From Jens.Knodel at Wed Apr 1 09:21:41 2015 From: Jens.Knodel at (Jens.Knodel at Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 07:21:41 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] Call for Papers: IWSECO-WEA @ECSA 2015 Message-ID: CALL FOR PAPERS --------------------- 7th Workshop on Software Ecosystems (IWSECO) 3rd International Workshop on Ecosystem Architectures (WEA) Co-located with the European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) Dubrovnik/Cavtat, Croatia, September 07 - 11, 2015 SCOPE OF IWSECO-WEA Software ecosystems are becoming increasingly pervasive, leading to new research, management, and engineering challenges. Opening product architectures and platforms for third parties, designing closed innovation networks among partners through APIs and SDKs, coordinating multiple platforms, or participative engineering across organizational borders are all variants of ecosystems that come with their own opportunities and threats at the same time. IWSECO and WEA aim to further increase the body of knowledge about software ecosystems by providing a forum to exchange ideas and discuss the most recent innovations, trends and experiences in the field. They aim to build and shape the community of leading practitioners and research experts by providing forums for the exchange of research results and industrial practice in software ecosystems. Co-organizing IWSECO and WEA will provide a venue for practitioners and researchers to share their lessons learned in two cross-cutting aspects of software ecosystems: (1) business and social (2) architecture and technology The co-organization allows us to attract and involve a larger group of interested participants from the software architecture community. RELEVANT TOPICS The co-organized workshops IWSECO and WEA seek submissions of papers describing novel research, experience reports, and emerging ideas. We invite the submission from research and industrial practice describing original and unpublished results in the field of software ecosystems. Topics of interest include, but are certainly not limited to: - Ecosystem and platform architecture, evolution and lifecycle Tools for inter-system static and/or dynamic analysis, visualization, and monitoring App architectures and app orchestration Experience reports on best practices in ecosystem design, modeling and architectures Empirical studies of ecosystem phenomena Processes for ecosystems and community management Business cases, economics, strategies and governance for software ecosystems Social and collaborative aspects of software ecosystems And everything that enables to scale architectures up to the level of software ecosystems! SUBMISSIONS We welcome both research and industry papers. They must be original and not submitted to or accepted by any other workshop, conference or journal. All accepted papers will be published in the ACM digital library. Papers should not exceed 6 pages. Submissions must follow the ACM SIG Proceedings Style, 2-column. Templates can be downloaded at Papers should be submitted in electronic form (PDF) using EasyChair: IMPORTANT DATES - Paper Submission: May 22, 2015 - Author Notification: June 15, 2015 - Camera Ready: June 22, 2015 - IWSECO & WEA (Satellite Event of ECSA): September 08, 2015 ORGANIZING COMMITTEES IWSECO - Carina Alves - Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil (cfa at - Jan Bosch - Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden (jan at - Slinger Jansen - Utrecht University, the Netherlands (s.jansen at WEA - Jens Knodel - Fraunhofer IESE, Germany (jens.knodel at - Mircea Filip Lungu - University of Bern, Switzerland (lungu at - Tom Mens - University of Mons, Belgium (tom.mens at -- Dr. Jens Knodel Fraunhofer IESE, Fraunhofer-Platz 1, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany Tel: +49 (0)631 / 6800-2168 Fax: +49 (0)631 / 6800-92168 Web: E-Mail: jens.knodel at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From heiko.koziolek at Wed Apr 1 15:27:11 2015 From: heiko.koziolek at (Heiko Koziolek) Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 13:27:11 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] MTD 2015: Call for Papers 7th Int. Workshop on Managing Technical Debt Message-ID: CALL FOR PAPERS Seventh International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt (MTD 2015) October 2nd 2015, Bremen, Germany, in conjunction with ICSME 2015 Delivering complex, large-scale systems faces the ongoing challenge of how best to balance rapid deployment with long-term value. Theoretical foundations and empirical evidence for analyzing and optimizing short- term versus long-term goals in large-scale projects are needed. From the original description-"not quite right code, which we postpone making right"-various people have used the metaphor of technical debt to describe many kinds of debts or ills of software development. On one hand, the practitioner community has increased interest in understanding and managing debt. On the other hand, the research community has an opportunity to study this phenomenon and improve the way it is handled. We can offer software engineers a foundation for managing such tradeoffs based on models of their economic impacts. Technical debt succinctly communicates the issues observed in large-scale long-term projects: - There is an optimization problem where focusing on the short-term puts the long-term into economic and technical jeopardy. - Design shortcuts can give the perception of success until their consequences start slowing projects down. - Software development decisions, especially architectural ones, must be actively managed and continuously analyzed quantitatively as they incur cost, value, and debt. Yet many questions remain open, such as - What is the lifecycle of technical debt? - How is technical debt related to evolution and maintenance activities? - How can information about technical debt be empirically collected for developing conceptual models? - What metrics need to be collected so that key measurement and pay-off analysis can be conducted? - How can technical debt be visualized and analyzed? - How should we manage technical debt incurred by external business constraints such as acquisitions and market ecosystems? - How can we assign business value to intrinsic qualities (e.g., cohesion and coupling)? - How do we manage dependencies between different items of technical debt? - How can we create traces between technical debt items and other software engineering artifacts? - How we can quantify costs and benefits of refactorings? - What are the right tools for managing technical debt? - How can we apply financial theories to manage technical debt? - How can we benchmark the tools that identify and measure technical debt? SUBMISSIONS We seek papers on practical experience with technical debt and approaches that attempt to answer these questions. All submitted papers must conform to the IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS) formatting instructions, and must not exceed 8 pages for all text, inclusive of figures, tables, and appendices, with up to one additional page for references only. All submissions must be in PDF. Submit your paper electronically via EasyChair ( We invite submissions of papers in the following categories: - Research papers, describing innovative and significant original research in the field - Industrial papers, describing industrial experience, case studies, challenges, problems, and solutions In either category, we look for long papers (8 pages), describing mature results, and short papers (4 pages), describing emerging results and future trends. IMPORTANT DATES: - Paper submissions: June 12, 2015 - Notification of authors: July 3, 2015 - Camera-ready copies: July 24, 2015 - Workshop: October 2nd, 2015 ORGANIZERS: Neil Ernst, Software Engineering Institute, USA Paris Avgeriou, University of Groningen, the Netherlands Philippe Kruchten, University of British Columbia, Canada Visit the workshop website at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From alexander.perucci at Fri Apr 3 11:12:10 2015 From: alexander.perucci at (alexander.perucci at Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2015 11:12:10 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [fg-arc] SCFI 2015 - 2nd Call for Papers (at IEEE SERVICES 2015) - Springer JISA Thematic Series Invited Papers Message-ID: <1257149765.41.1428052346387.JavaMail.alexander@MacBook-Pro-di-Alexander.local> ======= SCFI 2015 - 2nd Call for Papers (at IEEE SERVICES 2015) - Springer JISA Thematic Series Invited Papers ======= IEEE Service 2015 Visionary Track on Service Composition for the Future Internet (SCFI 2015) Theme SCFI 2015 ( visionary track theme aims at providing innovative contributions to the research and development of novel Service Composition approaches to assist the design, development, validation and execution of service-oriented applications for the Future Internet. SCFI 2014 constitutes a forum for scientists and engineers in academia and industry to present and discuss their latest ongoing research as well as radical new research directions that represent challenging innovations, which can advance the status quo of Service Composition when projected to the Future Internet. Details on key aims of the visionary track can be found at: Keynote by Paola Inverardi (Title and abstract to be announced) - A thematic series on Service Composition for the Future Internet in the Springer Journal of Internet Services and Applications (JISA - is devoted to SCFI 2015. Selected participants will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers after the visionary track. These extended versions will be reviewed by an international program committee, which will decide on their final publication on the thematic series. == IMPORTANT DATES == Submission Due Date (for all Paper types): April 19, 2015 Decision Notification on papers (Electronic): May 04, 2015 Camera-Ready Copy: May 10, 2015 == PAPER SUBMISSION == All accepted papers will be included in the Proceedings of the IEEE 11th World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2015), which will be published by the IEEE Computer Society.? Selected papers will be invited for extension and inclusion in a special issue of a related journal. We invite high-quality English-language submissions of regular papers, roadmaps, visionary papers, experience reports, industrial/academic reflections, and tool demos. Submissions should follow the IEEE Computer Society proceedings style as per IEEE 8.5 x 11 manuscript guidelines and accepted manuscripts must be under 4 or 8 pages. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend SCFI track?and present the paper. == Workshop Chairs == - Marco Autili, University of L?Aquila, Italy marco.autili at - Alfredo Goldman, University of S?o Paulo, Brazil gold at - Massimo Tivoli, University of L?Aquila, Italy, massimo.tivoli at == Program Committee == - Alex Norta, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia - Alexander Jungmann, University of Paderborn, Germany - Amel Bennaceur, The Open University, UK - Andre Ludwig, University Leipzig, Germany - Animesh Pathak, INRIA Paris, France - Antonio Bucchiarone, FBK, Italy - Carlos Canal, University of Malaga, Spain - Dimitris Dranidis, University of Munich, Germany - Elisabetta Di Nitto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy - Federico?Ciccozzi, M?lardalen University, Sweden - Gwen Salaun, INRIA Rhone Alpes, France - Lionel Seinturier, University Lille 1, France - Maria-Eugenia Iacob, University of Twente, Netherlands - Pengwei Wang, University of Pisa, Italy - Salvatore Di Stefano, Politecnico di Milano, Italy - Steffen Becker, University of Paderborn, Germany - Valerio Schiavoni, UNINE, Switzerland - Vincenzo Ciancia, CNR, Italy - Zachary Oster, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, US == Publicity Chair == - Alexander Perucci, University of L?Aquila, Italy == Web Chair == - Amleto Di Salle, University of L?Aquila, Italy == List of topics (although not limited to) == Service Composition Methods and Practices for FI applications - Engineering Principles - Development Processes - Requirement Elicitation and Analysis - Design and Programming - Verification and Validation - Model-Driven Development Methods and Tools Run-Time Support for Composing Services in the FI - Middleware (description, publication, discovery, access, etc.) - Convergence and Integration of Centralized and/or Decentralized Approaches - Support for Scalability, Mobility, Heterogeneity Quality of FI Service Compositions - Performance, Reliability and Availability Modeling and Evaluation - Security (vulnerabilities, malwares, countermeasures, etc.) - Trust and Privacy - Sustainability FI Crosscutting Concerns - Pervasiveness - Context- and Resource-awareness - Semantic-awareness - Seamlessness - Adaptation - Decentralized vs. Centralized Service Composition Approaches Tools, Case studies, Use cases - Smart grid, Smart house, Smart cities, Sustainable and Green systems - FI Killer applications From claudia.ermel at Sat Apr 4 15:51:19 2015 From: claudia.ermel at (Claudia Ermel) Date: Sat, 04 Apr 2015 15:51:19 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] Final CFP: 2015 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2015) Message-ID: <> ***** FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS ***** VL/HCC 2015 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing October 18-22, 2015 Atlanta, Georgia, USA We are pleased to invite you to submit papers to the 2015 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA at the Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center, October 18-22, 2015. SCOPE AND TOPICS We solicit original, unpublished research papers that focus on efforts to design, formalize, implement, or evaluate computing technologies and languages for programming, modeling and communicating, which are easier to learn, use or understand than the state of the art. This includes languages and tools intended for general audiences (e.g., professional or novice programmers, or the public) or domain-specific audiences (e.g., people working in healthcare, urban design or scientific domains). It encompasses languages and tools for expressing forms of computation and reasoning through any means (e.g., visual, textual, form-based, haptic) and in any computing context (e.g., cloud, web, desktop, mobile or pervasive computing). Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: * Design, evaluation, and theory of visual languages * End-user development and end-user programming * Novel representations and user interfaces for expressing computation * Human aspects and psychology of software development and language design * Debugging and program understanding * Crowdsourcing, as related to languages and tools * Computational thinking and Computer Science education * Model-driven development * Domain-specific languages * Software visualization * Query languages SPECIAL EMPHASIS FOR 2015: COMPUTATIONAL THINKING AND CS EDUCATION The push to enhance computational thinking and computing skills in education has never been stronger, with a number of high-profile movements actively working to establish computer science as a foundation in education (e.g., and to broaden participation in computing among underrepresented groups (e.g., NCWIT). VL/HCC is well suited to this pursuit: learning and education is inherently human-centered, and the potential of visual languages to captivate users and remove barriers is well recognized. Thus, for VL/HCC 2015, we seek to place a special emphasis on education-oriented topics. To this end, we strongly encourage the submission of works on visual languages and human-centric computing that, for example, explore theories of human learning, propose new methods and tools to enhance learning, and empirically investigate and evaluate learning in a variety of computing contexts. PAPER SUBMISSIONS We invite two kinds of papers (deadlines below under Important Dates): [***NOTE: The page limits have changed for 2015.] * full-length research papers, up to 8 pages -- plus 1 additional page that contains only references * short research papers, up to 4 pages -- plus 1 additional page that contains only references In addition to papers, we also invite contributions of other types -- see below under Workshops, Showpieces (Posters & Demos), and Graduate Consortium. All accepted papers, whether full or short, should be complete archival contributions. Contributions from full papers are more extensive than those from short papers. Work-in-progress, which has not yet yielded a contribution, should be submitted to the Showpieces category. All submissions will be reviewed by members of the Program Committee. Submission and reviews for the technical program are managed with EasyChair. Accepted papers will be distributed at the conference and will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library ( The proceedings are an official electronic publication of the IEEE in Computer Science, with an ISBN number. Be sure to use the current IEEE conference paper format, which was changed in 2011: Additionally, selected papers from VL/HCC 2014 and 2015 will be invited for submission in expanded form to a special issue of the Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (JVLC). The topic of the special issue will be programming and modeling tools. Further instructions regarding formatting and the review/publication process will be provided when the invitations are made. The latest details are available at our website: EVALUATION Papers are expected to support their claims with appropriate evidence. For example, a paper that claims to improve programmer productivity is expected to demonstrate improved productivity; a paper that claims to be easier to use should demonstrate increased ease of use. However, not all claims necessarily need to be supported with empirical evidence or studies with people. For example, a paper that claims to make something feasible that was clearly infeasible might substantiate its claim through the existence of a functioning prototype. Moreover, there are many alternatives to empirical evidence that may be appropriate for claims, including analytical methods or formal arguments. Given this criteria, we encourage potential authors to think carefully about what claims their submission makes and what evidence would adequately support these claims. The evaluation process will proceed as follows: 1. Initial review period: At least three members of the Program Committee will review each paper. At the end of this period, these initial reviews will be released to the authors. 