From haowu at Wed Aug 1 18:35:07 2018 From: haowu at (HaoWu) Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2018 17:35:07 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] iFM 2018: Registration Bursaries for PhD students and Early Stage Researchers Message-ID: <017a01d429b5$ac1edc30$045c9490$> **************************************************************************** ************************************** 14th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods (iFM) **************************************************************************** *************************************** Call for Participation and Applications for Registration Bursaries **************************************************************************** *************************************** You are warmly invited to participate in iFM 2018, and co-located events PhD-iFM'18 and the 23rd International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2018) to be held in Maynooth University, Ireland, from 3rd - 7th September 2018. New bursaries covering PhD student and Early Stage Researcher registration at iFM 2018 have recently been announced as follows: --- Student French Embassy Bursaries --- Thanks to funding from the Embassy of France in Ireland, we will be awarding a student bursary to support student participation in iFM. This bursary will be awarded on a competitive basis. It will cover registration fees for iFM for a student studying for a PhD in France or a French National studying for a PhD abroad. --- Early Stage Researcher Bursaries --- Thanks to funding from Springer, we will be awarding two bursaries to support the participation of early stage researchers (ESRs) in iFM. These bursaries will be awarded on a competitive basis. Bursaries will cover registration fees for iFM for an ESR. For this purpose, ESRs are defined as those who are either studying for a PhD or who had their PhD for less than 8 years. Priority will be given to applicants who are presenting their own research at iFM 2018, applicants who can provide feedback to students at the PhD-iFM Symposium on Sept 4th; applicants who are co-authors of an iFM 2018 paper presented by more senior co-authors; and applicants who are from Eastern Europe, or from low and middle income countries (as per EU regulations). Within fairness, we will apply gender balance considerations. **************************************************************************** *************************************** How to apply: **************************************************************************** *************************************** Applications for the bursary are currently being accepted via **************************************************************************** *************************************** Important Dates: **************************************************************************** *************************************** Bursary Application Deadline: 13 August 2018 (17:00 GMT) Bursary Notification: 15 August 2018 (17:00 GMT) FMICS Conference: 3-4 September 2018 PhD-iFM'18: 4 September 2018 iFM Conference: 5-7 September 2018 **************************************************************************** *************************************** Scope: **************************************************************************** *************************************** The iFM conference series seeks to further research into hybrid approaches to formal modelling and analysis; i.e., the combination of (formal and semi-formal) methods for system development, regarding both modelling and analysis. The conference covers all aspects from language design through verification and analysis techniques to tools and their integration into software engineering practice. Co-located Events: The aim of the FMICS conference series is to provide a forum for researchers who are interested in the development and application of formal methods in industry. In particular, FMICS brings together scientists and engineers who are active in the area of formal methods and interested in exchanging their experiences in the industrial usage of these methods. The FMICS conference series also strives to promote research and development for the improvement of formal methods and tools for industrial applications. PhD-iFM a PhD Symposium at iFM 2018 on Formal Methods: Algorithms, Tools and Applications, focuses on the theory, implementation, integration or application of formal methods in a broad sense. **************************************************************************** *************************************** -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Fri Aug 3 15:11:05 2018 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2018 16:11:05 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] ENTER 2019 eTourism Conference: Fourth Call for Papers Message-ID: ENTER 2019: The 26th Annual eTourism Conference "eTourism: Towards a Sustainable Digital Society" Hilton Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 30 January - 1 February, 2019 *** Fourth Call for Research Papers *** (Proceedings published by Springer - Journal special issue in JITT, Springer) Every year, hundreds of tourism academics, industry representatives, government officials, students and entrepreneurs come together to share, discuss and challenge latest developments in information technology in the fields of travel, tourism and hospitality. With the theme "eTourism: Towards a Sustainable Digital Society" the ENTER 2019 conference will focus on exploring the ways in which technology and tourism together can make our society more sustainable. We call for latest research and case studies on emergent and cutting-edge information and communication technology concepts, applications, and business models to be shared in the conference. Organized by the International Federation for Information Technology and Travel & Tourism (IFITT), the ENTER 2019 conference provides a unique venue for various tourism stakeholders to understand the application of information and communication technologies to travel and tourism, with a special focus on how eTourism can contribute to the sustainability of the society. The ENTER 2019 research track is divided into three major topics that all contribute to our capabilities in building a sustainable digital society: Tourism Business and Technology, Governance, Sustainability and Education, and Computer Science and Information Systems. Issues to be covered at the conference include, but are not limited, to the following areas in the travel, tourism and hospitality context: Tourism Business and Technology ? ICT and Tourism Experience ? Augmented and Virtual Reality ? Platform Economy ? Website Design and Evaluation ? Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategies ? Digital Distribution and Social Selling ? Social Networking, Social Media and Social Inspiration ? Gaming and Gamification ? ICT Adoption and Value Creation ? E-strategy and eBusiness Models ? ICT for Innovation and Service Design ? Digital Nomads ? Consumer Behaviour in Digital Space ? Robotics and Automation in Travel and Hospitality Governance, Sustainability and Education ? ICT for Regional Development and Sustainability ? Advanced Distribution Systems and Strategies, Dynamic Packaging ? ICT-enabled Partnership and Collaboration ? E-Learning, Life-long Learning and MOOCs ? E-Government and Public Policy in Tourism ? Digital Divide and Socio-economic Development ? Privacy and Internet Security ? Legal, Ethical and Social Aspects of ICT Computer Science and Information Systems ? Big Data and Large-scale Systems ? Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning ? Data Mining, Analytics and Measurement ? Text and Concept Mining, Sentiment Analysis ? Recommender Systems and Personalization ? User Modeling and Decision Making ? Human-Computer Interaction ? Emotions and Personality-based Systems ? Social Network Analysis ? Location-based Services and Context-Aware Systems ? Mobile Services and Wearable Technologies ? Semantic Web, Tourism Ontologies and Linked Open Data ? Data Standards and Data Integration ? Travel Information Search and Retrieval ? Internet-of-Things ? Smart Destinations ? Travel Chatbots ? Blockchain and Other Emerging Technologies Welcoming Academics and the Industry The conference brings together the research community and industry, and it is organized in three streams, namely industry track, destinations track, and research track. If you are representing tourism industry or destinations, please see suitable calls for presentations at . The conference also features six to eight world-class keynote speakers discussing the most pressing topics within eTourism. Location The 26th edition of ENTER will take place in Nicosia, Cyprus. Nicosia is the capital of Cyprus; a status it has enjoyed for 1000 years since the 10th century, though its beginnings date back 5000 years to the Bronze Age. Nicosia is a sophisticated and cosmopolitan city, rich in history and culture that combines its historic past with the amenities of a modern city. Cyprus is an island drenched in sun and mythology, at the crossroads of ancient civilizations. 9,000 years of history gathered on one island. Cyprus packs a remarkable array of sights and attractions, museums and archaeological parks, throbbing beach resorts, pine covered mountains, medieval fortresses and ancient temples. Over the last few years, it has become one of the top touristic European destinations breaking in consecutive years the record of tourist arrivals. It is expected that in 2018, more than 3.6 million tourists will visit Cyprus and plans target a steady intake of 5 million tourists per year. More information about Nicosia and Cyprus as well as what the island and its capital offer can be found on the conference web site. Call for Research Papers We invite research papers across the widest spectrum of Information and Communication Technologies in Travel and Tourism to be presented at the ENTER 2019 conference. All submissions to the research track are rigorously evaluated for novelty, significance, and soundness. Papers should clearly state the background, introduction, purpose, theory, methodology, results, conclusions and managerial/industry/social implications of the study, and be fully referenced with appropriate citations. The authors of full papers and research notes will have the opportunity to present their research orally supported by PowerPoint slides. Full technical details will be provided with the acceptance of the paper. The proceedings of recently held ENTER conferences are listed by ISI's Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S). ENTER 2019 proceedings will follow a similar indexing process for ISI and other major indices. A) Full Papers Full papers should be innovative, so to advance the knowledge base of related fields. These papers present major contributions to the field and should be up to 12 pages in length. The conference proceedings (to be published by Springer International Publishing) will include all accepted full papers. An award for the best full paper will be presented during the conference. B) Research Notes Research notes of up to 5 pages are invited. These papers represent new ideas not developed enough at the scale of a full paper, findings that restate known research, descriptions of prototypes, or research that is limited in scope. All research notes will be published by the e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR) at (Editor of eRTR: Cody Morris Paris, Middlesex University Dubai, United Arab Emirates). C) Organized Sessions Proposals for organizing technical or other research-oriented sessions are invited. Proposals will include details of potential