From sauer at Thu Sep 2 16:37:34 2021 From: sauer at (Stefan Sauer) Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2021 16:37:34 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (w/m/d) [TV-L E 13]: Low-Code-Entwicklung in Industrieunternehmen Message-ID: Im *Software Innovation Lab der Universität Paderborn* ist baldmöglichst eine Stelle als *wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (w/m/d)** **(Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L)* im Umfang von 100 % der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit zu besetzen. Es handelt sich um eine zunächst bis zum 28.02.2023, wegen Drittmittelfinanzierung im Sinne des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes (WissZeitVG), befristete Tätigkeit. Die Befristungsdauer entspricht dem bewilligten Projektzeitraum. Die Möglichkeit zur *Promotion *ist gegeben. Eine Verlängerung des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses innerhalb der Befristungsgrenzen des WissZeitVG wird angestrebt. *Projektbeschreibung und Aufgaben:* In dem vom Land NRW im Rahmen des *Spitzenclusters It’s OWL* geförderten Projekt „Pro-LowCode“ erforschen wir die technischen, organisatorischen und personellen Voraussetzungen für den *Einsatz von Low-Code-Plattformen in Industrieunternehmen*. Es soll ein methodisches und softwaretechnisches Rahmenwerk entwickelt werden, welches prototypisch im realen Betrieb bei Industrieunternehmen erprobt wird. Das Projekt wird im Kontext des SICP – Software Innovation Campus Paderborn ( mit Partnern aus Wissenschaft und Technologieunternehmen durchgeführt. Es bietet die Möglichkeit zu interdisziplinärer Forschung an aktuellen Themen mit hoher Praxisrelevanz. Ihre Aufgabe ist die Mitarbeit in diesem Projekt. Ihre *Aufgaben *im Projekt umfassen u.a.: * Anforderungs- und Potenzialanalyse für Low-Code-Softwareentwicklung in Industrieunternehmen und Evaluierung der Angebotssituation für Low-Code-Plattformen in der industriellen Anwendung * Gestalten einer Entwicklungs-/Qualitätssicherungsmethodik für industrielle Low-Code-Anwendungen mit Schwerpunkt Architekturentwicklung, Anwendungsintegration und Werkzeugunterstützung * Mitwirkung bei der Anforderungsanalyse und Spezifikation zu Konnektoren * Erstellen von digitalen Werkzeugen für einen effektiven Einsatz der Methodik * Erarbeiten von branchenorientierten Fallstudien sowie deren Evaluation * Abwicklung eines offenen Aufrufs für zusätzliche Pilotanwender * Gestaltung und Durchführung von Transferaktivitäten, insbes. Publikationen, Präsentationen, Demonstratoren, Beteiligung an der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit *Was wir Ihnen bieten*: * Inspirierendes Umfeld für anwendungsorientierte Spitzenforschung * Teilnahme an nationalen und internationalen Konferenzen zum wissenschaftlichen Austausch sowie zur Verbreitung der eigenen Forschungsergebnisse * Möglichkeit zur Einbindung eigener Ideen und Interessen im Themengebiet Low-Code, im Projekt sowie im Rahmen der eigenen Promotion * Interdisziplinärer Austausch mit Wissenschaftler(innen) und Unternehmen im SICP * Hervorragende Infrastruktur am Forschungs- und Innovationscampus Zukunftsmeile *Einstellungsvoraussetzungen*: * Mit überdurchschnittlichem Erfolg abgeschlossenes Masterstudium der Informatik * Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen in mindestens einem der folgenden Themengebiete: modell-basierte oder modell-getriebene Softwareentwicklung, Softwaretest, empirisches Software Engineering * Erfahrungen in der Softwareentwicklung und mit Softwareentwicklungswerkzeugen * Interesse am wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in interdisziplinären, transorganisationalen Teams * gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse Bewerbungen von Frauen sind ausdrücklich erwünscht und werden gem. LGG bei gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher Leistung bevorzugt berücksichtigt, sofern nicht in der Person eines Mitbewerbers liegende Gründe überwiegen. Teilzeitbeschäftigung ist grundsätzlich möglich. Ebenso ist die Bewerbung geeigneter Schwerbehinderter und Gleichgestellter im Sinne des Sozialgesetzbuches Neuntes Buch (SGB IX) erwünscht. Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen werden unter der *Kennziffer4835* per E-Mail (in einer PDF-Datei) bis zum 13.09.2021 erbeten an: sonja.saage at Informationen zur Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten finden Sie unter: Dr. Stefan Sauer Universität Paderborn Software Innovation Lab Zukunftsmeile 2 33102 Paderborn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Die Universität Paderborn ist eine leistungsstarke und international orientierte Campus-Universität mit rund 20.000 Studierenden. In interdisziplinären Teams gestalten wir zukunftsweisende Forschung, innovative Lehre sowie den aktiven Wissenstransfer in die Gesellschaft. Als wichtiger Forschungs- und Kooperationspartner prägt die Universität auch regionale Entwicklungsstrategien. Unseren über 2.500 Beschäftigten in Forschung, Lehre, Technik und Verwaltung bieten wir ein lebendiges, familienfreundliches und chancengerechtes Arbeitsumfeld mit kurzen Entscheidungswegen und vielfältigen Möglichkeiten. Gestalten Sie mit uns die Zukunft! -- "Software.Innovation.Zukunft" !!! Achtung wir sind umgezogen an der Zukunftsmeile Fürstenallee. Neue Adresse: ZUKUNFTSMEILE 2. !!! Follow us @ Twitter: SICPaderborn, SoftwareQLab Follow me @ Twitter: stsauer13 -- Dr. Stefan Sauer Diplom-Informatiker Geschäftsführer F&E-Manager "Software Engineering" Senior Researcher Universität Paderborn | SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn Software Innovation Lab Zukunftsmeile 2 33102 Paderborn Fon +49 5251 60-6820 Fax +49 5251 60-6819 E-Mail sauer at Web -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: sauer.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 444 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: OpenPGP_signature Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 840 bytes Desc: OpenPGP digital signature URL: From victor.perez at Wed Sep 1 09:35:25 2021 From: victor.perez at (Víctor Pérez) Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2021 09:35:25 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [fg-arc] CALL FOR WORKSHOPS - ICLP 2022 Message-ID: <> CALL FOR WORKSHOPS - ICLP 2022 Colocated with FLoC 2022 — The 2022 Federated Logic Conference July 31 - August 12, 2022 Haifa, Israel ICLP 2022 Workshop chair: Daniela Inclezan inclezd at SUBMISSION OF WORKSHOP PROPOSALS Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for workshops on topics in logic programming. Each ICLP workshop proposal must indicate its affiliation with ICLP 2022, which will be colocated with FLoC 2022. Workshop proposals will be centrally considered and evaluated by the FLoC Organizing Committee. It is strongly suggested that prospective workshop organizers for workshops affiliated with ICLP contact the ICLP 2022 workshop chair before submitting a proposal. Each proposal should consist of the following two parts. 1) A short scientific justification of the proposed topic, its significance, and the particular benefits of the workshop to the community, as well as a list of previous or related workshops (if relevant). 