From announce at Sun Aug 1 12:16:16 2021 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2021 13:16:16 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] 2022 IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (IEEE EAIS 2022): First Call for Papers and Special Sessions Message-ID: *** First Call for Papers and Special Sessions *** 2022 IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (IEEE EAIS 2022) May 25-27, 2022, Golden Bay Hotel 5*, Larnaca, Cyprus (Proceedings to be published by the IEEE Xplore Digital Library; Special Journal Issue with Evolving Systems, Springer) IEEE EAIS 2022 will provide a working and friendly atmosphere and will be a leading international forum focusing on the discussion of recent advances, the exchange of recent innovations and the outline of open important future challenges in the area of Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems. Over the past decade, this area has emerged to play an important role on a broad international level in today's real-world applications, especially those ones with high complexity and dynamic changes. Its embedded modelling and learning methodologies are able to cope with real-time demands, changing operation conditions, varying environmental influences, human behaviours, knowledge expansion scenarios and drifts in online data streams. Conference Topics Basic Methodologies Evolving Soft Computing Techniques. Evolving Fuzzy Systems. Evolving Rule-Based Classifiers. Evolving Neuro-Fuzzy Systems. Adaptive Evolving Neural Networks. Online Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms. Data Stream Mining. Incremental and Evolving Clustering. Adaptive Pattern Recognition. Incremental and Evolving ML Classifiers. Adaptive Statistical Techniques. Evolving Decision Systems. Big Data. Problems and Methodologies in Data Streams Stability, Robustness, Convergence in Evolving Systems. Online Feature Selection and Dimension Reduction. Online Active and Semi-supervised Learning. Online Complexity Reduction. Computational Aspects. Interpretability Issues. Incremental Adaptive Ensemble Methods. Online Bagging and Boosting. Self-monitoring Evolving Systems. Human-Machine Interaction Issues. Hybrid Modelling, Transfer Learning. Reservoir Computing. Applications of EAIS Time Series Prediction. Data Stream Mining and Adaptive Knowledge Discovery. Robotics. Intelligent Transport and Advanced Manufacturing. Advanced Communications and Multimedia Applications. Bioinformatics and Medicine. Online Quality Control and Fault Diagnosis. Condition Monitoring Systems. Adaptive Evolving Controller Design. User Activities Recognition. Huge Database and Web Mining. Visual Inspection and Image Classification. Image Processing. Cloud Computing. Multiple Sensor Networks. Query Systems and Social Networks. Alternative Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches. Special Sessions Distinguished researchers working in theory, analysis and applications of evolving adaptive and intelligent systems and related areas are encouraged to submit proposals within the technical scope of IEEE EAIS 2022. Researchers interested in organising special sessions are invited to submit a formal proposal to the Special Sessions Chair Gabriella Casalino (gabriella.casalino at and to the General Chair George Angelos Papadopoulos (george at, by specifying: - Special Session Lead Organiser email address, details and mini-bio - Co-Organiser(s) details and mini-bio (optional) - Special Session title - Aim and scope of the Special Session (~half a page) - A list of main topics of the Special Session - A list of potential/expected contributors Submissions Submitted papers should not exceed 8 pages plus at most 2 pages overlength. Submissions of full papers are accepted online through Easy Chair ( The EAIS 2022 proceedings will be published on IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions for possible inclusion in a special issue of Evolving Systems - An Interdisciplinary Journal for Advanced Science and Technology (Springer). Important Dates • Special Session submission: October 1, 2021 • Special Session acceptance: October 10, 2021 • Paper submission: January 10, 2022 • Notification of acceptance/rejection: February 19, 2022 • Camera ready submission: March 20, 2022 • Authors registration: March 20, 2022 • Conference Dates: May 25-27, 2022 Social Media FB: Twitter: Linkedin: Organization Honorary Chairs • Dimitar Filev, Ford Motor Co., USA • Nikola Kasabov, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand General Chairs • George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus • Plamen Angelov, Lancaster University, UK Program Committee Chairs • Giovanna Castellano, University of Bari, Italy • José A. Iglesias, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From andreas.wortmann at Wed Aug 4 10:54:08 2021 From: andreas.wortmann at (Wortmann, Andreas) Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2021 08:54:08 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] Software Engineering 2022: Call for Workshop Proposals Message-ID: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die SE'22 ( wird vom 21. bis 25. Februar 2022 virtuell in Berlin stattfinden und wieder ein spannendes Programm bieten. Hierzu gehören natürlich auch die Workshops. Wir freuen uns daher über Einreichungen von Workshop-Vorschlägen zum 03.09.2021. Den vollständigen Call for Workshops finden Sie anbei. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Judith Michael und Andreas Wortmann +++ SE'22: Call for Workshop Proposals +++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Software Engineering 2022 21.- 25. Februar | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Aufruf zur Einreichung von Workshop-Vorschlägen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neben dem technisch-wissenschaftlichen Hauptprogramm stellt das Workshop-Programm immer einen wesentlichen Bestandteil des Tagungs-Programms dar. Durch das offene Workshop-Format ist es sogar in besonderer Weise möglich, neue Teilgebiete des Software Engineering zu fördern und eine starke Vernetzung und Kooperation von Wissenschaft und Praxis zu erreichen. Dementsprechend werden Workshop-Vorschläge, die einen expliziten Praxisbezug bieten und beispielsweise von Fachleuten aus der Industrie (mit-)organisiert werden, bei der Auswahl bevorzugt behandelt. Prinzipiell sind alle Themen mit klarem Software-Engineering-Bezug mögliche Workshop-Themen. Da die SE 2022 komplett virtuell stattfindet, sollen auch die Workshops virtuell durchgeführt werden. Die Workshops werden am 21. und 22.02.2022 stattfinden. Es können halb- oder ganztägige Workshops vorgeschlagen werden. Für Einreichungen ist die GI LNI-Vorlage zu verwenden: Vorschläge für Workshops sollten die folgenden Informationen enthalten und nicht mehr als drei Seiten umfassen: - Angabe der Organisatoren mit vollständigen Kontaktdaten und einem Hauptansprechpartner - Darstellung des Erfahrungshintergrunds der Organisatoren (sowohl in Bezug auf Workshops als auch allgemein) - Gewünschte Länge (Halbtages- / Ganztages-Workshop) - Titel, Akronym, Thema (inkl. Motivation warum dieses Thema für die SE 2022 wichtig ist) - Erwartete Ergebnisse (Arbeitsziele) des Workshops - Zusammenfassung (max. 150 Worte) für die Workshop-Darstellung auf der Webseite der SE 2022. Es wird erwartet, dass der Workshop bei Annahme eine eigene, zusätzliche Webseite erstellt. - Eine Erläuterung des geplanten Ablaufs. Dabei sollte insbesondere