From cfp at Sat Nov 3 17:18:15 2018 From: cfp at (cfp at Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2018 17:18:15 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] JELIA 2019 - 2nd CfP - 1 month left - IJCAI, TPLP, Awards and Prizes Message-ID: <> [apologies for multiple copies] == CALL FOR PAPERS == The Program Committee of the 16th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2019) invites the submission of technical papers for the conference that will be held in Rende, Italy, from May 8th to May 10th, 2019. The aim of JELIA 2019 is to bring together active researchers interested in all aspects concerning the use of logics in Artificial Intelligence to discuss current research, results, problems, and applications of both theoretical and practical nature. JELIA strives to foster links and facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas among researchers from various disciplines, among researchers from academia and industry, and between theoreticians and practitioners. == AWARDS AND PRIZES == The Best Paper and the Best Student Paper of the conference will receive a cash prize of EUR 500 each, offered by Springer. Two high-quality papers of the conference that are suitable for presentation to a general AI audience, will be invited for publication (of abridged versions) to the IJCAI 2019 Sister Conference Best Paper Track. The authors of the top-notch contributions (from 3 to 6 papers, including both best papers) will be invited to submit long and more elaborate versions of their work for a special issue of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP). == RELEVANT TOPICS == Conference topics include, but are not limited to: * Abductive and inductive reasoning * Answer set programming * Applications of logic-based AI systems * Argumentation systems * Automated reasoning including satisfiability checking and its extensions * Computational complexity and expressiveness * Deep learning for rules and ontologies * Deontic logic and normative systems * Description logics and other logical approaches to Semantic Web and ontologies * Explanation finding * Knowledge representation, reasoning, and compilation * Logic programming, answer set programming, constraint logic programming * Logic-based data access and integration * Logical interpretation of machine learning models * Logics for uncertain and probabilistic reasoning * Logics in machine learning * Logics in multi-agent systems, games, and social choice * Neural networks and logic rules * Non-classical logics, such as modal, temporal, epistemic, dynamic, spatial, paraconsistent, and hybrid logics * Nonmonotonic logics, default logics, conditional logics * Ontology formalisms and models * Ontology-based query answering * Ontology-based reasoning * Planning and diagnosis based on logic * Preferences * Reasoning about actions and causality * Updates, belief revision and nonmonotonic reasoning == IMPORTANT DATES == Abstract submission deadline 26 November 2018 (23:59 UTC-12) Paper submission 03 December 2018 (23:59 UTC-12) Notification of acceptance 16 January 2019 Best paper notification 31 January 2019 Camera-ready due 28 February 2019 Online registration opens 01 March 2019 Conference start 08 May 2019 == SUBMISSION DETAILS == Submission Site: For formatting guidelines, see more information on JELIA 2019 welcomes submissions of long or short papers in the following categories: Regular papers. Submissions should contain original research, and sufficient detail to assess the merits and relevance of the contribution. Submissions must not have been previously published or be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. System/Application descriptions. Submissions should describe an implemented system/application and its application area(s). A demonstration should accompany a system/application presentation. Papers describing systems or applications that have already been presented in JELIA before will be accepted only if significant and clear enhancements have been implemented and are properly reported. All submissions should not exceed 13 (resp., 6) pages for long (resp., short) papers, including figures etc., but excluding references, and should be written in English. Submissions must be formatted according to the standard Springer LNCS style, and are not anonymous. The conference proceedings of JELIA 2019 will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, a sub-series of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Important note: Springer will require all the LaTeX source files of all accepted submissions). == POLICY ON MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS == JELIA 2019 will not accept any paper that, at the time of submission, is under review or has already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference. Authors are also required not to submit their papers elsewhere during JELIA's review period. However, these restrictions do not apply to previous workshops with a limited audience and without archival proceedings. == ENQUIRIES == Please send all enquiries at the email address jelia2019 at == COMMITTEES == General Chair * Nicola Leone (University of Calabria) Program Chairs * Francesco Calimeri (University of Calabria) * Marco Manna (University of Calabria) Organization Chairs * Carmine Dodaro (University of Genova) * Valeria Fionda (University of Calabria) Publicity and Finance Chair * Simona Perri (University of Calabria) Program Committee * Mario Alviano (University of Calabria) * Carlos Areces (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba) * Franz Baader (Technische Universität Dresden) * Peter Baumgartner (CSIRO) * Salem Benferhat (CNRS, Université d'Artois) * Meghyn Bienvenu (CNRS, University of Bordeaux) * Alexander Bochman (Holon Institute of Technology) * Gerhard Brewka (Universität Leipzig) * Pedro Cabalar (Universidade da Coruña) * Marco Calautti (The University of Edinburgh) * David Carral (Technische Universität Dresden) * Giovanni Casini (Université du Luxembourg) * Cristina Civili (Samsung R&D Institute United Kingdom) * Mehdi Dastani (Utrecht University) * James Delgrande (Simon Fraser University) * Ulle Endriss (Universiteit van Amsterdam) * Wolfgang Faber (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt) * Luis Farinas Del Cerro (CNRS) * Eduardo Fermé (Universidade da Madeira) * Michael Fisher (University of Liverpool) * Michael Gelfond (Texas Tech University) * Laura Giordano (Università del Piemonte Orientale) * Lluis Godo (IIIA-CSIC) * Tomi Janhunen (Aalto University) * Gabriele Kern-Isberner (Technische Universitaet Dortmund) * Roman Kontchakov (University of London) * Jérôme Lang (CNRS, Université Paris-Dauphine) * Joohyung Lee (Arizona State University) * Joao Leite (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa) * Vladimir Lifschitz (University of Texas at Austin) * Thomas Lukasiewicz (University of Oxford) * Marco Maratea (University of Genova) * Jerzy Marcinkowski (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) * Pierre Marquis (CNRS, Université d'Artois) * Thomas Meyer (CAIR, University of Cape Town) * Angelo Montanari (University of Udine) * Michael Morak (Technische Universität Wien) * Manuel Ojeda-Aciego (University of Malaga) * Magdalena Ortiz (Technische Universität Wien) * David Pearce (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) * Rafael Peñaloza (Free University of Bozen) * Luís Moniz Pereira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) * Andreas Pieris (University of Edinburgh) * Henri Prade (CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier) * Francesco Ricca (University of Calabria) * Fabrizio Riguzzi (University of Ferrara) * Jussi Rintanen (Aalto University) * Uli Sattler (University of Manchester) * Mirek Truszczynski (University of Kentucky) * Toby Walsh (University of New South Wales) * Frank Wolter (University of Liverpool) * Stefan Woltran (Technische Universität Wien) From riebisch at Mon Nov 5 18:12:05 2018 From: riebisch at (Riebisch, Matthias) Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 17:12:05 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] Call For Papers Reminder: International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2019) Message-ID: Liebe Architekturen-Aktive, Da es nur noch 4 Wochen bis zur Deadline sind, sende ich Ihnen hier eine Erinnerung, und freue mich auf ihre Beiträge: ICSA 2019 International Conference on Software Architecture March 25-29, 2019 Hamburg, Germany Please accept our apologies if this email is received again. ICSA cordially invites contributions related to all aspects of software architecture, for its parts * Technical track * New and Emerging Ideas (NEMI) track * Software Architecture in Practice (SAIP) track * Tool Demonstrations track * Early Career Researchers Forum (ECRF-ICSA 2019) * Tutorials The International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2019) is the premier gathering of practitioners and researchers interested in software architecture, in component-based software engineering and in quality aspects of complex software systems. ICSA continues the tradition of a working conference, where researchers meet practitioners and where software architects can explain the problems they face in their day-to-day work and try to influence the future of the field. Interactive working sessions will be the place where researchers meet practitioners to identify opportunities to create the future. The increasing size of software systems and the emergence of increasingly autonomous systems is asking for innovative software engineering practices. The way software is being developed and maintained is rapidly changing and must take into account multifaceted constraints like fast-changing and unpredictable markets, complex and changing customer requirements, pressures of shorter time-to-market, rapidly advancing information technologies, just to name a few of these new aspects. To cope with such constraints, software is increasingly produced according to rapid continuous software engineering development processes. The theme of ICSA 2019 is “Architectures to interconnect Services and Systems”. We welcome original contributions that explore and explain the role of architecture in current systems as well as in near future systems. This conference looks at what can be learned from our software architecture history, experience, studies, and best practices. ============================== *Call for Papers* ============================== We solicit the software architecture community original submissions of the following types: *Technical Papers* ============================== Technical research papers (10 pages) should describe original and significant results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual, or experimental research in software architecture research or industrial practice. The novelty of the contribution needs to be clearly described and the results validated. Technical research papers are limited to 10 proceedings pages, and will be evaluate based on soundness, significance, verifiability, and presentation quality, in that order. *Topics* -------------------- Topics of interest for the conference include (but are not limited to) the following themes: * Architecture & CI, CD and DevOps, * Microservices * Model driven engineering for continuous architecting * Up-front architecture and agile development * Architecting Systems of Systems, IoT systems, CPSs, software ecosystems, self-adaptive systems, or autonomous systems * Component based software engineering and architecture design * Architecture evaluation and quality aspects of software architectures * Automatic extraction and generation of software architecture descriptions * Re-factoring and evolving architecture design decisions and solutions * Architecture frameworks and architecture description languages * Linking architecture to requirements and/or implementation * Preserving architecture quality throughout the system lifetime * Reusable architectural solutions * Software architecture knowledge management * Software architecture for legacy systems and systems integration * Architecting families of products * Cultural, economic, business and managerial aspects of software architecture * Software architects roles and responsibilities * Training, education, and certification of software architects * State-of-the-art and state-of-practice in software architecture * Industrial experiments and case studies *Anonymization, Formatting and Submission Instructions* -------------------- Please note that ICSA 2019 will pursue a double-blind review process for the main Technical track (only), therefore all submissions to this track have to fulfill the double-blind reviewing requirements, see Papers submitted to the ICSA2019 technical track that disregard these review requirements will not be reviewed but desk-rejected. All submissions must conform to the Author Instructions, see All papers are to be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission system by the submission deadline, and must not have been published before. For more information please contact the Program Committee chairs through the email contact address mailto:icsa2019 at *Publication* -------------------- All accepted technical track contributions will be published in ICSA 2019 proceedings, and appear in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. *New and Emerging Ideas* ============================== The goal of the New and Emerging Ideas (NEMI) track at ICSA 2019 is to encourage the software architecture community to propose new software architecture research visions and ideas, which can potentially challenge the status quo of the software architecture discipline (research and practice) and point to new directions and opportunities. *Types of submissions* -------------------- The ICSA 2019 NEMI track seeks the following types of contributions: *New Ideas*: -------------------- * Visions or new directions supported by a strong and well motivated scientific foundation or practical application; * Arguments or results that challenge established results or beliefs, giving evidence that calls for fundamentally new directions, opening up new research avenues or software architecture practices; * Radically new approaches, techniques, or theories that can bring new results to software architecture research or practice. *Emerging Results*: -------------------- * Not yet fully mature research results, that may lack full validation but that still can stimulate discussions; papers should trigger discussion and raise awareness and reflection on specific topics, in research and/or industrial practice. NEMI papers must clearly motivate and illustrate a rationale for changing current practice and/or research in software architecture. Evaluation results are not required for NEMI papers (but if such results exist, then they may be presented, if only to give the reviewers a feel about the evaluation plan). Strong argumentation and reasoning is expected to inspire the readers. *Scope* -------------------- NEMI provides a forum for innovative, thought-provoking insights in software architecture in order to accelerate the exposure of the community to early and on-going yet promising and potentially inspiring innovations in industry and academia. NEMI papers are not second-class ICSA research track papers. NEMI is a forum for first-class contributions that provide novel, soundly motivated directions and emerging results in research and practice. In principle, the track addresses the same topics of interest as those of the technical paper track. However, NEMI authors are encouraged to combine these topics in new ways, to establish connections to other fields outside of classical software architecture, push the boundaries of software architecture to new avenues, as well as to argue for the importance of software architecture research and practice in areas not explicitly listed. *Out of scope* -------------------- A NEMI submission should not be just incremental results on existing research, nor disguised advertisements for previously published results, products, tools or methods, or experience reports. ICSA 2019 has several tracks and workshops where such works can be submitted. *Evaluation* -------------------- All submissions will be evaluated in terms of the following criteria: * Value: the problem is worth exploring, ideally real world use-inspired. * Impact: the potential for disruption of current practice and/or research; * Originality: new insights or ideas/visions; * Rationale: soundness of the justification, reasoning and argumentation; * Evaluation: appropriate consideration of relevant literature and/or research evaluation to demonstrate originality, arguments and