2) An organisational part including: - contact information for the workshop organizers; - proposed affiliated conference (i.e., ICLP); - estimate of the number of workshop participants (please note that small workshops, i.e., of less than ~13 participants, will likely be cancelled or merged by the FLoC Organizing Committee); - proposed format and agenda (e.g. paper presentations, tutorials, demo sessions, etc.); - potential invited speakers; - procedures for selecting papers and participants; - plans for dissemination, if any (e.g. a journal special issue); - duration (which may vary from one day to two days); - preferred period (pre or post FLoC); - virtual/hybrid backup plans (including platform preference). The FLoC Organizing Committee will determine the final list of accepted workshops based on the recommendations from the Workshop Chairs of the hosting conferences and availability of space and facilities. Proposals should be submitted through EasyChair: Please see the Workshop Guidelines page: for further details and FAQ. IMPORTANT DATES Submission of workshop proposals deadline: September 27, 2021 (note extended deadline) Notification: November 1, 2021 Pre-FLoC workshops: Sunday & Monday, July 31–August 1, 2022 (note corrected dates) Post-FLoC workshops: Thursday & Friday, August 11-12, 2022 CONTACT INFORMATION Questions regarding proposals should be sent to the ICLP 2022 WORKSHOP CHAIR: Daniela Inclezan inclezd at General questions should be sent to: shaull at GuillermoAlberto.Perez at FLoC 2022 WORKSHOP CHAIRS Shaull Almagor Guillermo A. Perez From stefan.borgwardt at Thu Sep 2 10:18:18 2021 From: stefan.borgwardt at (Stefan Borgwardt) Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2021 10:18:18 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] KR 2022 - Second Call for Tutorial and Workshop Proposals - September 27 Message-ID: [apologies for crossposting] CALL FOR TUTORIAL AND WORKSHOP PROPOSALS 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2022 August 2–5, 2022, Haifa, Israel Tutorials and workshops: July 31–August 1, 2022 The 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2022) solicits proposals for its tutorial and workshop programme. KR 2022 will be held as part of the Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2022) in Haifa, Israel, from July 31 to August 12, 2022. The KR-affiliated FLoC tutorials and workshops will take place directly before KR, on July 31–August 1. All events that are part of FLoC are currently planned to take place physically, but people can participate remotely in cases where travel is impossible. The deadline for submissions of tutorial and workshop proposals has been extended to **September 27, 2021**. Each proposal should be in English and must be submitted electronically to FLoC 2022 via EasyChair: SUBMISSION OF WORKSHOP PROPOSALS Workshops provide a place to exchange ideas in emerging fields in KR research and application. They can take many forms, including mini-conferences (with peer-reviewed publications), competitions, working sessions (discussions, hackathons, etc.), line-ups of invited contributions, or a mix of these. Innovative formats are welcome, but organizers must provide means of estimating attendance and required length up-front (by number of submissions, invited speakers, or early registered participants). Each workshop proposal should consist of the following two parts (see also 1. A short scientific justification of the proposed topic, its significance, and the particular benefits of the workshop to the community, as well as a list of previous or related workshops (if relevant). 2. An organisational part including * contact information for the workshop organizers, * proposed affiliated conference (e.g. KR), * estimate of the number of workshop participants, * proposed format and agenda (e.g. paper presentations, invited talks, demo sessions, etc.), * potential invited speakers, * procedures for selecting papers and participants, * plans for dissemination, if any (e.g. a journal special issue), * duration (which may vary from one day to two days), * preferred period (pre or post FLoC), * virtual/hybrid backup plans (including platform preference). The main duties of the chairs of each accepted workshop are: * set up a webpage for the workshop, * advertise the workshop and distribute its call for papers/participation, * coordinate the peer-reviewing of submitted contributions, * if workshop proceedings are desired, it is the duty of the organizers to produce and distribute their workshop proceedings, * organize a schedule for the workshop in collaboration with the FLoC organizers and the KR workshop co-chairs, and * coordinate and moderate the workshop participation and content. All KR-affiliated FLoC workshops should have their paper submission deadline on March 31, 2022, and notify the authors by May 6, 2022. For all accepted proposals, FLoC and KR will take care of all local and/or virtual arrangements. FLoC and KR reserve the right to cancel a workshop or merge several workshops if they do not have enough participants to cover their running costs. SUBMISSION OF TUTORIAL PROPOSALS Tutorials are half-day or (exceptionally) full-day events that introduce general or special topics in KR and relevant neighboring areas. They can be first introductions to an established area or an emerging field, but also advanced courses on specialised methods or new approaches. The content should be adequately established and balanced, and not be limited to advertising an individual research work or product. A focus on specific tools and methodologies can still be useful to offer concrete examples and hands-on activities to participants. Tutorial proposals should be submitted in the same way as workshop proposals (see above and, excluding paper selection and dissemination plans. The duration of a tutorial should normally be half a day, but an argument can be made for a full-day tutorial. The main duties of the tutorial organizers are: * set up a web-page for the tutorial, which should at least include the information from the proposal, tutorial materials and related references, and * deliver the tutorial at FLoC 2022. IMPORTANT DATES Proposal submission: September 27, 2021 Notification: November 1, 2021 Paper submission for KR-affiliated workshops: March 31, 2022 Paper notification for KR-affiliated workshops: May 6, 2022 Workshop dates: July 31–August 1, 2022 Inquiries about KR-affiliated tutorials and workshops should be sent by e-mail to the KR 2022 Workshop and Tutorial Chairs: Stefan Borgwardt Maria Vanina Martinez General questions about the FLoC workshops should be sent to Shaull Almagor Guillermo A. Perez -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: smime.p7s Type: application/pkcs7-signature Size: 5240 bytes Desc: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature URL: From announce at Fri Sep 3 09:17:40 2021 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2021 10:17:40 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] 2022 IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (IEEE EAIS 2022): Second Call for Papers and Special Sessions Message-ID: *** Second Call for Papers and Special Sessions *** 2022 IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (IEEE EAIS 2022) May 25-27, 2022, Golden Bay Hotel 5*, Larnaca, Cyprus (Proceedings to be published by the IEEE Xplore Digital Library; Special Journal Issue with Evolving Systems, Springer) IEEE EAIS 2022 will provide a working and friendly atmosphere and will be a leading international forum focusing on the discussion of recent advances, the exchange of recent innovations and the outline of open important future challenges in the area of Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems. Over the past decade, this area has emerged to play an important role on a broad international level in today's real-world applications, especially those ones with high complexity and dynamic changes. Its embedded modelling and learning methodologies are able to cope with real-time demands, changing operation conditions, varying environmental influences, human behaviours, knowledge expansion scenarios and drifts in online data streams. Conference Topics Basic Methodologies Evolving Soft Computing Techniques. Evolving Fuzzy Systems. Evolving Rule-Based Classifiers. Evolving Neuro-Fuzzy Systems. Adaptive Evolving Neural Networks. Online Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms. Data Stream Mining. Incremental and Evolving Clustering. Adaptive Pattern Recognition. Incremental and Evolving ML Classifiers. Adaptive Statistical Techniques. Evolving Decision Systems. Big Data. Problems and Methodologies in Data Streams Stability, Robustness, Convergence in Evolving Systems. Online Feature Selection and Dimension Reduction. Online Active and Semi-supervised Learning. Online Complexity Reduction. Computational Aspects. Interpretability Issues. Incremental Adaptive Ensemble Methods. Online Bagging and Boosting. Self-monitoring Evolving Systems. Human-Machine Interaction Issues. Hybrid