From manna at Fri Sep 1 11:55:48 2017 From: manna at (manna at Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2017 11:55:48 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] [CfP] PADL 2018 - abstract submission DEADLINE APPROACHING Message-ID: <> [We apology for possible cross posting] Call for Papers =============== 20th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL 2018) Los Angeles, CA, USA, 8 - 9 January, 2018 Co-located with ACM POPL 2018 ( The two best papers accepted for publication at PADL will be invited to submit an extended version for rapid publication in the journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. Conference Description ====================== Declarative languages build on sound theoretical bases to provide attractive frameworks for application development. These languages have been successfully applied to many different real-world situations, ranging from data base management to active networks to software engineering to decision support systems. New developments in theory and implementation have opened up new application areas. At the same time, applications of declarative languages to novel problems raise numerous interesting research issues. Well-known questions include designing for scalability, language extensions for application deployment, and programming environments. Thus, applications drive the progress in the theory and implementation of declarative systems, and benefit from this progress as well. PADL is a well-established forum for researchers and practitioners to present original work emphasizing novel applications and implementation techniques for all forms of declarative concepts, including, functional, logic, constraints, etc. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Innovative applications of declarative languages * Declarative domain-specific languages and applications * Practical applications of theoretical results * New language developments and their impact on applications * Declarative languages and software engineering * Evaluation of implementation techniques on practical applications * Practical experiences and industrial applications * Novel uses of declarative languages in the classroom * Practical extensions such as constraint-based, probabilistic, and reactive languages. PADL 2018 welcomes new ideas and approaches pertaining to applications and implementation of declarative languages, and is not limited to the scope of the past PADL symposia. It will be co-located with the Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2018), in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Important Dates and Submission Guidelines ========================================= Abstract submission: September 3, 2017 Paper submission: September 10, 2017 Notification: October 9, 2017 Camera-ready: October 23, 2017 Symposium: January 8-9, 2018 Authors should submit an electronic copy of the full paper in PDF using the Springer LNCS format. The submission will be done through EasyChair conference system: All submissions must be original work written in English. Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally published workshops proceedings may be submitted but the authors should notify the program chair about the place on which it has previously appeared. PADL 2018 will accept both technical and application papers: * Technical papers must describe original, previously unpublished research results. Technical papers must not exceed 15 pages (plus one page of references) in Springer LNCS format. * Application papers are a mechanism to present important practical applications of declarative languages that occur in industry or in areas of research other than Computer Science. Application papers are expected to describe complex and/or real-world applications that rely on an innovative use of declarative languages. Application descriptions, engineering solutions and real-world experiences (both positive and negative) are solicited. The limit for application papers is 8 pages in Springer LNCS format but such papers can also point to sites with supplemental information about the application or the system that they describe. The proceedings of PADL 2018 will appear in the LNCS series of Springer Verlag ( Two papers accepted for publication at PADL'18 will be nominated for the Most Practical Paper award (one of them as the Student Best Paper), each in cash amount of 250 Euro. These two papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their contribution to the journal "Theory and Practice of Logic Programming" for rapid publication. The extended version should contain at least 30% new content compared to the published conference paper. The extended paper will undergo an additional review process. Program Committee ================= * Daan Leijen, Microsoft Research * Daniel Winograd-Cort, University of Pennsylvania * David Van Horn, University of Maryland * Edwin Brady, University of St. Andrews * Enrico Pontelli, New Mexico State University * Erika Abraham, RWTH Aachen University * Esra Erdem, Sabanci University * Francesco Calimeri, University of Calabria * Geoffrey Mainland, Drexel University * Grigore Rosu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign * James Cheney, University of Edinburgh * Jurriaan Hage, Universiteit Utrecht * Karl Crary, Carnegie Mellon University * Konstantin Schekotihin, University of Klagenfurt * Lars Bergstrom, Mozilla Research * Lukasz Ziarek, SUNY Buffalo * Manuel Carro, Technical University of Madrid and UPM and IMDEA Software Institute * Marcello Balduccini, Saint Joseph's University * Marco Gavanelli, University of Ferrara * Marco Maratea, University of Genova * Martin Gebser, University of Potsdam * Mats Carlsson, SICS * Meera Sridhar, University of North Carolina Charlotte * Neng-Fa Zhou, CUNY Brooklyn College and Graduate Center * Paul Tarau, University of North Texas * Paulo Oliva, Queen Mary University of London * Peter Schüller, Marmara University * Ricardo Rocha, University of Porto * Stefan Woltran, Vienna University of Technology * Stefania Costantini, University of L'Aquila * Wolfgang Faber, University of Huddersfield Publicity Chair: * Marco Manna, University of Calabria, Italy Program Chairs: * Nicola Leone, University of Calabria, Italy * Kevin Hamlen, University of Texas at Dallas, TX, USA Contacts ======== For additional information about papers and submissions, please write to the official conference email address, or contact the Program Chairs: * email: padl2018 at * Nicola Leone University of Calabria, Italy * Kevin Hamlen University of Texas at Dallas, TX, USA From manna at Mon Sep 4 16:56:08 2017 From: manna at (manna at Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2017 16:56:08 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] [Last CfP] PADL 2018 - abstract deadline EXTENDED TO SEPTEMBER 10, 2017 Message-ID: [with apologies for cross-postings] Call for Papers =============== 20th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL 2018) Los Angeles, CA, USA, 8 - 9 January, 2018 Co-located with ACM POPL 2018 ( The two best papers accepted for publication at PADL will be invited to submit an extended version for rapid publication in the journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. Conference Description ====================== Declarative languages build on sound theoretical bases to provide attractive frameworks for application development. These languages have been successfully applied to many different real-world situations, ranging from data base management to active networks to software engineering to decision support systems. New developments in theory and implementation have opened up new application areas. At the same time, applications of declarative languages to novel problems raise numerous interesting research issues. Well-known questions include designing for scalability, language extensions for application deployment, and programming environments. Thus, applications drive the progress in the theory and implementation of declarative systems, and benefit from this progress as well. PADL is a well-established forum for researchers and practitioners to present original work emphasizing novel applications and implementation techniques for all forms of declarative concepts, including, functional, logic, constraints, etc. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Innovative applications of declarative languages * Declarative domain-specific languages and applications * Practical applications of theoretical results * New language developments and their impact on applications * Declarative languages and software engineering * Evaluation of implementation techniques on practical applications * Practical experiences and industrial applications * Novel uses of declarative languages in the classroom * Practical extensions such as constraint-based, probabilistic, and reactive languages. PADL 2018 welcomes new ideas and approaches pertaining to applications and implementation of declarative languages, and is not limited to the scope of the past PADL symposia. It will be co-located with the Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2018), in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Important Dates and Submission Guidelines ========================================= Abstract submission: September 10, 2017 (Extended) Paper submission: September 15, 2017 (Extended) Notification: October 9, 2017 Camera-ready: October 23, 2017 Symposium: January 8-9, 2018 Authors should submit an electronic copy of the full paper in PDF using the Springer LNCS format. The submission will be done through EasyChair conference system: All submissions must be original work written in English. Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally published workshops proceedings may be submitted but the authors should notify the program chair about the place on which it has previously appeared. PADL 2018 will accept both technical and application papers: * Technical papers must describe original, previously unpublished research results. Technical papers must not exceed 15 pages (plus one page of references) in Springer LNCS format. * Application papers are a mechanism to present important practical applications of declarative languages that occur in industry or in areas of research other than Computer Science. Application papers are expected to describe complex and/or real-world applications that rely on an innovative use of declarative languages. Application descriptions, engineering solutions and real-world experiences (both positive and negative) are solicited. The limit for application papers is 8 pages in Springer LNCS format but such papers can also point to sites with supplemental information about the application or the system that they describe. The proceedings of PADL 2018 will appear in the LNCS series of Springer Verlag ( Two papers accepted for publication at PADL'18 will be nominated for the Most Practical Paper award (one of them as the Student Best Paper), each in cash amount of 250 Euro. These two papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their contribution to the journal "Theory and Practice of Logic Programming" for rapid publication. The extended version should contain at least 30% new content compared to the published conference paper. The extended paper will undergo an additional review process. Program Committee ================= * Daan Leijen, Microsoft Research * Daniel Winograd-Cort, University of Pennsylvania * David Van Horn, University of Maryland * Edwin Brady, University of St. Andrews * Enrico Pontelli, New Mexico State University * Erika Abraham, RWTH Aachen University * Esra Erdem, Sabanci University * Francesco Calimeri, University of Calabria * Geoffrey Mainland, Drexel University * Grigore Rosu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign * James Cheney, University of Edinburgh * Jurriaan Hage, Universiteit Utrecht * Karl Crary, Carnegie Mellon University * Konstantin Schekotihin, University of Klagenfurt * Lars Bergstrom, Mozilla Research * Lukasz Ziarek, SUNY Buffalo * Manuel Carro, Technical University of Madrid and UPM and IMDEA Software Institute * Marcello Balduccini, Saint Joseph's University * Marco Gavanelli, University of Ferrara * Marco Maratea, University of Genova * Martin Gebser, University of Potsdam * Mats Carlsson, SICS * Meera Sridhar, University of North Carolina Charlotte * Neng-Fa Zhou, CUNY Brooklyn College and Graduate Center * Paul Tarau, University of North Texas * Paulo Oliva, Queen Mary University of London * Peter Schüller, Marmara University * Ricardo Rocha, University of Porto * Stefan Woltran, Vienna University of Technology * Stefania Costantini, University of L'Aquila * Wolfgang Faber, University of Huddersfield Publicity Chair: * Marco Manna, University of Calabria, Italy Program Chairs: * Nicola Leone, University of Calabria, Italy * Kevin Hamlen, University of Texas at Dallas, TX, USA Contacts ======== For additional information about papers and submissions, please write to the official conference email address, or contact the Program Chairs: * email: padl2018 at * Nicola Leone University of Calabria, Italy * Kevin Hamlen University of Texas at Dallas, TX, USA From riebisch at Tue Sep 5 16:28:53 2017 From: riebisch at (Riebisch, Matthias) Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2017 14:28:53 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] =?utf-8?q?GI-AK_Traceability_-_Gewinnung_und_Aktualisier?= =?utf-8?q?ung_von_Traceability_-_Deadline_1=2E10=2E17_r=C3=BCckt_n=C3=A4h?= =?utf-8?q?er?= Message-ID: <> Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Die Deadline für Einreichungen zum nächsten Workshop des Arbeitskreis Traceability / Evolution der GI-Fachgruppe Architekturen rückt näher, deshalb möchten wir Sie einladen, Beiträge zu schicken und sich den Termin für eine Teilnahme vorzumerken. Es geht um Methoden für die Gewinnung und Aktualisierung von Traceability. Kontext und Problemstellung Die explizite Nachverfolgbarkeit von Abhängigkeiten (Traceability) birgt nach wie vor großes Potential zur Unterstützung von Softwareentwicklungsprojekten mit unterschiedlich gearteten Artefakten wie natürlich-sprachlicher Dokumentation, Modellen, Tests und Code in verschiedenen Programmiersprachen. Zu den Anwendungsbereichen gehören • Feature Location • Impact Analyse • Konsistenzprüfung zwischen (Architektur-) Dokumentation und Implementation • Prüfung von Testabdeckung • Plattform- und sprachübergreifende Co-Evolution • Security Eine maßgebliche Problemstellung ist dabei die Gewinnung nutzbarer Trace Links aus zuverlässigen Informationsquellen. Diese Informationsquellen über Abhängigkeiten zwischen Softwareartefakten müssen identifiziert und effiziente Methoden zu deren Erschließung erforscht werden. Darüber hinaus müssen die Traceability Modelle nach Änderung der verknüpften Artefakte aktualisiert werden. Ziel Obgleich die Art der verknüpften Artefakte in verschiedenen Forschungsgruppen unterschiedlich ist, sind die Ansätze zur Gewinnung und Aktualisierung der Trace Links verwandt. Forscher verschiedener Nutzungsdomänen von Traceability tauschen sich in diesem Workshop über die gemeinsamen Problembereiche Gewinnung und Aktualisierung von Traceability Modellen aus. Insbesondere sollen verschiedene Arten von Informationsquellen identifiziert und passende Methoden für ihre Erschließung diskutiert werden. Wichtige Termine: Einreichung der Beiträge: bis 1. Oktober 2017 Entscheidung über Annahme: bis 6. Oktober 2017 Workshop: 27. Oktober 2017 Ort: TU Ilmenau Raum Z4005 (Zusebau) Ehrenbergstraße 29 98693 Ilmenau Einreichungen: Wir freuen uns über Einreichungen im Umfang zwischen zwei und sechs Seiten, die auf inhaltliche Passung zum Workshopthema geprüft und im Anschluss an den Workshop in der Zeitschrift „Softwaretechnik-Trends“ veröffentlicht werden. Teilnehmer ohne schriftlichen Beitrag sind ebenfalls willkommen. Die Beiträge sind im Format der Softwaretechnik-Trends zu verfassen (siehe Die Beiträge sind als PDF per Mail an stehle at einzureichen. Organisatoren: Tilmann Stehle, Universität Hamburg Patrick Mäder, TU Ilmenau Matthias Riebisch, Universität Hamburg Aktuelle Informationen: Bitte besuchen Sie die Webseite des AK Traceability / Evolution: From hasselbring at Fri Sep 8 17:23:12 2017 From: hasselbring at (Wilhelm (Willi) Hasselbring) Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2017 17:23:12 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] =?utf-8?q?Programm_Treffen_des_GI_AK_Microservices_und_D?= =?utf-8?q?evOps_in_N=C3=BCrnberg=2C_19=2E-20=2E_Oktober_2017?= Message-ID: <> Liebe Mitglieder der Fachgruppe Architekturen, inzwischen konnten wir ein interessantes Pogramm für das Treffen des neu gegründeten GI AK Microservices und DevOps in Nürnberg, 19.-20. Oktober 2017 zusammenstellen; anbei als PDF, online unter: Falls Sie teilnehmen möchten, melden Sie sich bitte an unter damit wir alle Teilnehmerdaten haben (falls noch nicht geschehen). Durch unseren Gastgeber, die SUSE Linux GmbH, kann die Teilnahme kostenfrei gestaltet werden; eine Anmeldung ist jedoch zur Teilnahme erforderlich. Die Webseite des AK findet sich unter Vielen Dank, ich freue mich auf ein interessantes Treffen! Schöne Grüße, Wilhelm (Willi) Hasselbring -- Prof. Dr. W. Hasselbring, Software Engineering Group Dept. Computer Science, Kiel University, D-24118 Kiel, Germany Tel: +49 (0)431 880-4664, -3734 (secretary), Fax: -7617 Email: hasselbring at -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Agenda.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 73202 bytes Desc: not available URL: From grlmc at Thu Sep 7 20:22:45 2017 From: grlmc at (GRLMC) Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2017 20:22:45 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] SLSP 2017: call for posters Message-ID: <545102060a010b070055570103045a555452055000540e520a570055535305505056065501080457050050560f0350@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> SLSP 2017: call for posters The 5th International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing (SLSP 2017) invites researchers to submit poster presentations. SLSP 2017 will be held in Le Mans (France) on October 23-25, 2017. See Poster presentations are intended to enhance informal interactions with conference participants, at the same time allowing for in-depth discussion. TOPICS Presentations displaying novel work in progress on statistical models (including machine learning) for language and speech processing are encouraged. Posters do not need to show final research results. Work that might lead to new interesting developments is welcome. KEY DATES Poster submission deadline: September 16, 2017 Notification of poster acceptance or rejection: September 23, 2017 SUBMISSION Please submit a .pdf abstract through: It should contain the title, author(s) and affiliation, and should not exceed 500 words. PRESENTATION Posters will be allocated 10 minutes each in the programme for oral presentation. Moreover, they will remain hanging out during the whole conference for discussion. PUBLICATION Posters will not appear in the LNCS/LNAI proceedings volume of SLSP 2017. However, they will be eligible for submission to the post-conference journal special issue in Computer Speech and Language (JCR 2015 impact factor: 1.324). REGISTRATION At least one author of each accepted poster must register to the conference by October 9, 2017. The registration fare is reduced: 285 Euro. It gives the same rights all other conference participants have (attendance, copy of the proceedings volume, coffee breaks, lunches). Contributors of regular papers who in addition get a poster accepted must register for the latter independently. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From manna at Fri Sep 8 17:12:35 2017 From: manna at (manna at Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2017 17:12:35 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] [Reminder] PADL 2018 - abstract deadline approaching Message-ID: [with apologies for cross-postings] PADL 2018 - 20th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages - Los Angeles, CA, USA, 8 - 9 January, 2018 Co-located with ACM POPL 2018 Important Dates and Submission Guidelines ========================================= Abstract submission: September 10, 2017 (Extended) Paper submission: September 15, 2017 (Extended) Notification: October 9, 2017 Camera-ready: October 23, 2017 Symposium: January 8-9, 2018 The two best papers accepted for publication at PADL will be invited to submit an extended version for rapid publication in the journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. Authors should submit an electronic copy of the full paper in PDF using the Springer LNCS format. The submission will be done through EasyChair conference system: The proceedings of PADL 2018 will appear in the LNCS series of Springer Verlag ( Two papers accepted for publication at PADL'18 will be nominated for the Most Practical Paper award (one of them as the Student Best Paper), each in cash amount of 250 Euro. These two papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their contribution to the journal "Theory and Practice of Logic Programming" for rapid publication. The extended version should contain at least 30% new content compared to the published conference paper. The extended paper will undergo an additional review process. Contacts ======== For additional information about papers and submissions, please write to the official conference email address, or contact the Program Chairs: * email: padl2018 at * Nicola Leone University of Calabria, Italy * Kevin Hamlen University of Texas at Dallas, TX, USA Program Committee ================= * Daan Leijen, Microsoft Research * Daniel Winograd-Cort, University of Pennsylvania * David Van Horn, University of Maryland * Edwin Brady, University of St. Andrews * Enrico Pontelli, New Mexico State University * Erika Abraham, RWTH Aachen University * Esra Erdem, Sabanci University * Francesco Calimeri, University of Calabria * Geoffrey Mainland, Drexel University * Grigore Rosu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign * James Cheney, University of Edinburgh * Jurriaan Hage, Universiteit Utrecht * Karl Crary, Carnegie Mellon University * Konstantin Schekotihin, University of Klagenfurt * Lars Bergstrom, Mozilla Research * Lukasz Ziarek, SUNY Buffalo * Manuel Carro, Technical University of Madrid and UPM and IMDEA Software Institute * Marcello Balduccini, Saint Joseph's University * Marco Gavanelli, University of Ferrara * Marco Maratea, University of Genova * Martin Gebser, University of Potsdam * Mats Carlsson, SICS * Meera Sridhar, University of North Carolina Charlotte * Neng-Fa Zhou, CUNY Brooklyn College and Graduate Center * Paul Tarau, University of North Texas * Paulo Oliva, Queen Mary University of London * Peter Schüller, Marmara University * Ricardo Rocha, University of Porto * Stefan Woltran, Vienna University of Technology * Stefania Costantini, University of L'Aquila * Wolfgang Faber, University of Huddersfield Publicity Chair: * Marco Manna, University of Calabria, Italy Program Chairs: * Nicola Leone, University of Calabria, Italy * Kevin Hamlen, University of Texas at Dallas, TX, USA From sac.soap2018 at Mon Sep 11 12:47:57 2017 From: sac.soap2018 at (sac.soap2018 at Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2017 12:47:57 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] SOAP@SAC 2018, April 9-13, Pau, France - (EXTENDED DEADLINE) final call for papers Message-ID: <> (Apologies for duplicates) FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS - SOAP track at SAC Service-Oriented Architectures and Programming track of the 33st ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing 9-13 April 2018, Pau, France IMPORTANT DATES September 25 (EXTENDED), 2017: Submission of regular papers and SRC research abstracts November 10, 2017: Notification of paper and SRC abstracts acceptance/rejection November 25, 2017: Camera-ready copies of accepted papers/SRC abstracts December 10, 2017: Author registration due date SAC 2018 For the past thirty years, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing has been a primary gathering forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers, software engineers, and application developers from around the world. SAC 2018 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP), and will be held in Pau, France. CALL FOR PAPERS Service-Oriented Programming (SOP) is quickly changing our vision of software development, bringing a paradigmatic shift in the methodologies followed by programmers when designing and implementing distributed systems. SOP originally triggered a radical transformation of the Web, from being a means of presenting information to a wide spectrum of people to becoming a computational fabric. In such fabric, loosely-coupled services publish their interfaces and, through them, discover and interact with each other abstracting from their internal implementations. While this transformation still continues today, it has also already generated other shifts in how programmers deal with resource handling (Cloud Computing) and the scalability of software architectures from the very small to the very large (Microservices). Research on SOP is giving strong impetus to the development of new technologies and tools for creating and deploying distributed software. In the context of this modern paradigm we have to cope with an old challenge, like in the early days of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) when consistency in the programming model definition was not achieved until the definition of key features like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, together with proper design methodologies. The complex scenario of SOP needs to be clarified on many aspects, both from the engineering and from the foundational points of view. From the engineering point of view, there are open issues at many levels. Among others, at the system design level, both traditional approaches based on UML and approaches taking inspiration from business process modelling, e.g. BPMN, are used. At the composition level, orchestration and choreography are continuouslsy improved both formally and practically, with an evident need for their integration in the development process. At the description and discovery level there are two separate communities pushing respectively the semantic approach (ontologies, OWL, ...) and the syntactic one like WSDL. In particular, the role of discovery engines and protocols is not clear. In this respect we still lack adopted standards: UDDI looked to be a good candidate, but it is no longer pushed by the main corporations, and its wide adoption seems difficult. Furthermore, a recent implementation platform, the so-called REST services, is emerging and competing with classic Web Services. Finally, features like Quality of Service, security and dependability need to be taken seriously into account, and this investigation should lead to standard proposals. From the foundational point of view, researchers have discussed widely in the last years, and many attempts to use formal methods for specification and verification in this setting have been made. Session correlation, service types, contract theories and communication patterns are only a few examples of the aspects that have been investigated. Moreover, several formal models based upon automata, Petri nets and algebraic approaches have been developed. However, most of these approaches concentrate only on a few features of Service-Oriented Systems in isolation, and a comprehensive approach is still far from being achieved. Our track aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners having the common objective of transforming SOP into a mature discipline with both solid scientific foundations and mature software engineering development methodologies supported by dedicated tools. In particular, we will encourage works and discussions about what SOP still needs in order to achieve its original goal. Major topics of interest will include: -Formal methods for Service-Oriented Computing -Notations, models, and standards for Service-Oriented Computing -Tools and Middlewares for Service-Oriented Development -Service-Oriented Programming Languages -Service-Oriented Programming in dynamic Open Service Ecosystems -Service Choreographies and Protocol-Driven Service Development -Service Interfaces and Communication Technologies (e.g., REST) -Microservices and Scalable Service-Oriented Computing -Engineering methodologies and Patterns for Service-Oriented Software -Static Analysis and Testing of Service-Oriented applications -Adaptability, Dependability, and Fault handling in Service Systems -Security in Service-Oriented Architectures -Quality of Service and Performance Analysis -Industrial deployment of tools and methodologies, case studies -Service application case studies -Trust and Services -Sustainability and Services, Green Computing -Cloud Computing and Services -Services and Big Data -IoT and Cloud-based Services SUBMISSION Authors are invited to submit original unpublished papers. Submission of the same paper to multiple tracks is not allowed. Peer groups with expertise in the track focus area will double-blindly review submissions. Accepted papers will be published in the annual conference proceedings. SOAP track chairs will not submit to the track. Submissions from SOAP PC members and from PC members and track chairs of other SAC tracks are welcome. Submission guidelines can be found on the SAC 2018 website. Prospective papers should be submitted to the track using the provided automated submission system. Please pay attention to ensure anonimity of your submitted manuscript as detailed in the submission page so to allow for double-blind review. Papers not satisfying this constraint will be automatically rejected. See the SAC site for the page constraints. For each accepted paper, an author or a proxy attending SAC MUST present the paper. This is a requirement for the paper to be included in the ACM/ IEEE digital library. Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of the papers, posters, or SRC abstracts in the conference proceedings. An author or a proxy attending SAC MUST present the paper. This is a requirement for the presented work to be included in the ACM/IEEE digital library. No-show of registered papers, posters, and SRC abstracts will result in excluding them from the ACM/IEEE digital library. Please submit your contribution via SAC 2018 submission site. SPECIAL ISSUE We plan a special issue of a top-level journal for which we will invite the best papers. STUDENT RESEARCH COMPETITION PROGRAM As before, SAC 2018 organizes a Student Research Competition (SRC) Program to provide graduate students the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with researchers and practitioners in their areas of interest. For guidelines and information about the SRC program: Submission of research abstracts to the SRC program should be in electronic form via SAC 2018 SRC papers submission site. Submission of the same abstract to multiple tracks is not allowed. All research abstract submissions will be reviewed by researchers and practitioners with expertise in the track focus area to which they are submitted. Authors of selected abstracts will have the opportunity to give poster presentations of their work and compete for three top-winning places. The Student Research Competition committee will evaluate and select First-, Second-, and Third- place winners. The winners will receive cash awards and SIGAPP recognition certificates during the conference banquet. Authors of selected abstracts are eligible to apply to the SIGAPP Student Travel Award program for support. PROGRAM COMMITEE -Nazareno Aguirre (Universidad de Río Cuarto, AR) -Farhad Arbab (Leiden University and CWI, Amsterdam, NL) -Luís Barbosa (University of Minho, Braga, PT) -Maurice ter Beek (ISTI-CNR, IT) -Antonio Bucchiarone (FBK, Trento, IT) -Romain Demangeon (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, FR) -Shuiguang Deng (Zhejiang University, PRC) -Schahram Dustdar (Vienna University of Technology, AT) -Gian Luigi Ferrari (Università di Pisa, IT) -José Fiadeiro (Royal Holloway University of London, UK) -Saverio Giallorenzo (University of Bologna, IT) -Ross Horne (Nanyang Technological University, SG) -Vasileios Koutavas (Trinity College Dublin, IR) -Alberto Lluch Lafuente (Technical University of Denmark, DK) -Hernán Melgratti (University of Buenos Aires, AR) -Alberto Núñez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SP) -Jorge A. Perez (University of Groningen, NL) -Gustavo Petri (Purdue University, USA) -António Ravara (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT) -Victor Rivera (Innopolis University, RU) -Alceste Scalas (Imperial College London, UK) -Nikolay Shilov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, RU) -Hugo Torres Vieira (IMT Lucca, IT) -Farouk Toumani (Université Blaise Pascal, FR) -Emilio Tuosto (University of Leicester, UK) -Yuhong Yan (Concordia University, CA) -Gianluigi Zavattaro (University of Bologna, IT) -Roberto Zunino (University of Trento, IT) TRACK CHAIRS -Massimo Bartoletti bart @ Università di Cagliari, Italy -Luís Cruz-Filipe lcf @ University of Southern Denmark, Denmark -Gwen Salaün gwen.salaun @ Université Grenoble Alpes, France PUBLICITY CHAIR -Stefano Lande lande @ Università di Cagliari, Italy STEERING COMMITTEE -Claudio Guidi, italianaSoftware, Italy -Ivan Lanese, University of Bologna, Italy and INRIA, France -Manuel Mazzara, Innopolis University, Russia -Fabrizio Montesi, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark From grlmc at Tue Sep 12 19:27:21 2017 From: grlmc at (GRLMC) Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2017 19:27:21 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] BigDat 2018: early registration September 26 Message-ID: <545102060a010b07005f540001015a54535f510005520055510b0b530e50010554580d560708010300575404070602@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> BigDat 2018: early registration September 26*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line*   *******************************************************   4th INTERNATIONAL WINTER SCHOOL ON BIG DATA   BigDat 2018   Timișoara, Romania   January 22-26, 2018   Organized by: West University of Timișoara Rovira i Virgili University   *******************************************************   --- Early registration deadline: September 26, 2017 ---   *******************************************************   SCOPE:   BigDat 2018 will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at updating participants about the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of big data, which covers a large spectrum of current exciting research and industrial innovation with an extraordinary potential for a huge impact on scientific discoveries, medicine, engineering, business models, and society itself. Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the audience.   Most big data subareas will be displayed, namely foundations, infrastructure, management, search and mining, security and privacy, and applications (to biological and health sciences, to business, finance and transportation, to online social networks, etc.). Major challenges of analytics, management and storage of big data will be identified through 2 keynote lectures, 26 five hour and fifteen minute-courses, and 1 round table, which will tackle the most active and promising topics. The organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be a main component of the event.   An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes. Also, there will be two special sessions with industrial and recruitment profiles.   ADDRESSED TO:   Master students, PhD students, postdocs, and industry practitioners will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees. Since there will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be assumed for some of the courses. Overall, BigDat 2018 is addressed to students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep themselves updated about recent developments and future trends. All will surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers, industry leaders and innovators.   STRUCTURE:   3 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to move from one to another.   VENUE:   BigDat 2018 will take place in Timișoara, which has been nominated one of the European Capitals of Culture in 2021. The venue will be:   Universitatea de Vest Blvd. Vasile Parvân, nr. 4 300223 Timișoara   KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: (to be completed)   tba   PROFESSORS AND COURSES: (to be completed)   Paul Bliese (University of South Carolina), [introductory/intermediate] Using R for Mixed-effects (Multilevel) Models   Hendrik Blockeel (KU Leuven), [intermediate] Decision Trees for Big Data Analytics   Diego Calvanese (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano), tba   Nick Duffield (Texas A&M University), [introductory/intermediate] Sampling for Big Data   Sašo Džeroski (Jožef Stefan Institute), [introductory/intermediate] Multi-target Prediction: Techniques and Applications   Geoffrey C. Fox (Indiana University, Bloomington), [intermediate] Integration of HPC, Big Data Analytics and Software Ecosystem   Minos Garofalakis (Technical University of Crete), tba   David W. Gerbing (Portland State University), [introductory] Data Visualization with R   Xiaohua Tony Hu (Drexel University), [introductory/advanced] Big Data Analysis in Microbiome Study   Maurizio Lenzerini (Sapienza University of Rome), [intermediate/advanced] Semantic Technologies for Open Data Publishing   Bing Liu (University of Illinois, Chicago), [intermediate/advanced] Lifelong Learning and its Application to NLP   B.S. Manjunath (University of California, Santa Barbara), [introductory/intermediate] Working with Unstructured (Big) Data   Folker Meyer (Argonne National Laboratory), [introductory/intermediate] Efficient Multi Cloud Execution of Reproducible Data Analytics using Common Workflow Language, AWE and SHOCK   Wladek Minor (University of Virginia), [introductory/advanced] Big Data in Biomedical Sciences   Fionn Murtagh (University of Huddersfield), [introductory/advanced] The New Science of Big Data Analytics, Based on the Geometry and the Topology of Complex, Hierarchic Systems   Raymond Ng (University of British Columbia), [introductory] Mining and Summarizing Text Conversations   Srinivasan Parthasarathy (Ohio State University), [introductory/intermediate] Network Science Fundamentals   Hanan Samet (University of Maryland, College Park), [introductory/intermediate] Sorting in Space: Multidimensional, Spatial, and Metric Data Structures for Applications in Spatial Databases, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Location-based Services   Kyuseok Shim (Seoul National University), [introductory/intermediate] MapReduce Algorithms for Big Data Analysis   Jaideep Srivastava (Qatar Computing Research Institute), [introductory/intermediate] Social Computing   Jeffrey Ullman (Stanford University), [introductory] Big-data Algorithms That Aren't Machine Learning   Pascal Van Hentenryck (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), [intermediate] Big Data in Transportation and Mobility   Sebastián Ventura (University of Córdoba), [intermediate/advanced] Pattern Mining on Big Data   Haixun Wang (Facebook), [intermediate/advanced] Understanding Natural Language: End-to-end and Structure Learning Approaches   Xiaowei Xu (University of Arkansas, Little Rock), [introductory/advanced] Mining Big Networked Data   Zhongfei Zhang (Binghamton University), [introductory/advanced] Relational and Media Data Learning and Knowledge Discovery   OPEN SESSION   An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary presentations of work in progress by participants. They should submit a half-page abstract containing title, authors, and summary of the research to david.silva409 (at) by January 15, 2018.   INDUSTRIAL SESSION:   A session will be devoted to demonstrations of practical applications of big data in industry. Companies interested in contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the program of the demonstration, the duration requested and the logistics necessary. At least one of the people participating in the demonstration should have registered for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david.silva409 (at) by January 15, 2018.   EMPLOYER SESSION:   Firms searching for personnel well skilled in big data will have a space reserved for one-to-one contacts. At least one of the people in charge of the search should have registered for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david.silva409 (at) by January 15, 2018.   ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:   Carlos Martín-Vide (co-chair) Viorel Negru Manuel J. Parra Royón Dana Petcu Monica Sancira (co-chair) David Silva   REGISTRATION:   It has to be done at   The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template is only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will be helpful to have an approximation of the respective demand for each course. During the event, participants will be free to attend the courses they wish.   Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will be closed and the on-line registration facility disabled if the capacity of the venue is exhausted. It is highly recommended to register prior to the event.   FEES:   Fees comprise access to all courses and lunches. There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline.   ACCOMMODATION:   Suggestions for accommodation will be available in due time.   CERTIFICATE:   Participants will be delivered a certificate of attendance indicating the number of hours of lectures.   QUESTIONS AND FURTHER INFORMATION:   david.silva409 (at)   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS:   Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara Universitat Rovira i Virgili -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cesar.a.munoz at Thu Sep 14 19:54:32 2017 From: cesar.a.munoz at (Munoz, Cesar (LARC-D320)) Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2017 17:54:32 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] [fm-announcements] NASA Formal Methods Symposium 2018 - CFP Message-ID: <> NFM 2018 - Call for Papers The 10th NASA Formal Methods Symposium 30 Years of Formal Methods at NASA ------------------------------------- April 17-19, 2018 Newport News Marriott at City Center Newport News, VA, USA Theme of the Symposium ---------------------- The widespread use and increasing complexity of mission-critical and safety-critical systems at NASA and in the aerospace industry require advanced techniques that address these systems' specification, design, verification, validation, and certification requirements. The NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM) is a forum to foster collaboration between theoreticians and practitioners from NASA, academia, and industry. NFM's goals are to identify challenges and to provide solutions for achieving assurance for such critical systems. New developments and emerging applications like autonomous software for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), UAS Traffic Management (UTM), advanced separation assurance algorithms for aircraft, and the need for system-wide fault detection, diagnosis, and prognostics provide new challenges for system specification, development, and verification approaches. Similar challenges need to be addressed during development and deployment of on-board software for both spacecraft and ground systems. The focus of the symposium will be on formal techniques and other approaches for software assurance, including their theory, current capabilities and limitations, as well as their potential application to aerospace, robotics, and other NASA-relevant safety-critical systems during all stages of the software life-cycle. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: ------------------------------------------------- * Formal verification, including theorem proving, model checking, and static analysis * Advances in automated theorem proving including SAT and SMT solving * Use of formal methods in software and system testing * Run-time verification * Techniques and algorithms for scaling formal methods such as abstraction and symbolic methods, compositional techniques, as well as parallel and/or distributed techniques * Code generation from formally verified models * Safety cases and system safety * Formal approaches to fault tolerance * Theoretical advances and empirical evaluations of formal methods techniques for safety-critical systems, including hybrid and embedded systems * Formal methods in systems engineering and model-based development Submission Details ------------------ There are two categories of submissions: 1. Regular papers describing fully developed work and complete results (maximum 15 pages) 2. Short papers on tools, experience reports, or work in progress with preliminary results (maximum 6 pages) All papers must be in English and describe original work that has not been published or submitted elsewhere. All submissions will be fully reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee. Papers will appear in a volume of Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), and must use LNCS style formatting. Papers must be submitted in PDF format at the EasyChair submission site: Authors of selected best papers may be invited to submit an extended version to a special issue of a computer science journal. Important Dates --------------- Abstract Submission: November 10, 2017 Paper Submission: November 20, 2017 Paper notification: January 19, 2018 Camera Ready Deadline: February 9, 2018 Symposium: April 17-19, 2018 Location -------- The symposium will take place at Newport News Marriott at City Center, Newport News, VA, USA. Registration is required but is free of charge. Organizing Committee ---------------- Anthony Narkawicz (Conference Chair) Aaron Dutle (Program Co-Chair) Cesar Munoz (Program Co-Chair) Contact -------- Email: nfm2018 [at] easychair [dot] org Web: --- To opt-out from this mailing list, send an email to fm-announcements-request at with the word 'unsubscribe' as subject or in the body. You can also make the request by contacting fm-announcements-owner at From mayerhofer at Fri Sep 15 15:34:02 2017 From: mayerhofer at (Mayerhofer Tanja) Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2017 13:34:02 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] Two Open Positions (Postdoc + PhD) in Model Driven Engineering / Software Language Engineering at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria Message-ID: <> Open Positions for 1 POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCHER and 1 PhD STUDENT at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria in MODEL-DRIVEN ENGINEERING / SOFTWARE LANGUAGE ENGINEERING starting as soon as possible (ideally January 2018). Topic ------- The Business Informatics Group at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria offers two research positions in the areas Model-Driven Engineering and Software Language Engineering: One position for a post-doctoral researcher and one position for a PhD candidate. The two researchers will be appointed for conducting the research project "LEA-xDSML" funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF on the topic of language engineering for executable modeling languages. The objective of the project is to establish language engineering methods for developing executable modeling languages and model execution infrastructures and tools (e.g., debuggers, animators, testing tools) for such languages. Executable modeling languages allow the specification of behavioral aspects of systems, such as their interactions with the external environment and realized business processes. Therewith, they support domain engineers in modeling complex system behaviors providing the basis for the performance of early analyses of emerging behaviors, a capability that is of uttermost importance in the development of complex software-intensive systems. In order to be useful, executable modeling languages have to be equipped with model analysis tools supporting domain engineers in comprehending, exploring, and analyzing modeled behaviors. In current practice, such tools are hand-crafted in an ad hoc manner imposing significant efforts and costs on the development process. The goal of the "LEA-xDSML" project is to overcome this problem by establishing systematic language engineering methods for executable modeling languages that support an automated generation of model execution infrastructures and tools. More details about the project LEA-xDSML may be found at Candidate Profile -------------- We are looking for one post-doctoral researcher and one PhD student, who have the desire to make strong contributions in software language engineering and model-driven engineering. We expect a high commitment for team work and eagerness to engage in cutting-edge research. Fluent written and verbal communication skills in English are a pre-requisite. German language skills are not a requirement. >From the post-doctoral researcher we expect: * Completed PhD in Computer Science / Informatics or related fields * Publications in model-driven engineering, software language engineering, or related areas * Willingness to supervise the PhD student employed for the project >From the PhD student we expect: * Completed master degree in Computer Science / Informatics or related fields * Profound software engineering skills * Profound skills in Java programming * Experiences with modeling techniques and technologies Duration and Salary ----------------- The candidates will be hired for an initial period of 1 year with the possibility to extend the contract up to 3 years in total. The postdoc position is a full-time position (40 working hours a week). The position for the PhD student is for 30 working hours a week. The salaries are: * Post-doctoral researcher (40 hours per week): EUR 3.626,60 gross salary per month (14 times a year) * PhD student (30 hours per week): EUR 2.048,30 gross salary per month (14 times a year) University Profile -------------- The research activities of the candidates will be carried out at TU Wien in Vienna, Austria: TU Wien was founded in 1815 as Imperial-Royal Polytechnical Institute celebrating its 200th anniversary in 2015. It was the first University of Technology within present-day German-speaking Europe. Today, the university finds high international and national recognition in teaching as well as research and is a highly esteemed partner of innovation-oriented enterprises. TU Wien offers 18 bachelor-, 32 master- and 3 doctoral programs to its 29.000 students. The offered education is rewarded by high international and domestic recognition. The five research focus points of TU Wien are Computational Science and Engineering, Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies, Materials and Matter, Energy and Environment, and Information and Communication Technology, which are researched by its eight faculties and 2.600 scientific staff members. Throughout the past two centuries, researchers at TU Wien have made a lasting contribution to shaping the future of Austria and Europe. Vienna, the capital of Austria, is a city of over 1.8 million inhabitants. It is one of the great cultural centers of Europe with a continuous history of more than 2000 years. Vienna has been rated the most livable city in the world multiple times. Group Profile ----------- The appointed researchers will be working at the Business Informatics Group, which is part of the Faculty of Informatics of TU Wien. The faculty's major fields of studies are Computer Science and Business Informatics, which are the biggest and fourth biggest courses of study, respectively, at TU Wien. The faculty's five main research areas are Business Informatics, Distributed and Parallel Systems, Logic and Computation, Computer Engineering, and Media Informatics and Visual Computing. In the 2017 Shanghai Ranking of Academic Subjects, the Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien is ranked among the best three Computer Science & Engineering faculties in the German-speaking region. The Business Informatics Group is a dynamic and multi-national research team comprising currently 23 members: Model-Driven Engineering is one of our main research areas since more than ten years, where we work on and have made contributions in various topics including modeling language engineering, model execution, executable UML, model versioning, model evolution, and model transformations. Furthermore, we have strong experiences in applying MDE techniques in a wide range of application domains, in particular web applications, cloud computing, production systems, and information systems. We offer a creative work environment within a team of young and international researchers in one of the most livable cities in the world. How to Apply ----------- Applications comprising a detailed curriculum vitae and motivation letter (in English), should be sent to Dr. Tanja Mayerhofer (mayerhofer at The application deadline is November 30, 2017. For inquiries please contact Dr. Tanja Mayerhofer (mayerhofer at We are looking forward to hearing from you! -- Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Tanja Mayerhofer, BSc Researcher Business Informatics Group (BIG) Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems Vienna University of Technology Favoritenstraße 9-11/188-3 1040 Wien Tel. +43 (1) 58801-188 315 mayerhofer at From marcello.balduccini at Tue Sep 19 03:12:17 2017 From: marcello.balduccini at (Marcello Balduccini) Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 21:12:17 -0400 Subject: [fg-arc] KR18 - Preliminary Call for Tutorial and Workshop Proposals Message-ID: <201709190112.v8J1CHcB019665@coSAT.msgn> [Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email. Please distribute to interested parties.] KR18 - Preliminary Call for Tutorial and Workshop Proposals ** Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call ** ** Please distribute to interested parties ** ======================================== Call for Tutorial and Workshop Proposals 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2018) Tempe, Arizona (USA) Workshop/Tutorial dates: 27-29 October 2018 KR main program: 30 October to 2 November 2018 *** Deadline (for proposal submissions): 21 February 2018 *** For its 2018 edition, KR will solicit proposals for both the Tutorial and Workshop tracks. Tutorials and workshops will be held from 27 to 29 October 2018, prior to the KR main technical program, which will run from 30 October to 1 November 2018. The attendance of tutorials is complimentary to all KR registered participants. Workshop attendance will be subject to payment of a workshop fee, which is separate from that of the main conference. ** SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS ** Each proposal (tutorial or workshop) should be in English and must be submitted electronically using the following submission forms: Tutorial proposal: Workshop proposal: For all accepted proposals, KR will take care of all local arrangements. * SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR TUTORIAL PROPOSALS * Each tutorial proposal should contain the following information: - A short title of the tutorial. - A two-paragraph description of the tutorial. - Proposed length of the tutorial (half day is the default and recommended length, but an argument can be made for a full day tutorial). - A detailed outline of the tutorial. - The potential target audience for the tutorial and prerequisite knowledge. - A brief resume of the presenter(s) including: . Name,affiliation, and email address. . Evidence of scholarship in the area, including a list of publications. . Evidence of teaching experience. The main duties of the tutorial organizers are: - Setup a web-site for the tutorial, which should include, at least, title and abstract of the tutorial, presenters? details, outline, tutorial notes and related reading material. - Deliver the tutorial at KR 2018. * SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS * Each workshop proposal should contain the following information: - Title of the workshop and acronym. - Names, affiliations, and contact details of the organisers. - Short description and format. - History of the