participants, topics, and presenters. Session Chairs are expected to attend ENTER 2019, set the order of presentations, and chair their session/s. Deadline for session chairs to submit their proposals to Research Track Chairs is September 3, 2018 (please submit proposal by e-mail to the research track chairs found at the end of the document). Submission Please refer to the "Author Advice" ( ) document as a style guide for standards to follow in the preparation of manuscripts. Please also see Springer guidelines for conference proceedings: , especially for Latex submissions. Papers must be uploaded to the online reviewing platform: Easy Chair for ENTER2019 ( ). All papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed by experienced researchers who are members of the scientific review committee. Final acceptance will depend on whether the author(s) can adequately address review comments to the satisfaction of the reviewers. Authors must submit their revised manuscripts by the deadline (October 22, 2018) and must register for the conference by November 12, 2018 in order to have their papers included in the Conference Proceedings or eRTR. Time Schedule ? Submission closes: September 3, 2018 ? Notification of acceptance/rejection/revision: October 8, 2018 ? Deadline to submit revised version: October 22, 2018 ? Final acceptance: October 29, 2018 ? End of Early Bird registration: November 2, 2018 ? Registration deadline to be published later: November 12, 2018 ? Conference: January 30 - February 1, 2018 Conference organizers reserve the right to modify the paper submission schedule. Submission Guideline and Presentation Template Please download the "Author Advice" document as a style guide for Word here: and for Latex here: . A presentation template for your presentation during ENTER2019 Conference will be sent to the authors after acceptance. Fast Track Journal of Information Technology and Tourism (JITT) Best papers' authors will be invited to submit an extended version of their article to Journal of Information Technology and Tourism (Springer). These articles will be reviewed under a special fast track in order to assure a timely publication. JITT website: . Research Track Chairs ? Juho Pesonen, University of Eastern Finland (juho.pesonen[at] ? Julia Neidhardt, TU Wien, Austria (julia.neidhardt[at] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Mon Aug 6 14:31:23 2018 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2018 15:31:23 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] 2018 European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI 2018): Last Call for Workshop Papers Message-ID: *** LAST CALL FOR WORKSHOP PAPERS *** 2018 European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI 2018) Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus, 12-14 November, 2018 *** Submission Deadline: 10th August 2018 *** Ambient intelligence refers to normal working and living environments being surrounded by embedded devices that can merge unobtrusively and in natural ways using information and intelligence hidden in the network connecting these devices (e.g. The Internet of Things). Such devices, each specialised in one or more capabilities, are intended to work together based on an infrastructure of intelligent systems, to provide a variety of services improving safety, security and the quality of life in ordinary living, travelling and working environments. Accompanying the main conference, the following two workshops will be organized: WS-AFFIN 2nd Workshop On Affective Interaction With Avatars and Robots BRAINS Behavioral Change and Ambient Intelligence for Sustainability SUBMISSION AND PROCEEDINGS Both workshops invite full-papers, work-in progress and position papers that address one or more of the topics of interest. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three Program Committee members from the corresponding workshop. All accepted full papers and posters will appear in the conference proceedings published by Elsevier under the ENTCS Journal series. Papers must be submitted in PDF format adhering to the ELSEVIER Journal format and should follow the publication policies of ENTCS. The macros can be obtained on the ENTCS Macro Web Site along with detailed instructions about preparing the papers for the series. IMPORTANT DATES ? Paper Submissions Due: 10 August, 2018 ? Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: 10 September, 2018 ? Camera Ready Versions Due: 25 September, 2018 ? Author (of workshop papers) Registration: 25 September, 2018 JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUE A few papers from each workshop will be selected by the workshop chairs and invited for submission to a special issue of MDPI Applied Sciences ( ). The final paper should have at least 30% extra material and will be reviewed as any MDPI submission. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General Chair ? George Roussos, Birkbeck, University of London, UK Program Chairs ? Achilleas D. Kameas, Hellenic Open University, Greece ? Kostas Stathis, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK Workshops Chairs ? Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, University of Rome, Italy ? Fariba Sadri, Imperial College, UK Local Organization Chair ? George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From irdta at Mon Aug 6 15:32:34 2018 From: irdta at (IRDTA) Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2018 15:32:34 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] SLSP 2018: call for posters Message-ID: <545102060a010b040150530503005a55540504595100505150515d540254565304040152515a075202565654555302@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> SLSP 2018: call for posters*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line* ----------------------------------- The 6th International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing (SLSP 2018) invites researchers to submit poster presentations. SLSP 2018 will be held in Mons (Belgium) on October 15-16, 2018. See? Poster presentations are intended to enhance informal interactions with conference participants, at the same time allowing for in-depth discussion. TOPICS Presentations displaying novel work in progress on statistical models (including machine learning) for language and speech processing are encouraged. Posters do not need to show final research results. Work that might lead to new interesting developments is welcome. KEY DATES Poster submission deadline: September 8, 2018 Notification of poster acceptance or rejection: September 15, 2018 SUBMISSION Please submit a .pdf abstract through: It should contain the title, author(s) and affiliation, and should not exceed 500 words. PRESENTATION Posters will be allocated 10 minutes each in the programme for oral presentation. Moreover, they will remain hanging out during the whole conference for discussion. PUBLICATION Posters will not appear in the LNCS/LNAI proceedings volume of SLSP 2018. However, they will be eligible for submission to the post-conference journal special issue in Computer Speech and Language (JCR 2016 impact factor: 1.900). REGISTRATION At least one author of each accepted poster must register to the conference by October 1st, 2018. The registration fare is reduced: 285 Euro. It gives the same rights all other conference participants have (attendance, copy of the proceedings volume, lunches, coffee breaks). Contributors of regular papers who in addition get a poster accepted must register for the latter independently. ? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sabel at Mon Aug 6 16:56:42 2018 From: sabel at (David Sabel) Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2018 16:56:42 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] PPDP | LOPSTR | WFLP 2018 Common Call for Participation Message-ID: <> ====================================================================== PPDP | LOPSTR | WFLP 2018: Common Call for Participation ====================================================================== 20th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2018) 28th International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2018) 26th International Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming (WFLP 2018) Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 3-6 September 2018 ====================================================================== Program ======= The full program of PPDP | LOPSTR | WFLP 2018 is online: It includes * four invited talks: - Philippa Gardner, Imperial College. Formal Methods for JavaScript - Jorge Navas, SRI International. Constrained Horn Clauses for Verification - Chung-Chieh Shan, University of Indiana. Calculating Distributions - Laure Gonnord, University of Lyon. Experiences in Designing Scalable Static Analyses * invited tutorials: LOPSTR includes two invited tutorials: - Fabio Fioravanti, University of Chieti-Pescara. The VeryMAP System for program transformation and verification - Manuel Hermenegildo, IMDEA Software Institute. 25 Years of Ciao * a session in Honour of Martin Hofmann PPDP includes a session in honour of Martin Hofmann with an invited talk given by Nick Benton, Facebook. Semantic Equivalence Checking for HHVM Bytecode Registration ============ Early registration ends on 15 August, 2018. Sponsors ======== The conferences are financially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) - 407531063, and by the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main. Conference Organisers ===================== PPDP Program Committee See Program Chair Peter Thiemann, Universit?t Freiburg, Germany LOPSTR Program Committee See Program Chairs Fred Mesnard, University of Reunion Island, France Peter Stuckey, University of Melbourne, Australia WFLP Program Committee See Program Chair Josep Silva, Universitat Polit?cnica de Val?ncia, Spain Organizing Committee (Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany) Ehud Cseresnyes Nils Dallmeyer Bircan D?lek Ronja D?ffel Lars Huth Leonard Priester David Sabel (General Chair) From announce at Tue Aug 7 14:22:49 2018 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2018 15:22:49 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] The 34th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2019): Third Combined Call for Papers Message-ID: <> *** THIRD COMBINED CALL FOR PAPERS *** The 34th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2019) St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus, April 8-12, 2019 For the past thirty-three years the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) has been a primary and international forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers and application developers to gather, interact and present their work. The ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP) is the sole sponsor of SAC. The conference proceedings are published by ACM and are also available online through ACM's Digital Library. The 34th Annual SAC meeting will be held in April 2019 in Limassol, Cyprus, and is hosted by the University of Cyprus. The conference features the following tracks: ? Intelligent Robotics and Multi-Agent Systems (IRMAS) ? Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) ? Information Access and Retrieval (IAR) ? Software Verification and Testing (SVT) ? Computational Intelligence and Video & Image Analysis (CIVIA) ? Social Network and Media Analysis (SONAMA) ? Selected Areas of Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) ? Recommender Systems: Theory and Applications (RS) ? Computer Security (SEC) ? Web-based Technologies for Interactive Computing Education (WICE) ? Data Mining (DM) ? Usability Engineering (UE) ? Cloud Computing (CC) ? Privacy by Design in Practice (PDP) ? Advances in COMputational Biomedical Imaging (COMBI) ? Operating Systems (OS) ? Software Platforms (SP) ? Decentralized Applications (DAPP) with Blockchain, DLT and Crypto-Currencies (DAPP) ? Databases and Big Data Management (DBDM) ? Requirements Engineering (RE) ? Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) ? Software Architecture: Theory, Technology, and Applications (SA-TTA) ? Internet of Things (IoT) ? Sustainability of Fog/Edge Computing Systems (SFECS) ? Software-intensive Systems-of-Systems (SiSoS) ? Data Streams (DS) ? Programming Languages (PL) ? Business Process Management & Enterprise Architecture (BPMEA) ? Microservices, DevOps, and Service-Oriented Architecture (MiDOS) ? Health Informatics (HI) ? Dependable, Adaptive, and Secure Distributed Systems (DADS) ? GeoInformation Analytics (GIA) ? Knowledge and Language Processing (KLP) ? KomIS: Knowledge Discovery meets Information Systems (KomIS) ? Next Generation Programming Paradigms and Systems (NGPS) ? Communication, Computing and Networking in Internet of Vehicles (CCNIV) ? Bioinformatics (BIO) ? Embedded Systems (EMBS) ? Digital Life for Human Well-being (DLHWB) ? Networking (NET) ? Semantic Web and Applications (SWA) ? Mobile Computing and Applications (MCA) ? Software Engineering (SE) ? Variability and Software Product Line Engineering (VSPLE) ? Smart Human Computer Interaction (HCI) ? Web Technologies (WT) ? Machine Learning and its Applications (MLA) More information about the topics covered by each track and submission instructions are available on the conference web site and the web sites of the tracks themselves (accessible from the conference web site). Important Dates ? Sept 10, 2018: Submission of papers ? Nov 10, 2018: Author notification ? Nov 25, 2018: Camera-ready copies ? Dec 10, 2018: Author registration Committees -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From irdta at Mon Aug 13 12:39:29 2018 From: irdta at (IRDTA) Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2018 12:39:29 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] BigDat 2019: early registration August 22 Message-ID: <545102060a010b040254550604015a50005704580406015604030d05540f555206550703030e515708540757005759@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> BigDat 2019: early registration August 22*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line* ? ******************************************************** ? 5th INTERNATIONAL WINTER SCHOOL ON BIG DATA ? BigDat 2019 ? Cambridge, United Kingdom ? January 7-11, 2019 ? Co-organized by: ? Cambridge Big Data Initiative, University of Cambridge ? Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA) Brussels / London ? ? ******************************************************** ? --- Early registration deadline: August 22, 2018 --- ? ******************************************************** ? SCOPE: ? BigDat 2019 will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at updating participants on the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of big data, which covers a large spectrum of current exciting research and industrial innovation with an extraordinary potential for a huge impact on scientific discoveries, medicine, engineering, business models, and society itself. Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the audience. ? Most big data subareas will be displayed, namely foundations, infrastructure, management, search and mining, security and privacy, and applications (to biological and health sciences, to business, finance and transportation, to online social networks, etc.). Major challenges of analytics, management and storage of big data will be identified through 2 keynote lectures, 24 four-hour courses, and 1 round table, which will tackle the most active and promising topics. The organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be a main component of the event. ? An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes. Moreover, there will be two special sessions with industrial and recruitment profiles. ? ADDRESSED TO: ? Master's students, PhD students, postdocs, and industry practitioners will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees. Since there will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be assumed for some of the courses. Overall, BigDat 2019 is addressed to students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep themselves updated about recent developments and future trends. All will surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers, industry leaders and innovators. ? STRUCTURE: ? 3 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to move from one to another. ? VENUE: ? BigDat 2019 will take place in Cambridge, a city home of a world-renowned university. The venue will be: ? University of Cambridge Department of Engineering Trumpington Street Cambridge CB2 1PZ ? KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: ? tba ? PROFESSORS AND COURSES: ? Thomas B?ck (Leiden University), [introductory/intermediate], Data Driven Modeling and Optimization for Industrial Applications ? Richard Bonneau (New York University), [introductory] Large Scale Machine Learning Methods for Integrating Protein Sequence and Structure to Predict Gene Function ? Altan Cakir (Istanbul Technical University), [introductory/intermediate] Processing Big Data with Apache Spark: From Science to Industrial Applications ? Jiannong Cao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), [introductory/intermediate] Cross-domain Big Data Fusion and Analytics ? Nitesh Chawla (University of Notre Dame), [intermediate/advanced] Network Science: Representation Learning and Higher Order Networks ? Nello Cristianini (University of Bristol), [introductory] The Interface between Big Data and Society ? Geoffrey C. Fox (Indiana University, Bloomington), [intermediate] High Performance Big Data Computing ? David Gerbing (Portland State University), [introductory] Data Visualization with R ? Craig Knoblock (University of Southern California), [intermediate/advanced] Building Knowledge Graphs ? Geoff McLachlan (University of Queensland), [intermediate/advanced] Applying Finite Mixture Models to Big Data ? Folker Meyer (Argonne National Laboratory), [intermediate] Skyport2: A Multi Cloud Framework for Executing Scientific Workflows ? Wladek Minor (University of Virginia), [introductory/advanced] Big Data in Biomedical Sciences ? Soumya Mohanty (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley), [introductory/intermediate] Swarm Intelligence Methods for Statistical Regression ? Sankar K. Pal (Indian Statistical Institute), [introductory/advanced] Machine Intelligence and Soft Granular Mining: Features, Applications and Challenges ? Lior Rokach (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), [introductory/advanced] Ensemble Learning ? Michael Rosenblum (University of Potsdam), [introductory/intermediate] Synchronization Approach to Time Series Analysis ? Hanan Samet (University of Maryland), [introductory/intermediate] Sorting in Space: Multidimensional, Spatial, and Metric Data Structures for Applications in Spatial and Spatio-textual Databases, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Location-based Services ? Rory Smith (Monash University), [intermediate/advanced] Statistical Inference: Optimal Methods for Learning from Signals in Noise ? Jaideep Srivastava (University of Minnesota), [intermediate] Social Computing: Computing as an Integral Tool to Understanding Human Behavior and Solving Problems of Social Relevance ? Mayte Su?rez-Fari?as (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), [intermediate] A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Longitudinal Data Using R ? Jeffrey Ullman (Stanford University), [introductory] Big-data Algorithms That Aren't Machine Learning ? Andrey Ustyuzhanin (National Research University Higher School of Economics), [intermediate/advanced] Surrogate Modelling for Fun and Profit ? Wil van der Aalst (RWTH Aachen University), [introductory/intermediate] Process Mining: Data Science in Action ? Zhongfei Zhang (Binghamton University), [introductory/advanced] Relational and Multimedia Data Learning ? OPEN SESSION ? An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary presentations of work in progress by participants. They should submit a half-page abstract containing title, authors, and summary of the research to david at by December 30, 2018. ? INDUSTRIAL SESSION: ? A session will be devoted to 10-minute demonstrations of practical applications of big data in industry. Companies interested in contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the program of the demonstration and the logistics needed. At least one of the people participating in the demonstration must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david at by December 30, 2018. ? EMPLOYER SESSION: ? Firms searching for personnel well skilled in big data will have a space reserved for one-to-one contacts. It is recommended to produce a 1-page .pdf leaflet with a brief description of the company and the profiles looked for, to be circulated among the participants prior to the event. At least one of the people in charge of the search must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david at by December 30, 2018. ? ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: (to be completed) ? Sara Morales (Brussels) Manuel J. Parra-Roy?n (Granada) David Silva (London, co-chair) Filippo Spiga (Cambridge, co-chair) Richard E. Turner (Cambridge) ? REGISTRATION: ? It has to be done at ? ? The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template is only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will be helpful to have an approximation of the respective demand for each course. During the event, participants will be free to attend the courses they wish. ? Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will be closed and the on-line registration facility disabled when the capacity of the venue is exhausted. It is highly recommended to register prior to the event. ? FEES: ? Fees comprise access to all courses and lunches. There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline. ? ACCOMMODATION: ? Suggestions for accommodation are available on the event website. ? CERTIFICATE: ? A certificate of successful participation in the event will be delivered indicating the number of hours of lectures. ? QUESTIONS AND FURTHER INFORMATION: ? david at ? ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: ? Cambridge Big Data Initiative, University of Cambridge ? Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA) ? Brussels/London -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hasselbring at Wed Aug 22 17:36:56 2018 From: hasselbring at (Wilhelm (Willi) Hasselbring) Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2018 17:36:56 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] Call For Papers: IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2019) Message-ID: <> *** CALL FOR PAPERS *** ICSA 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture March 25-29, 2019 Hamburg, Germany ICSA cordially invites contributions related to all aspects of software architecture. Submissions can be made in the following categories: * Technical track * New and Emerging Ideas (NEMI) track * Software Architecture in Practice (SAIP) track * Tool Demonstrations track * Early Career Researchers Forum (ECRF-ICSA 2019) * Workshops * Tutorials The International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2019) is the premier gathering of practitioners and researchers interested in software architecture, in component-based software engineering and in quality aspects of complex software systems. ICSA continues the tradition of a working conference, where researchers meet practitioners and where software architects can explain the problems they face in their day-to-day work and try to influence the future of the field. Interactive working sessions will be the place where researchers meet practitioners to identify opportunities to create the future. The increasing size of software systems and the emergence of increasingly autonomous systems is asking for innovative software engineering practices. The way software is being developed and maintained is rapidly changing and must take into account multifaceted constraints like fast-changing and unpredictable markets, complex and changing customer requirements, pressures of shorter time-to-market, rapidly advancing information technologies, just to name a few of these new aspects. To cope with such constraints, software is increasingly produced according to rapid continuous software engineering development processes. The theme of ICSA 2019 is "Architectures to interconnect Services and Systems". We welcome original contributions that explore and explain the role of architecture in current systems as well as in near future systems. This conference looks at what can be learned from our software architecture history, experience, studies, and best practices. ============================== *Call for Papers* ============================== We solicit the software architecture community original submissions of the following types: *Technical Papers* ============================== Technical research papers (10 pages) should describe original and significant results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual, or experimental research in software architecture research or industrial practice. The novelty of the contribution needs to be clearly described and the results validated. Technical research papers are limited to 10 proceedings pages, and will be evaluate based on soundness, significance, verifiability, and presentation quality, in that order. *Topics* -------------------- Topics of interest for the conference include (but are not limited to) the following themes: * Architecture & CI, CD and DevOps, * Microservices * Model driven engineering for continuous architecting * Up-front architecture and agile development * Architecting Systems of Systems, IoT systems, CPSs, software ecosystems, self-adaptive systems, or autonomous systems * Component based software engineering and architecture design * Architecture evaluation and quality aspects of software architectures * Automatic extraction and generation of software architecture descriptions * Re-factoring and evolving architecture design decisions and solutions * Architecture frameworks and architecture description languages * Linking architecture to requirements and/or implementation * Preserving architecture quality throughout the system lifetime * Reusable architectural solutions * Software architecture knowledge management * Software architecture for legacy systems and systems integration * Architecting families of products * Cultural, economic, business and managerial aspects of software architecture * Software architects roles and responsibilities * Training, education, and certification of software architects * State-of-the-art and state-of-practice in software architecture * Industrial experiments and case studies *Anonymization, Formatting and Submission Instructions* -------------------- Please note that ICSA 2019 will pursue a double-blind review process for the main Technical track (only), therefore all submissions to this track have to fulfill the double-blind reviewing requirements, see Papers submitted to the ICSA2019 technical track that disregard these review requirements will not be reviewed but desk-rejected. All submissions must conform to the Author Instructions, see All papers are to be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission system by the submission deadline, and must not have been published before. For more information please contact the Program Committee chairs through the email contact address mailto:icsa2019 at *Publication* -------------------- All accepted technical track contributions will be published in ICSA 2019 proceedings, and appear in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. *New and Emerging Ideas* ============================== The goal of the New and Emerging Ideas (NEMI) track at ICSA 2019 is to encourage the software architecture community to propose new software architecture research visions and ideas, which can potentially challenge the status quo of the software architecture discipline (research and practice) and point to new directions and opportunities. *Types of submissions* -------------------- The ICSA 2019 NEMI track seeks the following types of contributions: *New Ideas*: -------------------- * Visions or new directions supported by a strong and well motivated scientific foundation or practical application; * Arguments or results that challenge established results or beliefs, giving evidence that calls for fundamentally new directions, opening up new research avenues or software architecture practices; * Radically new approaches, techniques, or theories that can bring new results to software architecture research or practice. *Emerging Results*: -------------------- * Not yet fully mature research results, that may lack full validation but that still can stimulate discussions; papers should trigger discussion and raise awareness and reflection on specific topics, in research and/or industrial practice. NEMI papers must clearly motivate and illustrate a rationale for changing current practice and/or research in software architecture. Evaluation results are not required for NEMI papers (but if such results exist, then they may be presented, if only to give the reviewers a feel about the evaluation plan). Strong argumentation and reasoning is expected to inspire the readers. *Scope* -------------------- NEMI provides a forum for innovative, thought-provoking insights in software architecture in order to accelerate the exposure of the community to early and on-going yet promising and potentially inspiring innovations in industry and academia. NEMI papers are not second-class ICSA research track papers. NEMI is a forum for first-class contributions that provide novel, soundly motivated directions and emerging results in research and practice. In principle, the track addresses the same topics of interest as those of the technical paper track. However, NEMI authors are encouraged to combine these topics in new ways, to establish connections to other fields outside of classical software architecture, push the boundaries of software architecture to new avenues, as well as to argue for the importance of software architecture research and practice in areas not explicitly listed. *Out of scope* -------------------- A NEMI submission should not be just incremental results on existing research, nor disguised advertisements for previously published results, products, tools or methods, or experience reports. ICSA 2019 has several tracks and workshops where such works can be submitted. *Evaluation* -------------------- All submissions will be evaluated in terms of the following criteria: * Value: the problem is worth exploring, ideally real world use-inspired. * Impact: the potential for disruption of current practice and/or research; * Originality: new insights or ideas/visions; * Rationale: soundness of the justification, reasoning and argumentation; * Evaluation: appropriate consideration of relevant literature and/or research evaluation to demonstrate originality, arguments and limitations; * Quality: overall manuscript quality. *Formatting and submission Instructions* -------------------- All NEMI submissions must conform to the Author Instructions, and must not exceed *four pages*, including all text, references, appendices, and figures. No double-blind, but single-blind review will apply to NEMI papers. All papers are to be submitted electronically via the NEMI EasyChair submission system, by the submission deadline. Submissions must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere while under consideration for ICSA 2019 NEMI track.. Note that in addition to an oral plenary presentation at the conference, authors of accepted papers may also bring a poster describing their work to further showcase their work to a broader ICSA audience. For more information please contact the NEMI track chairs through the email contact address mailto:icsa2019nemi at *Publication* -------------------- All accepted technical track contributions will be published in ICSA 2019 Companion proceedings, and appear in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. *Software Architecture in Practice* ============================== The ICSA Software Architecture in Practice (SAIP) Track provides practitioners and researchers a platform to present and discuss the most recent innovations and findings in the field of software architecture by means of experience reports and talks. Topics of interest are the same as for the ICSA 2019 Technical Track. *Types of Submissions and Publication* -------------------- We solicit the following types of submissions: *SW Architecture in Practice papers* (4-8 pages) address industry-relevant software architecture problems through systematic investigations. Full papers may describe industry-relevant experience and best practices. Successful applications of research ideas in industrial settings are welcomed as well as negative results that rigorously describe why a research approach cannot be applied. Empirical analyses of industry-relevant software architecture issues may help both practitioners and researchers. The evaluation criteria are potential impact, repeatability, and real-world focus. An extensive discussion of the context in which the result was obtained is useful to transfer an approach to other contexts. Full papers will appear in the ICSA Companion proceedings. *Technical talk proposals* (2 pages) must feature current trends in the industry on the practice of software architecture presenting ideas that are both inspirational and informative. Proposals should make clear why the talk is interesting to ICSA SAIP attendees. Each accepted talk will be of 30 minutes duration. Extended abstracts of the accepted talks will appear in the ICSA Companion proceedings. *Formatting and Submission Instructions* -------------------- All submissions must conform to the Author Instructions No double-blind, but single-blind review will apply to SAIP papers. All papers are to be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission system, and must not have been published before. For more information please contact the SAIP track chairs through the email contact address mailto:icsa2019saip at *Tool Demonstrations* ============================== The ICSA 2019 Tool Demonstrations track provides researchers, practitioners, and educators with a platform to present and discuss the most recent innovations and findings in the field of software architecture by means of live tool presentations. We distinguish two categories of tool demo submissions addressing any aspect of tool support to help software architects, researchers, and practitioners: *Tools used in practice*, either from commercial vendors or open-source projects. These demonstrations should focus on practical applications within the different activities of software architecting and should particularly show how they advance the current state of the practice. New ideas and features are particularly welcome. *Research tools* from academic or industrial research environments. These demonstrations are intended to highlight underlying scientific contributions and show how scientific approaches have