Modelling, Transfer Learning. Reservoir Computing. Applications of EAIS Time Series Prediction. Data Stream Mining and Adaptive Knowledge Discovery. Robotics. Intelligent Transport and Advanced Manufacturing. Advanced Communications and Multimedia Applications. Bioinformatics and Medicine. Online Quality Control and Fault Diagnosis. Condition Monitoring Systems. Adaptive Evolving Controller Design. User Activities Recognition. Huge Database and Web Mining. Visual Inspection and Image Classification. Image Processing. Cloud Computing. Multiple Sensor Networks. Query Systems and Social Networks. Alternative Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches. Special Sessions Distinguished researchers working in theory, analysis and applications of evolving adaptive and intelligent systems and related areas are encouraged to submit proposals within the technical scope of IEEE EAIS 2022. Researchers interested in organising special sessions are invited to submit a formal proposal to the Special Sessions Chair Gabriella Casalino (gabriella.casalino at and to the General Chair George Angelos Papadopoulos (george at, by specifying: - Special Session Lead Organiser email address, details and mini-bio - Co-Organiser(s) details and mini-bio (optional) - Special Session title - Aim and scope of the Special Session (~half a page) - A list of main topics of the Special Session - A list of potential/expected contributors Submissions Submitted papers should not exceed 8 pages plus at most 2 pages overlength. Submissions of full papers are accepted online through Easy Chair ( The EAIS 2022 proceedings will be published on IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions for possible inclusion in a special issue of Evolving Systems - An Interdisciplinary Journal for Advanced Science and Technology (Springer). Important Dates • Special Session submission: October 1, 2021 • Special Session acceptance: October 10, 2021 • Paper submission: January 10, 2022 • Notification of acceptance/rejection: February 19, 2022 • Camera ready submission: March 20, 2022 • Authors registration: March 20, 2022 • Conference Dates: May 25-27, 2022 Social Media FB: Twitter: Linkedin: Organization Honorary Chairs • Dimitar Filev, Ford Motor Co., USA • Nikola Kasabov, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand General Chairs • George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus • Plamen Angelov, Lancaster University, UK Program Committee Chairs • Giovanna Castellano, University of Bari, Italy • José A. Iglesias, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Sat Sep 4 10:33:25 2021 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2021 11:33:25 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] 9th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2022): Early Call for Contributions Message-ID: *** Early Call for Contributions *** 9th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2022) March 22-24, 2022, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany Scope Service-oriented and cloud computing have made a huge impact both on the software industry and on the research community. Today, service and cloud technologies are applied to build large-scale software landscapes as well as to provide single software services to end users. Services today are independently developed and deployed as well as freely composed while they can be implemented in a variety of technologies, a quite important fact from a business perspective. Similarly, cloud computing aims at enabling flexibility by offering a centralised sharing of resources. The industry's need for agile and flexible software and IT systems has made cloud computing the dominating paradigm for provisioning computational resources in a scalable, on- demand fashion. Nevertheless, service developers, providers, and integrators still need to create methods, tools and techniques to support cost-effective and secure development as well as use of dependable devices, platforms, services and service- oriented applications in the cloud. The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier conference on advances in the state of the art and practice of service- oriented computing and cloud computing in Europe. The main objectives of this conference are to facilitate the exchange between researchers and practitioners in the areas of service-oriented computing and cloud computing, as well as to explore the new trends in those areas and foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond. Tracks - Main conference: three days of invited talks, panels, and presentations of selected research papers, including a dedicated day to satellite workshops. - PhD Symposium: an opportunity for PhD students to present their research activities and perspectives, to critically discuss them with other PhD students and with established researchers in the area, hence getting fruitful feedback and advices on their research activities. - Projects Track: a useful opportunity for researchers to disseminate the latest research developments in their projects and meet representatives of other consortia. Details about all the tracks are available at the conference web site: . Topics of interest ESOCC 2022 seeks original, high quality papers related to all aspects of service- oriented and cloud computing. Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to: - Service and Cloud Computing Models  • Design patterns, guidelines and methodologies  • Governance models  • Architectural models  • Requirements engineering  • Formal Methods  • Model-Driven Engineering  • Quality models  • Security, Privacy & Trust models  • Self-Organising Service-Oriented and Cloud Architectures Models  • Testing models - Service and Cloud Computing Engineering  • Service Discovery, Matchmaking, Negotiation and Selection  • Monitoring and Analytics  • Governance and management  • Cloud Interoperability, Multi-Cloud, Cross-Cloud, Federated Cloud solutions  • Frameworks & Methods for Building Service and Cloud based Applications  • Cross-layer adaptation  • Edge/Fog computing  • Cloud, Service Orchestration & Management  • Service Level Agreement Management  • Service Evolution/Optimisation  • Service & Cloud Testing and Simulation  • QoS for Services and Clouds  • Semantic Web Services  • Service mining  • Service & Cloud Standards  • FaaS / Serverless computing - Technologies  • DevOps in the Cloud  • Containerized services  • Emerging Trends in Storage, Computation and Network Clouds  • Microservices: Design, Analysis, Deployment and Management  • Next Generation Services Middleware and Service Repositories  • RESTful Services  • Service and Cloud Middleware & Platforms  • Blockchain for Services & Clouds  • Services and Clouds with IoT  • Fog Computing with Service and Cloud - Business and Social aspects  • Enterprise Architectures for Service and Cloud  • Service-based Workflow Deployment & Life-cycle Management  • Core Applications, e.g., Big Data, Commerce, Energy, Finance, Health, Scientific Computing, Smart Cities  • Business Process as a Service - BPaaS  • Service and Cloud Business Models  • Service and Cloud Brokerage  • Service and Cloud Marketplaces  • Service and Cloud Cost & Pricing  • Crowdsourcing Business Services  • Social and Crowd-based Cloud  • Energy issues in Cloud Computing  • Sustainability issues Submissions from industry are welcome (for example, use cases). Submissions ESOCC 2022 invites submissions in all the tracks: - Regular research papers (15 pages including references) - PhD Symposium (8 pages including references, authored by the PhD student with indication of his/her supervisors' names) - Projects Track (1 to 5 pages including references, describing an ongoing project) We only accept original papers, not submitted for publication elsewhere. The papers must be formatted according to the LNCS proceedings guidelines. They must be submitted to the EasyChair site at by selecting the right track. All accepted regular research papers are expected to be published in the main conference proceedings by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series ( Accepted papers of the other