workshop (if applicable) and related events. - Size of the workshop and duration. - Tentative list of PC members with their respective affiliations. - Experience of the organisers. - Tentative call for papers. The main duties of the workshop chairs are: - Set up a website for the workshop. - Advertise the workshop and distribute its call for papers. - Coordinate the peer-reviewing of submitted contributions. - Organise a schedule for the workshop in collaboration with the local organisers and the Workshop Co-Chairs. - Coordinate and moderate the workshop participation and content. Each accepted proposal will be waived two workshop registrations to be used at the discretion of the organisers (e.g., to cover the registration of an invited speaker). KR reserves the right to cancel a workshop if it does not have enough participants to cover its running costs. ** IMPORTANT DATES ** - Proposal submission deadline: 21 February 2018. - Notification: 31 March 2018. - Workshops paper submission deadline: 21 July 2018. - Workshops paper notification: 25 August 2018. - Workshops registration deadline: TBD. - Tutorial and workshop dates: 27-29 October 2018. ** SUBMISSIONS AND INQUIRIES ** Those interested in presenting a tutorial or workshop should register their interest and proposal in the following forms: 1) Tutorial proposals: 2) Workshop proposals: Inquiries should be sent by email to the tutorials/workshop chairs: Sebastian Sardina School of Computer Science and Information Technology RMIT University sebastian.sardina at Ivan Varzinczak CRIL, Univ. Artois & CNRS, France varzinczak at From marcello.balduccini at Tue Sep 19 02:23:13 2017 From: marcello.balduccini at (Marcello Balduccini) Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 20:23:13 -0400 Subject: [fg-arc] KR 2018 Doctoral Consortium Call for Papers Message-ID: <201709190023.v8J0NDlr017170@coSAT.msgn> [Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email. Please distribute to interested parties.] KR Doctoral Consortium Call for Applications October 30 - November 2, 2018 Tempe, Arizona, US The 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2018) invites PhD students to apply for the Doctoral Consortium program. 1) AIMS AND SCOPE The Doctoral Consortium (DC) is a student mentoring program bringing together PhD students and senior researchers from the area of KR. The aims of the consortium are: * to provide a forum for students to present their current research, and receive feedback from other students and senior researchers; * to promote contacts among PhD students working in similar areas; * to support students with information and advice on academic, research, and industrial careers. The DC is intended for PhD students who have a specific research proposal and some preliminary results, but who have sufficient time prior to completing their dissertation to benefit from the consortium experience. Preference will be given to students satisfying these criteria, but well-motivated applications from students who are at earlier or later stages of their doctoral studies will still be considered. For accepted students there will be a row of dedicated events, including DC invited talks on research practice, a lightning talk session, a poster session, and a mentoring lunch. Each student will be given ample time to present their work and therefore be able to fully benefit from direct feedback from the assigned senior researcher mentor and the wider KR conference audience. 2) APPLICATION SUBMISSION Applications must be submitted by email. Each application must contain the following elements combined into a single PDF document.: (1) Thesis summary. A description of the problem being addressed, your motivation for addressing the problem, proposed plan of research, the progress to date (what you have already achieved and what remains to be done), and related work. It must be four pages maximum in AAAI style ( (2) Curriculum Vitae. A description of your background and relevant experience (research, education, employment), of two pages maximum. (3) Letter of recommendation. A letter from your thesis advisor that states that he/she supports your participation in the DC. (4) Indication of whether a sponsored studentship is requested, and if so, whether the student volunteers to help with local organization during KR, DL, and NMR. (5) Optionally, a suggestion of up to 5 potential mentors with similar research interests, who could give good advice on technical aspects related to the work, and/or career opportunities. The selection process will consider the quality of the submitted proposal and the stage of the student's PhD project. Doctoral students who submit to the DC are permitted to have previously published on their research, and are encouraged to submit papers to KR 2018 and associated conferences and workshops. 3) IMPORTANT DATES Application deadline: June 24, 2018 Acceptance notification: July 11, 2018 Doctoral Consortium: October 30 - November 2, 2018 For further information, please contact the DC chairs: Madalina Croitoru, University Montpellier (croitoru at Sebastian Rudolph, TU Dresden (sebastian.rudolph at From marcello.balduccini at Tue Sep 19 01:57:15 2017 From: marcello.balduccini at (Marcello Balduccini) Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 19:57:15 -0400 Subject: [fg-arc] KR 2018 Call for Papers Message-ID: <201709182357.v8INvFF3015687@coSAT.msgn> [Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email. Please distribute to interested parties.] CALL FOR PAPERS *** KR 2018 *** 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Tempe, Arizona (USA) October 30-November 2, 2018 Co-located with DL 2018 [] and NMR 2018 [] KR 2018 IMPORTANT DATES ----------------------- * Submission of title and abstract: 13 May 2018 * Paper submission deadline: 20 May 2018 * Author response period: 25-27 June 2018 * Notification: 11 July 2018 * Camera-ready papers due: 3-10 August 2018 * Conference date: 30 October-2 November 2018 ------------------------ Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) is an exciting, well-established field of research. In KRR a fundamental assumption is that an agent's knowledge is explicitly represented in a declarative form, suitable for processing by dedicated reasoning engines. This assumption, that much of what an agent deals with is knowledge-based, is common in many modern intelligent systems. Consequently, KRR has contributed to the theory and practice of various areas in AI, such as automated planning, natural language understanding, among others, as well as to fields beyond AI, including databases, verification, and software engineering. In recent years KRR has contributed to new and emerging fields including the semantic web, computational biology, and the development of software agents. The KR conference series is the leading forum for timely in-depth presentation of progress in the theory and principles underlying the representation and computational management of knowledge. Contrary to previous editions, KR 2018 will also feature an open call for workshop and tutorial proposals. The deadline for submissions is 21 February 2018. Workshops and tutorials will precede the KR technical program and will run on 27-29 October 2018. Please check the KR 2018 website for further information and updates. We solicit papers presenting novel results on the principles of KRR that clearly contribute to the formal foundations of relevant problems or show the applicability of results to implemented or implementable systems. We also welcome papers from other areas that show clear use of, or contributions to, the principles or practice of KRR. We also encourage "reports from the field" of applications, experiments, developments, and tests. Papers must be submitted in AAAI style and PDF format. We invite two kinds of submissions: * full papers of up to 9 pages including abstract, figures, and appendices (if any) but excluding references and acknowledgements, which may take up to one additional page; submission of additional material (e.g. proofs) as separate documents is allowed, but this material should not form an integral part of the submission and will only be consulted at the discretion of reviewers, PC members and (area and program) chairs, as appropriate; * short papers describing applications, systems and/or demos, of up to 4 pages including abstract, figures, and appendices (if any) but excluding references and acknowledgements, which may take up to one additional page. TOPICS ------ Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Argumentation * Belief revision and update, belief merging, information fusion * Computational aspects of knowledge representation * Concept formation, similarity-based reasoning * Contextual reasoning * Description logics * Decision making * Explanation finding, diagnosis, causal reasoning, abduction * Inconsistency- and exception tolerant reasoning, paraconsistent logics * KR and autonomous agents: intelligent agents, cognitive robotics, multi-agent systems * KR and game theory * KR and machine learning, inductive logic programming, knowledge discovery and acquisition * KR and natural language processing * KR and the Web, Semantic Web * Logic programming, answer set programming, constraint logic programming * Multi- and order-sorted representations and reasoning * Nonmonotonic logics, default logics, conditional logics * Philosophical foundations of KR * Ontology formalisms and models * Preference modeling and representation, reasoning about preferences, * preference-based reasoning * Qualitative reasoning, reasoning about physical systems * Reasoning about actions and change, action languages, situation calculus, dynamic logic * Reasoning about knowledge and belief, epistemic and doxastic logics * Spatial reasoning and temporal reasoning * Uncertainty, representations of vagueness, many-valued and fuzzy logics CONFERENCE CHAIRS ----------------- General: Frank Wolter (University of Liverpool, UK) Program: Michael Thielscher (The University of New South Wales, Australia) Francesca Toni (Imperial College London, UK) Local Organization: Joohyung Lee (Arizona State University, USA) Tran Cao Son (New Mexico State University, USA) Doctoral Consortium: Sebastian Rudolph (Technische Universit�t Dresden, Germany) Madalina Croitoru (University Montpellier II and INRIA, France) Workshop/tutorial Chairs: Sebastian Sardina (RMIT Melbourne, Australia) Ivan Varzinczak (Univ. Artois & CNRS, France) Sponsorship and Publicity: Marcello Balduccini (Saint Joseph's University, USA) Marco Maratea (University of Genova, Italy) From grlmc at Fri Sep 22 16:34:40 2017 From: grlmc at (GRLMC) Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2017 16:34:40 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] LATA 2018: 1st call for papers Message-ID: <545102060a010b070153550006025a535b5704555409575552025b050e02525155585704010a06500154590a070b50@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> LATA 2018: 1st call for papers*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line*   ************************************************************************ 12th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE AND AUTOMATA THEORY AND APPLICATIONS   LATA 2018   Ramat Gan, Israel   April 8-12, 2018   Organized by:             Department of Computer Science Bar-Ilan University   Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC) Rovira i Virgili University ************************************************************************   AIMS:   LATA is a conference series on theoretical computer science and its applications. Following the tradition of the diverse PhD training events in the field organized by Rovira i Virgili University since 2002, LATA 2018 will reserve significant room for young scholars at the beginning of their career. It will aim at attracting contributions from classical theory fields as well as application areas.   VENUE:   LATA 2018 will take place in Ramat Gan, in the district of Tel Aviv and home to one of the world's major diamond exchanges. The venue will be the Faculty of Exact Sciences of Bar-Ilan University.   SCOPE:   Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not limited to:   algebraic language theory algorithms for semi-structured data mining algorithms on automata and words automata and logic automata for system analysis and programme verification automata networks automatic structures codes combinatorics on words computational complexity concurrency and Petri nets data and image compression descriptional complexity foundations of finite state technology foundations of XML grammars (Chomsky hierarchy, contextual, unification, categorial, etc.) grammatical inference and algorithmic learning graphs and graph transformation language varieties and semigroups language-based cryptography mathematical and logical foundations of programming methodologies parallel and regulated rewriting parsing patterns power series string processing algorithms symbolic dynamics term rewriting transducers trees, tree languages and tree automata weighted automata   STRUCTURE:   LATA 2018 will consist of:   invited talks peer-reviewed contributions   INVITED SPEAKERS:   tba   PROGRAMME COMMITTEE:   Christel Baier (Technical University of Dresden, DE) Pablo Barceló (University of Chile, CL) Francine Blanchet-Sadri (University of North Carolina, Greensboro, US) Alexander Clark (King's College London, UK) Frank Drewes (Umeå University, SE) Manfred Droste (University of Leipzig, DE) Dora Giammarresi (University of Rome Tor Vergata, IT) Erich Grädel (RWTH Aachen University, DE) Peter Habermehl (Paris Diderot University, FR) Jeffrey Heinz (Stony Brook University, US) Pedro Rangel Henriques (University of Minho, PT) Christian Höner zu Siederdissen (University of Leipzig, DE) Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom (Leiden University, NL) David Janin (University of Bordeaux, FR) Marcin Jurdziński (University of Warwick, UK) Makoto Kanazawa (National Institute of Informatics, JP) Jarkko Kari (University of Turku, FI) Shmuel Tomi Klein (Bar-Ilan University, IL) Salvatore La Torre (University of Salerno, IT) Salvador Lucas (Polytechnic University of Valencia, ES) Stuart W. Margolis (Bar-Ilan University, IL) Carlos Martín-Vide (Rovira i Virgili University, ES, chair) Fernando Orejas (Polytechnic University of Catalonia, ES) Paritosh K. Pandya (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, IN) Gennaro Parlato (University of Southampton, UK) Dominique Perrin (University Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, FR) Detlef Plump (University of York, UK) Matteo Pradella (Polytechnic University of Milan, IT) Kai Salomaa (Queen's University, CA) Sven Schewe (University of Liverpool, UK) William F. Smyth (McMaster University, CA) Jiri Srba (Aalborg University, DK) Benjamin Steinberg (City College of New York, US) Frank Stephan (National University of Singapore, SG) K.G. Subramanian (University Sains Malaysia, MY) Klaus Sutner (Carnegie Mellon University, US) Margus Veanes (Microsoft Research, US) Éric Villemonte de la Clergerie (INRIA, FR) Mahesh Viswanathan (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, US) Mikhail Volkov (Ural State University, RU)   ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:   Shmuel Tomi Klein (Ramat Gan, co-chair) Carlos Martín-Vide (Tarragona, co-chair) Manuel Jesús Parra Royón (Granada) Dana Shapira (Ariel) David Silva (London)   SUBMISSIONS:   Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages (all included) and should be prepared according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see If necessary, exceptionally authors are allowed to provide missing proofs in a clearly marked appendix.   Submissions have to be uploaded to:   PUBLICATIONS:   A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series will be available by the time of the conference.   A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing peer-reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.   REGISTRATION:   The registration form can be found at:   DEADLINES (all at 23:59 CET):   Paper submission: November 17, 2017 Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: December 24, 2017 Final version of the paper for the LNCS proceedings: January 4, 2018 Early registration: January 4, 2018 Late registration: March 25, 2018 Submission to the journal special issue: July 12, 2018   QUESTIONS AND FURTHER INFORMATION:   david.silva409 (at)   POSTAL ADDRESS:   LATA 2018 Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC) Rovira i Virgili University Av. Catalunya, 35 43002 Tarragona, Spain   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS:   אוניברסיטת בר-אילן Universitat Rovira i Virgili -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From grlmc at Tue Sep 26 00:01:48 2017 From: grlmc at (GRLMC) Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2017 00:01:48 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] TPNC 2017: call for posters Message-ID: <545102060a010b0702575203020a5a56520006595108575204060f06500f555204030705020d550300020702035758@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> TPNC 2017: call for posters*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 6th International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Natural Computing (TPNC 2017) invites researchers to submit poster presentations. TPNC 2017 will be held in Prague on December 18-20, 2017. See Poster presentations are intended to enhance informal interactions with conference participants, at the same time allowing for in-depth discussion. TOPICS Presentations displaying novel work in progress on computational principles, models and techniques inspired by information processing in nature are invited. Posters do not need to show final research results. Work that might lead to new interesting developments is welcome. KEY DATES Poster submission deadline: November 11, 2017 Notification of poster acceptance or rejection: November 18, 2017 SUBMISSION Please submit a .pdf abstract through: It should contain the title, author(s) and affiliation, and should not exceed 500 words. PRESENTATION Posters will be allocated 10 minutes each in the programme for oral presentation. Moreover, they will remain hanging out during the whole conference for discussion. PUBLICATION Posters will not appear in the LNCS proceedings volume of TPNC 2017. However, they will be eligible for submission to the post-conference journal special issue in BioSystems (Elsevier, 2015 JCR impact factor: 1.495). REGISTRATION At least one author of each accepted poster must register to the conference by December 4, 2017. The registration fare is reduced: 285 Euro. It gives the same rights all other conference participants have (attendance, copy of the proceedings volume, coffee breaks, lunches). Contributors of regular papers who in addition get a poster accepted must register for the latter independently.   -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From riebisch at Fri Sep 29 08:48:52 2017 From: riebisch at (Riebisch, Matthias) Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2017 06:48:52 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] CfP Dagstuhl-Workshop Modellbasierte Entwicklung Eingebetteter Systeme MBEES2018 Message-ID: <> Call for Papers Dagstuhl-Workshop Modellbasierte Entwicklung Eingebetteter Systeme MBEES2018 - bitte entschuldigen Sie eventuelle Mehrfach-Zusendungen - Inhalt: Ziel des Workshops ist der Austausch über offene Probleme, gewonnene Erfahrungen, und neue Ansätze zwischen den verschiedenen Disziplinen (Elektronik, Mechatronik, Informatik) sowie zwischen Industrie und Universität im Umfeld der modellbasierten Entwicklung eingebetteter und Software-intensiver Systeme. Derzeit gewinnen neben den klassischen Anforderungen wie Zuverlässigkeit und Korrektheit Forderungen nach Security zunehmend an Gewicht und erfordern eine Abwägung der Ziele. Der Workshop setzt die Tradition der bisherigen Workshops fort, indem er zur Diskussion zwischen den Teilnehmern anregt. Durchführung: MBEES2018 wird als 2,5-tägiger Workshop im Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik abgehalten. Die Teilnahme erfolgt per Einladung, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Teilnehmer des letzten Workshops. Die Teilnahme ist mit der Einreichung eines Beitrags verbunden; die Beiträge werden als Proceedings (fortiss Technischer Bericht) online zur Verfügung gestellt. Einreichungen: Als Beiträge sind möglich (auch als Kurzfassung bereits veröffentlichter aktueller Arbeiten): - Short Papers (2 bis max. 6 Seiten): Positionspapier zu offenen Fragen/ Problemen, Präsentation von Forschungsvorhaben, Diskussion von Forschungszielen, Werkzeugdemo - Research Abstracts (6 bis max. 8 Seiten): Bericht zu einem begonnenen Promotionsvorhaben (geschätzte Restlaufzeit min. 2 Jahre) mit Fokus auf Problemstellung und Lösungsidee - Technical Contributions (6 bis max. 10 Seiten): Überblick für den Stand der Technik oder Anwendung, Bericht über Forschungsergebnisse Die Beiträge werden über das System EasyChair eingereicht. Bitte formatieren Sie Ihren Beitrag entsprechend dem LNI-Format für LaTeX gemäß den Autorenrichtlinien der Reihe LNI Die Beiträge der ersten Kategorie werden auf inhaltliche Eignung für den MBEES Workshop begutachtet (Kurzreview). Technical Contributions und Research Abstracts durchlaufen den üblichen Reviewprozess durch Mitglieder des Programmkommitees. Wichtige Termine: - Einreichung von Vorschlägen für weitere Teilnehmer (via Email mbees2018 at 07.12.2017 - Einreichung Titel und Zusammenfassung (via EasyChair 22.12.2017 - Einreichungen Beiträge (via EasyChair 07.01.2018 - Benachrichtigung über Begutachtung: 28.02.2018 - Endfassung Beiträge: 25.03.2018 - Workshop: 16.-18.04.2018 Organisatoren: Michaela Huhn, Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Hardi Hungar, DLR Matthias Riebisch, Universität Hamburg Sebastian Voss, fortiss GmbH MBEES ist als Arbeitskreis der Fachgruppe Architekturen der GI zugeordnet. Proceedings: Die Post-Proceedings des Workshops werden online als Fortiss-Publikation veröffentlicht und zum Download zur Verfügung gestellt Kontakt: Email an Organisatoren mbees2018 at Links Webseite des Workshops MBEES2018 Easychair-Seite für Einreichungen Fachgruppe Architekturen der GI Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik From francesco.nocera at Fri Sep 29 11:56:33 2017 From: francesco.nocera at (Francesco Nocera) Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2017 09:56:33 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] [CfP] DEADLINE EXTENSION: Software Architectures for the Web of Things ( SAWoT) Special Issue - Submissions now due November 30 Message-ID: IET Software Special Issue: Software Architectures for the Web of Things ( SAWoT) ** Call for paper ** Engineering of the Web of Things is a cross-disciplinary research area that interests both engineers of the World Wide Web and researchers of the Internet of Things and Web of Things. Web technologies (e.g., HTML, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, Ruby) can be used to build applications involving smart things, on the other hand well-known web mechanisms are available to interact with and share these devices. This calls for architectural styles and patterns that allow realworld objects to be part of the World Wide Web. The aim of this Special Issue is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in architecting the Web of Things; of particular interest are contributions related to the subject at different levels, from modelling and design to engineering. Foundational contributions, as well as experiments of concrete applications, are sought. Topics of interest: - Software architectural styles and patterns for connecting objects to the World Wide Web - Engineering smart objects on the web - Semantic web and Linked open data - Web of Thing and Internet of Everything - Challenges for Big Data and Internet of Things applications - Architectures and frameworks for connection of smart devices - Survey and comparative studies - Other topics relevant to Web of Things All papers must be submitted through the journal's Manuscript Central system: Expanded conference papers must include at least 30% new scientific material. Publication Schedule: Submission Deadline: 30 November 2017 Publication Date: June 2018 Guest Editors: o Marina Mongiello, Politecnico di Bari, Italy o Tommaso Di Noia, Politecnico di Bari, Italy o Francesco Nocera, Politecnico di Bari, Italy o Eugenio Di Sciascio, Politecnico di Bari, Italy -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From paris at Wed Sep 27 13:29:18 2017 From: paris at (Paris Avgeriou) Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 13:29:18 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] Ph.D. position in Software Engineering - University of Groningen, The Netherlands In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: About the research group ------------------------ The Software Engineering & Architecture group at the University of Groningen is committed to advancing the state of the art in the field of software architecture. The group aims to achieve that by carrying out joint research projects with universities, research institutes, and industrial partners, thus combining academic know-how with industrial practice. The research group’s core business is software architecture, with strong emphasis on architecture modeling, knowledge, evolution, patterns and technical debt. For more information please check our website ( and or email us (paris at Project description: -------------------- The PhD position will be part of an H2020 project entitled SDK4ED - Software Development toolKit for Energy optimization and technical Debt elimination. The vision of SDK4ED is to minimize cost, time and complexity of low-energy software development processes, by providing tools for automatic optimization of both software quality and non-functional requirements such as energy efficiency, dependability and performance, with the capacity to tackle the interplay between design quality and run-time constraints. Through its envisaged toolbox, SDK4ED will comprise a set of software programming add-ons for preventing the degradation of run-time qualities and especially energy consumption, while allowing for efficient measuring of the accumulated Technical Debt during the development of new low-energy computing software applications, including embedded systems and IoT products. How to apply ------------- The position is immediately available and will be open until a suitable candidate is found. Applications for the position should include a full CV (name, address, degree(s), dates, etc.) and the names and email addresses of three professional references. Please include theUniversity and GPA of your BSc and MSc, as well as any awards, distinctions, andpublications within the body of your email. Please send your application to the following contact person and feel free to make informal requests about the position. Paris Avgeriou ( Head of the Software Engineering & Architecture (SEARCH) group Tel: +31 50 3637057 E-mail: paris at Required profile ---------------- - You should have a M.Sc. or equivalent in computer science, software engineering or a related discipline. - You are expected to have an excellent academic record (transcripts from your university degree) and be curious, creative and ambitious. - You should be able to write scientific articles and reports (proven by your graduation thesis or another comparable report) and be fluent in English. - You should have affinity to research with an industrial focus, be a team player, open-minded and actively participate in knowledge sharing. Conditions of employment ------------------------ The University of Groningen offers the PhD candidate a salary of € 2,222 gross per month in the first year, up to a maximum of € 2,840 gross per month in the final year (based on a full-time employment of 1.0 fte). The position requires residence in Groningen, 38 hours per week research and research training, and must yield a PhD dissertation. The candidate will first be appointed for 1 year. After nine months, an assessment will take place of the candidate's results and the progress of the project to decide whether the employment will be continued to a total of 4 years. From jpg at Fri Sep 29 12:20:51 2017 From: jpg at (John Patrick Gallagher) Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2017 10:20:51 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] SECOND Call For Papers: FLOPS 2018: 14th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> SECOND Call For Papers FLOPS 2018: 14th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming In-Cooperation with ACM SIGPLAN =============================== 9-11 May, 2018, Nagoya, Japan Writing down detailed computational steps is not the only way of programming. The alternative, being used increasingly in practice, is to start by writing down the desired properties of the result. The computational steps are then (semi-)automatically derived from these higher-level specifications. Examples of this declarative style include functional and logic programming, program transformation and re-writing, and extracting programs from proofs of their correctness. FLOPS aims to bring together practitioners, researchers and implementors of the declarative programming, to discuss mutually interesting results and common problems: theoretical advances, their implementations in language systems and tools, and applications of these systems in practice. The scope includes all aspects of the design, semantics, theory, applications, implementations, and teaching of declarative programming. FLOPS specifically aims to promote cross-fertilization between theory and practice and among different styles of declarative programming. Scope FLOPS solicits original papers in all areas of the declarative programming: * functional, logic, functional-logic programming, re-writing systems, formal methods and model checking, program transformations and program refinements, developing programs with the help of theorem provers or SAT/SMT solvers; * foundations, language design, implementation issues (compilation techniques, memory management, run-time systems), applications and case studies. FLOPS promotes cross-fertilization among different styles of declarative programming. Therefore, submissions must be written to be understandable by the wide audience of declarative programmers and researchers. Submission of system descriptions and declarative pearls are especially encouraged. Submissions should fall into one of the following categories: * Regular research papers: they should describe new results and will be judged on originality, correctness, and significance. * System descriptions: they should contain a link to a working system and will be judged on originality, usefulness, and design. * Declarative pearls: new and excellent declarative programs or theories with illustrative applications. System descriptions and declarative pearls must be explicitly marked as such in the title. Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally published workshops proceedings may be submitted. See also ACM SIGPLAN Republication Policy. Proceedings The proceedings will be published by Springer International Publishing in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, as a printed volume as well as online in the digital library SpringerLink. Post-proceedings: The authors of 4-7 best papers will be invited to submit the extended version of their FLOPS paper to a special issue of the journal Science of Computer Programming (SCP). Important dates 13 November 2017 (any time zone): Abstract Submission 20 November 2017 (any time zone): Submission deadline 15 January 2018: Author notification 9-11 May 2018: FLOPS Symposium Invited Talks To be announced Submission Submissions must be written in English and can be up to 15 pages long including references, though pearls are typically shorter. The formatting has to conform to Springer's guidelines. Regular research papers should be supported by proofs and/or experimental results. In case of lack of space, this supporting information should be made accessible otherwise (e.g., a link to a Web page, or an appendix). Papers should be submitted electronically at Program Committee Andreas Rossberg Google, Germany Atsushi Ohori Tohoku University, Japan Bruno C. D. S. Oliveira The University of Hong Kong, China Carsten Fuhs Birkbeck, University of London, UK Chung-chieh Shan Indiana University, USA Didier Remy INRIA, France Harald Søndergaard The University of Melbourne, Australia Jacques Garrigue Nagoya University, Japan Jan Midtgaard University of Southern Denmark, Denmark Joachim Breitner University of Pennsylvania, USA John Gallagher Roskilde University, Denmark and IMDEA Software Institute, Spain (co-chair) Jorge A Navas SRI International, USA Kazunori Ueda Waseda University, Japan Kenny Zhuo Ming Lu School of Information Technology, Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore María Alpuente Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain María Garcia De La Banda Monash University, Australia Martin Sulzmann Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany (co-chair) Meng Wang University of Kent, UK Michael Codish Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel Michael Leuschel University of Düsseldorf, Germany Naoki Kobayashi University of Tokyo, Japan Nikolaj Bjørner Microsoft Research, USA Robert Glück University of Copenhagen, Denmark Samir Genaim Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Siau Cheng Khoo National University of Singapore, Singapore Organizers Martin Sulzmann Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (co-chair) John Gallagher Roskilde University and IMDEA Software Institute (co-chair) Makoto Tatsuta National Institute of Informatics, Japan (General Chair) Koji Nakazawa Nagoya University, Japan (Local Chair)