been transferred into a working tool. Both categories may range from early prototypes to in-house or pre-commercialized products. Authors of regular ICSA papers are also welcome to submit an accompanying tool paper by adding information regarding the actual demo as an appendix, as described further under submission requirements. We especially appreciate tool demos in line with the theme of ICSA 2019, which is ?Architectures to interconnect Services and Systems? ? leveraging advances like cross-functional and cross-national teams, scaling research to industry scale problems, bridging customer-developer divides, and working in an ?intelligent connected? world. Of course tool demos on other topics of Software Architecture are welcome too. *Submission Requirements* -------------------- Submissions of papers for tool demonstrations must: * Have a maximum length of 4 pages, describing the technology or approach, how it relates to other industrial or research efforts, including references, and what the expected benefits are. * Have an appendix of maximum 2 pages (not included in the page count) that provides a brief description of how the presentation will be conducted, information on tool availability, maturity and the web-page for the tool (if one exists). * Clearly state the tool category: in-practice or research. * Must conform to the Author Instructions No double-blind, but single-blind review will apply to tool demo track submissions. * Are to be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission system, and must not have been published before. Optionally, the submission can be accompanied with a video (maximum length of 5 minutes) in high resolution. In this case, a link to a page where the video can be viewed needs to be included in the appendix. Note that the video is not mandatory, but if it is available, it will be used to the benefit of the evaluation of the submission. Tool demos papers and accompanying artifacts will go through a peer review process and accepted papers will be included in the IEEE companion proceedings. For more information please contact the track organizers through the contact address icsa2019tool at *Early Career Researchers Submissions* ============================== The goal of the Early Career Researchers Forum (ECRF-ICSA 2019) is to inspire and bring together early career researchers in the field of software architecture. This forum provides a vibrant place for discussing potential and ongoing research at any stage, from ideas to results. This forum strives to provide a friendly environment for early career researchers to present their research proposals and early results, and get feedbacks and inspirations from experienced researchers. This forum stimulates interactions between early career researchers and experienced academic and industry members of the community by offering a two-stage submission process that will enable early career researchers to obtain feedbacks on their submissions. *Participation* -------------------- Participation is open to research candidates (PhD or Masters), industrial researchers or recent PhD graduates who want to share and improve their research in the field of software architecture. *Submission and Process* -------------------- The submission shall be a written report of between 6-8 pages. The format of the submission shall be in IEEE format (see Author Instructions). Each submission shall include the following: *Part 1: Research Submission* Each submission should include the following information ? The title of your submission ? Your information (name, affiliation, and e-mail address) ? An abstract of your research ? Motivations and goals justifying the importance of your research problem ? Research questions and hypotheses that describes what you want to achieve, solve or demonstrate ? A discussion of the existing and related works that your research is built upon, especially explaining why these works do not solve the problem(s) that you have identified ? Description of the research methods and the collection of your evidence ? Description of your potential contributions or contributions ? Description of your research agenda Note that the scope of this submission is not limited to one area of research, it could be a research agenda that connects several related research questions. Please submit this part through the Easychair submission system *Part 2: Recommendation Letter* Ask your main research advisor (in case of research candidates) or supervisor (in case of PhD graduates or industry researcher) for a letter of recommendation. This letter should include: ? Your name and position ? Current status of your research ? An endorsement of the publication of your submission The letter should be in PDF format and should be sent directly by your advisor via e-mail to the ECRF-ICSA2019 Chairs through this email address mailto:ecrficsa2019 at This recommendation letter will be held confidential. The e-mail subject should have the subject "ICSA2019-ECRF Recommendation" plus your Last Name. *Evaluation* -------------------- In the first round, one member of the programme committee will provide feedbacks and comments to each initial submission. Based on the initial feedbacks, some early career researchers will be invited to improve their works for resubmissions. Submissions in the second round will be evaluated by two committee members. A selection will take place based on the quality and potential of the research and its relevance to Software Architecture. Selected submissions will be accepted for publications and talks in the ECRF forum. *Publication* -------------------- Submissions that are selected by the program committee members will be invited to publish in the ICSA 2019 Companion Proceedings. *Presentation and Discussion* -------------------- All early career researchers who have their submissions accepted must present in the ECRF-ICSA 2019. The chairs of ECRF reserve the rights not to publish the paper of an absentee. A researcher shall have 15 minutes to present their research and research agenda. Experienced researchers shall provide feedbacks and facilitate discussions. *Workshop Proposals* ============================== ICSA 2019 workshops provide a unique forum for researchers and practitioners to present, learn, discuss and explore the latest experiences, challenges, trends and emerging R&D results in the field of software architecture. A workshop is not a mini-conference. The goal of workshops is to provide a forum for participants to engage in intensive discussion and explore the topic from different perspectives. Workshops can be half-day or one-day events. Potential topics for workshops are the same as, but not limited to, those of the ICSA 2019 Technical track. Workshop chairs are responsible for submission and selection of papers. Submissions must follow the IEEE Computer Science proceedings format, as workshop proceedings will be published by IEEE CS Digital Library. Workshop organizers may allow for different types of contributions (e.g., short and long papers), but a workshop paper should not exceed a maximum of 8 pages in IEEE format. *Formatting and Submission Instructions* -------------------- All workshop proposals must conform, at time of submission, to the IEEE Formatting Guidelines ( Proposals must be written in English and not exceed 4 pages in length. They are submitted through the Easychair submission system by the proposal submission deadline. Proposals should contain: 1. Motivation and objectives of the workshop * Title and acronym of the workshop * Motivation and objectives of the workshop topic (not exceeding 500 words) (Note: If your workshop is accepted then this description will be used as early publicity.) * A more detailed discussion of the anticipated outcomes of the workshop (e.g., open research problems to pursue, validation objectives, empirical studies, why the topic needs to be explored in a workshop setting etc.) * Information about previous editions of the same workshop (if any) * Potential connection with other ICSA events (if any) 2. Workshop format and needed services * What will be the format and timings for the workshop? (e.g., position talks, keynotes, breakout sessions, panel discussions, experiments, paper presentation and discussion,or a combination thereof) * What are the requirements in terms of rooms, equipment, and support staff? (e.g., do you need special room layout or assistance from student volunteers?) 3. Target audience * What backgrounds should the workshop attendees have? * What is the range (min, max) for number of attendees for the workshop? * What mix of industry and research participants is being sought? * Please outline a strong and proactive publicity plan, including information about the expected number and type of contributions and the initial acceptance rate. * Who are the potential Keynote speakers? In particular can you attract keynote speakers from from industry? 4. Workshop contributions and evaluation * What types of contribution are being solicited for the workshop? (e.g., full papers, position papers, posters, demos, experiments, or other interactive sessions) * What type of evaluation process will be used? 5. Workshop duration and timetable * Indicate if you plan for a half-day or a full-day workshop and provide a timetable for the structure of the event 6. Organizers and program committee * Names and bios of organizers * List of the potential program committee members 7. Draft call for papers for the workshop (a one page call for papers that you intend to send out if your workshop is accepted) *Evaluation Criteria* -------------------- Workshop proposals will be reviewed in a separate evaluation process from research papers. Acceptance will be based on: * evaluation of the workshop?s potential to advance the state of research and/or practice or bridging disciplines, between research and practice; * timeliness and expected interest in the topic; * relevance to the conference topics (See the topics of interest in the ICSA 2019 conference site); * the potential for attracting an appropriate number of participants; * organizers? ability to lead a successful workshop and attract contributors; * balance and synergy with other ICSA events. A workshops may be canceled or merged with others after the early registration deadline if too few participants have registered to make the event viable. For more information please contact the ICSA2019 workshop chairs through this email contact address mailto:icsa2019ws at *Tutorials* ============================== Tutorials at the International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2019) provide a valuable opportunity for conference participants to expand their knowledge and skills in specific research topics under the umbrella of software architecture. Tutorials will be held before the main ICSA 2019 conference in half-day or full-day sessions (25th and 26th of April, 2019). Type of submission A tutorial proposal consists of 2-4 pages containing sections that describe the relevance of the topic, including the state of the art, the implementation of the planned tutorial session, as well as the background of the presenter(s). In particular, the proposal should contain: * Tutorial title (one line). * A summary of 350 words (maximum) suitable for posting on the conference web site. * Topic description and relevance for the ICSA community: this section should include (i) a description of the topic, (ii) the state of art in the topic, (iii) the intended audience ? profile of the ideal targets ? for the tutorial, and (iv) the relevance for ICSA. The topic should be described in detail, stressing its importance and timeliness, including the 2 or 3 key take-away messages the audience should leave