deutlich werden, welchen Umfang Diskussionen und welche Vorträge haben werden und in welcher Weise die Organisatoren beabsichtigen, Diskussionen anzuregen. - Liste der Mitglieder des Programmkomitees (Vorschläge und bereits eingeholte Zusagen) - Erläuterung der Werbestrategie - Erläuterung des Auswahlprozesses für Workshopbeiträge (dieser muss wissenschaftlichen Standards genügen) - Angabe der erwarteten und der minimalen Zahl der Teilnehmer. Bei neuen Workshops: begründete Schätzung; bei Workshops, die zuvor bereits gehalten wurden: Erfahrungswerte - Darstellung der notwendigen Raumausstattung und anderer organisatorischer Voraussetzungen - Die Beiträge werden als gemeinsamer Tagungsband in der Digital Library der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI e.V.) publiziert. -------------------- Einreichung -------------------- Die Vorschläge können bis 03.09.2021 über EasyChair eingereicht werden: (Track “SE2022 Workshop Track“). Akzeptierte Workshops müssen von den jeweiligen Organisatoren geeignet angekündigt und beworben werden. Die SE 2022 wird zusätzlich einen gemeinsamen Call für alle Workshops veröffentlichen. Die Organisatoren werden gebeten, nachdem ihr Thema akzeptiert wurde, eine Webseite einzurichten, mit deren Hilfe sie die Teilnehmer über Inhalte und zeitlichen Ablauf, sowie über den Workshop im Allgemeinen informieren. Darüber hinaus können die Organisatoren eine zweiseitige Beschreibung des Workshops im Tagungsband veröffentlichen (LNI-Format). -------------------- Wichtige Daten -------------------- Einreichungsfrist für Workshop-Vorschläge: 03. September 2021 Benachrichtigungen für Workshop-Vorschläge: 10. September 2021 Workshop-Beschreibung für Webseite und Tagungsband: 10. Oktober 2021 Einreichungsfrist für Workshop-Beiträge: 03. Dezember 2021 Benachrichtigung für Workshop-Beiträge: 17. Januar 2022 Einreichung der finalen Workshop-Beiträge: 31. Januar 2022 -------------------- Kontakt -------------------- Judith Michael RWTH Aachen michael at Andreas Wortmann Universität Stuttgart wortmann at -- Jun.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Wortmann Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Units (ISW) University of Stuttgart Seidenstr. 36 / Room 5.017 70174 Stuttgart GERMANY Tel: +49 711 685-84624 E-Mail: andreas.wortmann at Web: From cfp at Wed Aug 4 11:51:49 2021 From: cfp at (cfp at Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2021 11:51:49 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] PADL 2022 - First Call for Papers Message-ID: <> [apologies for multiple copies] === Call for Papers === 24th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL 2022) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 17-18th January 2022 Co-located with POPL 2022 Conference Description ---------------------- Declarative languages comprise several well-established classes of formalisms, namely, functional, logic, and constraint programming. Such formalisms enjoy both sound theoretical bases and the availability of attractive frameworks for application development. Indeed, they have been already successfully applied to many different real-world situations, ranging from data base management to active networks to software engineering to decision support systems. New developments in theory and implementation fostered applications in new areas. At the same time, applications of declarative languages to novel and challenging problems raise many interesting research issues, including designing for scalability, language extensions for application deployment, and programming environments. Thus, applications drive the progress in the theory and implementation of declarative systems, and benefit from this progress as well. PADL is a well-established forum for researchers and practitioners to present original work emphasizing novel applications and implementation techniques for all forms of declarative programming, including functional and logic programming, database and constraint programming, and theorem proving. Topic of interest include, but are not limited to: - Innovative applications of declarative languages - Declarative domain-specific languages and applications - Practical applications of theoretical results - New language developments and their impact on applications - Declarative languages and software engineering - Evaluation of implementation techniques on practical applications - Practical experiences and industrial applications - Novel uses of declarative languages in the classroom - Practical extensions such as constraint-based, probabilistic, and reactive languages PADL 2022 especially welcomes new ideas and approaches related to applications, design and implementation of declarative languages going beyond the scope of the past PADL symposia, for example, advanced database languages and contract languages, as well as verification and theorem proving methods that rely on declarative languages. Submissions ----------- PADL 2022 welcomes three kinds of submission: * Technical papers (max. 15 pages) Technical papers must describe original, previously unpublished research results. * Application papers (max. 8 pages) Application papers are a mechanism to present important practical applications of declarative languages that occur in industry or in areas of research other than Computer Science. Application papers are expected to describe complex and/or real-world applications that rely on an innovative use of declarative languages. Application descriptions, engineering solutions and real-world experiences (both positive and negative) are solicited. * Extended abstracts (max. 3 pages) Describing new ideas, a new perspective on already published work, or work-in-progress that is not yet ready for a full publication. Extended abstracts will be posted on the symposium website but will not be published in the formal proceedings. All page limits exclude references. Submissions must be formatted according to the standard Springer LNCS style. The conference proceedings of PADL2022 will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally published workshops proceedings may be submitted but the authors should notify the program chairs about the place in which it has previously appeared. PADL 2022 submissions are handled through the EasyChair conference management system: Important dates (tentative) --------------- Abstract submission: 1 October 2021 (AoE) Paper submission: 8 October 2021 Notification of acceptance: 5 November 2021 Symposium: 17-18th January 2022 COVID-19 -------- PADL is co-located with POPL, which will take place January 16-22, 2022, as a physical, virtual, or hybrid physical/virtual meeting. We will be monitoring the Covid-19 situation and will announce a decision on the nature of the meeting in time which will follow suit with POPL. Distinguished Papers -------------------- The authors of a small number of distinguished papers will be invited to submit a longer version for journal publication after the symposium. For papers related to logic programming, in the journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), and for papers related to functional programming, in Journal of Functional Programming (JFP) The extended journal submissions should include roughly 30% more content including, for example, explanations for which there was no space, illuminating examples and proofs, additional definitions and theorems, further experimental results, implementational details and feedback from practical/engineering