From matt.selway at Tue Mar 4 04:18:35 2014 From: matt.selway at (Selway, Matt Ryan - selmr001) Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 03:18:35 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] EDOC 2014 Workshops Call for Papers Message-ID: <> Nine Workshops at EDOC 2014 The 18th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2014) "The Enterprise Computing Conference" Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Communications Society. Ulm, Germany, September 1-5, 2014 Follow EDOC2014 on Twitter: Workshop paper submissions: April 8, 2014 Workshops paper acceptance notifications: May 27, 2014 All camera-ready papers due: June 14, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ WORKSHOPS OVERVIEW ------------------------------------------------------------ W1: 5th International Workshop on Models and Model-driven Methods for Service Engineering (3M4SE'14) [] W2: 3rd International Workshop on Adaptive Case Management and other non-workflow approaches to BPM (AdaptiveCM'14) [] W3: 1st International Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and Security in Cross-Organizational Processes (CeSCoP'14) [] W4: 1st International Workshop on Enterprise Model Analysis (EMA'14) [TBA] W5: 1st International Workshop on Engineering Cloud Applications and Services (EnCASE'14) [] W6: 7th International Workshop on Evolutionary Business Processes (EVL-BP'14) [] W7: 2nd International Workshop on Methodical Development of Modeling Tools (ModTools'14) [] W8: 6th International Workshop on Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Engineering (SoEA4EE'14) [] W9: 9th International Workshop on Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research (TEAR'14) [] ------------------------------------------------------------ W1: 5th International Workshop on Models and Model-driven Methods for Service Engineering (3M4SE'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: Recent developments in metamodelling and model transformation techniques have led to increasing adoption of model-driven engineering practices. The increase in interest and significance of the model-driven approach has also accelerated its application in the development of large (distributed) IT systems to support (collaborative) enterprises. Shifting attention from source code to models allows enterprises to focus on their core concerns, such as business processes, services and collaborations, without being forced to simultaneously consider the underlying technologies. Different models typically address different concerns, with transformations between these models and ultimately to the source code. Although the model-driven approach offers theoretical benefits for the development, maintenance and evolution of enterprise computing systems and corresponding service-oriented solutions, a number of issues for the practical application of the approach still exist. In order to solve these issues further advances in models (business goals, pragmatic interoperability, semantic interoperability) and model-driven methods (design concepts, languages, metamodels, profiles, specification frameworks) are necessary. This workshop aims at helping the convergence of research on model-driven development and practical application of the model-driven approach in the area of enterprise computing and service engineering. The workshop addresses questions with respect to the requirements on, concepts for, properties of and experience with models and model-driven methods for service engineering in the area of enterprise computing. A special focus is on the combined application of model-driven and semantic approaches in the different phases of the service lifecycle. Submissions related to model-driven approaches in cloud computing are also welcome. Organizers: Marten van Sinderen, University of Twente, The Netherlands Lu??s Ferreira Pires, University of Twente, The Netherlands Maria-Eugenia Iacob, University of Twente, The Netherlands ------------------------------------------------------------ W2: 3rd International Workshop on Adaptive Case Management and other non-workflow approaches to BPM (AdaptiveCM'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: While practitioners are trying to overcome the restrictions of workflow thinking, the research on the topic is somewhat lagging. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss theoretical and practical problems and solutions in the area of non-workflow based approaches to BPM in general, and ACM (as a leading movement) in particular. This workshop is aimed to promote new, non-traditional ways of modelling and controlling business processes, the ones that promote and facilitate collaboration and creativity in the frame of business processes. Organizers: Ilia Bider, DSV SU/Ibissoft , Stockholm, Sweden Irina Rychkova, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, France Keith Swenson, Fujitsu America, US ------------------------------------------------------------ W3: 1st International Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and Security in Cross-Organizational Processes (CeSCoP'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: Globalization and competitive pressure created the need for collaborations among business partners who join their forces and combine their services in order to provide added-value products. Despite the benefits of such cross-organizational collaborations, new challenges arise; e.g., mainly the ability to cope with security, adaptation, compliance and privacy. The CeSCoP workshop focuses on the research problems faced in cross-organizational processes and aims to support investigation and novel solutions with regard to the specific requirements arising in this context. The workshop purpose is to offer a portal for researchers and practitioners to discuss and contribute research dedicated to the investigation to the main requirements of cross-organizational processes (e.g., modeling, flexibility, monitoring, etc.). The workshop appreciates diversity in the chosen research methodology (reaching from e.g. empirical research to action research, and design science research), and welcomes technical, empirical, experiential, and exploratory contributions. Organizers: Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, University of Vienna, Austria Walid Fdhila, University of Vienna, Austria Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, Germany David Knuplesch, University of Ulm, Germany Johannes Reich SAP AG, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------ W4: 1st International Workshop on Enterprise Model Analysis (EMA'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: TBA Coming soon. Workshop link will be posted at Organizers: TBA ------------------------------------------------------------ W5: 1st International Workshop on Engineering Cloud Applications and Services (EnCASE'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: Cloud computing has been rapidly adopted by enterprises worldwide in the recent years. Best practices and lessons learned accumulated over this period and put into practice. However, few systematic works focus on engineering enterprise applications specifically for the cloud, or on re-engineering and migrating existing ones. The EnCASE workshop aims to address this deficit by providing a venue for the discussion on innovative engineering methods and techniques in the context of enterprise computing. Organizers: Vasilios Andrikopoulos, University of Stuttgart, Germany Elisabetta Di Nitto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy ------------------------------------------------------------ W6: 7th International Workshop on Evolutionary Business Processes (EVL-BP'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: The EVL-BP workshop series is devoted to evolution in business processes. Enterprises face the challenge of rapidly adapting to dynamic business environments. The traditional approach to process management is only partially appropriate to this new context, and calls for the advent of new, evolutionary business processes. This new approach attempts to address specific issues related to flexibility and adaptation such as design of easily adaptable processes, dynamic handling of unexpected situations, optimality of adaptations, and change management. Central to the field of evolutionary business processes is the notion of requirement, which drive the change of business processes through their life-cycles. The evolution of processes and their underlying software systems becomes more and more an important and interesting topic in business process management. Since the life time of software systems frequently spans many years, business processes modeled on top of systems cannot be assumed to remain fixed, and migration between different versions is essential. As a consequence, modeling and management techniques developed in the context of ad-hoc, short-term composition of services and their processes lack the necessary constructs to concisely express the gradual evolution of processes and software systems and new dynamic, declarative, and/or configurable approaches in this context are required. The evolutionary approach to business processes raises a number of challenges: extracting declarative specifications from domain experts, expressing these declarative specifications in an appropriate language or formalism, as well as designing, monitoring, checking compliance, configuring, or dynamically adapting business processes according to a set of requirements, identification and systematic handling of changes, management of process versions, or quality attributes and measurement of business processes as predictors of evolutionary business processes. Evolution in business processes takes place in a wide number of domains, and is expected to impact existing and future technology choices, business practices and standardization efforts. This workshop will be an opportunity for participants to exchange opinions, advance ideas, and discuss preliminary results on current topics related to dynamic