tracks and the satellite workshops are expected to be published by Springer in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series ( At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to register and present the work at the conference. A journal special issue is planned, and authors of selected accepted papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their articles. Workshop Proposals ESOCC 2022 also invites proposals for satellite workshops. More details about the proposal format and submission can be found at . Important Dates Regular research & industrial papers: - Paper submission: 31 October 2021 - Notifications: 7 January 2022 - Camera Ready versions due: 20 January 2022 Projects track: - Paper submission: 14 January 2022 - Paper notification: 25 February 2022 - Camera Ready Version: 11 March 2022 PhD Symposium Track: - Paper submission: 14 January 2022 - Paper notification: 25 February 2022 - Camera Ready Version: 11 March 2022 Industrial Track: - Paper submission: 14 January 2022 - Paper notification: 25 February 2022 - Camera Ready Version: 11 March 2022 Satellite Workshops: - Workshop Proposal submission: 8 October 2021 - Workshop Proposal notification: 15 October 2021 - Workshop Paper submission: 14 January 2022 - Workshop Paper notification: 25 February 2022 - Workshop Camera Ready Version: 11 March 2022 Organization General Chair • Wolf Zimmermann (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany) Programme Co-Chairs • Fabrizio Montesi (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) • George A. Papadopoulos (University of Cyprus, Cyprus) Industrial Track Chair • Andreas Both (Anhalt University of Applied Science) Projects Track Chair • Damian Tamburri (Technical University Eindhoven) Workshops Co-Chairs • Guadalupe Ortiz (University of C·diz, Spain) • Christian Zirpins (Karlsruhe University of Applied Science) PhD Symposium Co-Chair • Jacopo Soldani (University of Pisa) • Massimo Villari (University of Messina) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From facs.conf.2021 at Mon Sep 20 13:09:30 2021 From: facs.conf.2021 at (FACS 2021) Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2021 13:09:30 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] FACS 2021 - Call for Participation Message-ID: ============================================================================= ** ** Call for Participation: FACS 2021 ** ** 17th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software ** ** Virtual Event ** October 28-29, 2021 ** ** ** ============================================================================= ## OVERVIEW Component-based software development proposes sound engineering principles and techniques to cope with the complexity of present-day software systems. However, many challenging conceptual and technological issues remain in component-based software development theory and practice. Furthermore, the advent of service-oriented and cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, and the Internet of Things has brought to the fore new dimensions, such as quality of service and robustness to withstand faults, which require revisiting established concepts and developing new ones. FACS 2021 is concerned with how formal methods can be applied to component-based software and system development. Formal methods have provided foundations for component-based software through research on mathematical models for components, composition and adaptation, and rigorous approaches to verification, deployment, testing, and certification. ## REGISTRATION FACS 2021 is free to attend, but registration is mandatory. Registered attendees will receive invites to the online event. Registration is open until Friday, 22 October 2021. ## PROGRAMME TIME GMT+2 (Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Brussels, Budapest, Madrid, Oslo, Paris, Praga, Rome, Sofia, Stockholm, Vienna, Warsaw) # OCTOBER 28, 2021 # 13h -> 15h - Session 1 (Modelling & Composition) Component-based Approach Combining UML and BIP for Rigorous System Design. Salim Chehida, Saddek Bensalem and Abdelhakim Baouya. Composable Partial Multiparty Session Types. Claude Stolze, Marino Miculan and Pietro Di Gianantonio. A Canonical Algebra of Open Transition Systems. Elena Di Lavore, Alessandro Gianola, Mario Román, Nicoletta Sabadini and Pawel Sobocinski. Corinne, a Tool for the Composition of Choreography Automata. Simone Orlando, Vairo Di Pasquale, Franco Barbanera, Ivan Lanese and Emilio Tuosto. # 15h15 -> 16h30 - Session 2 (Invited Talk) Parametric and Interval Model Checking - Recent Advances and Applications. Radu Calinescu # OCTOBER 29, 2021 # 13h -> 15h - Session 3 (Verification) Specification and Verification of Parametric Systems with Recursive Architectures. Marius Bozga and Radu Iosif. A linear parallel algorithm to compute bisimulation and relational coarsest partitions. Jan Martens, Jan Friso Groote, Lars B. van den Haak, Pieter Hijma and Anton Wijs. Automated Generation of Initial Configurations for Testing Component Systems. Frederic Dadeau, Jean-Philippe Gros and Olga Kouchnarenko. Monitoring Distributed Component-Based Systems. Yliès Falcone, Hosein Nazarpour, Saddek Bensalem and Marius Bozga. # 15h15 -> 16h30 - Session 4 (Invited Talk) Learning Assumptions for Verifying Cryptographic Protocols Compositionally. Corina Pasareanu -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From miguel-areias at Wed Sep 15 11:48:57 2021 From: miguel-areias at (Miguel Areias) Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2021 10:48:57 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] 2nd Call for Participation - LP/CP Programming Contest 2021 Message-ID: <> =========================================================================                           2nd CALL FOR PARTICIPATION                        LP/CP Programming Contest 2021 ========================================================================= The traditional LP/CP Programming Contest will be run in virtual mode during ICLP 2021. The contest will start on Friday 24 September at 12:00 (midday, UTC+1) and will last 24 hours. Don't miss this opportunity! Join the contest with your favorite declarative programming languages and systems. Show your skills in declarative problem solving. The contest is data agnostic. All problems use easy-to-parse input and output format. You can easily shape them for your preferred system by writing a script. Checkers will be provided to ease the identification of bugs thanks to textual representations of testcases and solutions. Details online: ========================================================================= From fm-announcements at Tue Sep 21 23:30:38 2021 From: fm-announcements at (Havelund, Klaus (US 348B) via fm-announcements) Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2021 21:30:38 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] [fm-announcements] NFM 2022 - First Call for Papers Message-ID: <> NFM 2022 - FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS The 14th NASA Formal Methods Symposium May 24-27, 2022 Pasadena, California, USA The symposium is planned to be held in person at California Institute of Technology, but potentially transitioning to fully virtual if the COVID situation persists. Virtual presentations will be possible even if the conference is held in-person. The symposium has NO registration fee for presenting and attending. IMPORTANT DATES - Abstract Submission: December 3, 2021 - Paper Submission: December 10, 2021 - Paper Notifications: February 4, 2022 - Camera-ready Papers: March 4, 2022 - Symposium: May 24-27, 2022 THEME OF SYMPOSIUM The widespread use and increasing complexity of mission-critical and safety-critical systems at NASA and in the aerospace industry requires advanced techniques that address these systems' specification, design, verification, validation, and certification requirements. The NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM) is a forum to foster collaboration between theoreticians and practitioners from NASA, academia, and industry. NFM's goals are to identify challenges and to provide solutions for achieving assurance for such critical systems. The focus of the symposium will be on formal/rigorous techniques for software assurance, including their theory, current capabilities and limitations, as well as their potential application to aerospace during all stages of the software life-cycle. The NASA Formal Methods Symposium is an annual event organized by the NASA Formal Methods (NFM) Research Group, composed of researchers spanning six NASA centers. The organization of NFM 2022 is being led by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), located in Pasadena, California. TOPICS ON INTEREST Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following aspects of formal methods: Advances in formal methods - Interactive and automated theorem proving - SMT and SAT solving - Model checking - Static analysis - Runtime verification - Automated testing - Specification languages, textual and graphical - Refinement - Code synthesis - Design for verification and correct-by-design techniques - Requirements specification and analysis Integration of formal methods techniques - Integration of diverse formal methods techniques - Use of machine learning and probabilistic reasoning techniques in formal methods - Integration of formal methods into software engineering practices  - Combination of formal methods with simulation and analysis techniques - Formal methods and fault tolerance, resilient computing, and self healing systems - Formal methods and graphical modeling languages such as SysML, UML, MATLAB/Simulink - Formal methods and autonomy, e.g., verification of systems and languages for planning and scheduling (PDDL, Plexil, etc.), self-sufficient systems, and fault-tolerant systems. Formal methods in practice - Experience reports of application of formal methods on real systems, such as autonomous systems, safety-critical systems, concurrent and distributed systems, cyber-physical, embedded, and hybrid systems, fault-detection, diagnostics, and prognostics systems, and human-machine interaction analysis. - Use of formal methods in systems engineering (including hardware components) - Use of formal methods in education - Reports on negative results in the development and the application for formal methods in practice. - Usability of formal method tools, and their infusion into industrial contexts. - Challenge problems for future reference by the formal methods community. The formulation of these papers can range from plain English description of a problem over formal specifications, to specific implementations in a programming language. NASA OPEN SOURCE Courageous authors, who want to delve in open source software being applied in real NASA missions, and find possible connections to and applications of Formal Methods, are invited to visit the open source repositories for the following two frameworks for programming flight software: - F’ ( - cFS ( SUBMISSIONS There are two categories of submissions: - Regular papers describing fully developed work and complete results (maximum 15 pages, excluding references); - Short papers on tools, experience reports, or work in progress with preliminary results (maximum 6 pages, excluding references). Additional appendices can be submitted as supplementary material for reviewing purposes. They will not be included in the proceedings. All papers must be in English and describe original work that has not been published. All submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee. We encourage authors to focus on readability of their submissions. Papers will appear in the Formal Methods subline of Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and must use LNCS style formatting ( Papers must be submitted in PDF format at the EasyChair submission site: Authors of selected best papers will be invited to submit an extended version to a special issue in Springer's Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering: A NASA Journal ( ARTIFACTS Authors are encouraged, but not strictly required, to submit artifacts that support the conclusions of their work (if allowed by their institutions). Artifacts may contain software, mechanized proofs, benchmarks, examples, case studies and data sets. Artifacts will be evaluated by the Program Committee together with the paper. ORGANIZERS PC chairs - Klaus Havelund, JPL, USA - Jyo Deshmukh, USC, USA - Ivan Perez, NIA, USA Application Advisors - Robert Bocchino, JPL, USA - John Day, JPL, USA - Maged Elasaar, JPL, USA - Amalaye Oyake, Blue Origin, USA - Nicolas Rouquette, JPL, USA - Vandi Verma, JPL, USA Application advisors advise the PC chairs to ensure a strong connection to the problems facing NASA. Local Organizers - Richard Murray, Caltech, USA - Monica Nolasco, Caltech, USA Program Committee - Aaron Dutle, NASA, USA - Alessandro Cimatti, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy - Anastasia Mavridou, SGT Inc. / NASA Ames Research Center, USA - Anne-Kathrin Schmuck, Max-Planck-Institute for Software Systems, Germany - Arie Gurfinkel, University of Waterloo, Canada - Bardh Hoxha, Toyota Research Institute North America, USA - Bernd Finkbeiner, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Germany - Betty H.C. Cheng, Michigan State University, USA - Borzoo Bonakdarpour, Michigan State University, USA - Carolyn Talcott, SRI International, USA - Chuchu Fan, MIT, USA - Constance Heitmeyer, Naval Research Laboratory, USA - Corina Pasareanu, CMU, NASA, KBR, USA - Cristina Seceleanu, Mälardalen University, Sweden - Dejan Nickovic, Austrian Institute of Technology AIT, Austria - Dirk Beyer, LMU Munich, Germany - Doron Peled, Bar Ilan University, Israel - Erika Abraham, RWTH Aachen University, Germany - Ewen Denney, NASA, USA - Gerard Holzmann, Nimble Research, USA - Giles Reger, The University of Manchester, UK - Huafeng Yu, TOYOTA InfoTechnology Center USA, USA - Jean-Christophe Filliatre, CNRS, France - Johann Schumann, NASA, USA - John Day, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA - Julia Badger, NASA, USA - Julien Signoles, CEA LIST, France - Kerianne Hobbs, Air Force Research Laboratory, USA - Kristin Yvonne Rozier, Iowa State University, USA - Leonardo Mariani, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy - Lu Feng, University of Virginia, USA - Marcel Verhoef, European Space Agency, The Netherlands - Marie Farrell, Maynooth University, Ireland - Marieke Huisman, University of Twente, The Netherlands - Marielle Stoelinga, University of Twente, The Netherlands - Martin Feather, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA - Martin Leucker, University of Luebeck, Germany - Michael Lowry, NASA, USA - Misty Davies, NASA, USA - Natasha Neogi, NASA, USA - Nicolas Rouquette, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA - Nikos Arechiga, Toyota Research Institute, USA - Rajeev Joshi, Amazon Web Services, USA - Stanley Bak, Stony Brook University, USA - Sylvie Boldo, INRIA, France - Vandi Verma, NASA, USA - Willem Visser, Amazon Web Services, USA CONTACT Email: nfm2022 [at] easychair [dot] org LAST UPDATE 2021-09-20 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... 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You can also make the request by contacting fm-announcements-owner at From abraham at Wed Sep 22 17:12:13 2021 From: abraham at (Erika Abraham) Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2021 17:12:13 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] CfP Software Verification and Testing Track at SAC 2022 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: 37th Annual ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing Software Verification and Testing Track Brno, Czech Republic April 25-29, 2022 SAC 2022 website: SAC-SVT 2022 website: ==== Important dates ==== Oct. 15, 2021 - Submission of regular papers and SRC research abstracts Dec. 10, 2021 - Notification Dec. 21, 2021 - Camera-ready version Dec. 21, 2021 - Author registration due date ==== ACM Symposium on Applied Computing ==== The ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) has gathered scientists from different areas of computing over the last thirty years. The forum represents an opportunity to interact with different communities sharing an interest in applied computing. SAC 2022 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP), and will take place on April 25-29, 2022 in Brno, Czech Republic. ==== Software Verification and Testing Track (SVT) ==== The Software Verification and Testing track aims at contributing to the challenge of improving the usability of formal methods in software engineering. The track covers areas such as formal methods for verification and testing, based on theorem proving, model checking, static analysis, and run-time verification. We invite authors to submit new results in formal verification and testing, as well as development of technologies to improve the usability of formal methods in software engineering. Also are welcome detailed descriptions of applications of mechanical verification to large scale software. ==== Topics ==== Possible topics include, but are not limited to: * model checking * theorem proving * correct by construction development * model-based testing * software testing * symbolic execution * static and dynamic analysis * abstract interpretation * analysis methods for dependable systems * software certification and proof carrying code * fault diagnosis and debugging * verification and validation of large scale software systems * real world applications and case studies applying software testing and verification * benchmarks and data sets for software testing and verification ==== Submission Guidelines ==== Paper submissions must report on original, unpublished work. Submitted papers will undergo a double-blind review process. Author(s) name(s) and address(es) must not appear in the body of the paper, and self- reference should be avoided and made in the third person. We welcome research papers and posters. Research papers should have at most 8 two-column pages in ACM format (further two pages, to a total of 10 pages, may be available at a charge). The length of a poster is limited to three pages (one extra page may be available at a charge). Please comply to this page limitation already at submission time. Furthermore, in the context of the Student Research Competition (SRC) Program to provide graduate students the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with researchers and practitioners in their areas of interest, graduate students are invited to submit research abstracts (maximum of 4 pages in ACM camera-ready format) following the instructions published at the SAC 2022 website at Submission of the same abstract to multiple tracks is not allowed. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM SAC 2022 proceedings in the ACM digital library. Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of the paper/poster in the conference proceedings. An author or a proxy attending SAC MUST present the paper. This is a requirement for the paper/poster to be included in the ACM digital library. No-show of registered papers and posters will result in excluding them from the ACM digital library. Detailed submission instructions are available on the SAC 2022 website. ==== Track Chairs ==== Erika Abraham, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Pascale Le Gall, CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, France For further information we refer to the SAC-SVT 2022 website: From cfp at Wed Sep 22 15:19:44 2021 From: cfp at (cfp at Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2021 15:19:44 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] PADL 2022 - Second Call For Papers - Abstract Registration Deadline October 1 Message-ID: [Apologies for multiple postings] === Second Call for Papers === 24th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL 2022) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 17-18th January 2022 Co-located with POPL 2022 Conference Description ---------------------- Declarative languages comprise several well-established classes of formalisms, namely, functional, logic, and constraint programming. Such formalisms enjoy both sound theoretical bases and the availability of attractive frameworks for application development. Indeed, they have been already successfully applied to many different real-world situations, ranging from database management to active networks to software engineering to decision support systems. New developments in theory and implementation fostered applications in new areas. At the same time, applications of declarative languages to novel and challenging problems raise many interesting research issues, including designing for scalability, language extensions for application deployment, and programming environments. Thus, applications drive the progress in the theory and implementation of declarative systems, and benefit from this progress as well. PADL is a well-established forum for researchers and practitioners to present original work emphasizing novel applications and implementation techniques for all forms of declarative programming, including functional and logic programming, database and constraint programming, and theorem proving. Topic of interest include, but are not limited to: - Innovative applications of declarative languages - Declarative domain-specific languages and applications - Practical applications of theoretical results - New language developments and their impact on applications - Declarative languages and software engineering - Evaluation of implementation techniques on practical applications - Practical experiences and industrial applications - Novel uses of declarative languages in the classroom - Practical extensions such as constraint-based, probabilistic, and reactive languages PADL 2022 especially welcomes new ideas and approaches related to applications, design and implementation of declarative languages going beyond the scope of the past PADL symposia, for example, advanced database languages and contract languages, as well as verification and theorem proving methods that rely on declarative languages. Submissions ----------- PADL 2022 welcomes three kinds of submission: * Technical papers (max. 15 pages) Technical papers must describe original, previously unpublished research results. * Application papers (max. 8 pages) Application papers are a mechanism to present important practical applications of declarative languages that occur in industry or in areas of research other than Computer Science. Application papers are expected to describe complex and/or real-world applications that rely on an innovative use of declarative languages. Application descriptions, engineering solutions and real-world experiences (both positive and negative) are solicited. * Extended abstracts (max. 3 pages) Describing new ideas, a new perspective on already published work, or work-in-progress that is not yet ready for a full publication. Extended abstracts will be posted on the symposium website but will not be published in the formal proceedings. All page limits exclude references. Submissions must be formatted according to the standard Springer LNCS style. The conference proceedings of PADL2022 will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally published workshops proceedings may be submitted but the authors should notify the program chairs about the place in which it has previously appeared. PADL 2022 submissions are handled through the EasyChair conference management system: Important dates (tentative) --------------- Abstract submission: 1 October 2021 (AoE) Paper submission: 8 October 2021 Notification of acceptance: 5 November 2021 Symposium: 17-18th January 2022 COVID-19 -------- PADL is co-located with POPL, which will take place January 16-22, 2022, as a physical, virtual, or hybrid physical/virtual meeting. We will be monitoring the Covid-19 situation and will announce a decision on the nature of the meeting in time which will follow suit with POPL. Distinguished Papers -------------------- The authors of a small number of distinguished papers will be invited to submit a longer version for journal publication after the symposium. For papers related to logic programming, in the journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), and for papers related to functional programming, in Journal of Functional Programming (JFP) The extended journal submissions should include roughly 30% more content including, for example, explanations for which there was no space, illuminating examples and proofs, additional definitions and theorems, further experimental results, implementational details and feedback from practical/engineering use, extended discussion of related work and such like. Invited Speakers ---------------- PADL 2022 features two invited talks by: - Marcello Balduccini ( - Shriram Krishnamurthi ( Chairs ------ - James Cheney, University of Edinburgh - Simona Perri, University of Calabria Programme Committee ------------------- Andres Löh, WellTyped Chiaki Sakama, Wakayama University Daniela Inclezan, Miami University Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Heriot-Watt University Esra Erdem, Sabanci University Francesco Calimeri, University of Calabria Jan Christiansen, Flensburg University of Applied Sciences Konstantin Schekotihin, University of Klagenfurt Lionel Parreaux, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Marco Maratea, University of Genova Marina De Vos, University of Bath Martin Erwig, Oregon State University Martin Gebser, University of Klagenfurt Michael Greenberg, Stevens Institute of Technology Paul Tarau, University of North Texas Pavan Kumar Chittimalli, TCS Research, India Pedro Cabalar, University of Corunna Roly Perera, The Alan Turing Institute Tomas Petricek, University of Kent Torsten Grust, University of Tübingen Tran Cao Son, New Mexico State University Yukiyoshi Kameyama, University of Tsukuba From announce at Fri Sep 24 14:14:38 2021 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2021 15:14:38 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] 2022 IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (IEEE EAIS 2022): Final Call for Special Sessions Proposals Message-ID: *** Final Call for Special Sessions Proposals *** 2022 IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (IEEE EAIS 2022) May 25-27, 2022, Golden Bay Hotel 5*, Larnaca, Cyprus (Proceedings to be published by the IEEE Xplore Digital Library; Special Journal Issue with Evolving Systems, Springer) IEEE EAIS 2022 will provide a working and friendly atmosphere and will be a leading international forum focusing on the discussion of recent advances, the exchange of recent innovations and the outline of open important future challenges in the area of Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems. Over the past decade, this area has emerged to play an important role on a broad international level in today's real-world applications, especially those ones with high complexity and dynamic changes. Its embedded modelling and learning methodologies are able to cope with real-time demands, changing operation conditions, varying environmental influences, human behaviours, knowledge expansion scenarios and drifts in online data streams. Conference Topics Basic Methodologies Evolving Soft Computing Techniques. Evolving Fuzzy Systems. Evolving Rule-Based Classifiers. Evolving Neuro-Fuzzy Systems. Adaptive Evolving Neural Networks. Online Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms. Data Stream Mining. Incremental and Evolving Clustering. Adaptive Pattern Recognition. Incremental and Evolving ML Classifiers. Adaptive Statistical Techniques. Evolving Decision Systems. Big Data. Problems and Methodologies in Data Streams Stability, Robustness, Convergence in Evolving Systems. Online Feature Selection and Dimension Reduction. Online Active and Semi-supervised Learning. Online Complexity Reduction. Computational Aspects. Interpretability Issues. Incremental Adaptive Ensemble Methods. Online Bagging and Boosting. Self-monitoring Evolving Systems. Human-Machine Interaction Issues. Hybrid Modelling, Transfer Learning. Reservoir Computing. Applications of EAIS Time Series Prediction. Data Stream Mining and Adaptive Knowledge Discovery. Robotics. Intelligent Transport and Advanced Manufacturing. Advanced Communications and Multimedia Applications. Bioinformatics and Medicine. Online Quality Control and Fault Diagnosis. Condition Monitoring Systems. Adaptive Evolving Controller Design. User Activities Recognition. Huge Database and Web Mining. Visual Inspection and Image Classification. Image Processing. Cloud Computing. Multiple Sensor Networks. Query Systems and Social Networks. Alternative Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches. Special Sessions Proposals Distinguished researchers working in theory, analysis and applications of evolving adaptive and intelligent systems and related areas are encouraged to submit proposals within the technical scope of IEEE EAIS 2022. Researchers interested in organising special sessions are invited to submit a formal proposal to the Special Sessions Chair Gabriella Casalino (gabriella.casalino at and to the General Chair George Angelos Papadopoulos (george at, by specifying: - Special Session Lead Organiser email address, details and mini-bio - Co-Organiser(s) details and mini-bio (optional) - Special Session title - Aim and scope of the Special Session (~half a page) - A list of main topics of the Special Session - A list of potential/expected contributors Important Dates • Special Session proposal submission: October 1, 2021 • Special Session proposal acceptance: October 10, 2021 • Paper submission: January 10, 2022 • Notification of acceptance/rejection: February 19, 2022 • Camera ready submission: March 20, 2022 • Authors registration: March 20, 2022 • Conference Dates: May 25-27, 2022 Social Media FB: Twitter: Linkedin: Organization Honorary Chairs • Dimitar Filev, Ford Motor Co., USA • Nikola Kasabov, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand General Chairs • George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus • Plamen Angelov, Lancaster University, UK Program Committee Chairs • Giovanna Castellano, University of Bari, Italy • José A. Iglesias, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Sat Sep 25 10:36:50 2021 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2021 11:36:50 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT 2022): First Call for Special Track Proposals Message-ID: *** First Call for Special Track Proposals *** ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT 2022) 7–9 September, 2022, 5* St. Raphael Resort & Marina, Limassol, Cyprus Scope ACM GoodIT focuses on the application of IT technologies to social good. Social good is typically defined as an action that provides some sort of benefit to the general public. In this case, Internet connection, education, and healthcare are all good examples of social goods. However, new media innovations and the explosion of online communities have added new meaning to the term. Social good is now about global citizens uniting to unlock the potential of individuals, technology, and collaboration to create positive societal impact. GoodIT topics include but not limited to: • IT for education • Data Science • Digital solutions for Cultural Heritage • Data sensing, processing, and persistency • Game, entertainment, and multimedia applications • Health and social care • IT for development • Privacy and trust issues and solutions • Sustainable cities and transportation • Smart governance and e-administration • IT for smart living • Technology addressing the digital divide • IT for automotive • Frugal solutions for IT • Ethical computing • Decentralized approaches to IT • Citizen science • Socially responsible IT solutions • Sustainable IT • Social informatics • Civic intelligence Special Tracks Proposals GoodIT 2022 will feature special tracks whose aim is to focus on a specific topic of interest related to the overall scope of the conference. We solicit proposals for special tracks to be held within the main conference and whose publications will be included in the conference proceedings. Tracks proposals can focus on any contemporary themes that highlight social good aspects in the design, implementation, deployment, securing, and evaluation of IT technologies. Special Track Proposal Format A special track proposal must contain the following information: • Title of the special track. • The names of the organizers (indicatively, two) with affiliations, contact information, and a single paragraph of a brief bio. • A short description of the scope and topics of the track (max 1/2 page) and a brief explanation of: (1) why the topic is timely and important; (2) why the topic is related to the conference’s main theme; (3) why the track may attract a significant number of submissions of good quality. • Indication if a journal special issue is associated with the track, possibly with information on the process of selecting papers. • The plan to disseminate the call for papers of the special track for achieving a reasonable number of paper submissions (a list of emailing lists will help). • A tentative Program Committee list. • A draft Call for Papers (max 1 page). Publication Papers submitted to each particular track have to satisfy the same criteria as for the main conference. They must be original works and must not have been previously published. They have to be peer-reviewed by the track's Program Committee (at least three reviews per submitted paper are required). The final version of papers must follow the formatting instructions of the main conference ( At least one of the authors of all accepted papers must register and present the work at the conference; otherwise, the paper will not be published in the proceedings. All accepted and presented papers will be included in the conference proceedings published in the ACM Digital Library. The special track may provide an option for publishing extended versions of selected papers in a special issue of a journal. Special Track Proposal Submission Guidelines Special track proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file to the special track Chairs (see below) via email to: ombretta.gaggi at, valentino.vranic at, and rysavy at The subject of the e-mail must be: “GoodIT 2022 – special track proposal”. The special track chairs may ask proposers for supplying additional information during the review period. Important Dates • Special Track Proposal Submission Deadline: 13 December 2021 • Notification of Selection: 20 December 2021 Contact (Special Tracks Chairs) • Ombretta Gaggi (University of Padua, Italy) • Ondrej Rysavy (Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic) • Valentino Vranic (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From thanh.dinhvan at Mon Sep 27 16:45:08 2021 From: thanh.dinhvan at (Thanh Dinh) Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 21:45:08 +0700 Subject: [fg-arc] KR 2021: Call for Participation (Deadline to register: October 15) Message-ID: <> CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 18th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2021) November 3-12, 2021 - Virtual *** Registration is free but mandatory (deadline: October 15, 2021) *** Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) is a well-established and lively field of research.  In KR, a fundamental assumption is that an agent's knowledge is explicitly represented in a declarative form, suitable for processing by dedicated reasoning engines. This assumption, that much of what an agent deals with is knowledge-based, is common in many modern intelligent systems.  Consequently, KR has contributed to the theory and practice of various areas in AI, including automated planning and natural language understanding, and to fields beyond AI, including databases, verification, software engineering, and robotics. In recent years, KR has contributed also to new and emerging fields, including the semantic web, computational biology, cyber security, and the development of software agents. The KR conference series is the leading forum for timely in-depth presentation of progress in the theory and principles underlying the representation and computational management of knowledge. CONFERENCE FORMAT AND REGISTRATION KR 2021 will be organized as a virtual conference and welcomes all researchers interested in KR to participate! We are happy to announce that participation is *free*. The deadline for registering is October 15, 2021. Information about how to register for the main conference and associated events can be found at: There will be also be a limited-capacity *live gathering* in Rome to watch the conference and exchange with other participants. For details, consult: The list of papers accepted at the main conference and the Doctoral Consortium can also be found on the conference webpage. INVITED SPEAKERS * Martin Grohe (RWTH Aachen University, Germany) * Jochen Renz  (Australian National University, Australia) * Uli Sattler  (University of Manchester, UK) * Joshua Tenenbaum  (MIT, USA) * Francesca Toni  (Imperial College, UK) TRACKS & SPECIAL SESSIONS * Applications and Systems Track * Recent Published Research Track * Special Session: KR and Machine Learning * Special Session: KR and Robotics * Special Session: Diversity and Inclusion WORKSHOPS * Explainable Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (XLoKR) * Computational Machine Ethics (CME) *  Knowledge Representation for Hybrid and Compositional AI (KRHCAI) *  Ontology Uses and Contribution to Artificial Intelligence (OnUCAI) *  Second-Order Quantifier Elimination and Related Topics (SOQE) *  Semantics-Powered Health Data Analytics (SEPDA) TUTORIALS * Answer Set Programming: From Theory to Practice   by Roland Kaminski, Javier Romero, Torsten Schaub & Philipp Wanko * Belief Revision and Judgment Aggregation in Ontologies   by Jake Chandler and Richard Booth * Completeness, Recall, and Negation in Open-World Knowledge Bases   by Simon Razniewski, Hiba Arnaout, Shrestha Ghosh & Fabian M. Suchanek * Complex Event Recognition and Forecasting  by Elias Alevizos and Alexander Artikis * KR&R Meets Cyber-Physical Systems: Formalization, Behavior, Trustworthiness  by Marcello Balduccini, Edward Griffor & Tran Cao Son * Planning with multi-agent, flexible, temporal, epistemic & contingent  (MAFTEC) aspects  by Aurélie Beynier, Frédéric Maris & Francois Schwarzentruber * Proof-Theoretic Approaches to Logical Argumentation  by Ofer Arieli & Christian Strasser * Solving equations in modal and description logics  by Philippe Balbiani CO-LOCATED EVENTS * NMR 2021 (20th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning) CONFERENCE CHAIRS General: * Esra Erdem (Sabanci University, Turkey) Program: * Meghyn Bienvenu (CNRS & University of Bordeaux, France) * Gerhard Lakemeyer (RWTH Aachen University, Germany) Applications and Systems Track: * Martin Gebser (University of Klagenfurt, Austria) * Ulrike Sattler (University of Manchester, UK) Recently Published Research Track: * Vladimir Lifschitz (University of Texas at Austin, USA) * Pierre Marquis (Artois University & Institut Universitaire de France, France) Special Session on KR & Machine Learning: * Vaishak Belle (University of Edinburgh, UK) * Luc de Raedt (KU Leuven, Belgium) Special Session on KR & Robotics: * Alessandro Saffioti (University of Örebro, Sweden) * Mary-Anne Williams (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) Workshop and Tutorials: * Markus Kroetzsch (TU Dresden, Germany) * Yongmei Liu (Sun Yat-sen University, China) Doctoral Consortium: * Jens Classen (Simon Fraser University) * Magdalena Ortiz (TU Vienna, Austria) Local Organization: * Giuseppe De Giacomo (Sapienza University, Italy) * Son Tran (New Mexico State University, USA) * Long Tran-Thanh (University of Warwick, UK) * Thanh Van Dinh (East Asia University of Technology, Vietnam) Virtual Conference Arrangements: * Stefan Borgwardt (TU Dresden, Germany) * Marco Console (Sapienza University Italy) * Long Tran-Thanh (University of Warwick, UK) Sponsorship: * Kuldeep S. Meel (NUS, Singapore) * Zeynep G. Saribatur (TU Wien, Austria) Publicity: * Thanh Van Dinh (East Asia University of Technology, Vietnam) * Paolo Felli (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy) Diversity and Inclusion: * Magdalena Ortiz (TU Vienna, Austria) * Maria Vanina Martinez (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) * Marco Maratea (University of Genova, Italy)