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<p>Dear Colleague, <br>
please note that the paper submission deadline has been extended
until January 31st, 2017. <br>
IEEE COMPSAC 2017 <br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="http://www.compsac.org">www.compsac.org</a>
Where: Turin, Italy. July 4–8, 2017 <br>
Paper submission deadline: January 31st, 2017 <br>
IEEE COMPSAC offers opportunities for recommending best papers for
inclusions in IEEE publications (<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
for more details). <br>
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IEEE COMPSAC 2017 <br>
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COMPSAC (<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"
href="http://www.compsac.org">www.compsac.org</a>) is the IEEE
Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and
Applications. It is a major international forum for academia,
industry, and government to discuss research results and
advancements, emerging problems, and future trends in computer and
software technologies and applications. The technical program
includes keynote addresses, research papers, industrial case
studies, plenary and specialized panels, fast abstracts, a
doctoral symposium, poster sessions, and a number of workshops and
tutorials on emerging and important topics. The theme of the 41st
COMPSAC is Building Digital Autonomy for a Sustainable World. <br>
COMPSAC 2017 Symposia are as follows: <br>
CELT: Computer Education & Learning Technologies <br>
CAP: Computer Architecture & Platforms <br>
DSAT: Data Sciences, Analytics, & Technologies <br>
EATA: Emerging Advances in Technology & Applications <br>
HCSC: Human Computing & Social Computing <br>
ITiP: IT in Practice <br>
MOWU: Mobile, Wearable, & Ubiquitous Computing <br>
NCIW: Networks, Communications, Internet, & Web
Technologies <br>
SEPT: Security, Privacy, & Trust <br>
SETA: Software Engineering Technology & Applications <br>
Sessions will include topics and issues related to adaptive
learning and teaching, autonomous computing, wearable computing,
the internet-of-things, social networking, cross-domain data
fusion, privacy, security and surveillance, cloud computing, big
data, physiological computing, self-aware and self-expressive
systems, and emerging architectures and network issues that affect
all these developing technology-driven innovations. <br>
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished
research work, as well as industrial practice reports. COMPSAC
offer publication opportunities in IEEE journals following the
"Conference First / Journal Second (C1J2)" and "Journal First /
Conference Second (J1C2)" Schemes (<a
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COMPSAC is offering opportunities to recommend our best papers for
inclusion in IEEE publications, and to encourage presentation of
already published journal papers during the conference. These
schemes, to be executed at the discretion of individual COMPSAC
symposia and workshops chairs, are as follows: <br>
COMPSAC "Conference First / Journal Second (C1J2)" Scheme: <br>
Chairs may offer the authors of accepted papers opportunity for
publication in an IEEE journal. In this C1J2 Scheme, a chair
initiates the process to offer the paper(s), together with their
COMPSAC reviews, for publication in an IEEE journal to the journal
editor-in-chief (EIC). EICs may or may not use our reviews at
their discretion, but may instead prefer to rely solely on their
own reviewer communities. Such papers accepted by a journal for
publication will appear in the COMPSAC proceeding as only an
abstract accompanied by a note that the paper has been submitted
to the journal for consideration for publication in that journal.
If the paper is accepted for publication, a link to it will be
provided in the conference proceedings, thus providing conference
participants access to that paper. The paper will still be
registered for COMPSAC and must as well be presented during the
conference. If such a paper is not accepted by the journal, the
paper will be later included in the conference electronic
proceedings. <br>
COMPSAC "Journal First / Conference Second (J1C2)" Scheme: <br>
Similar to the above mentioned scheme, but taking place in the
reverse order is the J1C2 scheme – journal publication first,
conference presentation to follow. A published work in an IEEE
journal, say within couple of years, or even accepted but not yet
published, may be submitted to and presented at COMPSAC. If
accepted, the conference proceedings will contain an abridged
abstract and a link to the published version, thus conference
participants may have access to that paper. This scheme benefits
authors by presenting their work to a wider audience in person,
discussion, networking with peers, and driving renewed interest to
their work. The process is as follows: the author offers a paper
by proposing it as a full-text manuscript submission to a
symposium or a workshop; the paper is then lightly reviewed for
suitability, scope, technical content and merit by the PC of the
symposium/workshop; finally, the PC Chair(s) proposes a
notification decision. The author then registers the paper and
presents it during the conference at the time identified in the
program. <br>
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Francesco Profumo, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy <br>
Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli, University of California,
Berkeley <br>
============== <br>
============== <br>
Main Conference Papers Due: <br>
31 January 2017 <br>
Main Conference Notification: <br>
27 March 2017 <br>
Workshop Papers Due: <br>
10 April 2017 <br>
Workshop Paper Notification: <br>
25 April 2017 <br>
Camera Ready and Registration Due: <br>
9 May 2017 </p>
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