and declarative business processes. A particular interest will be taken in bridging theoretical research and practical issues. To this end, contributions stating open problems, case studies, tool presentations, or any other work assessing the practical significance of dynamic and declarative business processes by means of concrete examples and situations, will be particularly welcome. Work in progress, position papers stating broad avenues of research, and work on formal foundations of dynamic and declarative business processes are also sought-after. Organizers: Mohsen Asadi, Simon Fraser University, Canada Gerd Groener, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany Bardia Mohabbati, Simon Fraser University, Canada ------------------------------------------------------------ W7: 2nd International Workshop on Methodical Development of Modeling Tools (ModTools'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: The workshop Methodical Development of Modeling Tools focuses on procedures and architectural principles related to the creation of software for presenting, editing, or analyzing models. Software tools for modeling are a prerequisite for scientific and practical applications of modeling methods and modeling languages in enterprise computing. To test and exemplify new modeling approaches, research prototypes of model editors are required, as well as tools for presenting and analyzing models. To be able to efficiently develop such modeling tools, it is desirable to methodically guide the development of modeling tools, and elaborate procedures to align their design with the conceptualization of new modeling languages and modeling methods. Organizers: Jens Gulden, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Jens Henning von Pilgrim, NumberFour AG, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------ W8: 6th International Workshop on Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Engineering (SoEA4EE'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: Enterprise Engineering is the application of engineering principles to the design of Enterprise Architectures. It allows deriving the Enterprise Architecture from the enterprise goals and strategy. Enterprise architecture aims (i) to understand the interactions and all kind of articulations between business and information technology, (ii) to define how to align business components and IT components, as well as business strategy and IT strategy, and more particularly (iii) to develop and support a common understanding and sharing of those purposes of interest. Enterprise architecture is used to map the enterprise goal and strategy to the enterprise???s resources (actors, assets, IT supports) and to take into account the evolution of this mapping. It also provides documentation on the assignment of enterprise resources to the enterprise goals and strategy. There are different paradigms for creating enterprise architecture. The most important is to encapsulate the functionalities of IT resources as services. By this means, it is possible to clearly describe the contributions of IT both in terms of functionality and quality and to define a service-oriented enterprise architecture (SoEA). The goal of the workshop is to develop concepts and methods to assist the engineering and the management of service-oriented enterprise architectures and the software systems supporting them. Organizers: Selmin Nurcan, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, France Rainer Schmidt, Aalen University, Aalen, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------ W9: 9th International Workshop on Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research (TEAR'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: The field of Enterprise Architecture (EA) has gained considerable attention over the last of years. EA is important because organisations need to adapt increasingly fast to changing customer requirements and business goals. This need influences the entire chain of activities of an enterprise, from business processes to IT support. Moreover, a change in a particular part of the overall architecture may influence many other parts of the architecture. For example, when a new product is introduced, business processes for production, sales and after-sales need to be adapted. It might be necessary to change applications, or even adapt the IT infrastructure. Each of these fields will have its own (partial) architectures. To keep the enterprise architecture coherent and aligned with the business goals, the relations between these different architectures must be explicit, and a change should be carried through methodically in all architectures. In contrast to traditional architecture management approaches such as IT architecture, software architecture or IS architecture, EA explicitly incorporates "pure" business-related artifacts in addition to traditional IS/IT artifacts. For Enterprise Architecture the focus is on the overall enterprise and concerns its organization, its components, the relationship between components and principles governing its design and evolution. Organizers: James Lapalme, Ecole de technologie superieure, Canada Florian Matthes, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------ For further information, please visit the conference website at: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sauer at Sun Mar 9 08:13:49 2014 From: sauer at (Stefan Sauer) Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 08:13:49 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] =?utf-8?q?Fristverl=C3=A4ngerung_17=2E03=2E=3A_DFF_2014_?