with. * Implementation section: this section should include (i) the duration of the proposed tutorial ? half or full day, if both durations are suitable submit two proposals with different outlines ? (ii) a preliminary schedule of events including estimated times, (iii) a detailed description of what the tutorial will cover, (iv) a justification of the tutorial for the expected audience, and (v) an explanation of how the tutorial will be conducted ? lecture, hands on exercise, facilitated discussion, group activity, role playing, game, etc. ? including a description of materials to be included in the tutorial notes. * The Presenter(s)? Background section: this section should include affiliation, relevant biographical information (250 words maximum), as well as summaries of the presenters? technical, presentation, and tutorial qualification and experience. This section should include a description of where and when the tutorial has been offered previously and the past number of attendees. *Submission Instructions and Evaluation Criteria* Tutorial proposals must be submitted via email mailto:icsa2019-tutorials at They will be reviewed by the organizers. Acceptance will be based on: * Evaluation of the tutorial?s interest to the community (research and/or practice) * Timeliness and expected interest in the topic * Organizer?s ability to lead a successful tutorial * Balance and synergy with other ICSA 2019 events For more information please contact the ICSA2019 workshop chairs through this email contact address mailto:icsa2019-tutorials at *Important Dates* ============================== Please note that all submission dates have been moved to earlier ones *Technical Track* -------------------- Abstract (mandatory) due 29 November 2018 Full Papers due 06 December 2018 Notification of acceptance 17 January 2019 Camera-ready due 07 February 2019 List of accepted papers publication 19 January 2019 Technical program publication 09 February 2019 *New and Emerging Ideas, Software Architecture in Practice, and Tool Demonstrations Track* -------------------- Abstract (mandatory) due 29 November 2018 Papers due 06 December 2018 Notification of acceptance 17 January 2019 Camera-ready due 07 February 2019 *Early Career Researchers Forum* -------------------- Abstract (mandatory) due 03 December 2018 Submission due 10 December 2018 First round feedback 21 December 2018 Resubmission due 07 January 2019 Notification of acceptance 14 January 2019 Camera-ready due 04 February 2019 *Workshops* -------------------- Proposal submission 21 September 2018 Proposal notification of acceptance 30 September 2018 Workshop CfP publication 14 October 2018 Paper submission 17 January 2019 Paper notification 07 February 2019 Workshop program publication, possible cancellation notice 08 February 2019 Camera-ready due 21 February 2019 Workshop days 25 and 26 March 2019 *Tutorials* -------------------- Proposal Submission 25 January 2019 Proposal Notification 01 February 2019 Possible cancellation notice 08 February 2019 Camera-Ready Tutorial Summary 08 February 2019 Tutorial handouts 15 February 2019 Tutorial days 25 and 26 March 2019 *Registration* Author registration deadline 07 February 2019 Early registration deadline 28 February 2019 Conference 25 - 29 March 2019 *Organizing Committee* ============================== General Chair: Matthias Riebisch, University of Hamburg, Germany Local Chair: Sebastian Gerdes, University of Hamburg, Germany Finance Chair and Conference Desk: Stephanie Schulte Hemming, University of Hamburg, Germany Program Co-Chairs: Paris Avgeriou, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, and Uwe Zdun, University of Vienna, Austria New and Emerging Ideas Track Co-Chairs: Matthias Galster, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, and Eltjo Poort, CGI, The Netherlands SW Architecture in Practice Co-Chairs: Wilhelm Hasselbring, University of Kiel, Germany, and Heiko Koziolek, ABB Corporate Research, Germany Early Career Researchers Forum Co-Chairs: Claus Lewerentz, Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany, and Anthony Tang, Swinburne University, Australia Tool Demonstrations Co-Chairs: Tom?? Bure?, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, and Andr? van Hoorn, University of Stuttgart, Germany Workshop Co-Chairs: Ipek Ozkaya, SEI, U.S.A, and Eoin Woods, Endava, UK Tutorials Co-Chairs: Eduardo Santana de Almeida, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Brazil, and Michael Stal, Siemens Corporate Technology, Germany Publicity Chair: Paula Rachow, University of Hamburg, Germany Social Media Chair: Bastian Tenbergen, State University of New York at Oswego, U.S.A. Publications Chair: Stephanie Schulte Hemming, University of Hamburg, Germany Student Volunteers Chair: Sandra Schr?der, University of Hamburg, Germany *Follow us on Social Media* ============================== Twitter: @ICSAconf Facebook: WikiCFP: For updated and detailed information about ICSA 2019, please visit From moa.johansson at Wed Aug 22 15:43:06 2018 From: moa.johansson at (Moa Johansson) Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2018 13:43:06 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] Call for Papers: Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL 2019) Message-ID: <> 21th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL 2019) Lisbon, Portugal. 14 -15 January 2019. Co-located with ACM POPL 2019 ( Declarative languages build on sound theoretical bases to provide attractive frameworks for application development. These languages have been successfully applied to many different real-world situations, ranging from data base management to active networks to software engineering to decision support systems. New developments in theory and implementation have opened up new application areas. At the same time, applications of declarative languages to novel problems raise numerous interesting research issues. Well-known questions include designing for scalability, language extensions for application deployment, and programming environments. Thus, applications drive the progress in the theory and implementation of declarative systems, and benefit from this progress as well. PADL is a well-established forum for researchers and practitioners to present original work emphasising novel applications and implementation techniques for all forms of declarative concepts, including, functional, logic, constraints, etc. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Innovative applications of declarative languages * Declarative domain-specific languages and applications * Practical applications of theoretical results * New language developments and their impact on applications * Declarative languages and software engineering * Evaluation of implementation techniques on practical applications * Practical experiences and industrial applications * Novel uses of declarative languages in the classroom * Practical extensions such as constraint-based, probabilistic, and reactive languages. PADL 2019 welcomes new ideas and approaches pertaining to applications and implementation of * declarative languages, and is not limited to the scope of the past PADL symposia. It will be co-located with the Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2019), in Lisbon, Portugal. Important Dates and Submission Guidelines ?????????????????? Abstracts due: 21 September Papers due: 28 September Notification to authors: 26 October Authors should submit an electronic copy of the full paper in PDF using the Springer LNCS format. The submission will be done through EasyChair conference system: All submissions must be original work written in English. Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally published workshops proceedings may be submitted but the authors should notify the program chair about the place on which it has previously appeared. PADL 2019 will accept both technical and application papers: Technical papers must describe original, previously unpublished research results. Technical papers must not exceed 15 pages (plus one page of references) in Springer LNCS format. Application papers are a mechanism to present important practical applications of declarative languages that occur in industry or in areas of research other than Computer Science. Application papers are expected to describe complex and/or real-world applications that rely on an innovative use of declarative languages. Application descriptions, engineering solutions and real-world experiences (both positive and negative) are solicited. The limit for application papers is 8 pages in Springer LNCS format but such papers can also point to sites with supplemental information about the application or the system that they describe. The proceedings of PADL 2019 will appear in the LNCS series of Springer Verlag: Journal Publication for Best Papers ?????????????????? The best papers (as selected by the PC chairs) will be invited to submit a longer version for journal publication after the symposium. For papers related to logic programming, in the journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), and for papers related to functional programming, in Journal of Functional Programming (JFP). The authors of these papers will be invited to submit a journal version containing at least 30% new material. This will be reviewed by the PC and/or the respective journal editors for a swifter reviewing process of the journal version. Such extensions could be explanations for which there was no space, illuminating examples and proofs, additional definitions and theorems, further experimental results, implementational details and feedback from practical/engineering use, extended discussion of related work and such like. Programme Committee ?????????????????? See: Programme Chairs ?????????????????? * Jos? Julio Alferes, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. * Moa Johansson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ggelfond at Thu Aug 23 18:31:50 2018 From: ggelfond at (ggelfond at Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2018 16:31:50 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] Datalog 2.0 Call for Papers ** INVITED SPEAKERS TO BE ANNOUNCED ** Message-ID: [Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email. Please distribute to interested parties.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS 3rd International Workshop on the Resurgence of Datalog in Academia and Industry Datalog 2.0 2019 June 3-5, 2019, Philadelphia, USA Co-located with LPNMR 2019 at the Philadelphia Logic Week 2019 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIMS AND SCOPE Datalog 2.0 is a workshop for Datalog researchers, implementors, and users. Its aim is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in different aspects of Datalog to share research experiences, promote collaboration and identify directions for joint future research. The 3rd International Workshop on the Resurgence of Datalog in Academia and Industry (Datalog 2.0 2019) will be held in Philadelphia, USA, on June 3-5, 2019. Datalog 2.0 2019 is a major event of the Philadelphia Logic Week 2019, which is dedicated to the research on logic, knowledge representation, and reasoning. The other major event of the Philadelphia Logic Week 2019 is the 15th International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2019). The first edition of Datalog 2.0 was held in Oxford, UK, in 2010, and it was by invitation only. Since Datalog has resurrected as a lively topic with applications in many different areas of computer science, as well as industry, the second edition of the workshop, which was held in Vienna, Austria, in 2012, was open for submissions. INVITED SPEAKERS To be announced TOPICS Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research on the foundational aspects of Datalog, as well as on its applications in other areas of computer science and in industry. Potential areas of application of Datalog may include (among others): data management, data mining, knowledge representation and reasoning, cloud computing, distributed computing, logic programming, privacy and security, probabilistic reasoning, program analysis, programming languages, semantic web, social networks, streaming, verification, web services. SUBMISSION Datalog 2.0 2019 welcomes two types of submissions * Long papers of up to 12 pages, presenting original research * Short papers of up to 5 pages that may contain either original ongoing research or recently published results in the following categories * Technical papers * System descriptions * Application descriptions The indicated number of pages includes title page and references. All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be submitted for publication in the CEUR Workshop proceedings ( Authors can opt-out if desired. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop to present the work. Submissions must be written in English, and formatted according to Springer's guidelines and technical instructions available at: Paper submission is enabled via the Datalog 2.0 2019 EasyChair site: The journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) will devote a special issue for a joint event of LPNMR/Datalog 2.0. Four to six papers will be selected for a rapid publication. In case of invited papers for a rapid publication in TPLP, there should be at least 30% new content compared to the published workshop paper. The extra material should consist of extensions of the existing material such as proofs, further experimental results, and implementation details. New results could be included too, if appropriate. Authors invited to submit to the special issue should confirm that such extra material is available. FURTHER INFORMATION WWW: Email: datalog2019 at IMPORTANT DATES Paper registration: February 12 Paper submission: February 19 Notification: March 19 Final versions due: April 16 VENUE Philadelphia, or the "City of Brotherly Love," is the sixth-largest city in the United States and once served as the nation's capital. Philadelphia is an active historical and cultural hub, and has been striving for excellence since 1776. The city's rich history of knowledge and academic prowess has never diminished as it continues to promote and foster higher education. Visitors can explore various attractions in and around Philadelphia, such as the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Franklin Institute, the Barnes Foundation, the Reading Terminal Market, and much more. Located on the East Coast of the U.S., between New York City and Washington D.C., Philadelphia is easily reachable by air, train, and car. As a testament to Philadelphia's commitment to educational advancement, Datalog 2.0 2019 will be held in one of the city's top colleges, Saint Joseph's University. Saint Joseph's campus is located at the outskirts of the city, in an area that features historic homes, green areas, and a quick connection to Philadelphia's Center City and Old City. GENERAL CHAIR Nicola Leone, University of Calabria, Italy PROGRAM CHAIRS Mario Alviano, University of Calabria, Italy Andreas Pieris, University of Edinburgh, UK PUBLICITY CHAIR Gregory Gelfond, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA PROGRAM COMMITTEE Chitta Baral, Arizona State University, USA Pablo Barcel?, University of Chile, Chile Leopoldo Bertossi, Carleton University, Canada and RelationalAI Inc. Meghyn Bienvenu, University of Montpellier, France Marco Calautti, University of Edinburgh, UK Andrea Cal?, University of London, Birkbeck College, UK Rada Chirkova, North Carolina State University, USA Claire David, Universite Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallee, France Cristina Feier, University of Bremen, Germany Markus Kr?tzsch, TU Dresden, Germany Georg Lausen, University of Freiburg, Germany Domenico Lembo, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Yanhong A. Liu, Stony Brook University, USA Carsten Lutz, University of Bremen, Germany Marco Manna, University of Calabria, Italy Marie-Laure Mugnier, University of Montpellier, France Reinhard Pichler, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Emanuel Sallinger, University of Oxford, UK Mantas Simkus, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Mirek Truszczynski, University of Kentucky, USA Stijn Vansummeren, Universit? Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium From matthias.gudemann at Mon Aug 27 16:07:55 2018 From: matthias.gudemann at (=?UTF-8?Q?Matthias_G=C3=BCdemann?=) Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2018 16:07:55 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] Final Call for Papers Software Verification and Testing Track (SVT) @ ACM SAC 2019 Message-ID: 34th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing Software Verification and Testing Track Limassol, Cyprus April 8 ? 12, 2019 svt.sac.2019 at Important dates =============== Sep. 10, 2018 - Submission of regular papers and SRC research abstracts Nov. 10, 2018 - Notification of paper / SRC abstract acceptance/rejection Nov. 25, 2018 - Camera-ready copies of accepted papers/SRC Dec. 10, 2018 - Author registration due date ACM Symposium on Applied Computing ================================== The ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) has gathered scientists from different areas of computing over the last thirty years. The forum represents an opportunity to interact with different communities sharing an interest in applied computing. SAC 2019 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP), and will be hosted by the University of Cyprus, Limassol, Cyprus. Software Verification and Testing Track ======================================= The Software Verification and Testing track aims at contributing to the challenge of improving the usability of formal methods in software engineering. The track covers areas such as formal methods for verification and testing, based on theorem proving, model checking, static analysis, and run-time verification. We invite authors to submit new results in formal verification and testing, as well as development of technologies to improve the usability of formal methods in software engineering. Also are welcome detailed descriptions of applications of mechanical verification to large scale software. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: * model checking * theorem proving * correct by construction development * model-based testing * software testing * symbolic execution * static and dynamic analysis * abstract interpretation * analysis methods for dependable systems * software certification and proof carrying code * fault diagnosis and debugging * verification and validation of large scale software systems * real world applications and case studies applying software testing and verification * benchmarks and data sets for software testing and verification Submission Guidelines ===================== Paper submissions must be original, unpublished work. Author(s) name(s) and address(es) must not appear in the body of the paper, and self-reference should be avoided and made in the third person. Submitted paper will undergo a blind review process. Authors of accepted papers should submit an editorial revision of their papers that fits within eight two-column pages (an extra two pages, to a total of ten pages, may be available at a charge). Please comply to this page limitation already at submission time. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM SAC 2019 proceedings. Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of papers, posters, or SRC abstracts in the conference proceedings. An author or a proxy attending SAC MUST present the work. This is a requirement for the presented work to be included in the ACM/IEEE digital library. No-show of registered papers, posters, and SRC abstracts will result in excluding them from the ACM/IEEE digital library. After the Symposium we will organize a special issue of the Software Quality Journal (SQJ) on the topics of SVT. Student Travel Award ==================== The SIGAPP Student Travel Award Program (STAP) was established to provide financial support for SIGAPP student members to attend SIGAPP primary conference (SAC) to present their accepted work. Student primary authors and co-authors are eligible to apply for these awards. For details please see: Student Research Competition ============================ As previous editions, SAC 2019 organises a Student Research Competition (SRC) Program to provide graduate students the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with researchers and practitioners in their areas of interest. Guidelines and information about the SRC program can be found at Program Committee Chairs ======================== Leonardo Mariani, University of Milano Bicocca Matthias G?demann, Diffblue Ltd. Program Committee ================= Marcelo d?Amorim, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil S?bastien Bardin, CEA, France Ezio Bartocci, TU Vienna, Austria Marius Bozga, CNRS, France Radu Calinescu, University of York, UK Lucas Cordeiro, University of Manchester, UK Cristina David, University of Cambridge, UK Giovanni Denaro, University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy Gidon Ernst, University of Melbourne, Australia Yli?s Falcone, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Inria, France Maria del Mar Gallardo, University of Malaga, Spain Sylvain Hall?, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Chicoutimi, Canada Ralf Huuck, The University of New South Wales, Australia Thierry J?ron, Inria, France Nikolai Kosmatov, CEA, France Maurizio Leotta, University of Genoa, Italy Martin Leucker, University of L?beck, Germany Stefan Leue, University of Konstanz, Germany Yves Le Traon, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Leonardo Mariani, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy Mercedes Merayo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Dejan Nickovic, Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria Brian Nielsen, Aalborg University, Denmark Peter Olveczky, University of Oslo, Norway Jun Pang, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Mike Papadakis, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Antoine Rollet, Bordeaux INP, LaBRI, France Gwen Sala?n, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Inria, France Julien Signoles, CEA, France Marjan Sirjani, Malardalen University, Sweden Neil Walkinshaw, University of Leicester, UK Anton Wijs, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands Rongxin Wu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Nina Yevtushenko, Tomsk State University, Russia Cemal Yilmaz, Sabanci University, Turkey Fatiha Za?di, University of Paris-Sud, France Gianluigi Zavattaro, University of Bologne, Italy From ruipereira at Tue Aug 28 15:54:50 2018 From: ruipereira at (Rui Pereira) Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2018 14:54:50 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] VL/HCC 2018 Call for Participation Message-ID: VL/HCC 2018 Call for Participation 2018 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 1-4 October, 2018 - Lisbon, Portugal Early registration deadline: August 31, 2018. Please come and join us in Lisbon, the Capital of Portugal on October 1-4, 2018 for the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2018)! >From the beginning of the computer age, people have sought easier ways to learn, express, and understand computational ideas. Whether this meant moving from punch cards to textual languages, or command lines to graphical UIs, the quest to make computation easier to express, manipulate, and understand by a broader group of people is an ongoing challenge. The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) is the premier international forum for research on this topic. Established in 1984, the mission of the conference is to support the design, theory, application, and evaluation of computing technologies and languages for programming, modeling, and communicating, which are easier to learn, use, and understand by people. We will hold the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing in Lisbon, Portugal. Highlights of VL/HCC 2018 include three top-level keynotes, two workshops and a graduate symposium. We selected different types of high quality contributions: 19 technical research papers, 12 short papers essentially describing ongoing work, 6 tool demonstrations and 13 posters. The final program will soon be completed and available online. Meanwhile you can consult all these contributions under the Program menu in the VL/HCC 2018 web page: Keynotes: - Jason Hong, Carnegie Mellon University, USA. Helping developers with privacy. October 2nd. - Geraldine Fitzpatrick, TU Wien in Vienna, Austria. Mind the gap: modelling the human in human-centric computing. October 3rd. - Rodrigo Sousa Coutinho, OutSystems, Portugal. Bringing visual languages to market: The OutSystems story. October 4th. Workshops (October 1st): - DTSHPS: 1st Workshop on Designing Technologies to Support Human Problem Solving. - SEMS: 5th International Workshop on Software Engineering Methods in Spreadsheets. REGISTRATION Online registration is open here: Early registration deadline is August 31, 2018. We look forward to seeing you in Lisbon, Portugal! Jo?o P. Fernandes & J?come Cunha (General Chairs) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From steffen.becker at Fri Aug 31 14:27:15 2018 From: steffen.becker at (Steffen Becker) Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2018 14:27:15 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] Bitte um Teilnahme: Umfrage zum Nutzen von Softwarearchitekturen in der Praxis Message-ID: Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, d?rften wir Sie um 10 Minuten Ihrer Zeit bitten? Wir f?hren eine Umfrage durch zum Nutzen von Softwarearchitekturen in der Praxis. Vielleicht haben einige von Ihnen auch schon an der Vorumfrage vor ca. 6 Monaten teilgenommen. Wir planen die Ergebnisse auf der International Conference for Software Architecture (ICSA 19) in Hamburg zu pr?sentieren. Daher w?re nat?rlich eine hohe deutsche Beteiligung besonders w?nschenswert. Der Link zur Umfrage lautet: Vielen Dank im voraus! Marie Christin Platenius-Mohr Steffen Becker -- Universit?t Stuttgart - Institut f?r Softwaretechnologie Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Becker - Reliable Software Systems Tel +49 711 685 88273 From irdta at Fri Aug 31 16:21:44 2018 From: irdta at (IRDTA) Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2018 16:21:44 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] BigDat 2019: early registration September 18 Message-ID: <545102060a010b04025e570603065a5d500751550a5552040a055b090e0f005152030400525c015604565400505357@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> BigDat 2019: early registration September 18*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line* ? ******************************************************** ? 5th INTERNATIONAL WINTER SCHOOL ON BIG DATA ? BigDat 2019 ? Cambridge, United Kingdom ? January 7-11, 2019 ? Co-organized by: ? Cambridge Big Data Initiative, University of Cambridge ? Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA) Brussels / London ? ? ******************************************************** ? --- Early registration deadline: September 18, 2018 --- ? ******************************************************** ? SCOPE: ? BigDat 2019 will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at updating participants on the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of big data, which covers a large spectrum of current exciting research and industrial innovation with an extraordinary potential for a huge impact on scientific discoveries, medicine, engineering, business models, and society itself. Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the audience. ? Most big data subareas will be displayed, namely foundations, infrastructure, management, search and mining, security and privacy, and applications (to biological and health sciences, to business, finance and transportation, to online social networks, etc.). Major challenges of analytics, management and storage of big data will be identified through 2 keynote lectures, 24 four-hour courses, and 1 round table, which will tackle the most active and promising topics. The organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be a main component of the event. ? An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes. Moreover, there will be two special sessions with industrial and recruitment profiles. ? ADDRESSED TO: ? Master's students, PhD students, postdocs, and industry practitioners will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees. Since there will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be assumed for some of the courses. Overall, BigDat 2019 is addressed to students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep themselves updated about recent developments and future trends. All will surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers, industry leaders and innovators. ? STRUCTURE: ? 3 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to move from one to another. ? VENUE: ? BigDat 2019 will take place in Cambridge, a city home of a world-renowned university. The venue will be: ? University of Cambridge Department of Engineering Trumpington Street Cambridge CB2 1PZ ? KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: ? tba ? PROFESSORS AND COURSES: ? Thomas B?ck (Leiden University), [introductory/intermediate], Data Driven Modeling and Optimization for Industrial Applications ? Richard Bonneau (New York University), [introductory] Large Scale Machine Learning Methods for Integrating Protein Sequence and Structure to Predict Gene Function ? Altan Cakir (Istanbul Technical University), [introductory/intermediate] Processing Big Data with Apache Spark: From Science to Industrial Applications ? Jiannong Cao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), [introductory/intermediate] Cross-domain Big Data Fusion and Analytics ? Nitesh Chawla (University of Notre Dame), [intermediate/advanced] Network Science: Representation Learning and Higher Order Networks ? Nello Cristianini (University of Bristol), [introductory] The Interface between Big Data and Society ? Geoffrey C. Fox (Indiana University, Bloomington), [intermediate] High Performance Big Data Computing ? David Gerbing (Portland State University), [introductory] Data Visualization with R ? Craig Knoblock (University of Southern California), [intermediate/advanced] Building Knowledge Graphs ? Geoff McLachlan (University of Queensland), [intermediate/advanced] Applying Finite Mixture Models to Big Data ? Folker Meyer (Argonne National Laboratory), [intermediate] Skyport2: A Multi Cloud Framework for Executing Scientific Workflows ? Wladek Minor (University of Virginia), [introductory/advanced] Big Data in Biomedical Sciences ? Soumya Mohanty (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley), [introductory/intermediate] Swarm Intelligence Methods for Statistical Regression ? Sankar K. Pal (Indian Statistical Institute), [introductory/advanced] Machine Intelligence and Soft Granular Mining: Features, Applications and Challenges ? Lior Rokach (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), [introductory/advanced] Ensemble Learning ? Michael Rosenblum (University of Potsdam), [introductory/intermediate] Synchronization Approach to Time Series Analysis ? Hanan Samet (University of Maryland), [introductory/intermediate] Sorting in Space: Multidimensional, Spatial, and Metric Data Structures for Applications in Spatial and Spatio-textual Databases, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Location-based Services ? Rory Smith (Monash University), [intermediate/advanced] Statistical Inference: Optimal Methods for Learning from Signals in Noise ? Jaideep Srivastava (University of Minnesota), [intermediate] Social Computing: Computing as an Integral Tool to Understanding Human Behavior and Solving Problems of Social Relevance ? Mayte Su?rez-Fari?as (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), [intermediate] A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Longitudinal Data Using R ? Jeffrey Ullman (Stanford University), [introductory] Big-data Algorithms That Aren't Machine Learning ? Andrey Ustyuzhanin (National Research University Higher School of Economics), [intermediate/advanced] Surrogate Modelling for Fun and Profit ? Wil van der Aalst (RWTH Aachen University), [introductory/intermediate] Process Mining: Data Science in Action ? Zhongfei Zhang (Binghamton University), [introductory/advanced] Relational and Multimedia Data Learning ? OPEN SESSION ? An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary presentations of work in progress by participants. They should submit a half-page abstract containing title, authors, and summary of the research to david at by December 30, 2018. ? INDUSTRIAL SESSION: ? A session will be devoted to 10-minute demonstrations of practical applications of big data in industry. Companies interested in contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the program of the demonstration and the logistics needed. At least one of the people participating in the demonstration must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david at by December 30, 2018. ? EMPLOYER SESSION: ? Firms searching for personnel well skilled in big data will have a space reserved for one-to-one contacts. It is recommended to produce a 1-page .pdf leaflet with a brief description of the company and the profiles looked for, to be circulated among the participants prior to the event. At least one of the people in charge of the search must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david at by December 30, 2018. ? ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: (to be completed) ? Sara Morales (Brussels) Manuel J. Parra-Roy?n (Granada) David Silva (London, co-chair) Filippo Spiga (Cambridge, co-chair) Richard E. Turner (Cambridge) ? REGISTRATION: ? It has to be done at ? ? The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template is only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will be helpful to have an approximation of the respective demand for each course. During the event, participants will be free to attend the courses they wish. ? Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will be closed and the on-line registration facility disabled when the capacity of the venue is exhausted. It is highly recommended to register prior to the event. ? FEES: ? Fees comprise access to all courses and lunches. There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline. ? ACCOMMODATION: ? Suggestions for accommodation are available on the event website. ? CERTIFICATE: ? A certificate of successful participation in the event will be delivered indicating the number of hours of lectures. ? QUESTIONS AND FURTHER INFORMATION: ? david at ? ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: ? Cambridge Big Data Initiative, University of Cambridge ? Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA) ? Brussels/London -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: