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2025 <br>
21th European Performance Engineering Workshop <br>
June 26, 2025, Catania, Italy<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
Co-located with ECMS 2025<br>
(the 39th ECMS International Conference on Modelling and
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
The concept of performance in EPEW 2025 is considered in its
broadest sense including the notions of Quality of Service,
scalability as well as reliability, availability, and systems
management, among others. Therefore, of particular interest are
the ideas introducing new methods for evaluating complex systems,
as well as innovative applications of methodologies and known
techniques to the latest generation of systems, networks, and
computer-based services. <br>
EPEW 2025 seeks papers based on the performance evaluation of
systems from a theoretical and practical viewpoint. Application of
performance evaluation techniques to emerging technologies, like
cyber-physical systems ranging from mobile devices and
Internet-of-Things (IoT), fog and edge computing, applications to
large-scale cloud computing systems, smart grids, security
infrastructures, are among the topics of interest to EPEW 2025.<br>
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following
topic areas:<br>
- Theoretical advances in performance modeling and evaluation,
such as:<br>
- Probabilistic, stochastic, or performability models, such as
Queueing Networks, Petri Nets, and Process Calculi;<br>
- Specification of quantitative properties,<br>
- Analytical and numerical solution techniques and simulation
- Quantitative model checking, equivalence checking, and static
- Context-aware modeling and analysis techniques<br>
- Machine learning and deep learning-based approaches for
performance evaluation and analysis<br>
- Multiformalism and Multiparadigm modeling approaches<br>
- System, software, and network performance engineering, such as:<br>
- Performance-oriented design, architecture, implementation,
deployment, monitoring, and maintenance<br>
- Constraint-based and model-driven system design<br>
- Performance analysis, simulation, and experimental design<br>
- Benchmark design and benchmark-based evaluation and monitoring<br>
- Automated interpretation of analysis results<br>
- Quality of service, and trade-offs between security,
performance, dependability, energy consumption, usability, etc.<br>
- Software performance modeling languages, model composition,
and tool interoperability<br>
- 6G and beyond<br>
- Case studies, such as:<br>
- Cloud systems, Hybrid Cloud, and Fog Computing Internet of
- Cyber-physical systems<br>
- E-health systems<br>
- Blockchain and Cryptocurrency applications<br>
- Sharing services such as carshare and rideshare<br>
- Electric vehicles and battery modeling<br>
- Large-scale systems and scalability analysis of systems,
robustness analysis of systems, resilience analysis of systems<br>
- Industrial case studies, experience reports, and tools, with a
solid analysis and theoretical background<br>
EPEW 2025 features post-proceedings, with a two-phase review
- Authors are solicited to submit short papers of at most 7-10
pages for presentation at the workshop. Accepted short papers will
not be published in the proceedings.<br>
- Authors of accepted short papers will be invited to submit full
papers of at most 15 pages (i.e., an extended version of the short
paper) for publication in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) Series by Springer.<br>
All page limits include tables, figures, and references. All
papers must be submitted electronically in Springer’s LNCS format
(in PDF format) using EasyChair: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their
papers. Authors should consult Springer's authors' guidelines and
use Springer's LaTeX templates for the preparation of their
papers. Submitted papers not complying with the above guidelines
may be rejected without undergoing review.<br>
All submitted papers will be reviewed by the program committee
based on technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity.
Short paper submission: April 1st, 2025<br>
Acceptance notification for short papers: May 15th, 2025<br>
Full paper submission (post-proceedings): July 31st, 2025<br>
Acceptance notification for full papers: September 30th, 2025<br>
All deadlines are UTC-12 (Anywhere on Earth).<br>
The EPEW 2025 organizing committee will select the best paper
presentation, for which a certificate will be presented at the end
of the workshop. Note that the selection is based on content, as
well as presentation.<br>
Local Organizer<br>
- Marco Scarpa, University of Messina, Italy<br>
Technical Program Committee Chairs<br>
- Laura Carnevali, University of Florence, Italy<br>
- Josu Doncel, University of the Basque Country<br>
Technical Program Committee<br>
- Salvador Alcaraz, Miguel Hernandez University, Spain<br>
- Elvio Gilberto Amparore, University of Torino, Italy<br>
- Paolo Ballarini, Centrale Supelec, France<br>
- Simona Bernardi, University of Zaragoza, Spain<br>
- Marco Bernardo, University of Urbino, Italy<br>
- Peter Buchholz, Dortmund University, Germany<br>
- Giuliano Casale, Imperial College, UK<br>
- Davide Cerotti, Technical University of Milan, Italy<br>
- Carina da Silva, University of Münster, Germany<br>
- Dieter Fiems, Ghent University, Belgium<br>
- Matthew Forshaw, Newcastle University, UK<br>
- Jean-Michel Fourneau, University of Versailles, France<br>
- Pedro Pablo Garrido Abenza, Miguel Hernandez University, Spain<br>
- Marco Gribaudo, Technical University of Milan, Italy<br>
- Antonio Gomez Corral, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain<br>
- Nikolas Herbst, University of Würzburg, Germany<br>
- András Horváth, University of Turin, Italy<br>
- Mauro Iacono, Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi
Vanvitelli", Italy<br>
- Emilio Incerto, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy<br>
- Alain Jean-Marie, INRIA, France<br>
- Carlos Juiz, University of the Balearic Islands, Spain<br>
- Lasse Leskelä, Aalto University, Finland<br>
- Francesco Longo, University of Messina, Italy<br>
- Diletta Olliaro, University of Venice, Italy<br>
- Marco Paolieri, University of Southern California, USA<br>
- Tuan Phung-Duc, University of Tsukuba, Japan<br>
- Agapios Platis, University of Aegean, Greece<br>
- Markus Siegle, Tubingen University, Germany<br>
- Ioannis Stefanakos, University of York, UK <br>
- Nigel Thomas, University of Newcastle, UK<br>
- Benny Van Houdt, University of Antwerp, Belgium<br>
- Marco Vieira, University of North Carolina, USA<br>
- Joris Walraevens, Ghent University, Belgium<br>
- Armin Zimmermann, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany</p>
<div class="moz-signature">-- <br>
color="blue"><strong>Laura Carnevali</strong></font></a>
<strong>Associate Professor</strong>
055 2758519</p>
<strong>Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione (DINFO)</strong></p>