use, extended discussion of related work and such like. Chairs ------ - James Cheney, University of Edinburgh - Simona Perri, University of Calabria Programme Committee ------------------- Andres Löh, WellTyped Chiaki Sakama, Wakayama University Daniela Inclezan, Miami University Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Heriot-Watt University Esra Erdem, Sabanci University Francesco Calimeri, University of Calabria Jan Christiansen, Flensburg University of Applied Sciences Konstantin Schekotihin, University of Klagenfurt Lionel Parreaux, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Marco Maratea, University of Genova Marina De Vos, University of Bath Martin Erwig, Oregon State University Martin Gebser, University of Klagenfurt Michael Greenberg, Pomona College Paul Tarau, University of North Texas Pavan Kumar Chittimalli, TCS Research, India Pedro Cabalar, University of Corunna Roly Perera, The Alan Turing Institute Tomas Petricek, University of Kent Torsten Grust, University of Tübingen Tran Cao Son, New Mexico State University Yukiyoshi Kameyama, University of Tsukuba From s-dgq at Wed Aug 4 21:40:22 2021 From: s-dgq at (Thorsten Wissmann) Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2021 21:40:22 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] Call for Participation: CALCO & MFPS 2021 Message-ID: <20210804194022.GA21923@dobby> ---------------------------------------------------- Call for Participation CALCO 2021 & MFPS XXXVII August 30 - September 3, 2021 Online / Hybrid from Salzburg, Austria ----------------------------------------------------- Registration ----------------------------------------------------- Registration is free. Please register on as soon as possible, not later than August 27, in order to receive the online-conference-room links. Should you plan to attend in person in Salzburg (which is possible for a small number of people) please register as soon as possible, tick the corresponding box, and contact the local organisers. Plenary Invited Speakers: ----------------------------------------------------- Eugenia Cheng, School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Joint CALCO & MFPS) Valeria De Paiva, Topos Institute Berkeley (CALCO) Holger Giese, Hasso-Plattner Institute Potstdam (CALCO) Viktor Vafeiadis, Max Planck Institute Kaiserslautern (CALCO) Amina Doumane, ENS Lyon (MFPS) Shin-ya Katsumata, NII Tokyo (MFPS) Krishna S., IIT Bombay (MFPS) Special Sessions: ----------------------------------------------------- Termination Analysis and Synthesis (Joint CALCO & MFPS) Azadeh Farzan, University of Toronto, Invited Tutorial Speaker Zachary Kincaid, Princeton University Florian Zuleger, TU Wien Probabilistic Programming Semantics (MFPS) Sam Staton, University of Oxford, Invited Tutorial Speaker Tobias Fritz, University of Innsbruck Alex Simpson, University of Ljubljana Categorical Type Theory (MFPS) Paul -Andrè Melliés, IRIF Université Paris Denis Diderot, Invited Tutorial Speaker Raphaëlle Crubillé, LORIA Nancy Niccolò Veltri, Taltech Tallinn Noam Zeilberger, Ècole Politechnique String Diagrams (MFPS) Filippo Bonchi, University of Pisa, Invited Tutorial Speaker Pawel Sobocinski, Taltech Tallinn, Invited Tutorial Speaker Brendan Fong, Topos Institute Berkeley Fabio Zanasi, University College London Social Events ----------------------------------------------------- CALCO 2021 & MFPS XXXVII will feature a virtual environment for participants to connect and meet online, an online social event, and an online city tour. Contact ----------------------------------------------------- Ana Sokolova, University of Salzburg, anas at From david_georg.reichelt at Tue Aug 17 18:05:17 2021 From: david_georg.reichelt at (David Georg Reichelt) Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2021 18:05:17 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] CfP Deadline Extension: Symposium on Software Performance 2021 Message-ID: <> *12th Symposium on Software Performance 2021* *2nd Call for Papers (Deadline Extension) * *Leipzig, November 09-10, 2021* ** The Symposium on Software Performance (SSP) brings together researchers and practitioners interested in software performance, where "performance" is understood both in a classical sense as "the amount of useful work accomplished by a software system compared to the time and resources used", as well as in a broader sense as "the manner in which or the efficiency with which a software system reacts or fulfills its intended purpose". The scope of SSP spans measurement, modeling, benchmark design, and run-time management. The focus is both on classical performance metrics such as response time, throughput, and resource utilization, as well as on the relationship of such metrics to other software quality attributes including but not limited to scalability, elasticity, (energy) efficiency, dependability (in terms of availability and reliability), resilience, security, and privacy. Topics of interest include the design of metrics, benchmarks, and tools for quantitative system evaluation and analysis, as well as the development of methodologies, techniques and tools for modeling, measurement, load testing, monitoring, profiling, workload characterization, and run-time management of software systems with respect to the mentioned quality attributes. The symposium is organized by the three established research groups Descartes, Kieker, and Palladio; thus this symposium also serves as a joint community meeting. Descartes' focus are techniques and tools for engineering self-aware computing systems designed for maximum dependability and efficiency. Kieker is a well-established tool and approach for monitoring software performance of complex, large, and distributed IT systems. Palladio is a likewise-established tool and approach for modeling architectures of IT systems and for simulating quality properties, such as for example performance or reliability metrics. SSP 2021 is supported by the GI special interest group "Softwaretechnik". *Scope:* Submission are thought for plans, ongoing work, or results on: - Software quality analysis in regard to:   - Performance   - Scalability and elasticity   - Energy efficiency   - Dependability and resilience   - Security and privacy   - Application performance measurement and management - Performance measurement and benchmarking - Performance modeling (modeling, simulation, extraction and calibration) - Automated run-time management of software systems - Automated approaches for performance problem detection and resolution - Performance-related challenges in industrial software systems - Application of Descartes, Kieker, or Palladio in projects *Submission:* We solicit technical papers (5-6 pages) and extended abstracts for industry or experience talks (maximum 700 words). More submission details are published on the website. EasyChair: *Publication:* Accepted papers will be published in Proceedings of Symposium on Software Performance 2021. Proceedings shall be submitted to for online publication. *Important Dates:* - Apr. 07, 2021    CfP-Publication, Submission opening - *Sep. 03, 2021 (extended)* Abstract submission until 23.59 AoE (for all paper types) - *Sep. 05, 2021 (extended)* Paper submission until 23.59 AoE - Oct. 01, 2021    Acceptance Notification - Oct. 15, 2021    Camery ready papers - Oct. 15, 2021    Program announcement - Oct. 20, 2021    Registration deadline - Nov. 08, 2021    Descartes/Kieker/Palladio developer meetings (participation welcome) - Nov. 