limitations; * Quality: overall manuscript quality. *Formatting and submission Instructions* -------------------- All NEMI submissions must conform to the Author Instructions, and must not exceed *four pages*, including all text, references, appendices, and figures. No double-blind, but single-blind review will apply to NEMI papers. All papers are to be submitted electronically via the NEMI EasyChair submission system, by the submission deadline. Submissions must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere while under consideration for ICSA 2019 NEMI track.. Note that in addition to an oral plenary presentation at the conference, authors of accepted papers may also bring a poster describing their work to further showcase their work to a broader ICSA audience. For more information please contact the NEMI track chairs through the email contact address mailto:icsa2019nemi at *Publication* -------------------- All accepted technical track contributions will be published in ICSA 2019 Companion proceedings, and appear in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. *Software Architecture in Practice* ============================== The ICSA Software Architecture in Practice (SAIP) Track provides practitioners and researchers a platform to present and discuss the most recent innovations and findings in the field of software architecture by means of experience reports and talks. Topics of interest are the same as for the ICSA 2019 Technical Track. *Types of Submissions and Publication* -------------------- We solicit the following types of submissions: *SW Architecture in Practice papers* (4-8 pages) address industry-relevant software architecture problems through systematic investigations. Full papers may describe industry-relevant experience and best practices. Successful applications of research ideas in industrial settings are welcomed as well as negative results that rigorously describe why a research approach cannot be applied. Empirical analyses of industry-relevant software architecture issues may help both practitioners and researchers. The evaluation criteria are potential impact, repeatability, and real-world focus. An extensive discussion of the context in which the result was obtained is useful to transfer an approach to other contexts. Full papers will appear in the ICSA Companion proceedings. *Technical talk proposals* (2 pages) must feature current trends in the industry on the practice of software architecture presenting ideas that are both inspirational and informative. Proposals should make clear why the talk is interesting to ICSA SAIP attendees. Each accepted talk will be of 30 minutes duration. Extended abstracts of the accepted talks will appear in the ICSA Companion proceedings. *Formatting and Submission Instructions* -------------------- All submissions must conform to the Author Instructions No double-blind, but single-blind review will apply to SAIP papers. All papers are to be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission system, and must not have been published before. For more information please contact the SAIP track chairs through the email contact address mailto:icsa2019saip at *Tool Demonstrations* ============================== The ICSA 2019 Tool Demonstrations track provides researchers, practitioners, and educators with a platform to present and discuss the most recent innovations and findings in the field of software architecture by means of live tool presentations. We distinguish two categories of tool demo submissions addressing any aspect of tool support to help software architects, researchers, and practitioners: *Tools used in practice*, either from commercial vendors or open-source projects. These demonstrations should focus on practical applications within the different activities of software architecting and should particularly show how they advance the current state of the practice. New ideas and features are particularly welcome. *Research tools* from academic or industrial research environments. These demonstrations are intended to highlight underlying scientific contributions and show how scientific approaches have been transferred into a working tool. Both categories may range from early prototypes to in-house or pre-commercialized products. Authors of regular ICSA papers are also welcome to submit an accompanying tool paper by adding information regarding the actual demo as an appendix, as described further under submission requirements. We especially appreciate tool demos in line with the theme of ICSA 2019, which is “Architectures to interconnect Services and Systems” – leveraging advances like cross-functional and cross-national teams, scaling research to industry scale problems, bridging customer-developer divides, and working in an ‘intelligent connected’ world. Of course tool demos on other topics of Software Architecture are welcome too. *Submission Requirements* -------------------- Submissions of papers for tool demonstrations must: * Have a maximum length of 4 pages, describing the technology or approach, how it relates to other industrial or research efforts, including references, and what the expected benefits are. * Have an appendix of maximum 2 pages (not included in the page count) that provides a brief description of how the presentation will be conducted, information on tool availability, maturity and the web-page for the tool (if one exists). * Clearly state the tool category: in-practice or research. * Must conform to the Author Instructions No double-blind, but single-blind review will apply to tool demo track submissions. * Are to be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission system, and must not have been published before. Optionally, the submission can be accompanied with a video (maximum length of 5 minutes) in high resolution. In this case, a link to a page where the video can be viewed needs to be included in the appendix. Note that the video is not mandatory, but if it is available, it will be used to the benefit of the evaluation of the submission. Tool demos papers and accompanying artifacts will go through a peer review process and accepted papers will be included in the IEEE companion proceedings. For more information please contact the track organizers through the contact address icsa2019tool at *Early Career Researchers Submissions* ============================== The goal of the Early Career Researchers Forum (ECRF-ICSA 2019) is to inspire and bring together early career researchers in the field of software architecture. This forum provides a vibrant place for discussing potential and ongoing research at any stage, from ideas to results. This forum strives to provide a friendly environment for early career researchers to present their research proposals and early results, and get feedbacks and inspirations from experienced researchers. This forum stimulates interactions between early career researchers and experienced academic and industry members of the community by offering a two-stage submission process that will enable early career researchers to obtain feedbacks on their submissions. *Participation* -------------------- Participation is open to research candidates (PhD or Masters), industrial researchers or recent PhD graduates who want to share and improve their research in the field of software architecture. *Submission and Process* -------------------- The submission shall be a written report of between 6-8 pages. The format of the submission shall be in IEEE format (see Author Instructions). Each submission shall include the following: *Part 1: Research Submission* Each submission should include the following information · The title of your submission · Your information (name, affiliation, and e-mail address) · An abstract of your research · Motivations and goals justifying the importance of your research problem · Research questions and hypotheses that describes what you want to achieve, solve or demonstrate · A discussion of the existing and related works that your research is built upon, especially explaining why these works do not solve the problem(s) that you have identified · Description of the research methods and the collection of your evidence · Description of your potential contributions or contributions · Description of your research agenda Note that the scope of this submission is not limited to one area of research, it could be a research agenda that connects several related research questions. Please submit this part through the Easychair submission system *Part 2: Recommendation Letter* Ask your main research advisor (in case of research candidates) or supervisor (in case of PhD graduates or industry researcher) for a letter of recommendation. This letter should include: · Your name and position · Current status of your research · An endorsement of the publication of your submission The letter should be in PDF format and should be sent directly by your advisor via e-mail to the ECRF-ICSA2019 Chairs through this email address mailto:ecrficsa2019 at This recommendation letter will be held confidential. The e-mail subject should have the subject "ICSA2019-ECRF Recommendation" plus your Last Name. *Evaluation* -------------------- In the first round, one member of the programme committee will provide feedbacks and comments to each initial submission. Based on the initial feedbacks, some early career researchers will be invited to improve their works for resubmissions. Submissions in the second round will be evaluated by two committee members. A selection will take place based on the quality and potential of the research and its relevance to Software Architecture. Selected submissions will be accepted for publications and talks in the ECRF forum. *Publication* -------------------- Submissions that are selected by the program committee members will be invited to publish in the ICSA 2019 Companion Proceedings. *Presentation and Discussion* -------------------- All early career researchers who have their submissions accepted must present in the ECRF-ICSA 2019. The chairs of ECRF reserve the rights not to publish the paper of an absentee. A researcher shall have 15 minutes to present their research and research agenda. Experienced researchers shall provide feedbacks and facilitate discussions. *Tutorials* ============================== Tutorials at the International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2019) provide a valuable opportunity for conference participants to expand their knowledge and skills in specific research topics under the umbrella of software architecture. Tutorials will be held before the main ICSA 2019 conference in half-day or full-day sessions (25th and 26th of April, 2019). Type of submission A tutorial proposal consists of 2-4 pages containing sections that describe the relevance of the topic, including the state of the art, the implementation of the planned tutorial session, as well as the background of the presenter(s). In particular, the proposal should contain: * Tutorial title (one line). * A summary of 350 words (maximum) suitable for posting on the conference web site. * Topic description and relevance for the ICSA community: this section should include (i) a description of the topic, (ii) the state of art in the topic, (iii) the intended audience – profile of the ideal targets – for the tutorial, and (iv) the relevance for ICSA. The topic should be described in detail, stressing its importance and timeliness, including the 2 or 3 key take-away messages the audience should leave with. * Implementation section: this section should include (i) the duration of the proposed tutorial – half or full day, if both durations are suitable submit two proposals with different outlines – (ii) a preliminary schedule of events including estimated times, (iii) a detailed description of what the tutorial will cover, (iv) a justification of the tutorial for the expected audience, and (v) an explanation of how the tutorial will be conducted – lecture, hands on exercise, facilitated discussion, group activity, role playing, game, etc. – including a description of materials to be included in the tutorial notes. * The Presenter(s)’ Background section: this section should include affiliation, relevant biographical information (250 words maximum), as well as summaries of the presenters’ technical, presentation, and tutorial qualification and experience. This section should include a description of where and when the tutorial has been offered previously and the past number of attendees. *Submission Instructions and Evaluation Criteria* Tutorial proposals must be submitted via email mailto:icsa2019-tutorials at They will be reviewed by the organizers. Acceptance will be based on: * Evaluation of the tutorial’s interest to the community (research and/or practice) * Timeliness and expected interest in the topic * Organizer’s ability to lead a successful tutorial * Balance and synergy with other ICSA 2019 events For more information please contact the ICSA2019 workshop chairs through this email contact address mailto:icsa2019-tutorials at *Important Dates* ============================== Please note that all submission dates have been moved to earlier ones *Technical Track* -------------------- Abstract (mandatory) due 29 November 2018 Full Papers due 06 December 2018 Notification of acceptance 17 January 2019 Camera-ready due 07 February 2019 List of accepted papers publication 19 January 2019 Technical program publication 09 February 2019 *New and Emerging Ideas, Software Architecture in Practice, and Tool Demonstrations Track* -------------------- Abstract (mandatory) due 29 November 2018 Papers due 06 December 2018 Notification of acceptance 17 January 2019 Camera-ready due 07 February 2019 *Early Career Researchers Forum* -------------------- Abstract (mandatory) due 03 December 2018 Submission due 10 December 2018 First round feedback 21 December 2018 Resubmission due 07 January 2019 Notification of acceptance 14 January 2019 Camera-ready due 04 February 2019 *Tutorials* -------------------- Proposal Submission 25 January 2019 Proposal Notification 01 February 2019 Possible cancellation notice 08 February 2019 Camera-Ready Tutorial Summary 08 February 2019 Tutorial handouts 15 February 2019 Tutorial days 25 and 26 March 2019 *Registration* Early registration deadline 28 February 2019 Author registration deadline 07 February 2019 Conference 25 - 29 March 2019 *Organizing Committee* ============================== General Chair: Matthias Riebisch, University of Hamburg, Germany Local Chair: Sebastian Gerdes, University of Hamburg, Germany Finance Chair and Conference Desk: Stephanie Schulte Hemming, University of Hamburg, Germany Program Co-Chairs: Paris Avgeriou, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, and Uwe Zdun, University of Vienna, Austria New and Emerging Ideas Track Co-Chairs: Matthias Galster, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, and Eltjo Poort, CGI, The Netherlands SW Architecture in Practice Co-Chairs: Wilhelm Hasselbring, University of Kiel, Germany, and Heiko Koziolek, ABB Corporate Research, Germany Early Career Researchers Forum Co-Chairs: Claus Lewerentz, Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany, and Anthony Tang, Swinburne University, Australia Tool Demonstrations Co-Chairs: Tomáš Bureš, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, and André van Hoorn, University of Stuttgart, Germany Workshop Co-Chairs: Ipek Ozkaya, SEI, U.S.A, and Eoin Woods, Endava, UK Tutorials Co-Chairs: Eduardo Santana de Almeida, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Brazil, and Michael Stal, Siemens Corporate Technology, Germany Publicity Chair: Paula Rachow, University of Hamburg, Germany Social Media Chair: Bastian Tenbergen, State University of New York at Oswego, U.S.A. Publications Chair: Stephanie Schulte Hemming, University of Hamburg, Germany Student Volunteers Chair: Sandra Schröder, University of Hamburg, Germany *Follow us on Social Media* ============================== Twitter: @ICSAconf Facebook: WikiCFP: For updated and detailed information about ICSA 2019, please visit From irdta at Fri Nov 9 00:36:07 2018 From: irdta at (IRDTA) Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2018 00:36:07 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] LATA 2019: extended submission deadline November 18 Message-ID: <545102060a010b040957530a0e075a045000035607010e5657525c5307525a0054075305020c0402035f5753020356@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> LATA 2019: extended submission deadline November 18*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line*   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***** SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED: November 18 ***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ************************************************************************* 13th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE AND AUTOMATA THEORY AND APPLICATIONS   LATA 2019   Saint Petersburg, Russia   March 25-29, 2019   Organized by:             Saint Petersburg State University and Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice, Brussels/London *************************************************************************   AIMS:   LATA is a conference series on theoretical computer science and its applications. LATA 2019 will reserve significant room for young scholars at the beginning of their career. It will aim at attracting contributions from classical theory fields as well as application areas.   