2. Author response period: Authors will have an opportunity to submit a 500-word response based on their initial reviews. Responses should focus on answering reviewers' questions, addressing reviewers' concerns, and clarifying any factual misunderstandings. 3. Final review period: Taking the author response into account, the original reviewers will revise their reviews as they deem appropriate, and the Program Committee will reach a final decision to accept or reject the submitted work. WORKSHOPS, SHOWPIECES (POSTERS & DEMOS), AND GRADUATE CONSORTIUM The conference also invites submissions for workshops and tutorials, showpieces (e.g., demos and posters), and the Graduate Consortium (GC). More information about these contribution types will be posted on the VL/HCC 2015 web site at IMPORTANT DATES Fri 1 May: Deadline - Paper abstracts Fri 8 May: Deadline - Papers Sat 9 May - Fri 12 June: Initial review period Fri 12 June: Preliminary notifications - Papers Fri 12 June - Fri 19 June: Author response period Fri 19 June: Deadline - Author responses Sat 20 June - Fri 26 June: Final review period Mon 29 June: Final notifications - Papers Fri 24 July: Deadline - Workshop papers, showpieces, and GC applications Fri 14 Aug: Notifications - Workshop papers, showpieces, and GC applications Fri 4 Sep: Deadline - All final camera-readies Oct 18-22 VL/HCC in Atlanta, Georgia ORGANIZERS General Chair Eileen Kraemer - Clemson University, USA Program Chairs Claudia Ermel - Technische Universit?t Berlin, Germany Scott D. Fleming - University of Memphis, USA Publications Chair Zhen Li - Microsoft Corporation, USA Graduate Consortium Chair Anita Sarma - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Showpieces Chairs Iman Avazpour - Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Eric Walkingshaw - Oregon State University, USA PROGRAM COMMITTEE Robin Abraham - Microsoft Corporation, USA Alan Blackwell - University of Cambridge, UK Chris Bogart - Carnegie Mellon University, USA Paolo Bottoni - Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy Margaret Burnett - Oregon State University, USA Maria Francesca Costabile - University of Bari, Italy Gennaro Costagliola - Universit? di Salerno, Italy Shaundra Daily - Clemson University, USA Juan de Lara - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain Robert DeLine - Microsoft Research, USA Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa - PUC-Rio, Brazil Gregor Engels - Universit?t Paderborn, Germany Andrew Fish - University of Brighton, UK Judith Good - University of Sussex, UK John Grundy - Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Felienne Hermans - Delft University of Technology, Netherlands John Hosking - University of Auckland, New Zealand John Howse - University of Brighton, UK Chris Hundhausen - Washington State University, USA Caitlin Kelleher - Washington University in St. Louis, USA Andrew J. Ko - University of Washington, USA Thomas D. LaToza - University of California, Irvine, USA Zhen Li - Microsoft Corporation, USA Mark Minas - Universit?t der Bundeswehr M?nchen, Germany Emerson Murphy-Hill - North Carolina State University, USA Brad Myers - Carnegie Mellon University, USA Chris Parnin - North Carolina State University, USA Marian Petre - The Open University, UK Emmanuel Pietriga - INRIA & INRIA Chile, France Beryl Plimmer - University of Auckland, New Zealand David Redmiles - University of California, Irvine, USA Alexander Repenning - University of Colorado, USA Mary Beth Rosson - Pennsylvania State University, USA Anita Sarma - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Stefan Sauer - Universit?t Paderborn, Germany Christopher Scaffidi - Oregon State University, USA Gem Stapleton - University of Brighton, UK Simone Stumpf - City University London, UK Steven Tanimoto - University of Washington, USA Franklyn Turbak - Wellesley College, USA Eric Walkingshaw - Oregon State University, USA VISIT OUR WEB SITE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK FOLLOW US ON TWITTER -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: claudia_ermel.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 450 bytes Desc: not available URL: From aali at Tue Apr 7 17:51:16 2015 From: aali at (Ahad Ali) Date: Tue, 07 Apr 2015 11:51:16 -0400 Subject: [fg-arc] =?iso-8859-1?q?IEOM_Orlando_Conference_-_Call_for_Papers?= =?iso-8859-1?q?_and_Presentations_-_Deadline_May_15?= Message-ID: IEOM Orlando Conference - Call for Papers and Presentations - Deadline May 15 IEOM International Conference on Operations Excellence & Service Engineering Orlando, Florida, USA September 10-11, 2015 Venue: Rosen Plaza Hotel, International Drive The IEOM Society is organizing an International Conference on Operations Excellence and Service Engineering to be held in Orlando, Florida during September 10-11, 2015. The venue is the Rosen Plaza Hotel - International Drive. The theme of the conference is "Achieving and Sustaining Excellence in Quality, Service and Operations". The conference provides a forum for academics, researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and recent developments in the field of manufacturing and operations excellence. The event will advance theory and practice by fostering networking, collaboration and joint effort among the conference participants. With the great success of the Global Engineering Education Series at Dubai IEOM Conference, 2015 IEOM Orlando Conference will have a dedicated session on Global Engineering Education. This session will include the world. A special focus will be given on Engineering Education in the Americas. Thirty six featured speakers will participate from various parts of the world and will address engineering education challenges and opportunities. Each speaker is required to submit a title of the presentation, abstract, a short biography and "head-shot" photo. All presentations will be included in the 2015 IEOM Orlando Conference proceedings and in the printed program booklet. If you are interested in delivering a presentation as a distinguished speaker at the 2015 IEOM Orlando Conference Global Engineering Education session, September 10-11, 2015, please contact Dr. Anwar Rahman rahman.industrial at or Dr. Ahad Ali aali at (IEOM Orlando Conference Chairs). Keynote Speakers: . Dr. Helmuth Ludwig, Executive Vice President, Digital Enterprise Realization and Chief Manufacturing Officer, SIEMENS PLM Software . Dr. Pamela McCauley, Professor & Director of the Ergonomics Laboratory, Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Department, University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA . Dr. Miguel Gast?n Cedillo-Campos, Professor in Logistics Systems Dynamics, Senior Researcher, Mexican Institute of Transportation and Founding President, Mexican Logistics and Supply Chain Association (AML) ONLINE Submission Site: Presentation can be given with an abstract. Full paper is optional. Participants can present theoretical and applied research with abstract. Five student competitions are arranged: undergraduate student paper competition, graduate student paper competition, undergraduate research competition, senior design project competition and high school STEM project competition. First, second and third place awards will be provided for each category. Details can be found from the following links: Undergraduate Paper Competition Graduate Paper Competition Details Senior Capstone Design Project / Final Year Project (FYP) Competition Details Undergraduate Research Competition Details High School STEM Project Competition Details The conference will cover the following topics but not limited to: TOPICS Artificial Intelligence Automation and Control Case Studies Construction Management Data Analytics Decision Sciences E-Business/E-Service E-Manufacturing Energy Engineering Education Engineering Management Entrepreneurship and Innovation Environmental Services Financial Service Management Healthcare Operations and Services Human Factors and Ergonomics Industrial Services Industry Practices and Solutions Information Technology Inventory Management Lean and Six Sigma Logistics Services Maintenance Services Manufacturing and Design Modeling and Simulation Operations Management Operations Research Production Planning and Management Project Management Public Service Quality and Reliability Retail Service Service Systems and Management Supply Chain Sustainability Systems Engineering Technology Management Transportation Deadlines Paper/Abstract Submission: May 15, 2015 Review Feedback: June 15, 2015 Registration: July 15, 2015 Workshops: Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification (September 10 and 11) Entrepreneurship (September 11) The upcoming 2015 Orlando Conference will provide great value to the participants. You and your students are encouraged to participate in this event. Thanks for your attention. Regards, Dr. Anwar Rahman, University of Southern Mississippi Conference Chair rahman.industrial at Dr. Ahad Ali, Lawrence Technological University Conference Co-Chair aali at Conference Site: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From alexander.perucci at Mon Apr 13 11:06:14 2015 From: alexander.perucci at (alexander.perucci at Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 11:06:14 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [fg-arc] CfP REMINDER - SCFI 2015 at IEEE SERVICES 2015 Message-ID: <899116739.41.1428915977199.JavaMail.alexander@MacBook-Pro-di-Alexander.local> ======= CfP REMINDER - SCFI 2015 at IEEE SERVICES 2015 ======= IEEE Service 2015 Visionary Track on Service Composition for the Future Internet (SCFI 2015) Theme SCFI 2015 ( visionary track theme aims at providing innovative contributions to the research and development of novel Service Composition approaches to assist the design, development, validation and execution of service-oriented applications for the Future Internet. SCFI 2014 constitutes a forum for scientists and engineers in academia and industry to present and discuss their latest ongoing research as well as radical new research directions that represent challenging innovations, which can advance the status quo of Service Composition when projected to the Future Internet. Details on key aims of the visionary track can be found at: Keynote by Paola Inverardi (Title and abstract to be announced) - A thematic series on Service Composition for the Future Internet in the Springer Journal of Internet Services and Applications (JISA - is devoted to SCFI 2015. Selected participants will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers after the visionary track. These extended versions will be reviewed by an international program committee, which will decide on their final publication on the thematic series. == IMPORTANT DATES == Submission Due Date (for all Paper types): April 19, 2015 Decision Notification on papers (Electronic): May 04, 2015 Camera-Ready Copy: May 10, 2015 == PAPER SUBMISSION == All accepted papers will be included in the Proceedings of the IEEE 11th World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2015), which will be published by the IEEE Computer Society.? Selected papers will be invited for extension and inclusion in a special issue of a related journal. We invite high-quality English-language submissions of regular papers, roadmaps, visionary papers, experience reports, industrial/academic reflections, and tool demos. Submissions should follow the IEEE Computer Society proceedings style as per IEEE 8.5 x 11 manuscript guidelines and accepted manuscripts must be under 4 or 8 pages. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend SCFI track?and present the paper. == Workshop Chairs == - Marco Autili, University of L?Aquila, Italy marco.autili at - Alfredo Goldman, University of S?o Paulo, Brazil gold at - Massimo Tivoli, University of L?Aquila, Italy, massimo.tivoli at == Program Committee == - Alex Norta, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia - Alexander Jungmann, University of Paderborn, Germany - Amel Bennaceur, The Open University, UK - Andre Ludwig, University Leipzig, Germany - Animesh Pathak, INRIA Paris, France - Antonio Bucchiarone, FBK, Italy - Carlos Canal, University of Malaga, Spain - Dimitris Dranidis, University of Munich, Germany - Elisabetta Di Nitto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy - Federico?Ciccozzi, M?lardalen University, Sweden - Gwen Salaun, INRIA Rhone Alpes, France - Lionel Seinturier, University Lille 1, France - Maria-Eugenia Iacob, University of Twente, Netherlands - Pengwei Wang, University of Pisa, Italy - Salvatore Di Stefano, Politecnico di Milano, Italy - Steffen Becker, University of Paderborn, Germany - Valerio Schiavoni, UNINE, Switzerland - Vincenzo Ciancia, CNR, Italy - Zachary Oster, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, US == Publicity Chair == - Alexander Perucci, University of L?Aquila, Italy == Web Chair == - Amleto Di Salle, University of L?Aquila, Italy == List of topics (although not limited to) == Service Composition Methods and Practices for FI applications - Engineering Principles - Development Processes - Requirement Elicitation and Analysis - Design and Programming - Verification and Validation - Model-Driven Development Methods and Tools Run-Time Support for Composing Services in the FI - Middleware (description, publication, discovery, access, etc.) - Convergence and Integration of Centralized and/or Decentralized Approaches - Support for Scalability, Mobility, Heterogeneity Quality of FI Service Compositions - Performance, Reliability and Availability Modeling and Evaluation - Security (vulnerabilities, malwares, countermeasures, etc.) - Trust and Privacy - Sustainability FI Crosscutting Concerns - Pervasiveness - Context- and Resource-awareness - Semantic-awareness - Seamlessness - Adaptation - Decentralized vs. Centralized Service Composition Approaches Tools, Case studies, Use cases - Smart grid, Smart house, Smart cities, Sustainable and Green systems - FI Killer applications From grlmc at Sat Apr 11 19:07:45 2015 From: grlmc at (GRLMC) Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2015 19:07:45 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] SLSP 2015: 1st call for papers Message-ID: *To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line* ********************************************************************************** 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STATISTICAL LANGUAGE AND SPEECH PROCESSING SLSP 2015 Budapest, Hungary November 24-26, 2015 Organised by: Laboratory of Speech Acoustics Department of Telecommunications and Telematics Budapest University of Technology and Economics Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC) Rovira i Virgili University ********************************************************************************** AIMS: SLSP is a yearly conference series aimed at promoting and displaying excellent research on the wide spectrum of statistical methods that are currently in use in computational language or speech processing. It aims at attracting contributions from both fields. Though there exist large, well-known conferences and workshops hosting contributions to any of these areas, SLSP is a more focused meeting where synergies between subdomains and people will hopefully happen. In SLSP 2015, significant room will be reserved to young scholars at the beginning of their career and particular focus will be put on methodology. VENUE: SLSP 2015 will take place in Budapest, on the banks of the Danube and an extensive UNESCO World Heritage site. The venue will be the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. SCOPE: The conference invites submissions discussing the employment of statistical models (including machine learning) within language and speech processing. Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not limited to: anaphora and coreference resolution authorship identification, plagiarism and spam filtering computer-aided translation corpora and language resources data mining and semantic web information extraction information retrieval knowledge representation and ontologies lexicons and dictionaries machine translation multimodal technologies natural language understanding opinion mining and sentiment analysis parsing part-of-speech tagging question-answering systems semantic role labelling speaker identification and verification speech and language generation speech recognition speech synthesis speech transcription spelling correction spoken dialogue systems term extraction text categorisation text summarisation user modeling STRUCTURE: SLSP 2015 will consist of: invited talks invited tutorials peer?reviewed contributions INVITED SPEAKERS: to be announced PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: Steven Abney (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA) Jean-Fran?ois Bonastre (University of Avignon, France) Nicoletta Calzolari (National Research Council, Pisa, Italy) Kevin Bretonnel Cohen (University of Colorado, Denver, USA) W. Bruce Croft (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA) Udo Hahn (University of Jena, Germany) Mark Hasegawa-Johnson (University of Illinois, Urbana, USA) Jing Jiang (Singapore Management University, Singapore) Tracy Holloway King (, Palo Alto, USA) Claudia Leacock (McGraw-Hill Education CTB, Monterey, USA) Mark Liberman (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA) Carlos Mart?n?Vide (Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain, chair) Alessandro Moschitti (University of Trento, Italy) Jian-Yun Nie (University of Montr?al, Canada) Maria Teresa Pazienza (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy) Adam Pease (IPsoft Inc., New York, USA) Bhiksha Raj (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA) Javier Ram?rez (University of Granada, Spain) Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann (University of Zurich, Switzerland) Douglas A. Reynolds (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington, USA) Michael Riley (Google Inc., Mountain View, USA) Stefan Schulz (Medical University of Graz, Austria) Tomoki Toda (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan) Kl?ra Vicsi (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary) Enrique Vidal (Technical University of Valencia, Spain) Junichi Yamagishi (University of Edinburgh, UK) Pierre Zweigenbaum (LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay, France) ORGANISING COMMITTEE: Adrian Horia Dediu (Tarragona) Carlos Mart?n?Vide (Tarragona, co-chair) Gy?rgy Szasz?k (Budapest) Kl?ra Vicsi (Budapest, co-chair) Florentina Lilica Voicu (Tarragona) SUBMISSIONS: Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single?spaced pages (including eventual appendices, references, proofs, etc.) and should be prepared according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see Submissions have to be uploaded to: PUBLICATIONS: A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS/LNAI series will be available by the time of the conference. A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing peer?reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation. REGISTRATION: The registration form can be found at: DEADLINES: Paper submission: June 23, 2015 (23:59 CET) Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: July 28, 2015 Final version of the paper for the LNCS/LNAI proceedings: August 11, 2015 Early registration: August 11, 2015 Late registration: November 10, 2015 Submission to the journal special issue: February 26, 2016 QUESTIONS AND FURTHER INFORMATION: florentinalilica.voicu at POSTAL ADDRESS: SLSP 2015 Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC) Rovira i Virgili University Av. Catalunya, 35 43002 Tarragona, Spain Phone: +34 977 559 543 Fax: +34 977 558 386 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Budapesti M?szaki ?s Gazdas?gtudom?nyi Egyetem Universitat Rovira i Virgili --- Este mensaje no contiene virus ni malware porque la protecci?n de avast! Antivirus est? activa. From Muzaffar.Igamberdiev at Thu Apr 9 04:19:54 2015 From: Muzaffar.Igamberdiev at (Muzaffar Igamberdiev (IEE)) Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 02:19:54 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] EDOC 2015 - 2nd Call for Demonstrations Message-ID: EDOC 2015 - 2nd Call for Demonstrations The IEEE EDOC 2015 Demonstration Track offers an exciting and highly interactive way to present prototypes and applications in the context of enterprise computing. Prototypes and applications may originate either from research projects or from industry. Proposals for demonstrations should focus on innovative concepts or technologies that address models, methodologies, and engineering technologies contributing to intra- and inter-enterprise application systems. Authors of accepted conference papers are also invited to propose demonstrations of their work. Topics of Interest Areas of interest for demonstrations include all topics of the IEEE EDOC conference. Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to: Business Process Management (BPM) Business Intelligence and Analytics Big Data Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Application Architecture Model-based Approaches Service-oriented Architectures (SOA) and Enterprise Service Architectures (ESA) Governance in Service-oriented Architectures Information Integration and Interoperability Enterprise Applications Deployment and Governance Demo Submissions Demonstration paper submissions are invited for potential inclusion in the demonstration track. Demonstration papers should address the following topics in no more than 4 pages: Title and authors Abstract: A brief description of the prototype or application, together with a statement on how conference participants benefit from attending the demonstration System overview Summary of innovative concepts and significance for the EDOC domain as well as functions or features to be demonstrated. If applicable, include brief descriptions of case studies performed using the prototype or application, provide scalability data or pointers indicating where readers can find more information about these case studies. Link (optional): A link to a Web page where to download or use the tool. Additionally, authors may provide a link to a short online video or screencast not exceeding 6 minutes in length (hard limit) of their demonstration. The video is recommended, not mandatory. The video must be playable using a wide variety of media players. All submissions must be made in PDF format and comply with the IEEE Computer Society Conference Proceedings Format Guidelines ( The demonstration track committee will review all submissions. Accepted demonstration papers are published in the workshop proceedings of the IEEE EDOC conference by the IEEE Computer Society Press and be made accessible through IEEE Xplore and the IEEE Computer Society Digital Library. At least one presenter of each accepted demonstration must register for the conference and be in attendance to present the demonstration. Please submit your demo paper per email to the Demo PC Chairs. Contact details are below. Important Dates Deadline for demo submissions: 4th May 2015 Notification of acceptance: 15th June 2015 Camera-ready papers deadline: 4th July 2015 Demonstration Program Chairs Chee-Fon Chang, University of Wollongong, Australia Matt Selway, University of South Australia, Australia Contacts: cfchang[at], matt.selway[at] Demonstration Committee See demo website: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Muzaffar.Igamberdiev at Fri Apr 10 04:04:07 2015 From: Muzaffar.Igamberdiev at (Muzaffar Igamberdiev (IEE)) Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 02:04:07 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] DEADLINE Extension: IEEE EDOC 2015 Message-ID: <> We apologize if you receive this message more than once. --- ============================================================================= DEADLINE Extension: IEEE EDOC 2015 - The 19th IEEE International EDOC Conference ============================================================================= Old deadline: April 11, 2015 Extended deadline: April 26, 2015 (deadline extension!) AoE/UTC-12:00 timezone EDOC 2015 - Adelaide, Australia September 21-25, 2015 IEEE EDOC 2015 is the nineteenth conference in a series that provides the key forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of enterprise computing. EDOC conferences address the full range of models, methodologies, and engineering technologies contributing to intra- and inter-enterprise application systems. Since 1997, EDOC has brought together leading computer scientists, IT decision makers, enterprise architects, solution designers, and practitioners to discuss enterprise computing challenges, models and solutions from the perspectives of academia, industry, and government. The IEEE EDOC conference series emphasizes a holistic view on enterprise applications engineering and management, fostering integrated approaches that address and relate business processes, people and technology. EDOC 2015 welcomes high quality scientific submissions as well as experience papers on enterprise computing from industry. The main theme of EDOC 2015 is "Leveraging social phenomena and Big Data in the enterprise of the future" and seeks to explore innovative approaches synthesizing concepts of (1) data science, (2) enterprise computing and (3) social networks. Expert panel discussions and keynotes will address current topics and issues in this domain. Topics ====== The IEEE EDOC conference seeks high-quality contributions addressing the domains, life-cycle issues, and realization technologies involved in building, deploying and operating enterprise computing systems. Suggested areas include, but are not limited to: Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Application Architecture Enterprise architecture frameworks Enterprise architecture analysis, assessment and prediction Cloud computing and the evolution of enterprise architectures Enterprise ontologies Model-based Approaches Model-driven architectures and model-driven software development Modeling based on domain specific languages (DSL) Approaches based on reference architectures Collaborative development and cooperative engineering issues Service-oriented Architectures (SOA) and Enterprise Service Architectures (ESA) Service engineering and evolution of related specifications Semantics-based service engineering Service composition, orchestration and choreography Enterprise service bus Complex event processing and event-driven architectures Governance in Service-oriented Architectures Service policies, contract definition and enforcement Security/privacy policy definition and description languages Security/privacy policy interoperability Business process management (BPM) Business process modeling, verification, configuration and implementation Process-aware information systems (PAIS), Human-centric PAIS, Social BPM Managing business process variability, adaptation and evolution in PAIS Process mining and its application in business analytics Distributed and cross-organizational business processes Data-intensive processes Cloud impact on BPM, business processes in the cloud Emerging BPM paradigms (e.g., adaptive case management, data-driven processes) Business analytics Modeling and predictive analytics for enterprise computing Data-driven enterprise strategy Collaboration enterprise analytic platforms Business process intelligence (e.g., process performance management) Continuous, online analytics for big data in the enterprise Business rules Business rule languages and engines Relation between business rules and business processes Business rules and service computing Business rules and compliance management, business process compliance Information integration and interoperability Business object modeling methodologies and approaches Taxonomies, ontologies and business knowledge integration Master data management, data mining and (real-time) data warehousing Flexible information models and systems (e.g., object-driven processes) Data quality and trustworthiness Networked Enterprise Solutions Enterprise interoperability, collaboration and its architecture Virtual organizations, including multi-agent system support Cross-enterprise collaboration in a world of cloud, social and big data Digital ecosystems Trust management Enterprise applications deployment and governance Performance and operational risk prediction and measurement Quality of service (QoS) and cost of service (CoS) Management and maintenance of enterprise computing systems Information assurance Human and social organizational factors in enterprise computing Emerging trends in distributed enterprise applications Social information and innovation networks, social media impact on the enterprise People-centric collaboration systems, people-centric services Private and public cloud computing Infrastructures Idea management and crowdsourcing Enterprise 2.0, Web 2.0 and beyond Mobile enterprise services Industry specific solutions (e.g. for aerospace, automotive, finance, logistics, medicine and telecommunications) Research and public sector collaboration (e.g. in e-health, e-government, e-science) Submission Guidelines ===================== Two types of paper submissions are solicited: a. scientific research papers, and b. industry experience reports or case studies. Scientific research papers should describe original results not been accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. These papers will be evaluated based on their scientific and technical contribution, originality, and relevance. In turn, industry experience reports should provide new insights gained in case studies or when applying enterprise computing technology in practice; industry experience reports shall further provide important feedback about the state of practice and pose challenges for researchers. These papers will be evaluated based on their appropriateness, significance, and clarity. Submissions should be full papers with 8-10 pages. All submissions must be made in PDF format and comply with the IEEE Computer Society Conference Proceedings Format Guidelines. They should be made via the electronic submission system of the EDOC Conference Management system hosted on EasyChair: All papers will be refereed by at least 3 members of the international program committee. All presented papers in the conference will be published in the proceedings of the conference and submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Post Conference Publication =========================== The authors of a collection of selected papers will be invited to prepare a substantially revised and extended version of their papers for publication in a special journal issue. The journal will be announced in due course. Important Dates: ================ Conference paper abstract submission (optional): April 4, 2015 Conference full paper submission due: April 26, 2015 Conference paper acceptance notifications: June 1, 2015 Conference camera ready papers due: July 4, 2015 Workshop proposal submissions: January 26, 2015 Workshop proposal acceptance notification: February 16, 2015 Workshop paper submissions: April 27, 2015 Workshops paper acceptance notifications: June 15, 2015 Workshops camera-ready papers due: July 4, 2015 Conference: September 21-25, 2015 Conference Committees ===================== General Chairs Aditya Ghose, University of Wollongong, Australia Georg Grossmann, University of South Australia, Australia Program Chairs Sylvain Hall?, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Chicoutimi, Canada Wolfgang Mayer, University of South Australia, Australia Workshop Chairs Jens Kolb, Ulm University, Germany Barbara Weber, University of Innsbruck, Austria Demo Chairs Matt Selway, University of South Australia Chee-Fon Chang, University of Wollongong, Australia Publicity Chairs Hoa Khanh Dam, University of Wollongong, Australia Muzaffar Igamberdiev, University of South Australia -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From van.hoorn at Wed Apr 15 21:47:48 2015 From: van.hoorn at (Andre van Hoorn) Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2015 21:47:48 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] CfP for QUDOS 2015: Workshop on Quality-aware DevOps @ ESEC/FSE Message-ID: <> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR PAPERS QUDOS 2015 1st International Workshop on Quality-Aware DevOps Co-located with the 10th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2015) Bergamo, Italy September 1, 2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT DATES Abstract submission deadline May 25, 2015 Paper submission deadline May 28, 2015 Paper notification June 29, 2015 Workshop date September 1, 2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOPE AND TOPICS DevOps has emerged in recent years as a set of principles and practices for smoothing out the gap between development and operations, thus enabling faster release cycles for complex IT services. Common tools and methods used in DevOps include infrastructure as code, automation through deep modeling of systems, continuous deployment, and continuous integration. As of today, software engineering research has mainly explored these problems from a functional perspective, trying to increase the benefits and generality of these methods for the end users. However, this has left behind the definition of methods and tools for DevOps to assess predict and verify quality dimensions. The QUDOS workshop focuses on the problem of how to best define and integrate quality assurance methods and tools in DevOps. Quality covers a broadly-defined set of dimensions including performance, reliability, safety, survivability, cost of ownership, among others. To answer this question, the QUDOS workshop wants to bring together experts from academia and industry working in areas such as quality assurance, agile software engineering, and model-based development. The goal is to identify and disseminate novel quality-aware approaches to DevOps. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Foundations of quality assurance in DevOps: Methodologies; Integration with life-cycle management; Automated tool chains, Architecture patterns; etc. * Quality assurance in the development phase: Software models in early software development phases; Languages, annotations and profiles for quality assurance; Quality analysis and prediction; Optimization-based architecture design; Architectural improvements; Performance anti-pattern detection; Traceability and versioning; Software regression and testing; Performance change detection; etc. * Quality assurance during operation: Application performance monitoring; Model-driven performance measurement and benchmarking; Feedback-based quality assurance; Capacity planning and forecasting; etc. * Applications of DevOps: Case studies in cloud computing, big data, and smart cyber-physical systems; Standardization and interoperability; Novel application domains. * All other topics related to quality-aware DevOps For more details, please visit: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Workshop Chairs Danilo Ardagna, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Andreas Brunnert, fortiss GmbH, Germany Giuliano Casale, Imperial College London, UK Andre van Hoorn, University of Stuttgart, Germany Program Committee Varsha Apte, IIT Bombay, India Matej Artac, XLAB, Slovenia Simona Bernardi, Centro Universitario de la Defensa, AGM, Spain Andre Bondi, Siemens Corporate Research, USA Francesco D'Andria, ATOS, Spain Wilhelm Hasselbring, Kiel University, Germany Samuel Kounev, University of Wuerzburg, Germany Klaus-Dieter Lange, HP, USA Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiang, York University, Canada Manoj Nambiar, Tata Consultancy Services, India Richard Paige, University of York, UK Dana Petcu, IEAT, Romania Dorina Petriu, Carleton University, Canada Meikel Poess, Oracle Corporation, USA Matteo Rossi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Arnor Solberg, SINTEF, Norway Catia Trubiani, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy Petr Tuma, Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic Liming Zhu, NICTA, Australia ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers that are not being considered in another forum. We solicit full papers (max 6 pages), short tool papers (max 2 pages), and extended abstracts overviewing a related project (max 1 page). A special session will be organised to showcase project posters for the extended abstracts. All submissions must conform to the ACM conference format. Each submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee. Papers should be submitted via EasyChair at: At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the workshop and present the paper. Presented papers will be published in the ESEC/FSE 2015 proceedings that will be published by ACM and included in the ACM Digital Library. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUPPORT The QUDOS workshop is supported by the Research Group of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC RG, and by the consortia of two EU projects, MODAClouds ( and DICE ( -- Dr.-Ing. Andr? van Hoorn University of Stuttgart, Inst. of Software Technology Reliable Software Systems (RSS) Group Universit?tsstra?e 38, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany Room: 1.336 Phone: +49 (0)711 685-88-252, Fax: -472 E-Mail: van.hoorn at, From xiao.qu at Wed Apr 15 22:57:54 2015 From: xiao.qu at (Xiao Qu) Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2015 20:57:54 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] ASE 2015 - 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: ASE 2015 UPCOMING DATES: - Workshop Proposal: April 24 - Research Paper (Abstract): May 8 - Research Paper (Full): May 15 ======================================================================= CALL FOR PAPERS ASE 2015 - 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering November 9-13, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA ======================================================================= * Conference * Tool Demos * Workshops * Tutorials * Doctoral Symposium ======================================================================= IMPORTANT DATES Abstract Submission: May 8, 2015 Paper Submission: May 15, 2015 Notification: July 20, 2015 Camera-Ready: August 4, 2015 Workshop proposal submission: April 24, 2015 Tutorial proposal submission: June 1, 2015 Tool demonstration paper submission: July 23,2015 Doctoral symposium submission: June 26, 2015 ======================================================================= GENERAL THEME The IEEE/ACM Automated Software Engineering (ASE) Conference series is the premier research forum for automated software engineering. Each year, it brings together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss foundations, techniques and tools for automating the analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance of large software systems. In 2015, ASE will be celebrating its 30th year as a premier venue for novel work in software automation. === CONFERENCE PAPERS ================================================ ASE 2014 invites high quality contributions describing significant, original, and unpublished results. Solicited topics include, but are not limited to: o Automated reasoning techniques o Open systems development o Component-based systems o Product line methods o Computer-supported cooperative work o Program understanding o Configuration management o Program synthesis o Data mining for software engineering o Program transformation o Domain modeling and meta-modeling o Re-engineering o Empirical software engineering o Requirements engineering o Human-computer interaction o Specification languages o Knowledge acquisition and management o Software analysis o Maintenance and evolution o Software architecture and design o Testing, verification, and validation o Model-based software development o Software visualization o Model transformation o Model-driven engineering o Modeling language semantics Three categories of submissions are solicited: 1. Technical Research Papers should describe innovative research in automating software development activities or automated support to users engaged in such activities. They should describe a novel contribution to the field and should carefully support claims of novelty with citations to the relevant literature. Where a submission builds upon previous work of the author(s), the novelty of the new contribution must be clearly described with respect to the previous work. Papers should also clearly discuss how the results were validated. 2. Experience Papers should describe a significant experience in applying automated software engineering technology and should carefully identify and discuss important lessons learned so that other researchers and/or practitioners can benefit from the experience. Of special interest are experience papers that report on industrial applications of automated software engineering. 3. New Ideas Papers should describe novel research directions in automating software development activities or automated support to users engaged in such activities. New ideas submissions are intended to describe well- defined research ideas that are at an early stage of investigation and may not be fully validated. Submission: All submissions must come in PDF format and conform, at time of submission, to the IEEE Formatting Guidelines. For details and templates see: Technical Research Papers and Experience Papers must not exceed 10 pages (including figures and appendices) plus up to 2 pages that contain ONLY references. New Ideas Papers must not exceed 6 pages (including figures, appendices AND references). Submissions that do not adhere to these limits or that violate the formatting guidelines will be desk-rejected without review. All submissions must be in English. Papers submitted to ASE 2015 must not have been previously published and must not be under review for publication elsewhere. All papers that conform to submission guidelines will be peer-reviewed by members of the Program Committee and members of the Expert Review Panel. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of originality, soundness, relevance, importance of contribution, evaluation, quality of presentation and appropriate comparison to related work. Note that the Program Committee may re-assign a submission into a different category than the one it is submitted to if it decides that it is a better fit for that category. Acceptance: All accepted papers will be published by IEEE, provided that at least one author of each accepted paper registers as a full registration for the conference and presents the paper. Failure to do so may result in the paper being pulled out of the Digital Library. Program Chairs: Lars Grunske, University of Stuttgart, Germany Michael Whalen, University of Minnesota, USA === TOOL DEMONSTRATIONS ============================================== Automated software engineering consists of automating processes related to requirements, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance of software systems. Automating these processes in the form of tools facilitates better productivity and improve the overall quality of software. The tool demonstrations track provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss their most recent advances, experiences, and challenges in the field of automated software engineering. ASE 2015 solicits high-quality submissions for its tool demonstrations track. We invite submission on tools that are either (a) early research prototypes or (b) mature tools, with a significant novel Improvement, and that have not yet been commercialized. Submissions should highlight the underlying scientific contributions, engineering ingenuity, applicability to a broader software engineering audience, and/or potential for or realization of scaling the tool. In contrast to a Technical Research track paper intended to provide details of a novel automated software engineering technique, a tool demonstration paper should indicate how the technique has been implemented as a functioning tool and how that tool should be used by its intended audience. We encourage authors of papers submitted to the Technical Research track to submit an accompanying tool demonstration paper. The tool demonstration program committee will review each submission to assess the relevance and quality of the proposed tool demonstration in terms of the usefulness of the tool, its ease of use by its intended users, its presentation quality, and a limited, but appropriate discussion of related tools. Accepted tool demonstrations will be allocated 5 pages in the conference proceedings: 4 pages for prose and up to one additional page for references. Authors of accepted tool demonstrations papers are required to give a presentation (read: live demo) of the tool during the conference. There will also be an area open to attendees at scheduled times during the conference during which demonstrators will also present their work in an more informal manner. Tool Demonstration Co-Chairs: Andrew Begel, Microsoft Research, USA Alessandra Gorla, IMDEA Software Institute, Spain === WORKSHOPS ======================================================== A workshop co-located with the ASE 2015 conference should provide an opportunity for exchanging views, advancing ideas, and discussing preliminary results on topics related to Automated Software Engineering. Workshops may also serve as platforms to nurture new scientific communities. Workshops should not be seen as an alternative forum for presenting full research papers. The workshops co-located with the conference will be organized before the main conference (Monday, Tuesday). The organizers will decide the exact day after the proposals have been reviewed and accepted. A workshop may last one or two days. Workshop Co-Chairs: David Lo, Singapore Management University, Singapore Anita Sarma, University of Nebraska?Lincoln, USA === TUTORIALS ======================================================== Tutorials address a wide range of mature topics from theoretical foundations to practical techniques and tools for automated software engineering. Tutorials are intended to provide independent instruction on a relevant theme; therefore, no commercial or sales-oriented proposals will be accepted. The tutorials will be organized either on the Monday or Tuesday before the main conference. The general chair and organizers will decide the exact dates after all proposals have been reviewed and accepted. Tutorial Co-Chairs: Henry Muccini,University of L'Aquila, Italy Tien Nguyen, Iowa State University, USA === DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM =============================================== The goal of the ASE 2015 Doctoral Symposium is to provide a supportive yet questioning setting in which the PhD students have an opportunity to present and discuss their research with other researchers in the ASE community. The symposium aims at providing students useful guidance and feedback on their research and to facilitate networking within the scientific community by interacting with established researchers and with their peers at a similar stage in their careers. Doctoral Symposium Co-Chairs Sven Apel, University of Passau, Germany Sarfraz Khurshid, University of Texas at Austin, USA === ORGANIZATION ==================================================== General Chair Myra Cohen, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Program Chairs Lars Grunske, University of Stuttgart Michael Whalen, University of Minnesota Perry Alexander, University of Kansas Andrew Begel , Microsoft Research Christian Bird, Microsoft Research Yuriy Brun, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Ray Buse, Google Radu Calinescu, University of York Marsha Chechik, University of Toronto Vittorio Cortellessa, University of L'Aquila Massimiliano Di Penta, University of Sannio Danny Dig, Oregon State University Antonio Filieri, University of Stuttgart Bernd Fischer, University of Stellenbosch Gordon Fraser, University of Sheffield Michael Goedicke, Paluno Paul Gr?nbacher, Johannes Kepler University Linz Arie Gurfinkel, Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute Robert Hall, AT&T Labs Research Reiko Heckel, Department of Computer Science University of Leicester Mats Heimdahl, University of Minnesota Yue Jia, University College London Christian K?stner, Carnegie Mellon University Sarfraz Khurshid, University of Texas at Austin Anne Koziolek, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Julia Lawall, INRIA Claire Le Goues, Carnegie Mellon University David Lo, School of Information Systems Singapore Management University Shahar Maoz, Tel Aviv University Darko Marinov, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Tim Menzies, West Virginia University Henry Muccini, University of L'Aquila Tien N. Nguyen, Iowa State University Corina Pasareanu, CMU, NASA Ames Patrizio Pelliccione, Chalmers University Grigore Rosu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Anita Sarma, University of Nebraska?Lincoln Johann Schumann, NASA Ames Tetsuo Tamai, Hosei University Lin Tan, University of Waterloo Expert Review Panel (ERP) Sven Apel, University of Passau Earl Barr, University College London Samik Basu, Iowa State University Ayse Bener, Reierson University Benoit Baudry, INRIA Tevfik Bultan, University of California at Santa Barbara Jordi Cabot, ?cole des Mines de Nantes/INRIA Michel Chaudron, Chalmers University Yuanfang Cai, Drexel University Ivica Crnkovic, M?lardalen University Christoph Csallner, University of Texas at Arlington Elisabetta Di Nitto, Politecnico di Milano Xiang Fu, Hofstra University Harald Gall, University of Zurich Dimitra Giannakopoulou, NASA Ames Alessandra Gorla, IMDEA Software Institute John Grundy, Swinburne University of Technology Sylvain Hall?, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Chicoutimi Mark Harman, University College London John G. Hosking, University of Auckland Paola Inverardi, University of L'Aquila Andrew Ireland, Heriot Watt University Edinburgh Lingxiao Jiang, Singapore Management University Akash Lal, Microsoft Research India Axel Legay, INRIA Emmanuel Letier, University College London Hong Mei, Peking University Leandro Minku, University of Birmingham Martin Naedele, ABB (Switzerland) Klaus Ostermann, University of Marburg Charles Pecheur, Universit? Catholique de Louvain Suzette Person, University of Nebraska?Lincoln Motoshi Saeki, Tokyo Institute of Technology Gabriele Taentzer, Philipps-Universit?t Marburg Paolo Tonella, Fondazione Bruno Kessler Burak Turhan, University of Oulu Daniel Varro, Budapest University of Technology and Economics Stefan Wagner, Universit?t Stuttgart Tao Xie, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Hongyu Zhang, Microsoft Research Thomas Zimmerman, Microsoft Research Andrea Zisman, The Open University Albert Z?ndorf, University of Kassel Doctoral Symposium Co-Chairs: Sven Apel, University of Passau, Germany Sarfraz Khurshid, University of Texas at Austin Tutorial Co-Chairs: Henry Muccini, University of L'Aquila Tien Nguyen, Iowa State University Workshop Co-Chairs: David Lo, Singapore Management University, Singapore Anita Sarma, University of Nebraska?Lincoln Tool Demonstration Chairs: Andrew Begel, Microsoft Research Alessandra Gorla, IMDEA Software Institute Finance Chair: Suzette Person, University of Nebraska?Lincoln Proceedings Chair: Moonzoo Kim, KAIST, Republic of Korea Social Media Co-Chairs: Xiao Qu, ABB Corporate Research Ana Paiva, University of Porto Local Arrangements Co-Chairs: Witawas Srisa-an, University of Nebraska?Lincoln Tingting Yu University of Kentucky Web Chair: Brady Garvin, University of Nebraska?Lincoln Conference Organization: LaRita Lang, University of Nebraska?Lincoln === SOCIAL MEDIA ===================================================== Twitter: @ASEConf2015 Facebook: LinkedIn: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From asc at Fri Apr 17 22:12:51 2015 From: asc at (Ansgar Scherp) Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 22:12:51 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] Finaler CfP DOKTORANDENPROGRAMM der INFORMATIK 2015 in Cottbus / Final CfP Doctoral Programme of INFORMATIK 2015 Message-ID: <> CfP - Aufruf zum DOKTORANDENPROGRAMM der INFORMATIK 2015 in Cottbus [Note: English Version below!] === Aufruf zum DOKTORANDENPROGRAMM der INFORMATIK 2015 === === am 1. und 2. Oktober 2015 === === im Rahmen der INFORMATIK 2015 vom 28.09.