09-10, 2021 Technical symposium program *Steering Committee:* - Steffen Becker, Uni Stuttgart - Wilhelm Hasselbring, Kiel University - André van Hoorn, Uni Stuttgart - Samuel Kounev, Uni Würzburg - Ralf Reussner, KIT / FZI - Anne Koziolek, KIT *Program Committee:* - Dusan Okanovic, Novatec Consulting GmbH - Reiner Jung, Kiel University - Henning Schnoor, Kiel University - Holger Knoche, ivv GmbH - Norbert Schmitt, University of Würzburg - Johannes Grohmann, University of Würzburg - Sebastian Krach, FZI - Dominik Werle, KIT - Robert Heinrich, KIT - Holger Eichelberger, University of Hildesheim - Johannes Kroß, Fortiss GmbH - David Georg Reichelt, Leipzig University *Local Organizers:* - David Georg Reichelt, Leipzig University - Richard Müller, Leipzig University *Contact:* David Georg Reichelt, Leipzig University, University Computing Centre, +49 341 97 33300, david_georg.reichelt at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fm-announcements at Tue Aug 17 23:37:01 2021 From: fm-announcements at (Perez Dominguez, Ivan (LARC-D320)[NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AEROSPACE] via fm-announcements) Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2021 21:37:01 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] [fm-announcements] [FMICS 2021] Call for Participation Message-ID: **************************************************************** CALL FOR (VIRTUAL) PARTICIPATION The 26th International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2021) August 24-26 Joint event with CONCUR, FORMATS and QEST. ** Free Registration ** **************************************************************** FMICS is the ERCIM Working Group conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, and it is the key conference in the intersection of industrial applications and Formal Methods. The aim of the FMICS conference series is to provide a forum for researchers who are interested in the development and application of formal methods in industry. FMICS brings together scientists and engineers who are active in the area of formal methods and interested in exchanging their experiences in the industrial usage of these methods. The FMICS conference series also strives to promote research and development for the improvement of formal methods and tools for industrial applications. Keynote ------------------------- - Speaker: Joe Kiniry (Galois Inc. and Free & Fair, US) - Title: Haunting Tales of Applied Formal Methods from Academia and Industry. - Abstract: You learn a lot after being a formal methods researcher and practitioner for 25 years. Half of that time was spent in academia, creating formal processes, methodologies, and tools that I hoped I could secretly impact engineers. Half of that time has been spent in industry, working at companies to transition concepts, tools, and technologies in rigorous digital engineering (RDE) with applied formal methods. These days I work at two companies, Galois and Free & Fair, leading R&D in RDE that focus on problems in national security and nationally critical infrastructure. I also work with many of our other Galois spin-outs, such as Muse (now Sonotype Lift) and Niobium Microsystems on these same topics. In this talk I’ll tell a small number of stories about these many years in the field, each of which has, I hope, an actionable nugget of wisdom for the audience at FMICS. Accepted papers ------------------------- Davide Basile, Alessandro Fantechi and Irene Rosadi Formal Analysis of the UNISIG Safety Application Intermediate Sub-Layer Maurice H. ter Beek, Vincenzo Ciancia, Diego Latella, Mieke Massink and Giorgio Oronzo Spagnolo Spatial Model Checking for Smart Stations: Research Challenges Jens Bendisposto, David Geleßus, Michael Leuschel and Fabian Vu ProB2-UI: A Java-based User Interface for ProB Roberto Bruttomesso Intrepid: a Scriptable and Cloud-ready SMT-based Model Checker Simon Thrane Hansen, Cláudio Gomes, Maurizio Palmieri, Casper Thule, Jaco van de Pol and - Jim Woodcock Verification of Co-Simulation Algorithms Subject to Algebraic Loops and Adaptive Steps Hamid Jahanian Parametric Faults in Safety Critical Programs Andrej Kiviriga, Ulrik Nyman and Kim Guldstrand Larsen Randomized Reachability Analysis in Uppaal: Fast Error Detection in Timed Systems Daniel Larraz, Mickaël Laurent and Cesare Tinelli Merit and Blame Assignment with Kind 2 Cláudio Belo Lourenço, Denis Cousineau, Florian Faissole, Claude Marché, David Mentré and Hiroaki Inoue Automated Verification of Temporal Properties of Ladder Programs Ismail Mendil, Yamine Ait Ameur, Neeraj Kumar Singh, Dominique Méry and Philippe Palanque Standard Conformance-by-Construction with Event-B Baptiste Pollien, Xavier Thirioux, Christophe Garion, Gautier Hattenberger and Pierre Roux Verifying the Mathematical Library of an UAV Autopilot with Frama-C Riley Roberts, Benjamin Lewis, Arnd Hartmanns, Prabal Basu, Sanghamitra Roy, Koushik Chakraborty and Zhen Zhang Probabilistic Verification for Reliability of a Two-by-Two Network-on-Chip System Robert Rubbens, Sophie Lathouwers and Marieke Huisman Modular Transformation of Java Exceptions Modulo Errors Joshua Schmidt and Michael Leuschel Improving SMT Solver Integrations for the Validation of B and Event-B Models Quinn Thibeault, Jacob Anderson, Aniruddh Chandratre, Giulia Pedrielli and Georgios Fainekos PSY-TaLiRo: A Python Toolbox for Search-Based Test Generation for Cyber-Physical Systems Bernd Westphal On education and training in formal methods for industrial critical systems Registration ------------------------- There is no registration fee charged to participants. All interested individuals are welcome to attend; however, all attendees must register here: PC Chairs ------------------------- Alberto Lluch Lafuente (Technical University of Denmark, DK) Anastasia Mavridou (KBR / NASA Ames Research Center, US) PC Members ------------------------- Erika Abraham (RWTH Aachen University, DE) Massimo Bartoletti (University of Cagliari, IT) Maurice ter Beek (ISTI-CNR, IT) Simon Bliudze (INRIA, FR) Yu-Fang Chen (Academia Sinica, TW) Silvia Crafa (University of Padova, IT) Hubert Garavel (INRIA, FR) Diego Garbervetsky (University of Buenos Aires/CONICET, AR) Ákos Hajdu (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HU) Klaus Havelund (NASA JPL, US) Anne Haxthausen (Technical University of Denmark, DK) Fritz Henglein (University of Copenhagen/ Deon Digital , DK) Fuyuki Ishikawa (National Institute of Informatics, JP) Xiaoqing Jin (Apple Inc., US) Joe Kiniry (Galois Inc. and Free & Fair, US) Thierry Lecomte (ClearSy, FR) Tiziana Margaria (CSIS, Univ. of Limerick, and LERO, IE) Diego Marmsoler (University of Exeter, UK) Radu Mateescu (INRIA, FR) Dejan Nickovic (Austrian Institute of Technology, AT) Corina Pasareanu (CMU/ NASA Ames Research Center, US) Anna Philippou (University of Cyprus, CY) Jaco van de Pol (Aarhus University, DK) Clara Schneidewind (Vienna University of Technology, AT) Cristina Seceleanu (Mälardalen University, SE) Carolyn Talcott (SRI International, US) Virginie Wiels (ONERA / DTIM, FR) Steering Committee ------------------------- Maurice ter Beek (ISTI-CNR, IT) Alessandro Fantechi (University of Florence, IT) Hubert Garavel (INRIA, FR) Tiziana Margaria (CSIS, Univ. of Limerick, and LERO, IE) Radu Mateescu (INRIA, FR) Jaco van de Pol (Aarhus University, DK) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- --- To opt-out from this mailing list, send an email to fm-announcements-request at with