VENUE:   LATA 2019 will take place in Saint Petersburg, whose historic centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The conference site shall be the historical Twelve Collegia building (, built in ca. 1740, which was used for the Russian government in the 18th century, and which has been the main building of Saint Petersburg State University since 1835.   SCOPE:   Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not limited to:   algebraic language theory algorithms for semi-structured data mining algorithms on automata and words automata and logic automata for system analysis and programme verification automata networks automatic structures codes combinatorics on words computational complexity concurrency and Petri nets data and image compression descriptional complexity foundations of finite state technology foundations of XML grammars (Chomsky hierarchy, contextual, unification, categorial, etc.) grammatical inference and algorithmic learning graphs and graph transformation language varieties and semigroups language-based cryptography mathematical and logical foundations of programming methodologies parallel and regulated rewriting parsing patterns power series string processing algorithms symbolic dynamics term rewriting transducers trees, tree languages and tree automata weighted automata   STRUCTURE:   LATA 2019 will consist of:   invited talks peer-reviewed contributions   INVITED SPEAKERS:   Henning Fernau (University of Trier), Modern Aspects of Complexity within Formal Languages   Paweł Gawrychowski (University of Wrocław), tba   Edward A. Lee (University of California, Berkeley), Observation, Interaction, Determinism, and Free Will   Vadim Lozin (University of Warwick), From Words to Graphs, and Back   Esko Ukkonen (University of Helsinki), Pattern Discovery in Biological Sequences   PROGRAMME COMMITTEE:   Krishnendu Chatterjee (Institute of Science and Technology Austria, AT) Bruno Courcelle (University of Bordeaux, FR) Manfred Droste (University of Leipzig, DE) Travis Gagie (Diego Portales University, CL) Peter Habermehl (Paris Diderot University, FR) Tero Harju (University of Turku, FI) Markus Holzer (University of Giessen, DE) Radu Iosif (Verimag, FR) Kazuo Iwama (Kyoto University, JP) Juhani Karhumäki (University of Turku, FI) Lila Kari (University of Waterloo, CA) Juha Kärkkäinen (University of Helsinki, FI) Bakhadyr Khoussainov (University of Auckland, NZ) Sergey Kitaev (University of Strathclyde, UK) Shmuel Tomi Klein (Bar-Ilan University, IL) Olga Kouchnarenko (University of Franche-Comté, FR) Thierry Lecroq (University of Rouen, FR) Markus Lohrey (University of Siegen, DE) Sebastian Maneth (University of Bremen, DE) Carlos Martín-Vide (Rovira i Virgili University, ES, chair) Giancarlo Mauri (University of Milano-Bicocca, IT) Filippo Mignosi (University of L'Aquila, IT) Victor Mitrana (Polytechnic University of Madrid, ES) Joachim Niehren (INRIA Lille, FR) Alexander Okhotin (Saint Petersburg State University, RU) Dominique Perrin (University of Paris-Est, FR) Matteo Pradella (Polytechnic University of Milan, IT) Jean-François Raskin (Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE) Marco Roveri (Bruno Kessler Foundation, IT) Karen Rudie (Queen's University, CA) Wojciech Rytter (University of Warsaw, PL) Kai Salomaa (Queen's University, CA) Sven Schewe (University of Liverpool, UK) Helmut Seidl (Technical University of Munich, DE) Ayumi Shinohara (Tohoku University, JP) Hans Ulrich Simon (Ruhr-University of Bochum, DE) William F. Smyth (McMaster University, CA) Frank Stephan (National University of Singapore, SG) Martin Sulzmann (Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, DE) Jorma Tarhio (Aalto University, FI) Stefano Tonetta (Bruno Kessler Foundation, IT) Rob van Glabbeek (Data61, CSIRO, AU) Margus Veanes (Microsoft Research, US) Mahesh Viswanathan (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, US) Mikhail Volkov (Ural Federal University, RU) Fang Yu (National Chengchi University, TW) Hans Zantema (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL)   ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:   Alexander Okhotin (Saint Petersburg, co-chair) Manuel Parra-Royón (Granada) Dana Shapira (Ariel) David Silva (London, co-chair)   SUBMISSIONS:   Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages (all included) and should be prepared according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see If necessary, exceptionally authors are allowed to provide missing proofs in a clearly marked appendix.   Submissions have to be uploaded to:   PUBLICATIONS:   A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series will be available by the time of the conference.   A special issue of the journal Information and Computation (Elsevier, 2017 JCR impact factor: 0.66) will be later published containing peer-reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.   REGISTRATION:   The registration form can be found at:   DEADLINES (all at 23:59 CET):   Paper submission: November 18, 2018 – EXTENDED – Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: December 16, 2018 Final version of the paper for the LNCS proceedings: December 23, 2018 Early registration: December 23, 2018 Late registration: March 11, 2019 Submission to the journal special issue: June 29, 2019   QUESTIONS AND FURTHER INFORMATION:   david (at)   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS:   Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет   IRDTA – Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice, Brussels/London   -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From w.j.fokkink at Mon Nov 5 21:57:22 2018 From: w.j.fokkink at (Fokkink, W.J.) Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 20:57:22 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] CONCUR 2019 Call for Papers In-Reply-To: <> References: <>, <>, <>, <> Message-ID: <> =================== CONCUR 2019 - Call for Papers =================== The 30th International Conference on Concurrency Theory Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27-30 August 2019 The purpose of the CONCUR conferences is to bring together researchers, developers, and students in order to advance the theory of concurrency, and promote its applications. Invited speakers Marta Kwiatkowska - University of Oxford (UK) Kim G. Larsen - Aalborg University (Denmark) Joel Ouaknine - Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (Germany) Jaco van de Pol - Aarhus University (Denmark) Co-located conference 17th International Conference on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2019) Co-located workshops Combined 26th International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency and 16th Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics (EXPRESS/SOS 2019) 8th IFIP WG 1.8 Workshop on Trends in Concurrency Theory (TRENDS 2019) 4th International workshop on TIming Performance engineering for Safety critical systems (TIPS 2019) 9th Young Researchers Workshop on Concurrency Theory (YR-CONCUR 2019) IMPORTANT DATES All dates are AoE. Abstract submission: April 15, 2019 Paper submission: April 22, 2019 Notification: June 14, 2019 Camera ready copy: July 3, 2019 Conference: August 27-30, 2019 TOPICS Submissions are solicited in semantics, logics, verification and analysis of concurrent systems. The principal topics include (but are not limited to): Basic models of concurrency such as abstract machines, domain-theoretic models, game-theoretic models, process algebras, graph transformation systems, Petri nets, hybrid systems, mobile and collaborative systems, probabilistic systems, real-time systems, biology-inspired systems, and synchronous systems; Logics for concurrency such as modal logics, probabilistic and stochastic logics, temporal logics, and resource logics; Verification and analysis techniques for concurrent systems such as abstract interpretation, atomicity checking, model checking, race detection, pre-order and equivalence checking, run-time verification, state-space exploration, static analysis, synthesis, testing, theorem proving, type systems, and security analysis; Distributed algorithms and data structures: design, analysis, complexity, correctness, fault tolerance, reliability, availability, consistency, self-organization, self-stabilization, protocols; Theoretical foundations of architectures, execution environments, and software development for concurrent systems such as geo-replicated systems, communication networks, multiprocessor and multi-core architectures, shared and transactional memory, resource management and awareness, compilers and tools for concurrent programming, programming models such as component-based, object- and service-oriented. PAPER SUBMISSION CONCUR 2019 solicits high quality papers reporting research results and/or experience related to the topics mentioned below. All papers must be original, unpublished, and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Each paper will undergo a thorough review process. The paper may be supplemented with a clearly marked appendix, which will be reviewed at the discretion of the program committee. The CONCUR 2019 proceedings will be published by LIPIcs. Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files via EasyChair. Papers must not exceed 14 pages (excluding references and clearly marked appendices) using the LIPIcs style. ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE General Chair Jos Baeten (CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Program Co-chairs Wan Fokkink (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Rob van Glabbeek (Data61, CSIRO, Sydney, Australia) Workshop Chair Bas Luttik (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands) SPECIAL ISSUE A special issue dedicated to selected papers from CONCUR'2019 will appear in Logical Methods in Computer Science. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From me at Sat Nov 10 13:52:29 2018 From: me at (Mahdi Bohlouli) Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2018 13:52:29 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] Last CfP CiDaS 2019, Contemporary Issues in Data Science, The International Conference on Message-ID: <> ***Submission deadline extension due to multiple requests*** There are limited number of grants available for international participants through abroad sponsors. For further information and consideration, please send your request along with your CV to cidas at **apologies for cross-postings** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Papers The International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Data Science CiDaS19 Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Science, 6-8 March 2019, Zanjan, Iran Conference Website: Submission link: Publication in: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data science is rapidly growing field and as a profession incorporates a wide variety of areas from statistics, mathematics and machine learning to applied big data analytics. In this regard, we put special interest and focus on data science in our past executions of CICIS conference. This year, in its 5th run, we decided to dedicate the conference to data science area and accordingly keep it as professional data science event in the future. The 5th international conference on Contemporary issues in Data Science (CiDaS) will provide a sort of a real workshop (not listen-shop) to scientists and scholars to share ideas, initiate future collaborations and brainstorm challenges as well as industries to catch emerging solutions from the science to their real data science problems. Goal: CiDaS aims at providing first class brainstorming and collaboration potentials to data scientists and experts from other related areas and disciplines, who use data science innovations in their field. We accept applied and fundamental research papers, survey papers that show innovations in the field as well as papers from other disciplines that show novel application of data science and big data in their field such as healthcare, manufacturing, finance and etc. Keynote Speakers: - Soeren Auer: Leibniz University of Hannover, TIB Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, Germany - Mohammad Shokoohi Yekta, Apple Inc., United States - Hamid Beigy, Sharif University of Technology, Iran Topics: Main topics to be addressed in the CiDaS conference include, but not limited to: * Big Data Analysis: Linked Open Data, Scalable Machine Learning, Distributed Data Storage and Analysis, Algorithmic and Statistical Techniques for Big Data, Privacy and Ethics * Machine Learning and Data science: Deep Learning, Text Mining and Natural Language Processing, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Statistical Models in Data Science, Probabilistic graphical models * Semantic Data Science: Knowledge Discovery, Semantic Technologies, Novel Information Retrieval, Linked data and Semantic Web, Ontologies, Graph and Network Analysis * Applied Data Science: Computer vision, Biological data analysis and Bioinformatics, Social network analysis, Large Scale Data retrieval and analysis in Smart Cities, Data Science for Gamification, IoT and WoT, Industry 4.0, Malware detection Paper Submission: All submissions should be in English and PDF format. Authors are requested to use the style of the Springer Publications format. For details on the Springer style, see Springer's Author Instructions ( Two types of submissions will be accepted: (1) Full paper and (2) Short paper. Full paper submissions are not allowed to exceed 11 pages including references. Short paper submissions should be maximum 6 pages. All papers should be submitted through Easychair system using the following link: Conference Proceedings: All accepted full papers will be published by Springer in Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies ( The books of this series are submitted to ISI Proceedings, MetaPress, Springerlink and DBLP. Important Dates: - Paper submission: November 9, 2018 -> extended: 9 December 2018 - Tutorial submission: January 5, 2019 - Preliminary review: January 11, 2019 -> extended: 30 January 2019 - Rebuttals: January 23-25, 2019 -> extended: 6-7 February 2019 - Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2019 -> extended: 12 February 2019 - Camera-ready and early registration: February 14, 2019 - Late registration deadline: February 24, 2019 Program Chairs: - General Chair: Bahram Sadeghi Bigham - International Chair: Mahdi Bohlouli - Local Chairs: Zahra Narimani, Mahdi Vasighi - Tutorials Chair: Parvin Razzaghi Program Committee: Hassan Abolhassani, Software engineer at Google, USA Mohsen Afsharchi, University of Zanjan, Iran Morteza AnaLoui, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran Amin Anjomshoa, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Lefteris Angelis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Nikos Askitas, Research Data Center, Institute of Labour Economics, Germany Zeinab Bahmani, Uni-Select Inc, Canada Davide Ballabio, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy Markus Bick, ESCP Europe Business School, Germany Elnaz Bigdeli, University of Ottawa, Canada Mansoor Davoodi Monfared, Institute of Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Iran Mohammad Reza Faraji, Institute of Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Iran Agata Filipowska, Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland Holger Fröhlich, University of Bonn, Germany George Kakarontzas, Technical Educational Institute of Thessaly, Greece Alireza Khastan, Institute of Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Iran Antonio Liotta, University of Derby, UK Rahim Mahmoudvand, Bu-Ali Sina University, Iran Samaneh Mazaheri, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada Federico Marini, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy Maryam Mehri Dehnavi, University of Toronto, Canada Nima Mirbakhsh, Arcane Inc, Canada Ali Movaghar, Sharif University of Technology, Iran Ehsan Nedaaee Oskoee, Institute of Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Iran Peyman Pahlevani, Institute of Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Iran Paurush Praveen, Machine Learning Research, CluePoints, Belgium Edy Portmann, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Shahram Rahimi, Southern Illinois University, USA Reinhard Rapp, Hochschule Magdeburg, Germany Mohammad Saraee, University of Salford-Manchester, UK Frank Schulz, SAP AG, Germany Mehdi Sheikhalishahi, Innotec21 GmbH, Germany Ioannis Stamelos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Athena Vakali, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Contact: All questions about submissions should be emailed to Zahra Narimani and Mahdi Bohlouli --------------------------- Mahdi Bohlouli, Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan, Iran Email: me at, bohlouli at WEB:, From simon.hacks at Mon Nov 12 11:41:09 2018 From: simon.hacks at (Hacks, Simon) Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2018 10:41:09 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] =?iso-8859-1?q?Bitte_um_Teilnahme=3A_Qualitativer_Vergl?