-02.10.2015 in Cottbus === === siehe === Das Doktorandenprogramm der INFORMATIK 2015 erlaubt jungen Forschern und Forscherinnen ihr Thema in einem Vortrag oder als Poster einem breiten Publikum vorzustellen. Es gibt den DoktorandInnen au?erdem die M?glichkeit sich mit anderen Forschern und Doktoranden auszutauschen, gegenseitige Kontakte zu kn?pfen, Probleme und deren L?sungswege zu diskutieren und R?ckmeldungen von promovierten WissenschaftlerInnen und ProfessorInnen auf verwandten Forschungsgebieten zu erhalten. Neben den wissenschaftlichen Pr?sentationen und Diskussionen steht daher im Doktorandenprogramm der pers?nliche Kontakt und Austausch mit erfahrenen Forschern im Vordergrund. Die eingereichten Beitr?ge werden nach den Kriterien Relevanz, Innovation und Interesse f?r ein gr??eres Publikum bewertet und bei Annahme entweder als Vortrag oder im Rahmen einer Poster-Session pr?sentiert. Einreichungen erbitten wir in L?nge von 10-12 Seiten gem?? den Formatierungsrichtlinien der INFORMATIK (das hei?t im LNI-Format, Neben einer inhaltlichen Fokussierung der Einreichung ist auch die Einbettung in das ?bergeordnete Thema der Dissertation auf 1-2 Seiten zu beschreiben. Zudem sind auch Einreichungen als Kurzbeitr?ge der L?nge von 4-6 Seiten m?glich. Diese werden im Rahmen der Postersession am Donnerstag pr?sentiert. Eine Einbettung in das ?bergeordnete Thema ist f?r Kurzbeitr?ge nicht erforderlich. Im Sinne eines Doktorandenkolloquiums wird ausdr?cklich gebeten, dass die Beitr?ge in Alleinautorenschaft der Doktoranden erstellt werden. Die akzeptierten Beitr?ge m?ssen von den Doktoranden als Vortrag beziehungsweise als Poster pr?sentiert werden. Die Poster werden gemeinsam mit den Postern der GI Jahrestagung sowie den Postern des Studierendenprogramms der GI Jahrestagung vorgestellt. Auf Wunsch k?nnen die Doktoranden zudem an einem Mentorenprogramm teilnehmen, bei dem f?r das Thema passende erfahrene Forscher ausgesucht und f?r ein pers?nliches Gespr?ch zur Verf?gung stehen. Interesse an der Teilnahme an diesem Programm kann bei der Einreichung der Beitr?ge angegeben werden. Das Mentorenprogramm erfolgt vorbehaltlich einer hinreichenden Passgenauigkeit verf?gbarer erfahrener Forscher und wird rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben. Am 2. Oktober wird zudem ein Promotionsworkshop mit eingeladenen Vortr?gen zum Thema "Wie promoviere ich?" angeboten. Dieser Workshop ist offen f?r alle interessierte Forscher und Forscherinnen der INFORMATIK 2015. ** Wichtige Daten ** - Einreichung der Beitr?ge: 20. April 2015 - Benachrichtigung zur Begutachtung: 18. Mai 2015 - Einreichung der finalen Version: 22. Juni 2015 - Vortr?ge: 1. Oktober 2015 - Vorstellung der Poster: 1. Oktober 2015 - Mentorenprogramm: am 1. Oktober 2015 ** Informationen zur Einreichung ** * Umfang und Gestaltung der Vollbeitr?ge: - 10-12 Seiten (gem?? den Formatierungsrichtlinien der INFORMATIK im LNI-Format). - Beitr?ge sollen einen thematischen Fokus haben sowie auf 1-2 Seiten die Einbettung in das ?bergeordnete Thema der Dissertation beschreiben. * Umfang und Gestaltung der Kurzbeitr?ge: - 4-6 Seiten (gem?? den Formatierungsrichtlinien der INFORMATIK im LNI-Format). - Beitr?ge sollen einen thematischen Fokus haben. Eine Einbettung in das ?bergeordnete Thema der Dissertation ist nicht notwendig. * Beitr?ge k?nnen in Deutsch oder Englisch (bevorzugt!) eingereicht werden. * Akzeptierte Vollbeitr?ge werden entweder als Vortrag oder Poster-Pr?sentation vorgestellt. Akzeptierte Kurzbeitr?ge werden als Poster pr?sentiert. * Einreichung von Beitr?gen erfolgt ?ber ConfTool der INFORMATIK 2015: *** *** ** SKILL ** Ich darf zudem auf die Studierendenkonferenz der INFORMATIK 2015 (SKILL 2015) aufmerksam machen. Die SKILL 2015 richtet sich an alle Studentinnen und Studenten der Informatik sowie angrenzender Disziplinen mit dem Schwerpunkt Informatik. Sie findet ebenfalls am 1. und 2. Oktober 2015 statt. Die Einreichungsfrist ist der 13. April 2015. Aktuelle Informationen finden Sie auf der Webseite der SKILL 2015 unter ** Leitung des Doktorandenprogramms ** - Ansgar Scherp, Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft und Universit?t zu Kiel - Heinrich T. Vierhaus, BTU Cottbus - Steffen Becker, TU Chemnitz --- CfP - Call for Participation to the Doctoral Programme of INFORMATIK 2015 === Call for DOCTORAL PROGRAMME of INFORMATIK 2015 === === to be held during October 1-2, 2015 === === at INFORMATIK 2015 from September 28 to October 2, 2015 in Cottbus, Germany === === details: === The doctoral programme of INFORMATIK 2015 allows young researchers to present his or her topic to a broader audience. Accepted submissions will be presented either as oral presentation or poster. In addition, the doctoral programme allows the researchers to exchange experiences with other students, build contacts, discuss problems and solutions, and receive feedback from senior researchers in related research areas. Thus, focus of the doctoral programme is besides scientific presentations and discussions also the possibility for socializing with researchers in related fields and getting feedback from experienced researchers. The doctoral programme is held in conjunction with the 45th annual meeting of the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft f?r Informatik e.V. (GI)). Submitted papers are evaluated by relevance, innovation, and interest for a larger audience. We expect full paper submissions of 10-12 pages adhering to the formatting guidelines of INFORMATIK (i.e., GI LNI format, The papers should be focused on a particular research question as well as provide a 1-2 page description of the broader topic of the dissertation. In addition, we accept short papers of 4-6 pages. They are presented during the poster session on Thursday. A description of the broader topic of the dissertation is not required for short paper submissions. In terms of a doctoral programme, we kindly ask that the papers are authored and submitted by the doctoral students being the only author. Accepted papers are to be presented by the doctoral students either as oral presentation or poster. The posters will be presented together with the posters of the annual GI meeting and the posters of the students programme. Interested students can sign up for a mentoring programme. The organizers will select experienced researchers and assign slots for a personal coaching. Expression of interest to the mentoring programme can be done when submitting the papers. The mentoring programme is offered under the condition of proper fit to the topic and availability of experienced researchers. It will be given due notice. On October 2, there will be an additional PhD workshop on "How to accomplish a Phd study?". This workshop is open to all interested researchers attending INFORMATIK 2015. ** Important Dates ** Submission of papers April 20, 2015 Notification: May 18, 2015 Camera ready version: June 22, 2015 Presentations: October 1, 2015 Poster session: October 1, 2015 Mentoring programme: October 1, 2015 ** Details about the submission: ** * Full papers: - 10-12 pages (according to formatting guidelines of INFORMATIK in LNI format) - Submissions are expected to focus on a research question as well as describe on 1-2 pages the context of the dissertation * Short papers: - 4-6 pages (according to formatting guidelines of INFORMATIK in LNI format) - Submissions are expected to focus on a research question. Description of the broader context of the dissertation is not required. * Submissions in English are preferred, other submission language is German * Accepted submissions are either presented in oral (full papers) or as poster (full papers/short papers). * Submissions are handled through ConfTool of INFORMATIK 2015: *** *** ** Organizers of the Doctoral Programme ** - Ansgar Scherp, Leibniz Information Center for Economics, Kiel and Kiel University, Germany - Heinrich T. Vierhaus, BTU Cottbus, Germany - Steffen Becker, TU Chemnitz From grlmc at Sat Apr 18 22:18:05 2015 From: grlmc at (GRLMC) Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2015 22:18:05 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] AlCoB 2015: presentation of work in progress Message-ID: <8A7D24A05ABA414C8479DA0473006B29@Carlos1> *To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line* ************************************************************************* The 2nd International Conference on Algorithms for Computational Biology (AlCoB 2015) invites authors to submit work in progress for presentation. AlCoB 2015 will be held in Mexico City on August 4-6, 2015. See Presentations are intended to enhance informal interactions with conference participants, at the same time permitting in-depth discussion. TOPICS Authors can submit presentations describing novel work in progress on any of the topics within the scope of the conference. They do not need to contain final results, but research that may lead to future interesting developments is welcome. KEY DATES Submission deadline: June 26, 2015 Notification of acceptance or rejection: 7 days after submission SUBMISSION Please submit a .pdf abstract through: It should contain the title, author(s) and affiliation, and should not exceed 500 words. PRESENTATION Each presentation will be allocated 15 minutes in the programme. PUBLICATION The presented work will not appear in the LNCS/LNBI proceedings volume of AlCoB 2015. However, it will be eligible for submission to the post-conference Journal of Computational Biology special issue. REGISTRATION Authors of work in progress have to register to the conference. They will pay a reduced fare. This comprises access to all sessions, one copy of the proceedings volume, coffee breaks and lunches. --- Este mensaje no contiene virus ni malware porque la protecci?n de avast! Antivirus est? activa. From Mark.Minas at Sat Apr 18 11:16:47 2015 From: Mark.Minas at (Mark Minas) Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2015 11:16:47 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] VL/HCC Most Influential Paper Award - Call for Nominations Message-ID: [Apologies should you receive multiple copies of this call.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Nominations VL/HCC Most Influential Paper Award --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Colleague, This year the VL/HCC community is continuing the tradition of honoring research papers whose appearance in this conference had important influences on VL/HCC research or commerce (see Because having an important influence can only be determined over time, the papers being nominated must be from past decades. We have two award categories: Most Influential Paper (1) from 10 years ago (+/- 1 year), namely fully refereed papers that appeared at: VL/HCC 2004 (Rome, Italy) VL/HCC 2005 (Dallas, Texas, USA) VL/HCC 2006 (Brighton, UK) VL/HCC 2004: VL/HCC 2005: VL/HCC 2006: and Most Influential Paper (2) from 20 years ago (+/- 1 year): VL 1994 (St Louis, Missouri, USA) VL 1995 (Darmstadt, Germany) VL 1996 (Boulder, Colorado, USA) VL 1994: VL 1995: VL 1996: We need your help in nominating papers from either or both of these categories that have had a truly important, long-term impact on VL/HCC research or commerce. As the long-term visionary group, we think you're more likely than anyone to know of well qualified papers. Please nominate some! This is an important award to our community. It's a way to help us attain recognition for our field and for the most important works that have appeared in our conference. We hope it will also be motivational and inspiring for younger researchers. To nominate a paper, just send an email containing answers to the following questions to: vlhcc15mip at The questions/criteria are: 1. VL full paper title and authors (must be a refereed full paper at VL, HCC, or VL/HCC -- not a keynote, not a panel, not a short paper, etc.) 2. What year did the paper appear? 3. What was the paper's big, long-term, or unique impact on VL/HCC research or commerce? 4. The paper awarded can win the award in one of these two ways: 4a. It is the only, or first, or first important paper on the influential topic. 4b. It is just one of a sequence of papers published multiple places that had a big influence on VL/HCC research or commerce. Which of the above was it -- 4a or 4b? Please explain. However, if there have been multiple communities where the work has been published, the research needs to be strongly situated in the VL/HCC community by virtue of many papers on the topic having been published at VL/HCC. Of course, the nominated paper must satisfy all the other above criteria as well. Note: Concrete evidence of impact would be very helpful (eg, Google Scholar citation counts, etc.). Deadline for nominations is: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 It would be helpful to have them earlier though. Many thanks, John Grundy and Mark Minas (2015 VL/HCC MIP Task Force) From alexander.perucci at Mon Apr 20 10:57:21 2015 From: alexander.perucci at (alexander.perucci at Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:57:21 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [fg-arc] Projects Showcase at STAF'15 - Reminder Abstract Submission Message-ID: <847366277.41.1429520232404.JavaMail.Alexander@XPS> ********** Projects Showcase at STAF'15 - Call for Paper ********** --- Goals and Scope During the last decade a number of national and international financial instruments have been funding research, innovation and development programmes. From local to global scales, many projects have been funded delivering research and industrial innovation through reinforcing the excellence of science, speeding up the industrial leadership, and supporting the growth of new markets. These initiatives have been driving economic growth and creating employment opportunities, by addressing societal challenges, boosting productivity and securing competitiveness. The Projects Showcase event at STAF'15 ( is dedicated to national and international projects dissemination and cooperation. The event provides the opportunity for researchers and practitioners (from both academia and industry) involved in completed, to be started or ongoing research projects related to Software Technologies - Applications and Foundations, and hence to the topics of the leading conferences federated by STAF'15 and other co-located events. The Projects Showcase welcomes contributions disseminating the objectives of the project, outcomes of specific deliverables, the final outcome of the project, as well as, advances beyond the state of the art, overall innovation potential, exploitation approach and (expected) impact, marketing value, barriers and obstacles. Thus, the Projects Showcase at STAF'15 represents a concrete opportunities for participants to share experience, ideas, on-going work, and knowledge that can lead to fruitful collaborations and cross-sectoral concertations among projects. --- Paper Organization Each submission should follow the following structure and clearly indicate: - name and acronym of the project; - source and amount of funding as well as overall total budget (if possible); - consortium of the project or involved people; - link to the official project web site (if available); - current status of the project and its duration; - brief description of the project overall; - objectives of the projects overall; - final (expected) outcomes of the project overall; - the following information (or part of): o description of the (expected) outcomes of specific work package(s); o description of the (expected) outcomes of specific task(s); o description of the (expected) outcomes of specific deliverable(s); o (expected) advances beyond the state of the art; o overall (expected) innovation potential; o exploitation approach and (expected) impact; o barriers and obstacles, and (expected) marketing value; - references to related work and related projects; --- Paper Format Each submission must be a (max) 8-pages paper formatted according to the Springer LNCS formatting instructions (, be in PDF, and should include the authors' names, affiliations