the word 'unsubscribe' as subject or in the body. You can also make the request by contacting fm-announcements-owner at From fm-announcements at Thu Aug 19 22:35:00 2021 From: fm-announcements at (Titolo, Laura (LARC-D320)[NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AEROSPACE] via fm-announcements) Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2021 20:35:00 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] [fm-announcements] Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP) 2022: Final Call for Papers Message-ID: Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP) is an international conference on practical and theoretical topics in all areas that consider formal verification and certification as an essential paradigm for their work. CPP spans areas of computer science, mathematics, logic, and education. CPP 2022 ( will be held on 17-18 January 2022 and will be co-located with POPL 2022 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. CPP 2022 is sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, in cooperation with ACM SIGLOG. CPP 2022 will welcome contributions from all members of the community. The CPP 2022 organizers will strive to enable both in-person and remote participation, in cooperation with the POPL 2022 organizers. NEWS If the authors of a CPP 2022 accepted paper will be unable or unwilling to travel to the conference, the organizers can confirm that this will not affect the paper’s publication in the proceedings, and the authors will be able to upload recorded talks that will be made publicly available. IMPORTANT DATES * Abstract Submission Deadline: 16 September 2021 at 23:59 AoE (UTC-12h) * Paper Submission Deadline: 22 September 2021 at 23:59 AoE (UTC-12h) * Notification (tentative): 22 November 2021 * Camera Ready Deadline (tentative): 12 December 2021 * Conference: 17-18 January 2022 Deadlines expire at the end of the day, anywhere on earth. Abstract and submission deadlines are strict and there will be no extensions. DISTINGUISHED PAPER AWARDS Around 10% of the accepted papers at CPP 2022 will be designated as Distinguished Papers. This award highlights papers that the CPP program committee thinks should be read by a broad audience due to their relevance, originality, significance and clarity. TOPICS OF INTEREST We welcome submissions in research areas related to formal certification of programs and proofs. The following is a non-exhaustive list of topics of interest to CPP: * certified or certifying programming, compilation, linking, OS kernels, runtime systems, security monitors, and hardware; * certified mathematical libraries and mathematical theorems; * proof assistants (e.g, ACL2, Agda, Coq, Dafny, F*, HOL4, HOL Light, Idris, Isabelle, Lean, Mizar, Nuprl, PVS, etc); * new languages and tools for certified programming; * program analysis, program verification, and program synthesis; * program logics, type systems, and semantics for certified code; * logics for certifying concurrent and distributed systems; * mechanized metatheory, formalized programming language semantics, and logical frameworks; * higher-order logics, dependent type theory, proof theory, logical systems, separation logics, and logics for security; * verification of correctness and security properties; * formally verified blockchains and smart contracts; * certificates for decision procedures, including linear algebra, polynomial systems, SAT, SMT, and unification in algebras of interest; * certificates for semi-decision procedures, including equality, first-order logic, and higher-order unification; * certificates for program termination; * formal models of computation; * mechanized (un)decidability and computational complexity proofs; * formally certified methods for induction and coinduction; * integration of interactive and automated provers; * logical foundations of proof assistants; * applications of AI and machine learning to formal certification; * user interfaces for proof assistants and theorem provers; * teaching mathematics and computer science with proof assistants. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Prior to the paper submission deadline, the authors should upload their anonymized paper in PDF format through the HotCRP system at The submissions must be written in English and provide sufficient detail to allow the program committee to assess the merits of the contribution. They must be formatted following the ACM SIGPLAN Proceedings format using the acmart style with the sigplan option, which provides a two-column style, using 10 point font for the main text, and a header for double blind review submission, i.e., \documentclass[sigplan,10pt,anonymous,review]{acmart}\settopmatter{printfolios=true,printccs=false,printacmref=false} The submitted papers should not exceed 12 pages, including tables and figures, but excluding bibliography and clearly marked appendices. The papers should be self-contained without the appendices. Shorter papers are welcome and will be given equal consideration. Submissions not conforming to the requirements concerning format and maximum length may be rejected without further consideration. CPP 2022 will employ a lightweight double-blind reviewing process. To facilitate this, the submissions must adhere to two rules: (1) author names and institutions must be omitted, and (2) references to authors’ own related work should be in the third person (e.g., not "We build on our previous work ..." but rather "We build on the work of ..."). The purpose of this process is to help the PC and external reviewers come to an initial judgment about the paper without bias, not to make it impossible for them to discover the authors if they were to try. Nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission or makes the job of reviewing it more difficult. In particular, important background references should not be omitted or anonymized. In addition, authors are free to disseminate their ideas or draft versions of their papers as usual. For example, authors may post drafts of their papers on the web or give talks on their research ideas. POPL has answers to frequently asked questions addressing many common concerns: We strongly encourage the authors to provide any supplementary material that supports the claims made in the paper, such as proof scripts or experimental data. This material must be uploaded at submission time, as an archive, not via a URL. Two forms of supplementary material may be submitted: (1) Anonymous supplementary material is made available to the reviewers before they submit their first-draft reviews. (2) Non-anonymous supplementary material is made available to the reviewers after they have submitted their first-draft reviews and have learned the identity of the authors. Please use anonymous supplementary material whenever possible, so that it can be taken into account from the beginning of the reviewing process. The submitted papers must adhere to the SIGPLAN Republication Policy ( and the ACM Policy on Plagiarism ( Concurrent submissions to other conferences, journals, workshops with proceedings, or similar forums of publication are not allowed. The PC chairs should be informed of closely related work submitted to a conference or journal in advance of submission. One author of each accepted paper is expected to present it at the (possibly virtual) conference. PUBLICATION, COPYRIGHT AND OPEN ACCESS The CPP 2022 proceedings will be published by the ACM, and authors of accepted papers will be