= =?iso-8859-1?q?eich_von_Pflegeprozessen_f=FCr_Unternehmensarchitekturmode?= =?iso-8859-1?q?lle?= Message-ID: Guten Tag, derzeit führe ich eine Studie [1] durch, bei der ich verschiedene Pflegeprozesse für Unternehmensarchitekturmodelle anhand unterschiedlicher Qualitätskriterien miteinander vergleiche. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie sich 10-15 Minuten Zeit nehmen könnten und an der Studie teilnehmen. Wenn Sie sich für die Ergebnisse interessieren, können Sie am Ende der Umfrage Ihre E-Mail-Adresse hinterlassen. Vielen Dank und viele Grüße Simon Hacks [1] -- Simon Hacks Research Assistant Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences SWC - Computer Science 3 Research Group Software Construction RWTH Aachen University Ahornstraße 55 D-52074 Aachen, Germany phone: +49 241 80-21332 fax: +49 241 80-621331 simon.hacks at room: 4105 (building E1, 1st floor) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: smime.p7s Type: application/pkcs7-signature Size: 7670 bytes Desc: not available URL: From andreas.steffens at Mon Nov 12 21:44:59 2018 From: andreas.steffens at (Steffens, Andreas) Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2018 20:44:59 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] Call For Paper - Joint CSE/QUDOS Workshop 2019 @ ICSA 2019 Message-ID: <> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR PAPERS Joint CSE/QUDOS Workshop 2019 4th Workshop on Continuous Software Engineering and 5th International Workshop on Quality-Aware DevOps Co-located with the IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2019) Hamburg, Germany March 26, 2019 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT DATES Submission deadline Jan 17, 2019 (AoE) Paper notification Feb 07, 2019 Camera-ready deadline Feb 21, 2019 Workshop date Mar 26, 2019 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOPE AND TOPICS DevOps extends the agile development principles to include the full stack of software services, from design to execution, enabling and promoting collaboration of operations, quality assurance, and development engineers throughout the entire service lifecycle. Ultimately, DevOps is a process that enables faster releases of a better product to the end user. DevOps encompasses a set of values, principles, methods, practices, and tools, to accelerate software delivery to the customer by means of infrastructure as code, continuous integration and deployment, automated testing and monitoring, or new architectural styles such as microservices. In the end all common software engineering activities, organizational forms and processes have to be questioned, adapted and extended to ensure continuous and unobstructed software development, this is the aim of continuous software engineering (CSE)research. Current software engineering research mainly deals with the development aspects of DevOps and CSE, focusing on development methods, practices, and tools, leaving the quality assurance aspects of DevOps behind. Even though development practices such as testing (at all levels) are instrumental in producing quality software, they mostly deal with the functional correctness, while quality assurance deals with a more broadly defined concept of quality, of which functional correctness is just one dimension. However, DevOps needs methods and tools that enable systematic assessment, prediction, and management of software quality in other dimensions as well, including performance, reliability, safety, survivability, or cost of ownership. The QUDOS workshop provides a forum for experts from academia and industry to present and discuss novel quality-aware methods, practices and tools for DevOps. On the other hand, the goal of the CSE workshop is to present and discuss innovative solutions, ideas and experiences in the area of continuity along the entire software engineering lifecycle hence, Continuous Software Engineering. For the first time, CSE and QUDOS join forces to foster cross-fertilization and bootstrap an even bigger, stronger community around the urgently emerging topics they are both addressing from different angles. Especially industry practitioners are invited to join this community and present challenges, solutions and lessons learned from real and complex projects. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Foundations: DevOps Engineering & Quality Assurance Methodologies; integration with lifecycle management; automated tool chains; patterns & smells; * Architecture: Scalability and capacity planning; scale-out architectures; cloud-native application design; microservice-based architectures; model-driven architectures; architecture evolution and erosion * Development and Tooling: Software models and requirements in early software development phases; automatic functional and non-functional testing; languages, annotations and profiles for quality assurance; analysis, verification and prediction; optimization-based architecture design; Infrastructure-as-Code * Operation and Maintenance: Application performance monitoring; model-driven performance measurement and benchmarking; feedback-based quality assurance; capacity planning and forecasting; performance anti-pattern detection; traceability and versioning; trace and log analysis; software regression and testing; security and privacy; software health and self-healing; containerization and immutable infrastructure * Continuous X: Continuous delivery and Continuous experimentation; deployment pipelines, canary releases and partial rollouts; A/B testing; performance and scalability testing via shadow launches * Applications and Experiences: Case Studies in cloud computing, Big Data, and IoT/Edge Computing; standardization and interoperability; novel application domains, etc. * All other topics related to quality in DevOps and agile service delivery models ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ORGANIZING COMMITTEE CSE/QUDOS 2019 will be organized by the Program Committee Chairs and the Steering Committees of the CSE and QUDOS workshops series. Program Committee Chairs Damian A. Tamburri, TU/e - JADS, The Netherlands Stephan Krusche, TU Munich, Germany Andreas Steffens, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Uwe Zdun, University of Vienna, Austria Program Committee (partly to be confirmed) Varsha Apte, IIT Bombay, India Alberto Avritzer, Sonatype, USA Jan Bosch, Chalmers U of Technology, Sweden Andreas Brunnert, RETIT, Germany Lubomír Bulej, Charles U, Czech Republic David Carrera, U Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain Jürgen Cito, U of Zurich, Switzerland Antonio Filieri, Imperial College London, UK Daniel Fogl, FAU Nürnberg, Germany Michael Goedicke, U Duisburg-Essen, Germany Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiang, York U, Canada Martin Jung, develop group, Germany Thomas Kurpick, Trusted Shops, Germany Klaus-Dieter Lange, HP Enterprise, USA Marin Litoiu, York U, Canada Zoltán Adam Mann, U Duisburg-Essen, Germany Claus Pahl, Free U of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy Cesare Pautasso, U of Lugano, Switzerland Dorina Petriu, Carleton U, Canada Meikel Poess, Oracle, USA Weiyi (Ian) Shang, Concordia U, Canada Josef Spillner, ZHAW Winterthur, Switzerland Asser Tantawi, IBM Research, USA Matthias Tichy, U Ulm, Germany Petr Tůma, Charles U, Czech Republic Christian Uhl, matmatch GmbH, Germany Stefan Wagner, U Stuttgart, Germany Ingo Weber, NICTA, Australia Erik Wilde, CA API Academy, USA CSE Steering Committee Stephan Krusche, TU München, Germany Horst Lichter, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Dirk Riehle, FAU Nürnberg, Germany Andreas Steffens, RWTH Aachen University, Germany QUDOS Steering Committee Danilo Ardagna, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Giuliano Casale, Imperial College London, UK Andre van Hoorn, University of Stuttgart, Germany Philipp Leitner, Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Sweden ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers that are not being considered in another forum. We solicit full papers (max 7 pages),short papers (max 4 pages), and industry abstracts (max 2 pages). All submissions must conform to the IEEE conference format. Each full paper submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. Papers should be submitted via EasyChair at: At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the workshop and present the paper. Presented papers will be published by IEEE and included in the IEEE Digital Library. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ORGANIZATION AND SUPPORT (partly to be confirmed) The Joint CSE/QUDOS Workshop 2019 is organized and technically sponsored by the Research Group (RG) and the DevOps Performance Working Group of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC RG,, and by the consortium of the EU project RADON. The workshop is also supported by IFIP Working Group on Service Oriented Systems ( DFG Priority Programme 1593 (SPP 1593) "Design For Future - Managed Software Evolution" (, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).  GI Working Group Microservices and DevOps ( Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Best regards, Andreas Steffens Research Assistant Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences SWC - Computer Science 3 Research Group Software Construction RWTH Aachen University Ahornstraße 55 D-52074 Aachen, Germany phone: +49 241 80-21341 fax: +49 241 80-22352 a.steffens at room: 4105c (building E1, 1st floor) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nevrenato at Tue Nov 13 09:57:05 2018 From: nevrenato at (Renato Neves) Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2018 09:57:05 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] FM'19: Final Call for Workshop & Tutorial Proposals Message-ID: <> FM'19 - 3rd WORLD CONGRESS ON FORMAL METHODS PORTO, PORTUGAL, OCTOBER 7-11, 2019 ------------ FINAL CALL FOR WORKSHOP & TUTORIAL PROPOSALS ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deadline for workshop & tutorial proposals: November 16, 2018 Notification of decision on workshops and tutorials: November 23, 2018 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ABOUT FM'19 ============= FM 2019 is the 23rd international symposium in a series organised by Formal Methods Europe (FME), an independent association whose aim is to stimulate the use of, and research on, formal methods for software development. Every ten years the symposium is organised as a World Congress. Twenty years after FM’99 in Toulouse, and ten years after FM’09 in Eindhoven, FM’19 is the 3rd World Congress on Formal Methods. Thus, FM’19 will be both an occasion to celebrate and a platform for enthusiastic researchers and practitioners from a diversity of backgrounds to exchange their ideas and share their experience. 2 PROPOSALS =========== For this major event, we are now inviting proposals for workshops, tutorials, or other satellite events that will complement the main FM Symposium and co-located conferences. The purpose of the satellite events is to provide an informal setting for participants to discuss technical issues, exchange research ideas, and to discuss and/or demonstrate applications. These may be driven by fundamental academic interests or by needs from specific application domains. We encourage a diversity of events relating to different varieties of formal models. Satellite events will take place on 7-8 October 2019. Satellite events would typically run for 1/2 or 1 day, but 2 day events will also be considered. The FM'19 organising committee aim to support one invited speaker per workshop. 3 SUBMISSION INFORMATION ======================== Researchers and practitioners wishing to organise a workshop or tutorial are invited to submit proposals by e-mail to the Workshops & Tutorials Chairs, Nelma Moreira (nam at and Emil Sekerinski (emil at A proposal should not exceed three pages and should include the following information: * Title and brief technical description of the event, specifying the goals and the technical issues that will be its focus. * The names and contact information (web page, email address) of the organisers. In case of a workshop those will be the Programme Committee (PC) chairs and in this case a prospective list of international PC members is welcome. * Pointers to information about past editions of the event, if applicable. In case of a workshop, if it has taken place before; how often it has been colocated with FM? Which (other) conference(s) has the workshop been colocated with so far? Number of participants in the last instalment. * A discussion of the proposed format and agenda (for example paper presentations, tutorials, demo sessions, etc). * The proposed duration: half or one day. Exceptionally, two days events may be considered. * Potential invited speaker(s). * Procedures for selecting papers and participants and plans for the publication of proceedings, if any. * Tentative schedule for paper submission and notification of acceptance. The organisers of satellite events are expected to create and maintain a website for the event; handle paper selection, reviewing and acceptance; draw up a programme of talks; advertise their event though specialist mailing lists; prepare the informal pre-proceedings (if applicable) in a timely fashion; and arrange any post-proceedings. 4 IMPORTANT DATES ================= Submission of proposals: November 16, 2018 Notification of success of proposals: November 23, 2018 Notification of paper acceptance (if applicable): June 14, 2019 (limit date) FM'19 World Congress: October 7-11, 2019 Workshop/Tutorial dates: October 7-8, 2019 (also October 9-11 if space is an issue) Best Wishes, Nelma Moreira & Emil Sekerinski From announce at Thu Nov 15 13:54:56 2018 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2018 14:54:56 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] The 27th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2019): First Call for Doctoral Consortium Submissions Message-ID: *** FIRST CALL FOR DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM SUBMISSIONS *** 27th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (ACM UMAP 2019) Golden Bay Beach Hotel 5*, Larnaca, Cyprus, June 9-12, 2019 Submissions due: March 1, 2019 ACM UMAP 2019, the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users or to groups of users, and which collect, represent, and model user information, will, as in previous issues of the conference series, include a Doctoral Consortium (DC) Session, which provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore and develop their research interests under the guidance of distinguished researchers from the field. Doctoral students are invited to apply to present their research to experienced scholars who will provide constructive feedback and advice. The Doctoral Consortium is implemented as a student mentoring program that introduces students to senior researchers from the relevant fields. Students are expected to document in a brief submission their doctoral research (see below described submission information for further details), which will be evaluated by the consortium committee. Good quality applications will be selected for presentation at a Doctoral Consortium Session as part of the conference. Promising, but less well- developed applications will be selected for presentation at a poster session. Each student with an accepted submission will be assigned a mentor who will provide feedback on the student's work and will discuss the doctoral research with the student and the audience at the consortium. How to Submit to the Doctoral Consortium To apply for the ACM UMAP 2019 Doctoral Consortium, students are asked to submit a paper presenting their doctoral research that describes: · The problem being addressed. · Motivation outlining the relevance of the problem and referring to related work. · The main contributions that the PhD project aims to achieve. · The progress made to date (including a clear description of the proposed approach, methodology and preliminary results) as well as the plan for further research. · Topics include (but are not limited to) the ACM UMAP 2019 key areas. Each DC submission is encouraged to consider the following: identification of related (state of the art) work, indication of the potential innovation, application or advancement of the state-of-the-art that the work intends to achieve. In addition, as appropriate for the PhD project, the submissions can consider: indication of data to be used for experimentation, indication of implementation approach, indication of evaluation criteria and experimental design. Each submission should contain a cover page including the paper title, name of the PhD candidate, the name of his/her supervisor(s) and University, a paragraph describing the stage they are in the PhD programme, together with a brief description of their background. This will enable the committee to adapt its assistance to each student. Papers should be submitted via the EasyChair Doctoral Consortium submission system: Submissions should be pdf documents consisting of 1 cover page and the paper (up to 4 pages long), formatted using the ACM SIG proceedings template. ACM UMAP Proceedings The accepted ACM UMAP 2019 Doctoral Consortium papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings, which will be published by ACM and that will be available via the ACM Digital Library. The main author (doctoral student) must register for the conference for the paper to be included in the proceedings. Financial Support ACM UMAP has a history of supporting students to attend. Further details will be announced on the website soon. Important Dates · Paper submission: 1st March, 2019 · Notification to authors: 22nd March 2019 · Camera ready submission: 3rd April 2019 · ACM UMAP 2019 DC Session: 11th and 12th June 2019 Note: The submissions times are 11:59pm AoE time (Anywhere on Earth) Doctoral Consortium Chairs · Laurens Rook, TU Delft, The Netherlands (l.rook AT · Markus Zanker, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy (mzanker AT -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Wed Nov 14 11:34:40 2018 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2018 12:34:40 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] The 27th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2019): First Call for Tutorial Proposals Message-ID: *** FIRST CALL FOR TUTORIAL PROPOSALS *** 27th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (ACM UMAP 2019) Golden Bay Beach Hotel 5*, Larnaca, Cyprus, June 9-12, 2019 Proposals due: February 11, 2019 ACM UMAP 2019, the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users or to groups of users, and which collect, represent, and model user information, is pleased to invite proposals for tutorials to be given in conjunction with the conference. Tutorials are intensive instructional sessions aimed to provide a comprehensive introduction to established or emerging research topics of interest for the UMAP community. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: · new user modeling technologies, methods, techniques, and trends (e.g. exploiting data mining and big data analytics for user modeling, evaluation methodologies, data visualization, etc.); · user modeling and personalization techniques for specific domains (e.g., health sciences, e-government, e-commerce, cultural heritage, education, internet of things, mobile, music, information retrieval, etc.); · application of user modeling and personalization techniques for information retrieval and recommender systems; · eliciting and learning user preferences by taking into account users' emotional state, physical state, personality, trust, cognitive factors. An ideal tutorial should be broad enough to provide a basic introduction to the chosen area, but it should also cover the most important topics in depth. Tutorial presenters can have one page in the adjunct proceedings. PROPOSAL FORMAT AND SUBMISSION Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format to both tutorial chairs, not exceeding 5 pages and containing the following information: 1. Title and abstract of the tutorial for inclusion on the ACM UMAP 2019 website (200 words maximum). 2. Tutorial description: · learning objectives of the tutorial and relevance to ACM UMAP 2019; · targeted audience (introductory, intermediate, advanced) and prerequisite knowledge or skills; · a brief outline of the tutorial structure; · practical sessions. 3. Tutorial length: full (6 hours) or half day (3 hours). 4. Other venues to which the tutorial or part thereof has been or will be presented, in addition to explaining how the current tutorial differs from the other editions. 5. Name, email address, affiliation and brief professional biography of the tutorial instructor(s), indicating previous training and speaking experience. IMPORTANT DATES · Tutorial proposals: February 11, 2019 · Notification of acceptance: February 26, 2019 · Tutorial summary camera-ready: April 3, 2019 · Adjunct proceedings camera ready: April 15, 2019 · Tutorial day: June 9, 2019 EVALUATION CRITERIA All proposals will be reviewed by the tutorial chairs. The features that will be evaluated are: 1. ability of the tutorial to contribute to strengthening the foundations of UMAP research; 2. clarity of the tutorial, which should emerge from its description; 3. good organization, as appearing from the outline; 4. background/experience of tutorial instructor(s) in teaching the target topics. TUTORIAL CHAIRS · Milos Kravcík, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany (milos.kravcik AT · Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (ivan.cantador AT -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From van.hoorn at Fri Nov 16 09:58:04 2018 From: van.hoorn at (Andre van Hoorn) Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2018 09:58:04 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] =?utf-8?q?SE_2019=3A_Gemeinsamer_Aufruf_f=C3=BCr_Worksh?= =?utf-8?q?op-Beitr=C3=A4ge=2E_Paper-Deadline=3A_14=2E_Dezember_2018?= Message-ID: Die Konferenzreihe Software Engineering (SE) des Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik der Gesellschaft für Informatik ist das wichtigste jährliche Treffen der Software Engineering-Community im deutschsprachigen Raum: Die SE 2019 wird vom 18.-22. Februar 2019 in Stuttgart stattfinden: Neben dem technisch-wissenschaftlichen Hauptprogramm stellt das Workshop-Programm immer einen wesentlichen Bestandteil des Tagungsprogramms dar. Auf der SE 2019 werden die folgenden vier Workshops stattfinden: - EMLS 2019: 6th Collaborative Workshop on Evolution and Maintenance of Long-Living Systems - ASE 2019: 16th Workshop on Automotive Software Engineering - AvioSE 2019: 1st Workshop on Software Engineering for Avionics Systems - ISEE 2019: 2nd Workshop on Innovative Software Engineering Education Eine Übersicht über alle Workshops finden Sie unter: Details entnehmen Sie bitte den einzelnen Workshop-Webseiten. Wichtige Daten für alle Workshops: - Paper-Deadline: 14.12.2018 (beachten Sie mögliche Abstract-Deadlines) - Benachrichtigung: 25.01.2019 Schöne Grüße, André (van Hoorn) -- Dr.-Ing. André van Hoorn University of Stuttgart, Inst. of Software Technology Reliable Software Systems Group Universitätsstraße 38, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany Room: 1.332 Phone: +49 (0)711 685-88-252, Fax: -472 E-Mail: van.hoorn at, == Calls for Contributions: *CSE/QUDOS* 2019: Joint 4th Workshop on Continuous Software Engineering and 5th International Workshop on Quality-Aware DevOps (Co-located with ICSA 2019 in Hamburg, Germany) Paper deadline: Jan 17, 2019 *ICSA* 2019: IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Deadline for tool demonstration abstracts/papers: Nov 29/Dec 06, 2018 == From announce at Fri Nov 16 13:08:06 2018 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2018 14:08:06 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] The 27th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2019): Second Call for Workshop Proposals Message-ID: *** SECOND CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS *** 27th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (ACM UMAP 2019) Golden Bay Beach Hotel 5*, Larnaca, Cyprus, June 9-12, 2019 Proposals due: December 14, 2018 ACM UMAP 2019, the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users or to groups of users, and which collect, represent, and model user information, is pleased to invite proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. The workshops provide a venue to discuss and explore emerging areas of User Modelling and Adaptive Hypermedia research with a group of like-minded researchers and practitioners from industry and academia. In this edition, our goal is to have a balanced workshop program comprising different workshop formats and combining emerging and established research topics. Different full-day and half-day workshop schemas are possible, such as: · Working group meetings around a specific problem or topic; participants may be asked to submit a white paper or position statement. · Mini-conferences on specialized topics, having their own paper submission and review processes. · Mini-competitions or challenges around selected topics with individual or team participation. · Interactive discussion meetings focusing on subtopics of the UMAP general research topics. PROPOSAL FORMAT Workshop proposals should be submitted in PDF format to both workshop chairs, not exceeding 5 pages and organized as follows: · Workshop title and acronym. · Workshop chair(s), including affiliation, email address, homepage, and experiences in organizing such events. · Abstract (up to 300 words) and topics of interest. · Motivation on why the workshop is of particular interest at this time. · Workshop format, discussing the mix of events such as paper presentations, invited talks, panels, and general discussions. · Intended audience and expected number of participants. · List of (potential) members of the program committee (at least 50% have to be confirmed at the time of the proposal). · Requested duration (half day or full day). · When available, past editions of the workshop, including URLs, a brief statement on the development of the workshop series, e.g., in terms of topics, number of paper submissions and participants, post-workshop publications over the years and acceptance statistics. INSTRUCTIONS We encourage both researchers and industry practitioners to submit workshop proposals. Researchers interested in submitting a workshop proposal are invited to contact us in advance, so we can help to design successful proposals. In particular, for workshop proposals with novel interactive formats, we are happy to assist in further developing and implementing the ideas. We strongly suggest to have organizers from different institutions, bringing different perspectives to the workshop topic. We welcome workshops with a creative structure that may attract various types of contributions and may ensure rich interactions. The organizers of accepted workshops will prepare a workshop web site containing the call for papers and detailed information about the workshop organization and timeline. They will be responsible for their own publicity and reviewing processes. There will be a conference adjunct proceedings published by ACM where all the workshop papers will be published. Hence, the workshop organizers will need to adhere to the adjunct proceedings publication timeline. IMPORTANT DATES · Proposal submission: December 14, 2018 · Notification of proposal acceptance: January 9, 2019 · Send the workshop description & website URL : January 23, 2019 · (Suggested) 1st call for papers: January 28, 2019 · (Suggested) 2nd call for papers: February 20, 2019 · (Suggested) paper submission: March 13, 2019 · (Suggested) notification to authors: March 26, 2019 · Workshop summary camera-ready: April 3, 2019 · Workshop papers camera-ready: April 3, 2019 · Adjunct proceedings camera ready: April 15, 2019 WORKSHOP CHAIRS · Milos Kravcík, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany (milos.kravcik AT · Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (ivan.cantador AT -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cfp at Fri Nov 23 20:48:11 2018 From: cfp at (cfp at Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2018 20:48:11 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] JELIA 2019 - 3rd CfP - Deadline Approaching - IJCAI, TPLP, Awards and Prizes Message-ID: <> [apologies for multiple copies] == CALL FOR PAPERS == The Program Committee of the 16th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2019) invites the submission of technical papers for the conference that will be held in Rende, Italy, from May 8th to May 10th, 2019. The aim of JELIA 2019 is to bring together active researchers interested in all aspects concerning the use of logics in Artificial Intelligence to discuss current research, results, problems, and applications of both theoretical and practical nature. JELIA strives to foster links and facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas among researchers from various disciplines, among researchers from academia and industry, and between theoreticians and practitioners. == AWARDS AND PRIZES == The Best Paper and the Best Student Paper of the conference will receive a cash prize of EUR 500 each, offered by Springer. Two high-quality papers of the conference that are suitable for presentation to a general AI audience, will be invited for publication (of abridged versions) to the IJCAI 2019 Sister Conference Best Paper Track. The authors of the top-notch contributions (from 3 to 6 papers, including both best papers) will be invited to submit long and more elaborate versions of their work for a special issue of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP). == RELEVANT TOPICS == Conference topics include, but are not limited to: * Abductive and inductive reasoning * Answer set programming * Applications of logic-based AI systems * Argumentation systems * Automated reasoning including satisfiability checking and its extensions * Computational complexity and expressiveness * Deep learning for rules and ontologies * Deontic logic and normative systems * Description logics and other logical approaches to Semantic Web and ontologies * Explanation finding * Knowledge representation, reasoning, and compilation * Logic programming, answer set programming, constraint logic programming * Logic-based data access and integration * Logical interpretation of machine learning models * Logics for uncertain and probabilistic reasoning * Logics in machine learning * Logics in multi-agent systems, games, and social choice * Neural networks and logic rules * Non-classical logics, such as modal, temporal, epistemic, dynamic, spatial, paraconsistent, and hybrid logics * Nonmonotonic logics, default logics, conditional logics * Ontology formalisms and models * Ontology-based query answering * Ontology-based reasoning * Planning and diagnosis based on logic * Preferences * Reasoning about actions and causality * Updates, belief revision and nonmonotonic reasoning == IMPORTANT DATES == Abstract submission deadline 26 November 2018 (23:59 UTC-12) Paper submission 03 December 2018 (23:59 UTC-12) Notification of acceptance 16 January 2019 Best paper notification 31 January 2019 Camera-ready due 28 February 2019 Online registration opens 01 March 2019 Conference start 08 May 2019 == SUBMISSION DETAILS == Submission Site: For formatting guidelines, see more information on JELIA 2019 welcomes submissions of long or short papers in the following categories: Regular papers. Submissions should contain original research, and sufficient detail to assess the merits and relevance of the contribution. Submissions must not have been previously published or be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. System/Application descriptions. Submissions should describe an implemented system/application and its application area(s). A demonstration should accompany a system/application presentation. Papers describing systems or applications that have already been presented in JELIA before will be accepted only if