IDREFS.

In line 2, quotes seem to be missing.

Thanks! I've fixed and committed. The power of community coding at its finest. :)



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