required to choose one of the following publication options: (1) Author retains copyright of the work and grants ACM a non-exclusive permission-to-publish license and, optionally, licenses the work under a Creative Commons license. (2) Author retains copyright of the work and grants ACM an exclusive permission-to-publish license. (3) Author transfers copyright of the work to ACM. For authors who can afford it, we recommend option (1), which will make the paper Gold Open Access, and also encourage such authors to license their work under the CC-BY license. ACM will charge you an article processing fee for this option (currently, US$700), which you have to pay directly with the ACM. For everyone else, we recommend option (2), which is free and allows you to achieve Green Open Access, by uploading a preprint of your paper to a repository that guarantees permanent archival such as arXiv or HAL. This is anyway a good idea for timely dissemination even if you chose option 1. Ensuring timely dissemination is particularly important for this edition, since, because of the very tight schedule, the official proceedings might not be available in time for CPP. The official CPP 2022 proceedings will also be available via SIGPLAN OpenTOC ( For ACM’s take on this, see their Copyright Policy ( and Author Rights ( PROGRAM COMMITTEE Andrei Popescu, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom (co-chair) Steve Zdancewic, University of Pennsylvania, United States (co-chair) Mohammad Abdulaziz, TU München, Germany Mauricio Ayala-Rincón, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil Andrej Bauer, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Thomas Bauereiss, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Yves Bertot, Inria and Université Cote d'Azur, France Lars Birkedal, Aarhus University, Denmark Sylvie Boldo, Inria and Université Paris-Saclay, France Qinxiang Cao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Évelyne Contejean, Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles, CNRS, France Benjamin Delaware, Purdue University, United States Simon Foster, University of York, United Kingdom Alwyn Goodloe, NASA Langley Research Center, United States Armaël Guéneau, Aarhus University, Denmark John Harrison, Amazon Web Services, United States Joe Hendrix, Galois, Inc, United States Aquinas Hobor, National University of Singapore, Singapore Ralf Jung, MPI-SWS, Germany Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck, Austria Jeehoon Kang, KAIST, South Korea Hongjin Liang, Nanjing University, China Gregory Malecha, BedRock Systems, Inc, United States Anders Mörtberg, Stockholm University, Sweden Toby Murray, University of Melbourne, Australia Zoe Paraskevopoulou , Northeastern University, United States Brigitte Pientka, McGill University, Canada Aseem Rastogi, Microsoft Research, India Bas Spitters, Aarhus University, Denmark Kathrin Stark, Princeton University, United States Hira Taqdees Syeda, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden Joseph Tassarotti, Boston College, United States Laura Titolo, NIA/NASA LaRC, United States Sophie Tourret, Inria, France Dmitriy Traytel, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Floris van Doorn, Paris-Saclay University, France Freek Verbeek, Open University of The Netherlands, Netherlands Freek Wiedijk, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Netherlands ORGANIZERS Lennart Beringer, Princeton University, United States (conference co-chair) Robbert Krebbers, Radboud University, Netherlands (conference co-chair) Andrei Popescu, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom (PC co-chair) Steve Zdancewic, University of Pennsylvania, United States (PC co-chair) CONTACT For any questions please contact the two PC chairs: Andrei Popescu Steve Zdancewic --- To opt-out from this mailing list, send an email to fm-announcements-request at with the word 'unsubscribe' as subject or in the body. You can also make the request by contacting fm-announcements-owner at From Luigia.Petre at Fri Aug 20 10:26:34 2021 From: Luigia.Petre at (Luigia Petre) Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2021 08:26:34 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] FMTea (Formal Methods Teaching) Tutorial series starting soon! In-Reply-To: <> References: <>, , , , <>, <>, , <>, <>, <>, , <>, <>, , <>, <>, <>, , <>, <>, , <>, , <770649d5ae3b40f38b29863bf49e6d> Message-ID: Dear all, In the FME Teaching Committee we are launching a new tutorial series, planned to be held monthly. The idea is to increase the awareness and sharing of tools and techniques used for teaching formal methods. The tutorial will be held online via zoom. We will record (whenever the speaker agrees) these presentations and collect them on the FME Teaching Committee website: [] Formal Methods Teaching Committee The aim of the FME Teaching Committee is to support a worldwide improvement in learning formal methods, mainly by teaching but also via self-learning. We are very happy to announce the first speaker in the series: Prof Sandrine Blazy, University of Rennes 1, France,, who will talk about using the Why3 tool for deductive program verification. This tutorial will take place on September 24, at 3pm CET. The zoom coordinates are below. The online event is planned to take about one hour, give or take. Everyone welcome!! With best regards, Luigia Petre on behalf of the FME Teaching Committee Luigia Petre is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: FMTea Tutorial Series Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 642 5443 0116 Join by SIP 64254430116 at 64254430116 at Join by H.323 Meeting ID: 642 5443 0116 __ Luigia Petre, Docent, PhD Faculty of Science and Engineering Åbo Akademi University, Finland -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From thanh.dinhvan at Fri Aug 20 16:06:51 2021 From: thanh.dinhvan at (=?UTF-8?B?xJBpbmggVsSDbiBUaMOgbmg=?=) Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2021 21:06:51 +0700 Subject: [fg-arc] Call for KR 2021 Student Scholarship Applications Message-ID: <> ****************************************** Call for KR 2021 Student Scholarship Applications ****************************************** We are delighted to announce funding for KR 2021 student support. The purpose is to enable students to participate in the conference. To be eligible, you must be registered as a full-time student at a higher education institution (e.g. university). *You can submit your application at the following link:* ************** ************** ** *Please submit your application by 6^th September 2021 via this form. We will notify you of our decision by 8^th September 2021.* In allocating awards, we will prioritise students who are listed as authors of a long or short paper accepted for KR 2021. Please note that attending the conference is a requirement for being supported. In addition, by participating in the student scholarship program, students are expected to support the conference as student volunteers: You may be asked to support the conference in various ways, e.g., to help with running a particular session. Due to NSF requirements, successful US applicants are also asked to participate in the Doctoral Consortium (DC) either as a presenter or as an attendee, with no obligation to have a paper accepted at the DC. US applicants are also asked to write a short report on their attendance at KR. If your application is successful, you will receive a code that you can then use upon registration as a conference fee waiver. Please wait to register for the conference until our notification. We will not reimburse already made payments. For any question, feel free to contact us at KR21virtual+registration at or contact Long Tran-Thanh directly at long.tran-thanh at . Thank you, Tran Cao Son, New Mexico State University, US Long Tran-Thanh,University of Warwick, UK On the behalf of the KR 2021 organising committee. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Guendalina.Righetti at Wed Aug 25 10:54:37 2021 From: Guendalina.Righetti at (Righetti Guendalina (Student Com18)) Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2021 08:54:37 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] ESAO Launch Event @ FOIS 2021 -- 2d CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Message-ID: ------- Please distribute ------ Apologies if you receive multiple copies ------ Please distribute ------ Apologies if you receive multiple copies ------ ESAO Launch Event @ FOIS 2021 -- 2d CALL FOR PARTICIPATION -->Registration deadlines<-- * August 31 for physical participation * September 08 for remote participation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA) and the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy are proud to announce the Educational Series on Applied Ontology(ESAO) –Launch Event September 10, 2021– Kolpinghaus Bozen, Largo Adolph Kolping 3, Bolzano, Italy & online [1] Registration page: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description ----------------- IAOA [2] has worked on a new educational effort under the name Educational Series on Applied Ontology (ESAO) that shall be suited for learning about topics of Applied Ontology, primarily established basics and foundations. The series is inspired by the Interdisciplinary Schools on Applied Ontology (ISAO) (cf. [3]; next edition in 2023), but -- in times of the Corona pandemic -- it is complementary in format and its overall approach. The basic idea is a combination of an archive of educational material (for the beginning, short video lectures) and a series of webinars for presenting and discussing that material. The second Bolzano Summer of Knowledge (BoSK 2021) [4] includes a Launch Event for this new series, which offers a number of webinar sessions according to the new format on a single day. The ESAO Launch Day will be held in hybrid format on Sep 10, 2021 (Friday), preceding the FOIS conference (Sep 13-16, 2021) [7] in Bozen-Bolzano, Italy. Hybrid means that the experts and the audience can join locally or remotely. The physical event will take place at the Kolpinghaus Bozen, Largo Adolph Kolping 3, Bolzano, Italy [6]. The Launch Day as well as the overall ESAO Series is open for and welcomes students, researchers and practitioners alike. Program ------------- (all times are specified in CEST, the time zone of Bolzano) 10:00-10:20 Introduction 10:20-11:15 Session 1 * Giancarlo Guizzardi, University of Twente and Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy "Applied Ontology and Conceptual Modeling" (keynote talk) 11:30-12:30 Session 2 * Enrico Franconi, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy "Conceptual schemas and ontologies for data access: myths and challenges" * Nicola Guarino, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies of the Italian National Research Council (ISTC-CNR), Italy "Computational ontologies and their logical models" 14:15-15:15 Session 3 * Antony Galton, University of Exeter, UK "Time and Ontology" * Elisabetta Jezek, University of Pavia, Italy "Events and their participants in verb semantics" 15:15-15:30 Bar camp presentation & opening of topic polls 16:00-17:00 Session 4 * Barry Smith, University at Buffalo, USA "On Realizables: Roles, Dispositions, Capabilities, Functions" * Michael Gruninger, University of Toronto, Canada "Ontology Engineering" 17:00-18:00 Bar camp session 20:00 Local social event For possible updates of the agenda, please cf. the ESAO website [1]. Registration ------------------ Please register on the BoSK registration page [5] by August 31 for physical participation and by September 08 for remote participation. Registration to the ESAO Launch Event is unlimited for remote participation and restricted to 25 participants for physical participation. There is no registration fee both for remote and physical participation. However, for physical participation there will be a no-show fee of 40€ if you are registered but do not attend without having cancelled by August 31st. You are encouraged to indicate your willingness to register for free to the International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA) [2] at the time of registration. Organization ------------------- Members of the Education Technical Committee [8] of IAOA and among those primarily (in alphabetical order): * Oliver Kutz * Frank Loebe * Sandra Lovrenčić * Daniele Porello * Robert Rovetto * Cassia Trojahn * Laure Vieu Local organisation at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy: * Oliver Kutz * Nicolas Troquard Contact ------------ E-Mail:info at Website: Links -------- [1] ESAO Launch Day website [2] IAOA website [3] ISAO History page [4] BoSK 2021 website [5] BoSK 2021 Registration page [6] BoSK 2021 venues [7] FOIS 2021 website [8] Education Technical Committee wiki -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dalila.tamzalit at Wed Aug 25 16:50:39 2021 From: dalila.tamzalit at (Dalila Tamzalit) Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2021 16:50:39 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] [19th IEEE ICSA 2022] Tracks & deadline Message-ID: <> After a well-deserved summer break for many of us, it's time to get back to research plans. We are waiting for your submissions to the different tracks of ICSA, the premier conference on Software Architecture. ICSA is A-Ranked according to CORE 2021 and ICSA 2022 will be held in Honolulu and will be a hybrid event: #icsa2022. Please don't forget that this year, ICSA's deadlines are earlier than usual. The deadlines are reminded hereafter and the first upcoming one is the workshop proposals. Don't miss these opportunities: * /Workshops proposal/: *September 6th, 2021.* * /Technical Track/: abstract : November 1st, 2021 & full papers: November 8th, 2021. * /Journal-first track/: December 8th, 2021. * /Software Architecture in Practice Track/: December 1st, 2021. * /New and Emerging Ideas Track:/ abstract: December 1st, 2021 & Full paper : December 8th, 2021. * /Early Career Researchers Forum/: abstract: December 1st, 2021 & Full paper : December 8th, 2021. * /Artifact Evaluation Track:/ Registration Deadline: January 11th, 2022 (mandatory) & Submissions Deadline: January 14th, 2022. * /Poster Track: /abstract: December 1st, 2021 & Full paper : December 8th, 2021. * /Tutorial proposals:/ December 8th, 2021. Best regards, -- *Dalila Tamzalit* **/Maître de Conférences HC HdR - Associate-Professor/ Page web - Home page Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes  - CNRS UMR 6004 Équipe NaoMod   4 rue Alfred Kastler, 44307 Nantes Cedex 3 - FRANCE   33 (0) IUT Nantes - Département Informatique   3, rue du Maréchal Joffre   44 041  Nantes cedex 1 - FRANCE                      Tel : 33 (0) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From miguel-areias at Thu Aug 26 12:03:36 2021 From: miguel-areias at (Miguel Areias) Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2021 10:03:36 -0000 Subject: [fg-arc] Call for Participation - LP/CP Programming Contest 2021 Message-ID: =========================================================================                            CALL FOR PARTICIPATION                        LP/CP Programming Contest 2021 ========================================================================= The traditional LP/CP Programming Contest will be run in virtual mode during ICLP 2021. The contest will start on Friday 24 September at 12:00 (midday, UTC+1) and will last 24 hours. Don't miss this opportunity! Join the contest with your favorite declarative programming languages and systems. Show your skills in declarative problem solving. The contest is data agnostic. All problems use easy-to-parse input and output format. You can easily shape them for your preferred system by writing a script. Checkers will be provided to ease the identification of bugs thanks to textual representations of testcases and solutions. Details online: ========================================================================= From miguel-areias at Mon Aug 30 20:46:23 2021 From: miguel-areias at (Miguel Areias) Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2021 19:46:23 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] Call for Participation - International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2021) Message-ID: <> =========================================================================                              CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ========================================================================= The 37th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2021) ========================================================================= The virtual edition of ICLP 2021 will run from September 20 until September 27, 2021. The conference will be held online and we strongly encourage all interested people to register to access the event and interact with other participants. The registration conditions are available at The main program is available at This year's edition includes five outstanding talks by William Cohen (Google AI), John Hooker (CMU), Phokion Kolaitis (UC Santa Cruz and IBM Almaden), Stuart Russell (UC Berkeley) and Jeff Ullman (Stanford University) and eight affiliated events Looking forward to meet you in the ICLP 2021 virtual conference. Miguel Areias (on behalf of ICLP 2021 Chairs). ========================================================================= Any additional question can be directed towards ICLP 2021 Chairs: iclp2021 at ========================================================================= From C.E.Brandt at Mon Aug 30 14:40:27 2021 From: C.E.Brandt at (Carolin Brandt) Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2021 12:40:27 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] VISSOFT 2021 - Call for Participation Message-ID: <> VISSOFT 2021 ---- Sep 27-28, 2021, Virtual, co-located with ICSME 2021 --- Registration link: **** Early registration rate until September 4, 2021 **** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VISSOFT 2021 is the 9th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization, virtually co-located with ICSME 2021 ( The VISSOFT conference is principally a venue for publishing and discussing research related to software visualization. VISSOFT brings together a community of researchers from software engineering, information visualization, human-computer interaction, computer graphics, and data science to discuss theoretical foundations, algorithms, techniques, tools, and applications related to software visualization. On September 27th and 28th we will discuss a range of excellent papers. Accepted were 9 Technical papers, 12 New Ideas and Emerging Results / Tool Demo papers and two Journal-First presentations. You can find a full list of the accepted papers below! The keynote will be delivered by Michele Lanza from the Università della Svizzera italiana. Daniel Weiskopf from the University of Stuttgart will be our capstone speaker. The program is available at: Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accepted Papers: ---- Technical Papers ---- 1 A Scalable Log Differencing Visualisation Applied to COBOL Refactoring Céline Deknop, Kim Mens, Alexandre Bergel, Johan Fabry and Vadim Zaytsev 2 CodeCity: On-Screen or in Virtual Reality? David Moreno-Lumbreras, Roberto Minelli, Andrea Villaverde, Michele Lanza and Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona 3 CodingTM: Development Task Visualization for SW Code Comprehension Taeyoung Kim, Suntae Kim and Duksan Ryu 4 Continuous Rationale Visualization Anja Kleebaum, Barbara Paech, Jan Ole Johanssen and Bernd Bruegge 5 Global Overviews of Granular Test Coverage with Matrix Visualizations Kaj Dreef, Vijay Krishna Palepu and James Jones 6 Trace Visualization within the Software City Metaphor: A Controlled Experiment on Program Comprehension Veronika Dashuber and Michael Philippsen 7 TransVis: Using Visualizations and Chatbots for Supporting Transient Behavior in Microservice Systems Samuel Beck, Sebastian Frank, Mir Alireza Hakamian, Leonel Merino and André van Hoorn 8 Visualization of Object-Oriented Variability Implementations as Cities Johann Mortara, Philippe Collet and Anne-Marie Déry 9 Visualizing Metric Trends for Software Portfolio Quality Management Patric Genfer, Johann Grabner, Christina Zoffi, Mario Bernhart and Thomas Grechenig ---- NIER/TD Papers ---- 1 Analyzing and Visualizing Projects and their Relations in Software Ecosystems Van Tuan Tran, Cheng Cheng, Fabio Petrillo and Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc 2 Augmenting Code Review Experience Through Visualization Faruk Balcı, Dilruba Sultan Haliloğlu, Onur Şahin, Cankat Tilki, Mehmet Ata Yurtsever and Eray Tüzün 3 CHANGEVIZ: Enhancing the GitHub Interface with Method Calls Information Lorenzo Gasparini, Enrico Fregnan, Larissa Braz, Tobias Baum and Alberto Bacchelli 4 Codoc: Code-driven Architectural View Specification Framework for Python Casper Weiss Bang and Mircea Lungu 5 Live Visualization of Dynamic Software Cities with Heat Map Overlays Alexander Krause, Malte Hansen and Wilhelm Hasselbring 6 React-bratus: Visualising React.js Component Hierarchies Mircea Lungu and Stephan Boersma 7 Towards a JSON-based Algorithm Animation Language Artturi Tilanterä, Giacomo Mariani, Ari Korhonen and Otto Seppälä 8 Visualizing Data in Software Cities Susanna Ardigò, Csaba Nagy, Roberto Minelli and Michele Lanza 9 Visualizing Discord Servers Marco Raglianti, Roberto Minelli, Csaba Nagy and Michele Lanza 10 Visualizing GitHub Issues Aron Fiechter, Roberto Minelli, Csaba Nagy and Michele Lanza 11 Visually Analyzing the Code Quality of Component-based Web Applications Hagen Tarner, Daniel van den Bongard and Fabian Beck 12 Voronoi Evolving Treemaps Davide Paolo Tua, Roberto Minelli and Michele Lanza ---- Journal First Papers ---- 1 Visual Augmentation of Source Code Editors: A Systematic Mapping Study Matúš Sulír, Michaela Bačíková, Sergej Chodarev and Jaroslav Porubän 2 An Architecture-Tracking Approach to Evaluate a Modular and Extensible Flight Software for CubeSat Nanosatellites Carlos Gonzalez, Camilo Rojas, Alexandre Bergel and Marcos Diaz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carolin Brandt PhD Student TU Delft // EEMCS // Software Engineering Research Group // TestShift Project E c.e.brandt at // T // W -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... 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