significant and clear enhancements have been implemented and are properly reported. All submissions should not exceed 13 (resp., 6) pages for long (resp., short) papers, including figures etc., but excluding references, and should be written in English. All submissions (both long and short) may also include an appendix with no restriction in length containing, for example, proofs of theorems that are stated in the main submission, or relevant parts of source code. Reviewers will make their evaluations based on the main submission, and are not obligated to read the appendix. However, if proofs or other supplement matter are an important part of the contribution, their essential elements should be included in the main submission. Moreover, appendix will not be part of the camera-ready and it may only be a publicly available online resource. Submissions must be formatted according to the standard Springer LNCS style, and are not anonymous. The conference proceedings of JELIA 2019 will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, a sub-series of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Important note: Springer will require all the LaTeX source files of all accepted submissions). == POLICY ON MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS == JELIA 2019 will not accept any paper that, at the time of submission, is under review or has already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference. Authors are also required not to submit their papers elsewhere during JELIA's review period. However, these restrictions do not apply to previous workshops with a limited audience and without archival proceedings. == ENQUIRIES == Please send all enquiries at the email address jelia2019 at == COMMITTEES == General Chair * Nicola Leone (University of Calabria) Program Chairs * Francesco Calimeri (University of Calabria) * Marco Manna (University of Calabria) Organization Chairs * Carmine Dodaro (University of Genova) * Valeria Fionda (University of Calabria) Publicity and Finance Chair * Simona Perri (University of Calabria) Program Committee * Mario Alviano (University of Calabria) * Carlos Areces (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba) * Franz Baader (Technische Universität Dresden) * Peter Baumgartner (CSIRO) * Salem Benferhat (CNRS, Université d'Artois) * Meghyn Bienvenu (CNRS, University of Bordeaux) * Alexander Bochman (Holon Institute of Technology) * Gerhard Brewka (Universität Leipzig) * Pedro Cabalar (Universidade da Coruña) * Marco Calautti (The University of Edinburgh) * David Carral (Technische Universität Dresden) * Giovanni Casini (Université du Luxembourg) * Cristina Civili (Samsung R&D Institute United Kingdom) * Mehdi Dastani (Utrecht University) * James Delgrande (Simon Fraser University) * Ulle Endriss (Universiteit van Amsterdam) * Wolfgang Faber (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt) * Luis Farinas Del Cerro (CNRS) * Eduardo Fermé (Universidade da Madeira) * Michael Fisher (University of Liverpool) * Michael Gelfond (Texas Tech University) * Laura Giordano (Università del Piemonte Orientale) * Lluis Godo (IIIA-CSIC) * Tomi Janhunen (Aalto University) * Gabriele Kern-Isberner (Technische Universitaet Dortmund) * Roman Kontchakov (University of London) * Jérôme Lang (CNRS, Université Paris-Dauphine) * Joohyung Lee (Arizona State University) * Joao Leite (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa) * Vladimir Lifschitz (University of Texas at Austin) * Thomas Lukasiewicz (University of Oxford) * Marco Maratea (University of Genova) * Jerzy Marcinkowski (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) * Pierre Marquis (CNRS, Université d'Artois) * Thomas Meyer (CAIR, University of Cape Town) * Angelo Montanari (University of Udine) * Michael Morak (Technische Universität Wien) * Manuel Ojeda-Aciego (University of Malaga) * Magdalena Ortiz (Technische Universität Wien) * David Pearce (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) * Rafael Peñaloza (Free University of Bozen) * Luís Moniz Pereira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) * Andreas Pieris (University of Edinburgh) * Henri Prade (CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier) * Francesco Ricca (University of Calabria) * Fabrizio Riguzzi (University of Ferrara) * Jussi Rintanen (Aalto University) * Uli Sattler (University of Manchester) * Mirek Truszczynski (University of Kentucky) * Toby Walsh (University of New South Wales) * Frank Wolter (University of Liverpool) * Stefan Woltran (Technische Universität Wien) From Words2019 at Wed Nov 28 11:16:15 2018 From: Words2019 at (Words 2019) Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2018 10:16:15 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] WORDS 2019, 1st call for papers Message-ID: <> *We apologize if you received this email several times. To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.* WORDS 2019 12th International Conference Loughborough, September 9–13, 2019 *Announcement* WORDS is a biannual international conference covering the mathematical theory of words (sequences of symbols) from all points of view: combinatorial, algebraic, algorithmic, as well as its applications to biology, linguistics, physics, and others. The previous WORDS conferences have taken place in Rouen (1997, 1999), Palermo (2001), Turku (2003, 2013), Montreal (2005, 2017), Marseille (2007), Salerno (2009), Prague (2011), and Kiel (2015). The 12th International Conference on Words, WORDS 2019 will take place on September 9-13 2019 at Loughborough University, UK ( Co-chairs of this edition are Robert Mercaș and Daniel Reidenbach. *Invited Speakers* Antonio Restivo (Palermo) Florin Manea (Kiel) Svetlana Puzynina (St. Petersburg) Antonio Restivo (Palermo) Gwenaël Richomme (Montpellier) Aleksi Saarela (Turku) Kristina Vuskovic (Leeds) *Program Committee* Marie-Pierre Béal (Paris) Srecko Brlek (Montreal) Émilie Charlier (Liège) Volker Diekert (Stuttgart) Gabriele Fici (Palermo) Anna Frid (Marseille) Amy Glen (Murdoch) Štěpán Holub (Prague) Shunsuke Inenaga (Kyushu) Robert Mercas (Loughborough) co-chair Dirk Nowotka (Kiel) Jarkko Peltomäki (Turku) Edita Pelantová (Prague) Narad Rampersad (Winnipeg) Daniel Reidenbach (Loughborough) co-chair Jeffrey Shallit (Waterloo) Arseny Shur (Yekaterinburg) *Important dates* Submission deadline: April 12, 2019 Notification to authors: May 20, 2019 Deadline for final versions: June 3, 2019 Conference: September 9–13, 2019 *Submission guidelines* Submitted papers should not exceed 12 pages and be prepared according to the following guidelines and LNCS-style LaTeX2e. All proofs omitted due to space constraints should be given in an appendix or made accessible through a reliable link to a freely available electronic preprint (updated before submission). These will be read at the discretion of the program committee. Only original submission which have not been submitted for publication elsewhere will be considered. Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF through the EasyChair system: *Contact* Words2019 at The conference is organised by the Department of Computer Science, School of Science, Loughborough University, UK. From erwan.bousse at Fri Nov 23 18:15:43 2018 From: erwan.bousse at (Erwan Bousse) Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2018 18:15:43 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] CFP - 15th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2019) - co-located with STAF 2019 Message-ID: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Call for Papers: The 15th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2019) co-located with STAF 2019, July 15-19 2019, Eindhoven, the Netherlands ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TL;NR: call for high-quality foundation and application papers to be presented at ECMFA 2019 in Eindhoven (July 15-19, 2019), and published as gold open access journal publication in the The Journal of Object Technology (JOT). You may also consider the new junior researcher community track and the research project showcase, both also part of the STAF 2019 event. --------------------------- About the conference --------------------------- The 15th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA) is dedicated to advancing the state of knowledge and fostering the application of Model-Based Engineering (MBE) and related approaches. Its focus is on engaging the key figures of research and industry in a dialog which will result in stronger and more effective practical application of MBE, hence producing more reliable software based on state-of-the-art research results. --------------------------- Topics --------------------------- ECMFA’19 has two distinct kinds of papers: one for research papers dealing with the modelling foundations, and one for research papers dealing with the applications of modelling techniques, including experience reports on model-based engineering tools, industrial use, case studies, etc. In the Foundation track, we are soliciting papers presenting original research on all aspects of model-based engineering. Foundation papers will be evaluated based on their suitability for the conference, originality, and technical soundness. They require novel and complete research work supported by adequate evaluation results. Typical topics of interest include, among others: - Foundations of (Meta)modelling - Domain Specific Modelling Languages and Language Workbenches - Model Reasoning, Testing, and Validation - Model Transformation, Code Generation and Reverse Engineering - Model Execution and Simulation - Model Management aspects such as (Co-)Evolution, Consistency, Synchronization, Differencing, and Versioning - Model-Based Engineering Environments and Tool Chains - Foundations of Requirements Modelling, Architecture Modelling, Platform Modelling - Foundations of Quality Aspects and Modelling non-functional System Properties - Scalability of MBE techniques - Collaborative modelling In the Application track, we solicit papers representing viewpoints, innovations, and practical experiences in employing Model-Based Engineering (MBE) from all aspects, e.g., modelling foundations, methods, approaches, and tools. We are also seeking experience reports, empirical evaluations, or case studies on the applications, successes, or failures of MBE. Papers from both researchers and practitioners are welcomed in this track. Topics of interest include, but not limited are: - MBE for Critical Systems (Safety, Mission, ..) - MBE for Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems and Internet of Things - Model-Based Security Engineering - MBE for Software and Business Process Modelling - MBE Applications in Transportation, Health Care, Cloud&Mobile computing... - Model-Based Integration and Simulation - Model-Based Testing - Model-Based System Analysis - Application of Modelling Standards - Comparative Studies of MBE Methods and Tools - Metrics for MBE Development - MBE Training - Practical Experiences of applying MBE --------------------------- Submission and Publication --------------------------- Submissions must conform to the Journal of Object Technology (JOT) LaTeX template ( (manuscript processed with MS Word should produce a similar format), and must not exceed 20 pages (including figures, references, and appendices). All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee. The reviewers will assess the completeness, the quality of and the relevance of the submission. All papers have to be submitted electronically in PDF format through this Easychair link: All accepted papers will be published as gold open-access journal publication in the Journal of Object Technology (JOT). At least one author for each accepted paper must register before the early registration deadline and present the paper during the conference. Failure to do so will result in the paper being withdrawn from the proceedings. --------------------------- Important Dates --------------------------- - Abstract submission: March 8th, 2019 - Full paper submission: March 15th, 2019 - Notification: April 19th, 2019 - Camera ready: May 10th, 2019 --------------------------- Organization committee --------------------------- Program co-Chairs: - Benoit Combemale, University of Toulouse, France (Foundation track) - Shaukat Ali, Simula, Norway (Application track) Communication Chair: - Erwan Bousse, University of Nantes, France --------------------------- Program Committee --------------------------- - Francis Bordeleau, Cmind Inc - Michalis Famelis, University of Montreal - Erwan Bousse, Université de Nantes / LS2N - Davide Di Ruscio, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila - Federico Ciccozzi, Mälardalen University - Alessandra Bagnato, Softeam - Dimitris Kolovos, University of York - Øystein Haugen, Østfold University College and SINTEF - Romina Eramo, University of L’Aquila - Esther Guerra, Universidad Autónoma of Madrid - Massimo Tisi, IMT Atlantique / LS2N - Bran Selic, Malina Software Corp. - Brice Morin, SINTEF ICT - Antonio Cicchetti, Mälardalen University - Houari Sahraoui, University of Montreal - Thomas Kuehne, Victoria University of Wellington - Zinovy Diskin, McMaster University / University of Waterloo - Sudipto Ghosh, Colorado State University - Jean-Michel Bruel, IRIT - Manuel Wimmer, TU Wien - Richard Paige, University of York - Eric Cariou, LIUPPA / Université de Pau - Anthony Anjorin, Paderborn University - Javier Troya, University of Seville - Sebastien Gerard, CEA, LIST - Daniel Varro, McGill University / Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Jeff Gray, University of Alabama - Juha-Pekka Tolvanen, MetaCase - Martin Gogolla, Database Systems Group, University of Bremen - Steffen Zschaler, King’s College London - Joel Greenyer, Leibniz Universität Hannover - Jennifer Horkoff, Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg - Ralf Lämmel, Universität Koblenz-Landau - Marco Brambilla, Politecnico di Milano - Markus Schacher, KnowGravity Inc. - Regina Hebig, Chalmers | Gothenburg University - Jörg Kienzle, McGill University - Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen University - Timothy Lethbridge, University of Ottawa - Andrzej Wąsowski, IT University -- Erwan Bousse Associate Professor, Université de Nantes NaoMod research group, LS2N research laboratory From s.p.luttik at Wed Nov 28 18:12:12 2018 From: s.p.luttik at (Luttik, S.P.) Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2018 17:12:12 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] CONCUR 2019 Call for Workshop Proposals Message-ID: * *CONCUR 2019* * THE 30TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCURRENCY THEORY August 26-31, 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ( CALL FOR AFFILIATED WORKSHOPS The 30th Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2019) will be held from August 26 until August 31, 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It will be co-located with the 17th International Conference on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2019). Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for workshops to be affiliated to CONCUR 2019, on topics related to concurrency theory and its applications. Example topics include: semantics, logics, verification techniques for concurrent systems, cross-fertilization between industry and academia and opportunities for young and prospective researchers. Past CONCUR conferences have been accompanied by successful workshops on a variety of topics, such as formal and foundational methods, models of systems (biological, timed), security issues, semantical issues, and verification methods. You can have an idea of the past workshops by browsing the pages of the past editions of CONCUR. The purpose of the workshops is to provide participants with a friendly, interactive atmosphere for presenting novel ideas and discussing their application. The workshops take place on Monday August 26, 2019 and Saturday August 31, 2019. Proposals should include: * The name and the preferred date of the proposed workshop (August 26 or 31, 2019) * A short description of the workshop (500 words max) * If applicable, a description of past versions of the workshop, including dates, organisers, submission and acceptance counts, and attendance * The expected number of participants * The name and short CV of the organiser(s) * The publication plan (only invited speakers, no published proceedings, pre-/post-proceedings published with EPTCS/ENTCS/...). The CONCUR organisation offers: * a link from the CONCUR web site; * setup of meeting space, and related equipment, * coffee-breaks and lunch for the participants on the day of the workshop, * on-line and on-site registration to the workshop, * free workshop registrations for an invited speaker and one or two organisers. The main responsibility for organising the workshop goes to the workshop organiser(s), including: * workshop publicity (possibly including call for papers, submission and review process) * scheduling workshop activities in collaboration with the CONCUR workshop chair. IMPORTANT DATES Submission of workshop proposals: February 1, 2019 (but we greatly appreciate if you announce your proposal to us as soon as possible). Notification: February 15, 2019 SUBMISSION TO: Bas Luttik (s.p.luttik at For more information, please contact me via email (s.p.luttik at The CONCUR 2019 workshop chair, Bas Luttik Eindhoven University of Technology From irdta at Mon Nov 19 15:33:16 2018 From: irdta at (IRDTA) Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2018 15:33:16 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] BigDat 2019: early registration December 8 Message-ID: <545102060a010b0b0055590204065a55525e53520355575600015f570e03545954580706500c000a00035054020104@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> BigDat 2019: early registration December 8*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line*   ********************************************************   5th INTERNATIONAL WINTER SCHOOL ON BIG DATA   BigDat 2019   Cambridge, United Kingdom   January 7-11, 2019   Co-organized by:   Cambridge Big Data Initiative, University of Cambridge   Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA) Brussels / London   ********************************************************   --- Early registration deadline: December 8, 2018 ---   ********************************************************   SCOPE:   BigDat 2019 will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at updating participants on the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of big data, which covers a large spectrum of current exciting research and industrial innovation with an extraordinary potential for a huge impact on scientific discoveries, medicine, engineering, business models, and society itself. Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the audience.   Most big data subareas will be displayed, namely foundations, infrastructure, management, search and mining, security and privacy, and applications (to biological and health sciences, to business, finance and transportation, to online social networks, etc.). Major challenges of analytics, management and storage of big data will be identified through 2 keynote lectures, 24 four-hour courses, and 1 round table, which will tackle the most active and promising topics. The organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be a main component of the event.   An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes. Moreover, there will be two special sessions with industrial and recruitment profiles.   ADDRESSED TO:   Master's students, PhD students, postdocs, and industry practitioners will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees. Since there will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be assumed for some of the courses. Overall, BigDat 2019 is addressed to students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep themselves updated about recent developments and future trends. All will surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers, industry leaders and innovators.   STRUCTURE:   3 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to move from one to another.   VENUE:   BigDat 2019 will take place in Cambridge, a city home of a world-renowned university. The venue will be:   University of Cambridge Department of Engineering Trumpington Street Cambridge CB2 1PZ   KEYNOTE SPEAKERS:   tba   PROFESSORS AND COURSES:   Thomas Bäck (Leiden University), [introductory/intermediate], Data Driven Modeling and Optimization for Industrial Applications   Richard Bonneau (New York University), [introductory] Large Scale Machine Learning Methods for Integrating Protein Sequence and Structure to Predict Gene Function   Altan Cakir (Istanbul Technical University), [introductory/intermediate] Processing Big Data with Apache Spark: From Science to Industrial Applications   Jiannong Cao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), [introductory/intermediate] Cross-domain Multi-source Big Data Fusion and Analytics   Nitesh Chawla (University of Notre Dame), [intermediate/advanced] Network Science: Representation Learning and Higher Order Networks   Nello Cristianini (University of Bristol), [introductory] The Interface between Big Data and Society   Geoffrey C. Fox (Indiana University, Bloomington), [intermediate] High Performance Big Data Computing   David Gerbing (Portland State University), [introductory] Data Visualization with R   Craig Knoblock (University of Southern California), [intermediate/advanced] Building Knowledge Graphs   Geoff McLachlan (University of Queensland), [intermediate/advanced] Applying Finite Mixture Models to Big Data   Folker Meyer (Argonne National Laboratory), [intermediate] Skyport2: A Multi Cloud Framework for Executing Scientific Workflows   Wladek Minor (University of Virginia), [introductory/advanced] Big Data in Biomedical Sciences   Soumya Mohanty (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley), [introductory/intermediate] Swarm Intelligence Methods for Statistical Regression   Sankar K. Pal (Indian Statistical Institute), [introductory/advanced] Machine Intelligence and Soft Granular Mining: Features, Applications and Challenges   Lior Rokach (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), [introductory/advanced] Ensemble Learning   Michael Rosenblum (University of Potsdam), [introductory/intermediate] Synchronization Approach to Time Series Analysis   Hanan Samet (University of Maryland), [introductory/intermediate] Sorting in Space: Multidimensional, Spatial, and Metric Data Structures for Applications in Spatial and Spatio-textual Databases, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Location-based Services   Rory Smith (Monash University), [intermediate/advanced] Statistical Inference: Optimal Methods for Learning from Signals in Noise   Jaideep Srivastava (University of Minnesota), [intermediate] Social Computing – Concepts and Applications   Mayte Suárez-Fariñas (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), [intermediate] A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Longitudinal Data Using R   Jeffrey Ullman (Stanford University), [introductory] Big-data Algorithms That Aren't Machine Learning   Andrey Ustyuzhanin (National Research University Higher School of Economics), [intermediate/advanced] Surrogate Modelling for Fun and Profit   Wil van der Aalst (RWTH Aachen University), [introductory/intermediate] Process Mining: Data Science in Action   Zhongfei Zhang (Binghamton University), [introductory/advanced] Relational and Multimedia Data Learning   OPEN SESSION   An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary presentations of work in progress by participants. They should submit a half-page abstract containing title, authors, and summary of the research to david at by December 30, 2018.   INDUSTRIAL SESSION:   A session will be devoted to 10-minute demonstrations of practical applications of big data in industry. Companies interested in contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the program of the demonstration and the logistics needed. At least one of the people participating in the demonstration must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david at by December 30, 2018.   EMPLOYER SESSION:   Firms searching for personnel well skilled in big data will have a space reserved for one-to-one contacts. It is recommended to produce a 1-page .pdf leaflet with a brief description of the company and the profiles looked for, to be circulated among the participants prior to the event. At least one of the people in charge of the search must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david at by December 30, 2018.   ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:   Chiara Paola Codebò (Genova) Sara Morales (Brussels) Manuel J. Parra-Royón (Granada) Jeffrey Salmond (Cambridge) David Silva (London, co-chair) Filippo Spiga (Cambridge, co-chair) Richard E. Turner (Cambridge)   REGISTRATION:   It has to be done at   The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template is only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will be helpful to have an approximation of the respective demand for each course. During the event, participants will be free to attend the courses they wish.   Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will be closed and the on-line registration facility disabled when the capacity of the venue is exhausted. It is highly recommended to register prior to the event.   FEES:   Fees comprise access to all courses and lunches. There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline.   ACCOMMODATION:   Suggestions for accommodation are available on the event website.   CERTIFICATE:   A certificate of successful participation in the event will be delivered indicating the number of hours of lectures.   QUESTIONS AND FURTHER INFORMATION:   david at   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS:   Cambridge Big Data Initiative, University of Cambridge   Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA) – Brussels/London   -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From c.a.furia at Thu Nov 22 09:40:20 2018 From: c.a.furia at (VerifyThis) Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 09:40:20 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] VerifyThis at ETAPS 2019: Announcement + Call for Problems Message-ID: <> ******************************************************************************* VerifyThis Verification Competition 2019 ACCOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PROBLEMS Competition to be held at ETAPS 2019 ******************************************************************************** Get involved, even if you cannot participate in the competition: provide a challenge! IMPORTANT DATES Problems submission deadline: 28 January 2019 Competition: 6 and 7 April 2019 ABOUT THE COMPETITION VerifyThis 2019 will take place as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2019) on 6 and 7 April 2019. It is the 8th event in the VerifyThis competition series. Information on previous events and participants can be found at The aims of the competition are: - to bring together those interested in formal verification, and to provide an engaging, hands-on, and fun opportunity for discussion - to evaluate the usability of logic-based program verification tools in a controlled experiment that could be easily repeated by others. The competition will offer a number of challenges presented in natural language. Participants have to formalize the requirements, implement a solution, and formally verify the implementation for adherence to the specification. There are no restrictions on the programming language and verification technology used. The correctness properties posed in problems will have the input-output behaviour of programs in focus. Solutions will be judged for correctness, completeness and elegance. CALL FOR PROBLEMS To be able to offer a broad and diverse set of verification challenges, we are collecting submissions of ideas for verification challenges and problems. We welcome both problems of academic interest as well as challenges based on themes that are relevant in industry. We encourage suggestions at any level of detail, including submissions without a fully worked out verification task. - a problem may contain an informal statement of the algorithm to be implemented (optionally with complete or partial pseudocode) and the requirement(s) to be verified - a problem should be solvable, at least in part, within a 60-90 minute time slot - submission of reference solutions is welcome but not mandatory - problems mainly suitable for specific languages or tools should be clearly identified as such - problems that contain several subproblems or other means of difficulty scaling are especially welcome - the organizers reserve the right (but no obligation) to use the problems in the competition, either as submitted or with modifications - submissions from (potential) competition participants are allowed Problems from previous competitions can be seen at Submissions are to be sent by email to verifythis at by the date indicated above. PRIZES The submission most interesting and suitable for the competition will receive a prize. ORGANIZERS * Claire Dross, AdaCore, France * Carlo A. Furia, Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Switzerland * Marieke Huisman, University of Twente, the Netherlands * Rosemary Monahan, Maynooth University, Ireland * Peter Müller, ETH Zürich, Switzerland CONTACT Email: verifythis at Web: From announce at Fri Nov 23 13:31:16 2018 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2018 14:31:16 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] The 27th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2019): Third Call for Papers Message-ID: *** THIRD CALL FOR PAPERS *** 27th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (ACM UMAP 2019) "Making Personalization Transparent: Giving control back to the User" Golden Bay Beach Hotel 5*, Larnaca, Cyprus, June 9-12, 2019 Abstracts due: January 25, 2019 (mandatory) Papers due: February 1, 2019 BACKGROUND AND SCOPE ACM UMAP, "User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization", is the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users, to groups of users, and that collect, represent, and model user information. ACM UMAP is sponsored by ACM SIGCHI and SIGWEB. The proceedings are published by ACM and will be part of the ACM Digital Library. ACM UMAP covers a wide variety of research areas where personalization and adaptation may be applied. This include (but is in no way limited to) a number of domains in which researchers are engendering significant innovations based on advances in user modeling and adaptation, recommender systems, adaptive educational systems, intelligent user interfaces, e-commerce, advertising, digital humanities, social networks, personalized health, entertainment, and many more. This year the conference hosts three new tracks, one on privacy and fairness, one on personalized music access, and one on personalized health. CONFIRMED INVITED SPEAKERS · Marios Avraamides, University of Cyprus · Judith Masthoff, Utrecht University · Mounia Lalmas-Roelleke, Spotify London CONFERENCE TRACKS For details, see the conference website ( ). · Track 1 - Personalized Recommender Systems · Track 2 - Adaptive Hypermedia and the Semantic Web · Track 3 - Intelligent User Interfaces · Track 4 - Personalized Social Web · Track 5 - Technology-Enhanced Adaptive Learning · Track 6 - Privacy and Fairness · Track 7 - Personalized Music Access · Track 8 - Personalized Health SUBMISSION AND REVIEW PROCESS Papers have to be submitted through EasyChair: Long (8 pages + references) and Short (4 pages + references) papers in ACM style, peer reviewed, original, and principled research papers addressing both the theory and practice of UMAP and papers showcasing innovative use of UMAP and exploring the benefits and challenges of applying UMAP technology in real-life applications and contexts are welcome. Long papers should present original reports of substantive new research techniques, findings, and applications of UMAP. They should place the work within the field and clearly indicate innovative aspects. Research procedures and technical methods should be presented in sufficient detail to ensure scrutiny and reproducibility. Results should be clearly communicated and implications of the contributions/findings for UMAP and beyond should be explicitly discussed. Short papers should present original and highly promising research or applications. Merit will be assessed in terms of originality and importance rather than maturity, extensive technical validation, and user studies. Papers must be formatted using the ACM SIG Standard (SIGCONF) proceedings template: . All accepted papers will be published by ACM and will be available via the ACM Digital Library. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper there. IMPORTANT DATES · Abstracts: January 25, 2019 (mandatory) · Full paper: February 1, 2019 · Notification: March 11, 2019 · Camera-ready: April 3, 2019 Note: The submission time is 11:59pm AoE time (Anywhere on Earth). GENERAL CHAIRS · George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus · George Samaras, University of Cyprus, Cyprus · Stephan Weibelzahl, PFH Private University of Applied Sciences, Göttingen, Germany RELATED EVENTS Separate calls will be later sent for Workshops and Tutorials, Doctoral Consortium, Demos, Late Breaking Results and Theory, Opinion and Reflection works, as they have different deadlines and submission requirements. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cfp at Tue Nov 27 11:48:11 2018 From: cfp at (cfp at Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2018 11:48:11 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] JELIA 2019 - DEADLINES EXTENDED (Abstract 2 Dec. - Submission 7 Dec.) Message-ID: [apologies for multiple copies] Due to many requests, submission deadlines have been extended. New Dates: Abstract submission 02 December 2018 (23:59 UTC-12) Paper submission 07 December 2018 (23:59 UTC-12) == CALL FOR PAPERS == The Program Committee of the 16th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2019) invites the submission of technical papers for the conference that will be held in Rende, Italy, from May 8th to May 10th, 2019. The aim of JELIA 2019 is to bring together active researchers interested in all aspects concerning the use of logics in Artificial Intelligence to discuss current research, results, problems, and applications of both theoretical and practical nature. JELIA strives to foster links and facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas among researchers from various disciplines, among researchers from academia and industry, and between theoreticians and practitioners. == AWARDS AND PRIZES == The Best Paper and the Best Student Paper of the conference will receive a cash prize of EUR 500 each, offered by Springer. Two high-quality papers of the conference that are suitable for presentation to a general AI audience, will be invited for publication (of abridged versions) to the IJCAI 2019 Sister Conference Best Paper Track. The authors of the top-notch contributions (from 3 to 6 papers, including both best papers) will be invited to submit long and more elaborate versions of their work for a special issue of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP). == RELEVANT TOPICS == Conference topics include, but are not limited to: * Abductive and inductive reasoning * Answer set programming * Applications of logic-based AI systems * Argumentation systems * Automated reasoning including satisfiability checking and its extensions * Computational complexity and expressiveness * Deep learning for rules and ontologies * Deontic logic and normative systems * Description logics and other logical approaches to Semantic Web and ontologies * Explanation finding * Knowledge representation, reasoning, and compilation * Logic programming, answer set programming, constraint logic programming * Logic-based data access and integration * Logical interpretation of machine learning models * Logics for uncertain and probabilistic reasoning * Logics in machine learning * Logics in multi-agent systems, games, and social choice * Neural networks and logic rules * Non-classical logics, such as modal, temporal, epistemic, dynamic, spatial, paraconsistent, and hybrid logics * Nonmonotonic logics, default logics, conditional logics * Ontology formalisms and models * Ontology-based query answering * Ontology-based reasoning * Planning and diagnosis based on logic * Preferences * Reasoning about actions and causality * Updates, belief revision and nonmonotonic reasoning == IMPORTANT DATES == Abstract submission 02 December 2018 (23:59 UTC-12) - EXTENDED - Paper submission 07 December 2018 (23:59 UTC-12) - EXTENDED - Notification of acceptance 16 January 2019 Best paper notification 31 January 2019 Camera-ready due 28 February 2019 Online registration opens 01 March 2019 Conference start 08 May 2019 == SUBMISSION DETAILS == Submission Site: For formatting guidelines, see more information on JELIA 2019 welcomes submissions of long or short papers in the following categories: Regular papers. Submissions should contain original research, and sufficient detail to assess the merits and relevance of the contribution. Submissions must not have been previously published or be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. System/Application descriptions. Submissions should describe an implemented system/application and its application area(s). A demonstration should accompany a system/application presentation. Papers describing systems or applications that have already been presented in JELIA before will be accepted only if significant and clear enhancements have been implemented and are properly reported. All submissions should not exceed 13 (resp., 6) pages for long (resp., short) papers, including figures etc., but excluding references, and should be written in English. All submissions (both long and short) may also include an appendix with no restriction in length containing, for example, proofs of theorems that are stated in the main submission, or relevant parts of source code. Reviewers will make their evaluations based on the main submission, and are not obligated to read the appendix. However, if proofs or other supplement matter are an important part of the contribution, their essential elements should be included in the main submission. Moreover, appendix will not be part of the camera-ready and it may only be a publicly available online resource. Submissions must be formatted according to the standard Springer LNCS style, and are not anonymous. The conference proceedings of JELIA 2019 will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, a sub-series of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Important note: Springer will require all the LaTeX source files of all accepted submissions). == POLICY ON MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS == JELIA 2019 will not accept any paper that, at the time of submission, is under review or has already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference. Authors are also required not to submit their papers elsewhere during JELIA's review period. However, these restrictions do not apply to previous workshops with a limited audience and without archival proceedings. == ENQUIRIES == Please send all enquiries at the email address jelia2019 at == COMMITTEES == General Chair * Nicola Leone (University of Calabria) Program Chairs * Francesco Calimeri (University of Calabria) * Marco Manna (University of Calabria) Organization Chairs * Carmine Dodaro (University of Genova) * Valeria Fionda (University of Calabria) Publicity and Finance Chair * Simona Perri (University of Calabria) Program Committee * Mario Alviano (University of Calabria) * Carlos Areces (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba) * Franz Baader (Technische Universität Dresden) * Peter Baumgartner (CSIRO) * Salem Benferhat (CNRS, Université d'Artois) * Meghyn Bienvenu (CNRS, University of Bordeaux) * Alexander Bochman (Holon Institute of Technology) * Gerhard Brewka (Universität Leipzig) * Pedro Cabalar (Universidade da Coruña) * Marco Calautti (The University of Edinburgh) * David Carral (Technische Universität Dresden) * Giovanni Casini (Université du Luxembourg) * Cristina Civili (Samsung R&D Institute United Kingdom) * Mehdi Dastani (Utrecht University) * James Delgrande (Simon Fraser University) * Ulle Endriss (Universiteit van Amsterdam) * Wolfgang Faber (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt) * Luis Farinas Del Cerro (CNRS) * Eduardo Fermé (Universidade da Madeira) * Michael Fisher (University of Liverpool) * Michael Gelfond (Texas Tech University) * Laura Giordano (Università del Piemonte Orientale) * Lluis Godo (IIIA-CSIC) * Tomi Janhunen (Aalto University) * Gabriele Kern-Isberner (Technische Universitaet Dortmund) * Roman Kontchakov (University of London) * Jérôme Lang (CNRS, Université Paris-Dauphine) * Joohyung Lee (Arizona State University) * Joao Leite (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa) * Vladimir Lifschitz (University of Texas at Austin) * Thomas Lukasiewicz (University of Oxford) * Marco Maratea (University of Genova) * Jerzy Marcinkowski (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) * Pierre Marquis (CNRS, Université d'Artois) * Thomas Meyer (CAIR, University of Cape Town) * Angelo Montanari (University of Udine) * Michael Morak (Technische Universität Wien) * Manuel Ojeda-Aciego (University of Malaga) * Magdalena Ortiz (Technische Universität Wien) * David Pearce (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) * Rafael Peñaloza (Free University of Bozen) * Luís Moniz Pereira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) * Andreas Pieris (University of Edinburgh) * Henri Prade (CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier) * Francesco Ricca (University of Calabria) * Fabrizio Riguzzi (University of Ferrara) * Jussi Rintanen (Aalto University) * Uli Sattler (University of Manchester) * Mirek Truszczynski (University of Kentucky) * Toby Walsh (University of New South Wales) * Frank Wolter (University of Liverpool) * Stefan Woltran (Technische Universität Wien) From irdta at Mon Nov 26 16:58:12 2018 From: irdta at (IRDTA) Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2018 16:58:12 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] Robotic 2019: early registration December 7 Message-ID: <545102060a010b0b0156510502075a535602015603080555025258500f50015000035606030e565200070550015759@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> Robotic 2019: early registration December 7*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line*   *****************************************************   INTERNATIONAL SPRING SCHOOL ON ROBOTICS   Robotic 2019   Bucharest, Romania   April 8-12, 2019   Co-organized by:   University Politehnica of Bucharest   Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA) Brussels / London   *****************************************************   SCOPE:   Robotic 2019 will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at updating participants on the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of robotics, which covers a large spectrum of current exciting research and industrial innovation with an extraordinary potential for a huge impact on engineering, medicine, science, business models, and daily life. Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the audience.   Most robotics subareas will be displayed, namely the conception, design, manufacturing and operation of robots. This involves addressing their sensing capabilities, manipulation, locomotion, interaction with the environment, interaction with humans, control, etc. The field is multidisciplinary at the crossroads of artificial intelligence, engineering, electronics, mechatronics, bioengineering and nanotechnology. Major challenges of robotics will be identified through 2 keynote lectures, 24 five-hour courses, and 1 round table, which will tackle the most active and promising topics. The organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be a main component of the event.   An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes. Moreover, there will be two special sessions with industrial and recruitment profiles.   ADDRESSED TO:   Graduate students, PhD students, postdocs, and industry practitioners will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees. Since there will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be assumed for some of the courses. Overall, Robotic 2019 is addressed to students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep themselves updated about recent developments and future trends. All will surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers, industry leaders and innovators.   STRUCTURE:   3 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to move from one to another.   VENUE:   Robotic 2019 will take place in Bucharest, the centre of Romanian economy, culture, and art. The venue will be:   University Politehnica of Bucharest Splaiul Independenţei nr. 313 Sector 6, Bucharest   KEYNOTE SPEAKERS:   Andrew A. Goldenberg (Engineering Services Inc. Toronto), Bridging between AI and Robotics for Business & Product Development   Mohan M. Trivedi (University of California, San Diego), tba   PROFESSORS AND COURSES: (to be completed)   Jorge Angeles (McGill University), [intermediate] Kinematics of Multibody Systems   Sylvain Calinon (Idiap Research Institute), [intermediate] Statistical, Geometrical and Dynamical Representations of Movements in Robots   Yi Chao (University of California, Los Angeles), [introductory] Underwater Robotics   Raja Chatila (Pierre et Marie Curie University), [introductory] Ethics in Robotics and AI   Gamini Dissanayake (University of Technology Sydney), [introductory/intermediate] Robot Localisation, Mapping and SLAM   Baris Fidan (University of Waterloo), [intermediate/advanced] Robotic Network Localization and Formation Control   Michael Jenkin (York University), [introductory/intermediate] Computational Tasks in Autonomous Systems   Norbert Krüger (University of Southern Denmark), [introductory] The Human Visual System as a Model for a Deep Neural Net   Ales Leonardis (University of Birmingham), [introductory/intermediate] Robot Vision   Anthony A. Maciejewski (Colorado State University), [introductory/intermediate] Kinematically Redundant Robots: The Promise of Human-like Dexterity   Shimon Y. Nof (Purdue University), [introductory/intermediate] Cyber-augmented Collaborative Robotics   Stefano Nolfi (Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies – CNR), [introductory/intermediate] Evolutionary Robotics   Wilfrid Perruquetti (École Centrale de Lille), [introductory/intermediate] Path Planning/Tracking of Wheeled Mobile Robots   Jan Peters (Technical University of Darmstadt), [introductory/advanced] Robot Learning   José Santos-Victor (Instituto Superior Técnico), [introductory/advanced] Biological and Computational Vision   Richard Satava (University of Washington), [introductory/intermediate] Robotic Surgery and Beyond: Near and Far Future Technologies and Training   Dan Stoianovici (Johns Hopkins University), [introductory/intermediate] Medical Robotics   Garnette Sutherland (University of Calgary), [intermediate] Image Guided Robotic Surgery   Michael Y. Wang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), [intermediate/advanced] Soft Robotics   Simon Yang (University of Guelph), [introductory/advanced] Biologically Inspired Robotics   OPEN SESSION   An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary presentations of work in progress by participants. They should submit a half-page abstract containing title, authors, and summary of the research to david at by March 31, 2019.   INDUSTRIAL SESSION:   A session will be devoted to 10-minute demonstrations of practical developments in robotics. Companies interested in contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the program of the demonstration and the logistics needed. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david at by March 31, 2019.   EMPLOYER SESSION:   Firms searching for personnel well skilled in robotics will have a space reserved for one-to-one contacts. It is recommended to produce a 1-page .pdf leaflet with a brief description of the company and the profiles looked for to be circulated among the participants prior to the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david at by March 31, 2019.   ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:   Corneliu Burileanu (Bucharest, co-chair) Nicolae Georgian (Bucharest) Sara Morales (Brussels) Anna Neacsu (Bucharest) Manuel J. Parra-Royón (Granada) David Silva (London, co-chair)   REGISTRATION:   It has to be done at   The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template is only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will be helpful to have an approximation of the respective demand for each course. During the event, participants will be free to attend the courses they wish.   Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will be closed and the on-line registration facility disabled when the capacity of the venue is exhausted. It is highly recommended to register prior to the event.   FEES:   Fees comprise access to all courses and lunches. There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline.   ACCOMMODATION:   Suggestions for accommodation will be available on the event website.   CERTIFICATE:   A certificate of successful participation in the event will be delivered indicating the number of hours of lectures.   QUESTIONS AND FURTHER INFORMATION:   david at   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS:   University Politehnica of Bucharest   Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA) – Brussels/London   -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: