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<font face='Lucida Grande' size='4'><b>*** SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS ***<br></b><br>12th International Conference on Informatics in Schools (ISSEP 2019)<br><br>Lordos Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus, November 18-20, 2019<br><br><a href="http://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/~george/lm/lm.php?tk=c2NlLmNhcmxldG9uLmNhICwJCQlmZy1hcmNAbGlzdHMudW5pLXBhZGVyYm9ybi5kZQkxMnRoIEludGVybmF0aW9uYWwgQ29uZmVyZW5jZSBvbiBJbmZvcm1hdGljcyBpbiBTY2hvb2xzIChJU1NFUCAyMDE5KTogU2Vjb25kIENhbGwgZm9yIFBhcGVycwkzMzkJTGlzdHMJMTQyCWNsaWNrCXllcwlubw==&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcyprusconferences.org%2Fissep2019%2F">http://cyprusconferences.org/issep2019/</a><br><br>*** Submission Deadline: May 3rd, 2019 ***</font><font face='Lucida Grande'><br><br><br>The International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution<br>and Perspectives (ISSEP) is a forum for researchers and practitioners in the<br>area of Informatics education, in both primary and secondary schools. The<br>conference provides an opportunity for educators and researchers to reflect<br>upon the goals and objectives of this subject matter, its curricula, various<br>teaching and learning paradigms and topics, as well as the connections to<br>everyday life including the various ways of developing Informatics<br>Education in schools.<br><br>The conference focuses on educational goals and objectives of Informatics<br>or Computer Science as a subject matter in primary, secondary and<br>vocational education and their different realisation in compulsory and<br>voluntary courses.<br><br> <br></font><font face='Lucida Grande' size='4'><u>Scope</u><br></font><font face='Lucida Grande'><br>The main topics of the conference are:<br><br> Sustainable education in Informatics for pupils of all ages<br> Connecting Informatics lessons to the students everyday lives<br> Teacher education in Informatics<br> Research on Informatics in schools (empirical / qualitative / quantitative /<br>theory building / research methods / comparative studies / transferability<br>of methods and results from other disciplines)<br> Computer tools in teaching and studying Informatics<br><br>In particular, contributions solicited cover a variety of topics including but<br>not limited to:<br><br> Accessibility<br> Assessment<br> Application of intelligent technologies to personalise learning<br> Application of Learning Analytics to analyse learners behaviour<br> Classroom management<br> Communication skills<br> Contests and Competitions in Informatics<br> Computers and society<br> Courseware<br> Curriculum issues<br> Diagnostic teaching<br> Empirical methods<br> Ethical/societal issues<br> Gender and diversity issues<br> High school/college transition issues<br> Information systems<br> Interdisciplinary courses and projects<br> Laboratory/active learning<br> Learner profiles<br> Learning personalisation<br> Misconceptions<br> Multimedia<br> Pedagogy<br> Programming contests<br> Students cognitive traits<br> Students learning styles<br> Student retention and persistence<br> Research in Informatics education<br> Role of programming and algorithmics<br> Teacher education<br> Using emerging instructional technologies<br> Web-based techniques<br><br>Work submitted to ISSEP should be novel and material that has been<br>previously published should not be republished unless the work has been<br>significantly revised. Note however, that while novel work is highly valued,<br>constructive replication of previous studies can also be a significant<br>contribution, and a new interpretation or evaluation of previously-published<br>work can make a good contribution.<br><br>The submission site for ISSEP 2019 will be available soon on the conference<br>web site.<br><br><br></font><font face='Lucida Grande' size='4'><u>Call for Manuscripts<br></u></font><font face='Lucida Grande'> <br>Authors are invited to submit high-quality manuscripts reporting original<br>unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the<br>conference. All papers will be peer reviewed and comments will be provided<br>to the authors.<br><br>There are three different submission categories:<br> Research and theory papers<br> Best practice papers / country reports<br> Work in progress / discussion papers<br><br>Submissions must be formatted according to the Springer LNCS style<br>guidelines using LaTeX. The maximum length of the paper (including<br>references, but excluding the optional appendix) is 12 pages. For online<br>Latex editors, see e.g. Overleaf and ShareLatex. Abstract length <br>200-300 words.<br><br>Submissions are reviewed using a double-blind process. Authors should<br>leave their names and affiliations blank in the articles submitted for review,<br>and take care to avoid details in the article that could be used to identify the<br>authors. These include institution information, specific funding information<br>and clear self-citations.<br><br>When using the LNCS style, do not change the margin size or the font, do<br>not make a separate title page, etc.: use the LNCS style file as given.<br>However, please do add page numbers, which can be done, for example,<br>by adding \pagestyle{plain} just before \begin{document}.<br><br>Accepted papers will be included in the ISSEP 2019 local proceedings.<br>Selected top quality papers will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes<br>in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Authors will also have the possibility to<br>extend their work and publish it in the journal Computer Tools in<br>Education Journal.<br><br><br></font><font face='Lucida Grande' size='4'><u>Important Dates<br></u></font><font face='Lucida Grande'> <br> Abstract submission: May 3rd, 2019<br> Paper submission: May 31st, 2019<br> Notification of acceptance: August 30th, 2019<br> Camera-ready submission: September 13th, 2019<br> Author registration: September 13th, 2019<br> Early (non-author) registration: October 18th, 2019<br><br><br></font><font face='Lucida Grande' size='4'><u>Committees<br></u></font><font face='Lucida Grande'><br><b>General and Organising Chair<br></b>George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus<br><br><b>Steering Committee<br></b>Andreas Bollin, University of Klagenfurt, Austria<br>Valentina Dagiere, Vilnius University, Lithuania<br>Yasemin Gulbahar, Ankara University, Turkey<br>Juraj Hromkovi?, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland<br>Ivan Kalas, Comenius University, Slovakia<br>George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus<br>Sergei Pozdniakov, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Russia<br><br><b>Program Committee Chair<br></b>Sergei Pozdniakov, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Russia<br><br><b>Program Committee<br></b>Erik Barendsen, Radboud University Nijmegen and Open Universiteit, Netherlands<br>Andrej Brodnik, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia<br>Christian Datzko, SVIA-SSIE-SSII, Basel, Switzerland<br>Ira Diethelm, Oldenburg University, Germany<br>Michalis Giannakos, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway<br>Bruria Haberman, Holon Institute of Technology, Tel Aviv, Israel<br>Peter Hubwieser , Technical University Munich, Germany<br>Petri Ihantola, Tampere University of Technology, Finland<br>Dennis Komm, Pedagogical University Chur, Switzerland<br>Mark Laanpere, Tallinn University, Estonia<br>Peter Micheuz, University Klagenfurt and Gymnasium Völkermarkt, Austria<br>Mattia Monga, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy<br>Ralf Romeike, University Erlangen (FAU), Germany<br>Giovanni Serafini, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland<br>Maciej M. Syslo, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland<br></font>
<img src="http://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/~george/lm/lm.php?tk=c2NlLmNhcmxldG9uLmNhICwJCQlmZy1hcmNAbGlzdHMudW5pLXBhZGVyYm9ybi5kZQkxMnRoIEludGVybmF0aW9uYWwgQ29uZmVyZW5jZSBvbiBJbmZvcm1hdGljcyBpbiBTY2hvb2xzIChJU1NFUCAyMDE5KTogU2Vjb25kIENhbGwgZm9yIFBhcGVycwkzMzkJTGlzdHMJMTQyCW9wZW4Jbm8Jbm8=&url=" alt="LM Opening" height="1" width="1" />