[fg-arc] 2nd CfP: Symposium on Software Performance 2018 (deadlines approaching)

Holger Eichelberger eichelberger at sse.uni-hildesheim.de
Wed Jul 25 11:44:20 CEST 2018

                      2nd Call for Papers

          9th Symposium on Software Performance 2018

                Hildesheim, November 08-09, 2018

Performance is one of the most relevant quality attributes of any IT
system. While good performance leads to high user satisfaction, weak
response times lead to loss of users, perceived unavailability of the
system, or unnecessarily high costs of network or computing resources.
Therefore, various techniques to measure, collect, evaluate, control,
and improve the performance of IT systems have been developed, ranging
from online monitoring and benchmarking to modeling and prediction.
Experience shows, that for system design or later optimization, such
techniques should be applied in smart combination.

Therefore, the “Symposium on Software Performance” brings together
researchers and practitioners interested in all facets of software
performance, ranging from modeling and prediction to monitoring and
runtime management. The symposium is organized by the three established
research groups Descartes, Kieker, and Palladio; thus this symposium
also serves as a joint community meeting.

The symposium program will include contributions (in form of talks and
demos) from practitioners and researchers in the field of software
performance. SSP 2018 is supported by the GI special interest group


We solicit technical papers (maximum 3 pages) and extended abstracts for
industry or experience talks (maximum 700 words). Technical papers
should follow the Softwaretechnik-Trends format
(http://pi.informatik.uni-siegen.de/stt/diverses/hinweise.html) and need
to be submitted electronically via EasyChair
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ssp18). Extended abstracts need
to be submitted as "abstract only" submissions via EasyChair. A LaTeX
template is available via the web pages. For further submission details,
see http://www.performance-symposium.org/2018/

Important dates:
- Abstract submission: Aug. 15, 2018 at 23.59 AoE
- Paper submission: Sep. 02, 2018 at 23.59 AoE
- Acceptance notification: Oct. 01, 2018
- Program announcement: Oct. 02, 2018
- Camera ready papers: Oct. 15, 2018
- Registration deadline: Oct. 24, 2018

Steering committee:
- Steffen Becker, Uni Stuttgart
- Wilhelm Hasselbring, Kiel University
- André van Hoorn, Uni Stuttgart
- Samuel Kounev, Uni Würzburg
- Ralf Reussner, KIT / FZI

Local Organization:
- Holger Eichelberger, Uni Hildesheim
- Klaus Schmid, Uni Hildesheim

Program Review Committee:
- Dušan Okanović, Uni Stuttgart
- Jürgen Walter, Uni Würzburg
- Christian Stier, FZI
- Robert Heinrich, KIT
- Reiner Jung, Kiel University
- Henning Schnoor, Kiel University
- Johannes Kroß, fortiss
- Holger Knoche, Kiel University

[please apologize cross-postings]

Dr. Holger Eichelberger
Software Systems Engineering
University of Hildesheim         Tel.: +49 (0) 5121 / 883-40334
Institute of Computer Science    Fax.: +49 (0) 5121 / 883-40331
Universitätsplatz 1              eichelberger at sse.uni-hildesheim.de
D-31141 Hildesheim, Germany


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