and contact details. All submissions must be in English. All submissions will be peer reviewed by three members of the international Program Committee of the Projects Showcase track. The reviewers will assess the completeness, the quality of and the relevance of the submission for the target audience. --- Submission Please submit via EasyChair Each accepted submission will be part of the Projects Showcase proceedings. At least one author of the accepted submission has to register at the conference and present the accepted submission during the Projects Showcase track. --- Important Dates - Abstract submission: 24 April 2015 - Paper submission: 8 May 2015 - Author notification: 5 June 2015 - Camera-ready version: 19 June 2015 --- Chairs - Marco Autili - - Tom Ritter - - Andrey Sadovykh - - Massimo Tivoli - --- Program Committee - Nikolaos Georgantas, INRIA, Paris - Rocquencourt, France - Rocco Oliveto, University of Molise, Italy - Valerie Issarny, INRIA, Paris - Rocquencourt, France - Paolo Falcarin, University of East London, UK - Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy - Antonio Brogi, University of Pisa, Italy - Massimiliano Di Penta, University of Sannio, Italy - Apostolos Zarras, University of Ioannina, Greece - Geir Horn, University of Oslo, Norway - Sebastien Gerard, CEA List, France - Holger Giese, HPI, University of Potsdam, Germany - Reda Bendraou, Universit?? Pierre et Marie Curie, France - Alexander Viehl, FZI, Germany From uwe.assmann at Mon Apr 20 18:40:33 2015 From: uwe.assmann at (Uwe Assmann) Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 18:40:33 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] VAO 2015 - View-Based, Aspect-Oriented and Orthographic Software Modelling Message-ID: <> --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | VAO 2015 - Call for Contributions | | | | 3rd Workshop on | | View-Based, Aspect-Oriented and Orthographic Software Modelling | | | | A satellite event of STAF 2015 | | | | 21 July 2015, L'Aquila, Italy | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | For a complete PDF version of this call please visit: | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- In Model-Driven Engineering, the functionality of complex systems lies beyond the representative capabilities of a single model. Therefore, an increasing variety of heterogeneous models and languages are used in the various phases of software development. Information about a system is consequently spread across these various models with possible overlaps, redundancies, and inconsistencies. To cope with this complexity, which normally exceeds the cognitive capacity of a single individual, various approaches have been developed to re-organize information during systems development. Different approaches that allow system modelling from various perspectives or according to separate concerns focus on such diverse issues that it is difficult to compare and evaluate them. Some of them present solutions for a specific set of modelling languages or views, but make it hard to assess the applicability in other scenarios. Others provide means to define new views on models, but do not consider how redundancy-free models can be established. Goal ---- The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners with an interest in model-driven software development to foster a fruitful cross-pollination of ideas between different communities dealing with the separation and integration of views, concerns, and roles in system modelling. In break-out sessions, potential topics for scientific exchange will be elicited, possible comparison criteria will be collected, and ideas for future colaborations will be discussed. In order to provide a foundation for these discussions, we encourage submissions on new concepts, implementations or formalism as well as submissions on controversial positions, requirements for a common case-study or case-study scenarios. Submissions should contribute to investigating and discussing the benefits and drawbacks of different multi-view modelling approaches or identifying best practices. Topics ------ The workshop is interested in submissions on all topics related to model-driven development that deal with the separation and integration of different perspectives, languages, abstractions, views or concerns. More specifically, this includes: - bridging the gap between different views or metamodels, - generating, defining and evolving different views, models and metamodels, - round-trip engineering and co-evolution of different models, - composition of different views, models and metamodels, - (bidirectional) transformations of metamodels, - avoiding inconsistencies, overlap and redundancies between modelling artefacts, - using role modelling concepts for model-driven engineering, - generating models and metamodels for multiple views or formalisms, - separating and re-integrating cross-cutting concerns or model weaving, - dynamic information hiding for partial views, - coupling of software and non-software models Contributions ------------- Submissions to the workshop are possible in two categories. *Research papers* should describe original work on a problem or solution that pertains to the systematic separation or integration of models, concerns, views, or other modelling artefacts on six to eight pages. *Position papers* should present a well-defined position on how various modelling languages, viewpoints, heterogeneous subsystems, or concerns should be handled in MDE on two to four pages. All paper submissions have to adhere to the ACM SIG Proceedings Style (alternate format). Organizers ---------- Uwe A?mann, Technische Universit?t Dresden, Germany Erik Burger, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany Thomas Goldschmidt, ABB Corporate Research, Ladenburg, Germany Ralf Reussner, Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI), Karlsruhe, Germany Programme Committee ------------------- Omar Alam, McGill University, Montr?al, Canada Colin Atkinson, Universit?t Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany Steffen Becker, TU Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany Ruth Breu, Universit?t Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria Jacques Klein, Universit? du Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg Peter F. Linington, University of Kent, Kent, United Kingdom No?l Plouzeau, Universit? de Rennes 1, Rennes, France Daniel Ratiu, fortiss, Munich, Germany Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany Guido Wachsmuth, TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands Antonio Vallecillo, Universidad de M?laga, M?laga, Spain Manuel Wimmer, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria Steffen Zschaler, King's College, London, United Kingdom Dissemination ------------- The proceedings of VAO 2015 will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Important Dates --------------- Abstract submission: 24 April 2015 Paper submission: 8 May 2015 Author notification: 5 June 2015 Camera-ready version: 19 June 2015 Workshop date: 21 July 2015 Contact ------- vao-workshop at Homepage -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VAO 2015: MORSE 2015: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prof. Dr. Uwe A?mann mailto:uwe.assmann at Software Engineering Group tel:+49 351 463 38463 Institut f?r Software- und fax:+49 351 463 38459 Multimediatechnik Fakult?t Informatik building: Noethnitzer Str. 46, 01307 Dresden Technische Universitat Dresden room/Zimmer: 2087, 2. Stock, West D-01062 Dresden ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Jeremy.Gibbons at Wed Apr 22 14:54:29 2015 From: Jeremy.Gibbons at (Jeremy Gibbons) Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 13:54:29 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] Associate Professorship in Data Science at Oxford (Continuing Education) Message-ID: ASSOCIATE PROFESSORSHIP IN DATA SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF CONTINUING EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Grade 36S: ?44,620 - ?59,914 p.a. (pro rata) The University is seeking to appoint an Associate Professor in Data Science, to commence in October 2015 or as soon as possible thereafter. The post will be held in the Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford. The postholder will benefit from a fellowship at Linacre College. The successful candidate must have a doctorate in data science or a cognate field, with a proven high standard of expertise in data science and appropriate knowledge of computer science, demonstrable experience of teaching and organising data science or similar programmes at university level, a proven record of research and publication, including evidence of research grant activity, academic leadership ability in the field of data science, and experience of public engagement. The postholder will have the opportunity to contribute to a wide range of provision, as appropriate to their expertise, including directing and overseeing the department's current activity and future development this disciplinary area. The postholder will be Director of Studies in Data Science, responsible for the established and well-subscribed Advanced Diploma in Data and Systems Analysis, together with the open access programmes and day/weekend schools in computer science, and will also seek to develop short/online courses for professional groups, such as school teachers, and for the wider public. The Department for Continuing Education is the leading Continuing Education department in the UK. Committed to public engagement, the department is multidisciplinary and encourages interdisciplinary teaching and research. The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on 11 May 2015. For more information, see I would be very happy to answer any questions. Jeremy Jeremy.Gibbons at Oxford University Department of Computer Science, Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK. +44 1865 283521 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mail at Fri Apr 24 23:37:19 2015 From: mail at (Ansgar Scherp) Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2015 23:37:19 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] =?utf-8?q?*_Verl=C3=A4ngerung_bis_4=2E5=2E_-_DOKTORANDEN?= =?utf-8?q?PROGRAMM_der_INFORMATIK_2015_in_Cottbus_/_Final_CfP_Doctoral_Pr?= =?utf-8?q?ogramme_of_INFORMATIK_2015?= Message-ID: <> CfP - Aufruf zum DOKTORANDENPROGRAMM der INFORMATIK 2015 in Cottbus [Note: English Version below!] === Aufruf zum DOKTORANDENPROGRAMM der INFORMATIK 2015 === === am 1. und 2. Oktober 2015 === === im Rahmen der INFORMATIK 2015 vom 28.09.-02.10.2015 in Cottbus === === siehe === *** BITTE UM BEACHTUNG: Die Einreichungsfrist wurde bis zum 4. Mai verl?ngert *** Das Doktorandenprogramm der INFORMATIK 2015 erlaubt jungen Forschern und Forscherinnen ihr Thema in einem Vortrag oder als Poster einem breiten Publikum vorzustellen. Es gibt den DoktorandInnen au?erdem die M?glichkeit sich mit anderen Forschern und Doktoranden auszutauschen, gegenseitige Kontakte zu kn?pfen, Probleme und deren L?sungswege zu diskutieren und R?ckmeldungen von promovierten WissenschaftlerInnen und ProfessorInnen auf verwandten Forschungsgebieten zu erhalten. Neben den wissenschaftlichen Pr?sentationen und Diskussionen steht daher im Doktorandenprogramm der pers?nliche Kontakt und Austausch mit erfahrenen Forschern im Vordergrund. Die eingereichten Beitr?ge werden nach den Kriterien Relevanz, Innovation und Interesse f?r ein gr??eres Publikum bewertet und bei Annahme entweder als Vortrag oder im Rahmen einer Poster-Session pr?sentiert. Einreichungen erbitten wir in L?nge von 10-12 Seiten gem?? den Formatierungsrichtlinien der INFORMATIK (das hei?t im LNI-Format, Neben einer inhaltlichen Fokussierung der Einreichung ist auch die Einbettung in das ?bergeordnete Thema der Dissertation auf 1-2 Seiten zu beschreiben. Zudem sind auch Einreichungen als Kurzbeitr?ge der L?nge von 4-6 Seiten m?glich. Diese werden im Rahmen der Postersession am Donnerstag pr?sentiert. Eine Einbettung in das ?bergeordnete Thema ist f?r Kurzbeitr?ge nicht erforderlich. Im Sinne eines Doktorandenkolloquiums wird ausdr?cklich gebeten, dass die Beitr?ge in Alleinautorenschaft der Doktoranden erstellt werden. Die akzeptierten Beitr?ge m?ssen von den Doktoranden als Vortrag beziehungsweise als Poster pr?sentiert werden. Die Poster werden gemeinsam mit den Postern der GI Jahrestagung sowie den Postern des Studierendenprogramms der GI Jahrestagung vorgestellt. Auf Wunsch k?nnen die Doktoranden zudem an einem Mentorenprogramm teilnehmen, bei dem f?r das Thema passende erfahrene Forscher ausgesucht und f?r ein pers?nliches Gespr?ch zur Verf?gung stehen. Interesse an der Teilnahme an diesem Programm kann bei der Einreichung der Beitr?ge angegeben werden. Das Mentorenprogramm erfolgt vorbehaltlich einer hinreichenden Passgenauigkeit verf?gbarer erfahrener Forscher und wird rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben. Am 2. Oktober wird zudem ein Promotionsworkshop mit eingeladenen Vortr?gen zum Thema "Wie promoviere ich?" angeboten. Dieser Workshop ist offen f?r alle interessierte Forscher und Forscherinnen der INFORMATIK 2015. ** Wichtige Daten ** - Einreichung der Beitr?ge: 20. April 2015 -> Verl?ngert bis 4. Mai 2015 - Benachrichtigung zur Begutachtung: 18. Mai 2015 - Einreichung der finalen Version: 22. Juni 2015 - Vortr?ge: 1. Oktober 2015 - Vorstellung der Poster: 1. Oktober 2015 - Mentorenprogramm: am 1. Oktober 2015 ** Informationen zur Einreichung ** * Umfang und Gestaltung der Vollbeitr?ge: - 10-12 Seiten (gem?? den Formatierungsrichtlinien der INFORMATIK im LNI-Format). - Beitr?ge sollen einen thematischen Fokus haben sowie auf 1-2 Seiten die Einbettung in das ?bergeordnete Thema der Dissertation beschreiben. * Umfang und Gestaltung der Kurzbeitr?ge: - 4-6 Seiten (gem?? den Formatierungsrichtlinien der INFORMATIK im LNI-Format). - Beitr?ge sollen einen thematischen Fokus haben. Eine Einbettung in das ?bergeordnete Thema der Dissertation ist nicht notwendig. * Beitr?ge k?nnen in Deutsch oder Englisch (bevorzugt!) eingereicht werden. * Akzeptierte Vollbeitr?ge werden entweder als Vortrag oder Poster-Pr?sentation vorgestellt. Akzeptierte Kurzbeitr?ge werden als Poster pr?sentiert. * Einreichung von Beitr?gen erfolgt ?ber ConfTool der INFORMATIK 2015: *** *** ** SKILL ** Ich darf zudem auf die Studierendenkonferenz der INFORMATIK 2015 (SKILL 2015) aufmerksam machen. Die SKILL 2015 richtet sich an alle Studentinnen und Studenten der Informatik sowie angrenzender Disziplinen mit dem Schwerpunkt Informatik. Sie findet ebenfalls am 1. und 2. Oktober 2015 statt. Die Einreichungsfrist ist der 13. April 2015. Aktuelle Informationen finden Sie auf der Webseite der SKILL 2015 unter ** Leitung des Doktorandenprogramms ** - Ansgar Scherp, Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft und Universit?t zu Kiel - Heinrich T. Vierhaus, BTU Cottbus - Steffen Becker, TU Chemnitz --- Extended Deadline until May 4th - CfP - Call for Participation to the Doctoral Programme of INFORMATIK 2015 === Call for DOCTORAL PROGRAMME of INFORMATIK 2015 === === to be held during October 1-2, 2015 === === at INFORMATIK 2015 from September 28 to October 2, 2015 in Cottbus, Germany === === details: === *** PLEASE NOTE: We extended the deadline until May 4th! The doctoral programme of INFORMATIK 2015 allows young researchers to present his or her topic to a broader audience. Accepted submissions will be presented either as oral presentation or poster. In addition, the doctoral programme allows the researchers to exchange experiences with other students, build contacts, discuss problems and solutions, and receive feedback from senior researchers in related research areas. Thus, focus of the doctoral programme is besides scientific presentations and discussions also the possibility for socializing with researchers in related fields and getting feedback from experienced researchers. The doctoral programme is held in conjunction with the 45th annual meeting of the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft f?r Informatik e.V. (GI)). Submitted papers are evaluated by relevance, innovation, and interest for a larger audience. We expect full paper submissions of 10-12 pages adhering to the formatting guidelines of INFORMATIK (i.e., GI LNI format, The papers should be focused on a particular research question as well as provide a 1-2 page description of the broader topic of the dissertation. In addition, we accept short papers of 4-6 pages. They are presented during the poster session on Thursday. A description of the broader topic of the dissertation is not required for short paper submissions. In terms of a doctoral programme, we kindly ask that the papers are authored and submitted by the doctoral students being the only author. Accepted papers are to be presented by the doctoral students either as oral presentation or poster. The posters will be presented together with the posters of the annual GI meeting and the posters of the students programme. Interested students can sign up for a mentoring programme. The organizers will select experienced researchers and assign slots for a personal coaching. Expression of interest to the mentoring programme can be done when submitting the papers. The mentoring programme is offered under the condition of proper fit to the topic and availability of experienced researchers. It will be given due notice. On October 2, there will be an additional PhD workshop on "How to accomplish a Phd study?". This workshop is open to all interested researchers attending INFORMATIK 2015. ** Important Dates ** Submission of papers April 20, 2015 -> now May 4, 2015 Notification: May 18, 2015 Camera ready version: June 22, 2015 Presentations: October 1, 2015 Poster session: October 1, 2015 Mentoring programme: October 1, 2015 ** Details about the submission: ** * Full papers: - 10-12 pages (according to formatting guidelines of INFORMATIK in LNI format) - Submissions are expected to focus on a research question as well as describe on 1-2 pages the context of the dissertation * Short papers: - 4-6 pages (according to formatting guidelines of INFORMATIK in LNI format) - Submissions are expected to focus on a research question. Description of the broader context of the dissertation is not required. * Submissions in English are preferred, other submission language is German * Accepted submissions are either presented in oral (full papers) or as poster (full papers/short papers). * Submissions are handled through ConfTool of INFORMATIK 2015: *** *** ** Organizers of the Doctoral Programme ** - Ansgar Scherp, Leibniz Information Center for Economics, Kiel and Kiel University, Germany - Heinrich T. Vierhaus, BTU Cottbus, Germany - Steffen Becker, TU Chemnitz From grlmc at Sat Apr 25 15:53:08 2015 From: grlmc at (GRLMC) Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2015 15:53:08 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] InfoSec 2015: registration deadline 3 May Message-ID: <65FBE3A7CF71454593615ACCF9A00746@Carlos1> *To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line* ********************************************************************** INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ON INFORMATION SECURITY InfoSec 2015 Bilbao, Spain July 6-10, 2015 Organized by Deusto University Rovira i Virgili University ********************************************************************** --- 5th registration deadline: May 3, 2015 --- ********************************************************************** AIM: InfoSec 2015 will be a major research training event addressed to graduates and postgraduates in the first steps of their academic career. With a global scope, it aims at updating them about the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of information security, which covers a large spectrum of current exciting academic research and industrial innovation. It refers to procedures to defend information from unauthorized access, use, modification, recording or destruction, with a critical role to play in order to avoid or minimize risks in the digital world. Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the audience. Most information security subareas will be displayed, namely: computer security, cryptography, privacy, cyber security, mobile security, network security, world wide web security, fraud prevention, data protection, etc. Main challenges of information security will be identified through 4 keynote lectures, 30 six-hour courses, and 1 round table, which will tackle the most active and promising topics. The organizers believe outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be a main component of the event. An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes. ADDRESSED TO: Graduates and postgraduates from around the world. There are no formal pre-requisites in terms of academic degrees. However, since there will be differences in the course levels, specific background knowledge may be required for some of them. InfoSec 2015 is also appropriate for more senior people who want to keep themselves updated on recent developments and future trends. They will surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers, industry leaders and innovators. REGIME: In addition to keynotes, 4 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they will be willing to attend as well as to move from one to another. VENUE: InfoSec 2015 will take place in Bilbao, the capital of the Basque Country region, famous for its gastronomy and the seat of the Guggenheim Museum. The venue will be: DeustoTech, School of Engineering Deusto University Avda. Universidades, 24 48014 Bilbao KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Jan Camenisch (IBM Research, Zurich), Privacy in a Digital World: a Lost Cause? Hao Chen (University of California, Davis), (In)security of Mobile Apps in Untrusted Networks Jennifer Seberry (University of Wollongong), The Global Village: the Beginning of the Need for Computer Security [via videoconference] Gene Tsudik (University of California, Irvine), Off-line Proximity-based Social Networking PROFESSORS AND COURSES: N. Asokan (Aalto University), [intermediate] Mobile Security: Overview of Hardware Platform Security and Considerations of Usability Jan Camenisch (IBM Research, Zurich), [introductory/intermediate] Technologies to Protect Online Privacy Hao Chen (University of California, Davis), [intermediate/advanced] Security of the Mobile App Ecosystem Nicolas T. Courtois (University College London), [introductory/intermediate] Security of ECDSA in Bitcoin and Crypto Currency Claude Cr?peau (McGill University, Montr?al), [introductory/intermediate] Quantum Computation, Cryptography and Cryptanalysis Joan Daemen (ST Microelectronics Belgium, Diegem), [introductory/intermediate] Sponge Functions, Keccak and SHA-3 Sajal K. Das (Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla), [intermediate/advanced] Securing Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges and Opportunities Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati (University of Milan), [introductory/intermediate] Security and Privacy in the Cloud Herv? Debar (T?l?com SudParis), [introductory/intermediate] Detection and Reaction to Attacks: from Intrusion Detection to Cyber-Defense Rosario Gennaro (City University of New York), [intermediate/advanced] A Survey of Verifiable Delegation of Computation Trent Jaeger (Pennsylvania State University, University Park), [intermediate/advanced] How to Add Security Enforcement to Legacy Programs Somesh Jha (University of Wisconsin, Madison), [intermediate/advanced] Analysis Techniques in Information Security Antoine Joux (Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris), [introductory/intermediate] Discrete Logarithms in Finite Fields Marc Joye (Technicolor R&I, Los Altos), [introductory/intermediate] Secure Public-Key Cryptosystems Lars R. Knudsen (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby), [introductory/intermediate] Block Ciphers: the Workhorses in Cryptography Songwu Lu (University of California, Los Angeles), [introductory/intermediate] Cellular Network Security: Issues and Defenses Catherine Meadows (Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC), [introductory/intermediate] Formal Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols Nasir Memon (New York University), [introductory/intermediate] User Authentication Ethan L. Miller (University of California, Santa Cruz), [intermediate/advanced] Securing Stored Data in a Connected World Stefano Paraboschi (University of Bergamo), [introductory/intermediate] Data Protection in Network-enabled Systems Bart Preneel (KU Leuven), [introductory/intermediate] Cryptology: State of the Art and Research Challenges Jean-Jacques Quisquater (Catholic University of Louvain), [introductory/intermediate] The History of RSA: from Babylon to Smart Cards Shantanu Rane (Palo Alto Research Center), [introductory/intermediate] Privacy-preserving Data Analytics: Problems, Solutions and Challenges Mark Ryan (University of Birmingham), [introductory/intermediate] Designing Security Protocols: Electronic Voting, and Electronic Mail Stefan Saroiu (Microsoft Research, Redmond), [advanced] Protecting Data on Smartphones and Tablets Using Trusted Computing Milind Tambe (University of Southern California, Los Angeles), [introductory/intermediate] Introduction to the Emerging Science of Security Games Gene Tsudik (University of California, Irvine), [intermediate/advanced] Security and Privacy in Candidate Future Internet Architectures Yang Xiao (University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa), [introductory/advanced] Security in Smart Grids Wenyuan Xu (University of South Carolina, Columbia), [intermediate] Security and Privacy Analysis of Embedded Systems Yuliang Zheng (University of North Carolina, Charlotte), [introductory] Cryptography and the Future of Money OPEN SESSION An open session will collect 5-minute presentations of work in progress by participants. They should submit a half-page abstract containing title, authors, and summary of the research to adrian.dediu at by June 29 at the latest. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Adrian Horia Dediu Carlos Mart?n-Vide (co-chair) Borja Sanz (co-chair) Florentina Lilica Voicu REGISTRATION: The registration form can be found at: The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template is only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will be helpful to have an approximation of the respective demand for each course. Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will be closed and the on-line registration facility disabled when the capacity of the venue will be complete. It is much recommended to register prior to the event. FEES: Fees are a flat rate covering the attendance to all courses during the week. There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline. ACCOMMODATION: Accommodation for participants is available at the Colegio Mayor Deusto (student hostel). Since there may exist problems to find accommodation in Bilbao at a reasonable price during the week of the event, the organizers' advice is to book as soon as possible, and anyway by May 27. To do it, write to Carlson Wagonlit Travel at estudiantesud at CERTIFICATE: Participants will be delivered a certificate of attendance. QUESTIONS AND FURTHER INFORMATION: florentinalilica.voicu at ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Deusto University Rovira i Virgili University --- Este mensaje no contiene virus ni malware porque la protecci?n de avast! Antivirus est? activa. From alexander.perucci at Mon Apr 27 22:10:53 2015 From: alexander.perucci at (alexander.perucci at Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:10:53 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [fg-arc] Projects Showcase at STAF'15 - Deadline Extension Message-ID: <183102102.41.1430165434546.JavaMail.Alexander@XPS> Dear Colleague, we extended the submission deadline for our Project Showcase at STAF'15 to May 17th, 2015 - The success of the showcase depends on the submissions we receive, and you might be a very important part of this endeavour. We would really appreciate if you could contribute with a paper towards making the project showcase a successful event! Please, let us know if you have any further questions. Cheers, - Marco, Tom, Andrey, Massimo, Alexander From maciej.pirog at Tue Apr 28 02:22:48 2015 From: maciej.pirog at (Maciej Pirog) Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 01:22:48 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] MPC 2015 - Call For Participation Message-ID: <> CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 12th International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC 2015) K?nigswinter, Germany, 29 June - 1 July 2015 Early registration deadline: *** 29 May 2015 *** Hotel rooms reserved until: *** 29 May 2015 *** BACKGROUND The MPC conferences aim to promote the development of mathematical principles and techniques that are demonstrably practical and effective in the process of constructing computer programs, broadly interpreted. VENUE The conference will take place in K?nigswinter, Maritim Hotel, where accommodation has been reserved. K?nigswinter is situated on the right bank of the river Rhine, opposite Germany's former capital Bonn, at the foot of the Siebengebirge. REGISTRATION To register for the conference send an email to mpc2015 at stating your name and affiliation. We will then provide further details, including hotel booking. You can also use the email address for any queries you might have. The early registration fee for the conference is 375 Euros if you pay via bank transfer and 385 Euros if you pay using PayPal. The early registration deadline is 29 May 2015; after this point, the registration fee rises to 425 Euros (bank transfer) and 435 Euros (PayPal). We have a block booking of rooms at the conference hotel at a special reduced rate, but only until 29th May 2015; after this point, the rooms will be released and the special rate unavailable. INVITED SPEAKERS * Carroll Morgan, University of New South Wales ( "A nondeterministic lattice of information" * Torsten Grust, Universit?t T?bingen ( "A Compilation of Compliments for a Compelling Companion: the Comprehension" ACCEPTED PAPERS * "Exploring an Interface Model for CKA" Bernhard M?ller and Tony Hoare * "On Rely-Guarantee Reasoning" Stephan Van Staden * "A Relation-Algebraic Approach to Multirelations and Predicate Transformers" Rudolf Berghammer and Walter Guttmann * "Preference Decomposition and the Expressiveness of Preference Query Languages" Patrick Roocks * "Hierarchy in Generic Programming Libraries" Jos? Pedro Magalh?es and Andres L?h * "Polynomial Functors Constrained by Regular Expressions" Dan Piponi and Brent Yorgey * "A Program Construction and Verification Tool for Separation Logic" Brijesh Dongol, Victor B. F. Gomes, and Georg Struth * "Calculating Certified Compilers for Non-Deterministic Languages" Patrick Bahr * "Notions of Bidirectional Computation and Entangled State Monads" Faris Abou-Saleh, James Cheney, Jeremy Gibbons, James McKinna, and Perdita Stevens * "A clear picture of lens laws" Sebastian Fischer, Zhenjiang Hu, and Hugo Pacheco * "Regular Varieties of Automata and Coequations" Julian Salamanca, Jan Rutten, Marcello Bonsangue, Enric Cosme-Ll?pez, and Adolfo Ballester-Bolinches * "Column-wise Extendible Vector Expressions and the Relational Computation of Sets of Sets" Rudolf Berghammer * "Turing-Completeness Totally Free" Conor McBride * "Auto in Agda: Programming proof search using reflection" Pepijn Kokke and Wouter Swierstra * "Fusion for Free: Efficient Algebraic Effect Handlers" Nicolas Wu and Tom Schrijvers PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Ralf Hinze University of Oxford, UK (chair) Eerke Boiten University of Kent, UK Jules Desharnais Universit? Laval, Canada Lindsay Groves Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Zhenjiang Hu National Institute of Informatics, Japan Graham Hutton University of Nottingham, UK Johan Jeuring Utrecht University and Open University, The Netherlands Jay McCarthy Vassar College, US Bernhard M?ller Universit?t Augsburg, Germany Shin-Cheng Mu Academia Sinica, Taiwan Dave Naumann Stevens Institute of Technology, US Pablo Nogueira Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid, Spain Ulf Norell University of Gothenburg, Sweden Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Jos? Nuno Oliveira Universidade do Minho, Portugal Alberto Pardo Universidad de la Rep?blica, Uruguay Christine Paulin-Mohring INRIA-Universit? Paris-Sud, France Tom Schrijvers KU Leuven, Belgium Emil Sekerinski McMaster University, Canada Tim Sheard Portland State University, US Anya Tafliovich University of Toronto Scarborough, Canada Tarmo Uustalu Institute of Cybernetics, Estonia Janis Voigtl?nder Universit?t Bonn, Germany LOCAL ORGANIZERS Ralf Hinze University of Oxford, UK (co-chair) Janis Voigtl?nder Universit?t Bonn, Germany (co-chair) Jos? Pedro Magalh?es Standard Chartered Bank, UK Maciej Pir?g University of Oxford, UK Nicolas Wu University of Bristol, UK For queries about local matters, please write to jv at From amedeo.napoli at Mon Apr 27 18:43:21 2015 From: amedeo.napoli at (Amedeo Napoli) Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:43:21 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [fg-arc] 2nd CFP FCA4AI Workshop at IJCAI 2015 ``What can FCA do for Artificial Intelligence?'' (4th Edition) **** EXTENDED DEADLINE **** In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (**** EXTENDED DEADLINE ****) Call for Papers (**** EXTENDED DEADLINE ****) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FCA4AI (Fourth Edition) -- ``What can FCA do for Artificial Intelligence?'' co-located with IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina 25 July-1 August 2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Information. The preceding editions of the FCA4AI Workshop (ECAI 2014 Prague, IJCAI 2013 Beijing, and ECAI 2012 Montpellier) showed that many researchers working in Artificial Intelligence are indeed interested by a powerful method for classification and mining such as Formal Concept Analysis (see,, and This year, we have the chance to organize a new edition of the workshop in Buenos Aires at the IJCAI 2015 Conference. Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a mathematically well-founded theory aimed at data analysis and classification. FCA allows one to build a concept lattice and a system of dependencies (implications) which can be used for many AI needs, e.g. knowledge processing involving learning, knowledge discovery, knowledge representation and reasoning, ontology engineering, and as well as information retrieval and text processing. Thus, there exist many ``natural links'' between FCA and AI. Recent years have been witnessing increased scientific activity around FCA, in particular a strand of work emerged that is aimed at extending the possibilities of FCA w.r.t. knowledge processing, such as work on pattern structures and relational context analysis. These extensions are aimed at allowing FCA to deal with more complex than just binary data, both from the data analysis and knowledge discovery point of view and from the knowledge representation point of view, including, e.g., ontology engineering. All these works extend the capabilities of FCA and offer new possibilities for AI activities in the framework of FCA. Accordingly, in this workshop, we will be interested in two main issues: - How can FCA support AI activities such as knowledge processing (knowledge discovery, knowledge representation and reasoning), learning (clustering, pattern and data mining), natural language processing, information retrieval. - How can FCA be extended in order to help AI researchers to solve new and complex problems in their domain. The workshop is dedicated to discuss such issues. TOPICS OF INTEREST include but are not limited to: - Concept lattices and related structures: description logics, pattern structures, relational structures. - Knowledge discovery and data mining with FCA: association rules, itemsets and data dependencies, attribute implications, data pre-processing, redundancy and dimensionality reduction, classification and clustering. - Knowledge engineering and ontology engineering: knowledge representation and reasoning. - Scalable algorithms for concept lattices and artificial intelligence ``in the large'' (distributed aspects, big data). - Applications of concept lattices: semantic web, information retrieval, visualization and navigation, pattern recognition. The workshop will include time for audience discussion for having a better understanding of the issues, challenges, and ideas being presented. IMPORTANT DATES: Submission deadline: May 18, 2015 (**** hard deadline ****) Notification to authors: June 15, 2015 Final version: July 1st, 2015 Workshop: July 25 or 26, 2015 (to be confirmed) SUBMISSION DETAILS: The workshop welcomes submissions in pdf format in Springer's LNCS style. Submissions can be: - technical papers not exceeding 8 pages, - system descriptions or position papers on work in progress not exceeding 4 pages Submissions are via EasyChair at (opening soon) The workshop proceedings will be published as CEUR proceedings. A selection of the best papers presented at the workshop will be considered for a special issue of a high-level journal. WORKSHOP CHAIRS: Sergei O. Kuznetsov Higher Schools of Economics, Moscow, Russia Amedeo Napoli LORIA-INRIA, Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France Sebastian Rudolph Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany PROGRAM COMMITTEE (in constitution) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Muzaffar.Igamberdiev at Tue Apr 28 09:01:16 2015 From: Muzaffar.Igamberdiev at (Muzaffar Igamberdiev (IEE)) Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 07:01:16 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] Deadline Extension: IEEE EDOC 2015 Message-ID: <> We apologize if you receive this message more than once. --- ============================================================================= DEADLINE Extension: IEEE EDOC 2015 - The 19th IEEE International EDOC Conference ============================================================================= Extended deadline: May 5, 2015 (deadline extension!) EDOC 2015 - Adelaide, Australia September 21-25, 2015 IEEE EDOC 2015 is the nineteenth conference in a series that provides the key forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of enterprise computing. EDOC conferences address the full range of models, methodologies, and engineering technologies contributing to intra- and inter-enterprise application systems. Since 1997, EDOC has brought together leading computer scientists, IT decision makers, enterprise architects, solution designers, and practitioners to discuss enterprise computing challenges, models and solutions from the perspectives of academia, industry, and government. The IEEE EDOC conference series emphasizes a holistic view on enterprise applications engineering and management, fostering integrated approaches that address and relate business processes, people and technology. EDOC 2015 welcomes high quality scientific submissions as well as experience papers on enterprise computing from industry. The main theme of EDOC 2015 is "Leveraging social phenomena and Big Data in the enterprise of the future" and seeks to explore innovative approaches synthesizing concepts of (1) data science, (2) enterprise computing and (3) social networks. Expert panel discussions and keynotes will address current topics and issues in this domain. Topics ====== The IEEE EDOC conference seeks high-quality contributions addressing the domains, life-cycle issues, and realization technologies involved in building, deploying and operating enterprise computing systems. Suggested areas include, but are not limited to: Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Application Architecture Enterprise architecture frameworks Enterprise architecture analysis, assessment and prediction Cloud computing and the evolution of enterprise architectures Enterprise ontologies Model-based Approaches Model-driven architectures and model-driven software development Modeling based on domain specific languages (DSL) Approaches based on reference architectures Collaborative development and cooperative engineering issues Service-oriented Architectures (SOA) and Enterprise Service Architectures (ESA) Service engineering and evolution of related specifications Semantics-based service engineering Service composition, orchestration and choreography Enterprise service bus Complex event processing and event-driven architectures Governance in Service-oriented Architectures Service policies, contract definition and enforcement Security/privacy policy definition and description languages Security/privacy policy interoperability Business process management (BPM) Business process modeling, verification, configuration and implementation Process-aware information systems (PAIS), Human-centric PAIS, Social BPM Managing business process variability, adaptation and evolution in PAIS Process mining and its application in business analytics Distributed and cross-organizational business processes Data-intensive processes Cloud impact on BPM, business processes in the cloud Emerging BPM paradigms (e.g., adaptive case management, data-driven processes) Business analytics Modeling and predictive analytics for enterprise computing Data-driven enterprise strategy Collaboration enterprise analytic platforms Business process intelligence (e.g., process performance management) Continuous, online analytics for big data in the enterprise Business rules Business rule languages and engines Relation between business rules and business processes Business rules and service computing Business rules and compliance management, business process compliance Information integration and interoperability Business object modeling methodologies and approaches Taxonomies, ontologies and business knowledge integration Master data management, data mining and (real-time) data warehousing Flexible information models and systems (e.g., object-driven processes) Data quality and trustworthiness Networked Enterprise Solutions Enterprise interoperability, collaboration and its architecture Virtual organizations, including multi-agent system support Cross-enterprise collaboration in a world of cloud, social and big data Digital ecosystems Trust management Enterprise applications deployment and governance Performance and operational risk prediction and measurement Quality of service (QoS) and cost of service (CoS) Management and maintenance of enterprise computing systems Information assurance Human and social organizational factors in enterprise computing Emerging trends in distributed enterprise applications Social information and innovation networks, social media impact on the enterprise People-centric collaboration systems, people-centric services Private and public cloud computing Infrastructures Idea management and crowdsourcing Enterprise 2.0, Web 2.0 and beyond Mobile enterprise services Industry specific solutions (e.g. for aerospace, automotive, finance, logistics, medicine and telecommunications) Research and public sector collaboration (e.g. in e-health, e-government, e-science) Submission Guidelines ===================== Two types of paper submissions are solicited: a. scientific research papers, and b. industry experience reports or case studies. Scientific research papers should describe original results not been accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. These papers will be evaluated based on their scientific and technical contribution, originality, and relevance. In turn, industry experience reports should provide new insights gained in case studies or when applying enterprise computing technology in practice; industry experience reports shall further provide important feedback about the state of practice and pose challenges for researchers. These papers will be evaluated based on their appropriateness, significance, and clarity. Submissions should be full papers with 8-10 pages. All submissions must be made in PDF format and comply with the IEEE Computer Society Conference Proceedings Format Guidelines. They should be made via the electronic submission system of the EDOC Conference Management system hosted on EasyChair: All papers will be refereed by at least 3 members of the international program committee. All presented papers in the conference will be published in the proceedings of the conference and submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Post Conference Publication =========================== The authors of a collection of selected papers will be invited to prepare a substantially revised and extended version of their papers for publication in a special journal issue. The journal will be announced in due course. Important Dates: ================ Conference paper abstract submission (optional): April 4, 2015 Conference full paper submission due: May 5, 2015 Conference paper acceptance notifications: June 1, 2015 Conference camera ready papers due: July 4, 2015 Workshop proposal submissions: January 26, 2015 Workshop proposal acceptance notification: February 16, 2015 Workshop paper submissions: April 27, 2015 Workshops paper acceptance notifications: June 15, 2015 Workshops camera-ready papers due: July 4, 2015 Conference: September 21-25, 2015 Conference Committees ===================== General Chairs Aditya Ghose, University of Wollongong, Australia Georg Grossmann, University of South Australia, Australia Program Chairs Sylvain Hall?, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Chicoutimi, Canada Wolfgang Mayer, University of South Australia, Australia Workshop Chairs Jens Kolb, Ulm University, Germany Barbara Weber, University of Innsbruck, Austria Demo Chairs Matt Selway, University of South Australia Chee-Fon Chang, University of Wollongong, Australia Publicity Chairs Hoa Khanh Dam, University of Wollongong, Australia Muzaffar Igamberdiev, University of South Australia -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From martens at Wed Apr 29 16:33:20 2015 From: martens at (Anne Koziolek (IPD)) Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 16:33:20 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] CfP ModComp'15 @ MoDELS: Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Component-Based Software Systems Message-ID: <> CALL FOR PAPERS ModComp'15 (at MoDELS): 2st International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Component-Based Software Systems IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for submission of papers: July 17, 2015 Notification for acceptance of papers: August 21, 2015 Online proceedings: September 19, 2015 Workshop dates: September 28, 2015 SCOPE Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) have been shown to effectively reduce software development complexity by (i) shifting the focus from source code to models and (ii) building software systems as composition of new and existing components, respectively. Moreover, the interplay of MDE and CBSE approaches is gaining recognition as a very promising means to boost the development of software systems by reducing costs and risks and shorten time-to-market. While several attempts to effectively combine MDE and CBSE have been documented, there are still unsolved clashes arising when exploiting interplay of MDE and CBSE, mostly due to mismatches in the related terminology as well as to differences in their basic essence. As satellite event of MODELS'15, the goal of ModComp?15 is to gather researchers and practitioners to share opinions, propose solutions to open challenges and generally explore the frontiers of interweaving between MDE and CBSE. TOPICS Solicited topics include, but are not limited to: ? Partial model reuse ? Model composition ? Model versioning ? Modelling component interaction and component behaviours ? Model extraction for componentization of legacy systems ? Component interoperability ? Management and elicitation of model interdependencies ? Model (co)evolution ? Model transformations for analysis and code generation in presence of third-party components ? Metamodel modularity ? Composition of MDE artefacts ? Enforcement of incrementality ? Case studies & applications SUBMISSION ModComp'15 welcomes research papers, experience papers and tool presentations; nevertheless, papers describing novel research contributions and innovative applications are of particular interest. Three types of submissions are solicited: Research Papers, Experience Reports, and Position Papers. ? Research papers: novel research contributions, challenging problems tackled with innovative ideas, or practical contributions in the interplay of MDE and CBSE. Long papers should clearly describe the situation or problem tackled, the relevant state of the art, the position or solution suggested and the potential benefits of the contribution. ? Experience reports: tool demonstrations, industrial experiences and case-studies. Authors of papers reporting industrial experiences are strongly encouraged to make their experimental results available for use by reviewers. Similarly, case-study papers should describe significant case-studies and the complete development should be made available for use by reviewers. Tool demonstration papers should explain enhancements made in comparison to previously published work. Authors of tool demonstration papers should make their tool available for use by reviewers. ? Position papers: well-pondered and sufficiently documented visionary papers, new ideas or early research results in one of the topics of the workshop. Contributions should represent original and previously unpublished ideas that are currently not under review in any conference or journal. Research and Experience Papers must not exceed 6 pages (including figures, appendices AND references). Position Papers must not exceed 2 pages (including figures, appendices AND references). Each submitted paper undergoes a formal peer review process by a minimum of 3 Program Committee members. Submitted papers should include authors' names, affiliations and contact information. Contributions should be uploaded using EasyChair: Papers must be in the IEEEtran format (link to templates available on the workshop?s website). Accepted papers will be published in the CEUR Workshop proceedings, which is indexed by DBLP. At least one author of each accepted paper must register and attend the workshop. Special issue in International Journal: We plan to organize a special issue at the Journal of Object Technology (JOT) to which the best papers from the workshop will be invited for being submitted in extended form. The extended papers would undergo a new peer-reviewing process. ORGANIZATION Workshop organizers and chairs Federico Ciccozzi (main contact), M?lardalen University (Sweden) Etienne Borde, TELECOM ParisTech (France) Patrizio Pelliccione, University of Gothenburg - Chalmers University (Sweden) Program Committee Marco Autili, University of L?Aquila (Italy) Steffen Becker, University of Paderborn (Germany) Jan Carlson, M?lardalen University (Sweden) Antonio Cicchetti, M?lardalen University (Sweden) Diarmuid Corcoran, Ericsson (Sweden) Ivica Crnkovic, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) Guglielmo De Angelis, CNR ? IASI/ISTI (Italy) David Garlan, Carnegie Mellon University (USA) Sebasti?n Gerard, CEA List (France) Jeff Gray, University of Alabama (USA) Anne Koziolek, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) Magnus Larsson, ABB Robotics (Sweden) Patricia L?pez Mart?nez, University of Cantabria (Spain) Julio Medina, University of Cantabria (Spain) Raffaela Mirandola, Politecnino di Milano (Italy) Marco Panunzio, Thales Alenia Space (France) Alfonso Pierantonio, University of L?Aquila (Italy) Pascal Poizat, Universit Paris Ouest Nanterre la D?fense (France) Ansgar Radermacher, CEA List (France) Mehrdad Saadatmand, SICS (Sweden) Lionel Seinturier, University of Lille/INRIA (France) Severine Sentilles, M?lardalen University (Sweden) Massimo Tivoli, University of L?Aquila (Italy) Tullio Vardanega, University of Padua (Italy) CONTACT Website: Main contact: Federico Ciccozzi, federico.ciccozzi[at]