= =?utf-8?q?-_6=2E_Workshop_=E2=80=9EDesign_For_Future_=E2=80=93__Langlebig?= =?utf-8?q?e_Softwaresysteme=E2=80=9C?= Message-ID: <> *Auf mehrfachen Wunsch haben wir die Einreichungsfrist f?r Papiere zum 6. Workshop ?Design For Future ? Langlebige Softwaresysteme? DFF 2014 auf _Montag, den 17. M?rz 2014_ verl?ngert. Weitere Informationen im nachfolgenden Call for Papers oder auf Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Beitr?ge! * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 6. Workshop ?Design For Future ? Langlebige Softwaresysteme?* /des GI-Arbeitskreises ?Langlebige Software-Systeme? (AK L2S2)/ der Fachgruppen ?Architekturen? und ?Software-Reengineering? ** _28.-30. April 2014 in Bad Honnef_ gemeinsam mit dem /16. Workshop Software-Reengineering (WSR 2014)/ *Aufruf zur Einreichung von Beitr?gen* *Inhalt und Ziele* Auch Software altert! Dieses Problem ist vor allem bei gro?en betrieblichen Informationssystemen unter dem Begriff Legacy bekannt und wird sich in Zukunft noch weiter versch?rfen. Zum einen gewinnen eingebettete Systeme immer gr??ere Bedeutung, in denen aufw?ndige Software in langlebigen technischen Ger?ten eingesetzt wird. Zum anderen macht die steigende Vernetzung von Systemen in gro?en Anwendungslandschaften die Situation zunehmend komplexer. Diese Probleme haben enorme ?konomische Bedeutung. Wissenschaft und Industrie sind gefordert, neue Methoden der Softwaretechnik zu entwickeln, um die erheblichen Investitionen in gro?e Softwaresysteme zu sch?tzen und massive Probleme durch steigende Software-Erosion zu verhindern. Aktuelle Ans?tze in der Softwaretechnik, insbesondere in den Bereichen modellbasierte Entwicklungsmethoden, Lifecycle-Management, Softwarearchitektur, Requirements Engineering und Re-Engineering, k?nnen dazu beitragen, die Situation zu verbessern, wenn sie geeignet weiterentwickelt und angewandt werden. Der Arbeitskreis ?Langlebige Softwaresysteme (L2S2)? der GI Fachgruppen Architekturen und Software-Reengineering hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Wissenschaftler und Praktiker zusammenzubringen, die an diesen Themenstellungen Interesse haben. Im 6. Workshop des Arbeitskreises sollen die oben geschilderte Entwicklung, Erfahrungen hierzu sowie L?sungsans?tze sowohl aus praktischer als auch aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht beleuchtet werden, um die verschiedenen Facetten und Herausforderungen der Software-Alterung zu identifizieren und beherrschen. Im Workshop sollen sowohl L?sungen als auch praktische Erfahrungen betrachtet und diskutiert werden, um die Entstehung neuer Legacy-Probleme und die Erosion von Software zu verhindern. *Themenschwerpunkte* Beitr?ge werden insbesondere zu der folgenden, nicht abschlie?enden Liste von Themen erwartet: * Anpassungsf?hige und zukunftssichere Software * (Co-)Evolution von Modellen und Code * Verhinderung von Software-Erosion * Re-Engineering zum Erkennen und Beheben von Legacy-Problemen * Entwicklungsmethoden und Lifecycle-Management f?r langlebige Softwaresysteme * Qualit?tsmanagement f?r langlebige Softwaresysteme * Fallstudien und Benchmarks zu diesen Themen * Praxis- und Erfahrungsberichte * Ausbildung, Dokumentation und Wissensmanagement f?r die Wartung langlebiger Softwaresysteme *Einreichungen und Publikation* Praktiker und Wissenschaftler, die auf dem Gebiet der Entwicklung von Konzepten, Methoden, Techniken oder Werkzeugen zur Erstellung, Wartung bzw. Weiterentwicklung langlebiger Softwaresysteme t?tig sind, werden aufgefordert, _Kurzbeitr?ge im Umfang von 2 Seiten im Format der Softwaretechnik-Trends_ einzureichen (siehe Die eingereichten Beitr?ge sollten den Bezug zum Thema des Workshops klar herausstellen. Die Beitr?ge werden vom Programmkomitee des Workshops begutachtet. Die akzeptierten Beitr?ge werden elektronisch und gedruckt in den Softwaretechnik-Trends ver?ffentlicht. F?r die Einreichung und den Begutachtungsprozess wird das System EasyChair verwendet. Der Zugang ist unter freigeschaltet. *Wichtige Termine* _Einreichung von Beitr?gen 17. M?rz 2014 7. M?rz 2014_ Benachrichtigung der Autoren 24. M?rz 2014 21. M?rz 2014 Einreichung der finalen Fassung 4. April 2014 Anmeldeschluss zur Teilnahme 14. April 2014 Workshop 28.?30. April 2014 *Workshop-Organisation* Der Workshop wird organisiert vom GI-Arbeitskreis ?Langlebige Software-Systeme? (AK L2S2), siehe Er wird gemeinsam mit dem 16. Workshop Software-Reengineering (WSR 2014) der Fachgruppe ?Software-Reengineering? durchgef?hrt. /*Organisatoren*/ Verantwortliche Organisatoren des DFF 2014 sind: * Benjamin Klatt, FZI Karlsruhe * Thomas P. Ruhroth, TU Dortmund * Stefan Sauer, s-lab, Universit?t Paderborn /*Kontakt*/ dff2014 at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From pmt6sbc at Thu Mar 6 10:16:25 2014 From: pmt6sbc at (S B Cooper) Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 09:16:25 GMT Subject: [fg-arc] CiE 2014: Language, Life, Limits - Grants, and Call for Presentations Message-ID: <> ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTABILITY IN EUROPE 2014: Language, Life, Limits Budapest, Hungary June 23 - 27, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ FUNDING DEADLINES - ASL STUDENT TRAVEL GRANTS: 23 March 2014 - WOMEN IN COMPUTING GRANTS: 1 April 2014 - EACTS STUDENT GRANTS: 1 April 2014 ------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR INFORMAL PRESENTATIONS There is a remarkable difference in conference style between computer science and mathematics conferences. Mathematics conferences allow for informal presentations that are prepared very shortly before the conference and inform the participants about current research and work in progress. The format of computer science conferences with pre-conference proceedings is not able to accommodate this form of scientific communication. Continuing the tradition of past CiE conferences, also this year's CiE conference endeavours to get the best of both worlds. In addition to the formal presentations based on our LNCS proceedings volume, we invite researchers to present informal presentations. For this, please send us a brief description of your talk (between one paragraph and one page) by the DEADLINE: ------------------------------------------------------ APRIL 14, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------ Please submit your abstract electronically, via EasyChair , selecting the category "Informal Presentation". You will be notified whether your talk has been accepted for informal presentation usually within a week or two after your submission. If you intend to apply for the ASL Student Travel Award, you might need us to confirm that your are going to give a presentation at CiE 2014 (applications of students who are presenting get higher priority). Therefore, we would like to ask you to submit your informal presentations by 20 March so that we can send you the notification before the ASL deadline of 23 March 2014. GRANTS: Grants for students, members of the ASL: The Association for Symbolic Logic before the deadline of April 1, 2014. EACTS Students The European Association for Theoretical Computer Science is providing limited funds for student participation. Again, preference is given to student presenting at the conference. Please contact the PC chairs if you are interested before the deadline of April 1, 2014. __________________________________________________ ASSOCIATION COMPUTABILITY IN EUROPE CiE Conference Series CiE 2014: Language, Life, Limits CiE Membership Application Form AssociationCiE on Twitter __________________________________________________________________________ From at Mon Mar 10 12:25:17 2014 From: at ( at Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 12:25:17 +0100 (CET) Subject: [fg-arc] SEFM 2014: Final Call for Papers Message-ID: <> Our apologies if you have received multiple copies. #################################################################### FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS 12th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2014) Grenoble, France September 1-5, 2014 #################################################################### NEWS - After the conference, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to be considered for publication in two special issues, one in the Formal Aspects of Computing journal and the other in the Software and Systems Modeling journal. - Five workshops will be co-located with SEFM 2014 in Grenoble, details are available on - Registration fees Main conference and 2 days of workshops (5 days in total): 450 euros Main conference (3 days): 350 euros 2 days of workshop: 140 euros 1 day of workshop: 80 euros Main conference and 1 day of workshop: 350 + 80 = 430 euros (no discount) - Information about venue are available on #################################################################### IMPORTANT DATES Abstract Submission: March 14, 2014 Paper Submission: March 21, 2014 (AoE) Notification: May 19, 2014 Camera Ready: June 13, 2014 Main conference: September 3-5, 2014 Workshops: September 1-2, 2014 -------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES The aim of the conference is to bring together practitioners and researchers from academia, industry and government to advance the state of the art in formal methods, to scale up their application in the software industry and to encourage their integration with practical engineering methods. Papers that apply formal methods to software engineering are especially welcome. -------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPICS OF INTEREST The topics of this conference include, but are not limited to: - Formal requirement analysis, modeling, specification and design - Abstraction and refinement - Formal methods for probabilistic verification and synthesis - Programming languages, program analysis and type theory - Formal methods for self-adaptive systems, service-oriented and cloud computing - Formal aspects of security and mobility - Model checking, theorem proving and decision procedures - Formal methods for real-time, hybrid and embedded systems - Formal methods for safety-critical, fault-tolerant and secure systems - Software architecture and coordination languages - Software verification and validation - Component, object and multi-agent systems - Formal aspects of software evolution and maintenance - Formal methods for testing, re-engineering and reuse - Light-weight and scalable formal methods - Tool integration - Applications of formal methods, industrial case studies and technology transfer - Education and formal methods - Interactive systems and human error analysis - Formal methods for HCI - Formal analysis of human behaviour -------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. They will be evaluated on the basis of originality, contribution to the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the conference. Papers should conform to the Springer LNCS style and should describe, in English, original work that has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. PDF versions of papers should be submitted electronically via EasyChair: We solicit two categories of papers: - Research papers should describe fully developed work and should not exceed 15 pages. Authors of papers reporting experimental work are strongly encouraged to make their experimental results available to reviewers. Case study papers should describe significant case studies and lessons learned. - Tool papers should describe an operational tool and its contributions. Tool papers should not exceed 6 pages. Please include the URL of the tool (if available). Two additional pages of appendices are allowed that will not be included in the proceedings. The proceedings of SEFM'14 will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series. After the conference, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to be considered for publication in two special issues, one in the Formal Aspects of Computing journal and the other in the Software and Systems Modeling journal. -------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFERENCE CHAIR Radu Mateescu - Inria Grenoble, Rh?ne-Alpes, France PROGRAM CHAIRS Dimitra Giannakopoulou, NASA Ames, USA Gwen Sala?n, Grenoble INP, Inria, France WORKSHOP CHAIRS Carlos Canal, University of Malaga, Spain Marc Frappier, Sherbrooke University, Canada Akram Idani, Grenoble INP, France PROGRAM COMMITTEE Wolfgang Ahrendt, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden Bernhard K. Aichernig, TU Graz, Austria Dalal Alrajeh, Imperial College, London, UK Farhad Arbab, CWI, The Netherlands Luis Barbosa, Universidade do Minho, Portugal Howard Barringer, The University of Manchester, UK Domenico Bianculli, University of Luxembourg Jonathan P. Bowen, Birmingham City University, UK Mario Bravetti, Universit? di Bologna, Italy Tevfik Bultan, UC Santa Barbara, USA Hung Dang Van, Vietnam National University, Vietnam Francisco Duran, University of Malaga, Spain George Eleftherakis, CITY College of Thessaloniki, Greece Jos? Luiz Fiadeiro, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK Mamoun Filali, IRIT CNRS Universit? de Toulouse, France Martin Fr?nzle, Carl von Ossietzky Universit?t Oldenburg, Germany Marc Frappier, Sherbrooke University, Canada Hubert Garavel, Inria, France Stefania Gnesi, ISTI-CNR, Italy Klaus Havelund, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA Rob Hierons, Brunel University, UK Mike Hinchey, Lero-the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre, Ireland Falk Howar, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Florentin Ipate, University of Bucharest, Romania Martin Leucker, University of L?beck, Germany Peter Lindsay, The University of Queensland, Australia Ant?nia Lopes, University of Lisbon, Portugal Mercedes G. Merayo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Stephan Merz, Inria, France Mizuhito Ogawa, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan Fernando Orejas, Universitat Polit?cnica de Catalunya, Spain Gordon Pace, University of Malta, Malta Dave Parker, University of Birmingham , UK Corina Pasareanu, NASA Ames, USA Anna Philippou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Sanjiva Prasad, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India Jakob Rehof, Fraunhofer ISST, Germany Leila Ribeiro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Augusto Sampaio, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil Gerardo Schneider, Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Sweden Marjan Sirjani, Reykjavik University, Iceland Matthew Staats, University of Luxembourg Martin Steffen, Olso University, Norway Jing Sun, University of Auckland, New Zealand Jun Sun, Singapore University of Technology and Design Serdar Tasiran, Koc University, Turkey Massimo Tivoli, University of L'Aquila, Italy Dongmei Zhang, Microsoft Research, China Jianjun Zhao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China From david at Tue Mar 11 01:29:03 2014 From: david at (David Knuplesch) Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 01:29:03 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] CfP - CeSCoP'14 In Conjunction with EDOC'14 - International Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and Security in Cross-Organizational Processes Message-ID: <2d7701cf3cc0$e7ef97e0$b7cec7a0$> CfP - CeSCoP'14 In Conjunction with EDOC'14 - International Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and Security in Cross-Organizational Processes [Apologies for cross-posting] *************************************** Call for Papers: CeSCoP'14 In Conjunction with EDOC'14, September 01-05, 2014 - Ulm, Germany The 1st International Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and Security in Cross-Organizational Processes, In conjunction with EDOC 2014 - The Enterprise Computing Conference, Ulm, Germany. URL: *************************************** Important Dates - Paper submissions: April 8, 2014 - Paper acceptance notifications: May 20, 2014 - Camera-ready papers due: June 14, 2014 Workshop Organizers - Stefanie Rinderle-Ma and Walid Fdhila, University of Vienna - Manfred Reichert and David Knuplesch, University of Ulm - Johannes Reich, SAP AG, Germany Scope of the Workshop Globalization and competitive pressure created the need for collaborations among business partners who join their forces and combine their services in order to provide added-value products. Despite the benefits of such cross-organizational collaborations, new challenges raise; e.g., mainly the ability to cope with security, adaptation, compliance and privacy. The CeSCoP workshop focuses on the research problems faced in cross-organizational processes and aims to support investigation and novel solutions with regard to the specific requirements arising in this context. Recommended Topics The SeSCoP?14 workshop focuses on research in cross-organizational business processes, and aims to investigate the following topics. - Governance, risk and compliance - Compliance rule specification - Compliance verification - Security, privacy and trust - Compliance monitoring - Soundness Criteria - Adaptation, evolution, and versioning - Mining, monitoring - Dynamic changes and change propagation - Change mining - Impact analysis and predictive analytics - Exception handling - Data-aware cross-organizational and distributed processes - Shared and distributed data objects - Data (exchange) semantics - Data-aware soundness - Component models - Modeling and implementation of business to business interactions - Coordination models of different interactions within business processes - Maintainability, extensibility Submission Guidelines We invite two types of contributions to the workshop: full scientific papers and short papers. Full scientific papers must present unpublished work that is not being considered in another forum, but can present unfinished research. It should clearly establish the research contribution and relation to previous research. Authors are requested to prepare submissions in English of no more than 10 pages. Short papers of no more than 5 pages can be submitted for inclusion in the proceedings. Short papers can be practical experience reports or tool demos. Submissions will be reviewed by at least three PC members based on their originality, significance, technical soundness and clarity of exposition. All submissions must be made in PDF format and comply with the IEEE Computer Society Conference Proceedings Format Guidelines. Submissions can be uploaded via EasyChair: Program Committee - Raffael Accorsi, University of Freiburg, Germany. - Franois Charoy, University of Lorraine, France. - Marlon Dumas, University of Tartu, Estonia. - Claude Godart, University of Lorraine, France. - Khaled Gaaloul, CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg. - Luciano Garcia-Banuelos, University of Tartu, Estonia. - Anat Goldstein, Ben Gurion University, Israel. - Akhil Kumar, Penn State University, PA, USA. - Niels Lohmann, University of Rostock, Germany. - Thao Ly, University of Ulm, Germany. - J?rgen Mangler, University of Vienna, Austria. - Barbara Weber, University of Innsbruck, Austria. - Elham Ramezani Taghiabadi, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands. If you have any questions regarding CeSCoP?14, please email david.knuplesch at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From steffen.becker at Fri Mar 14 13:26:08 2014 From: steffen.becker at (Steffen Becker) Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 13:26:08 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] =?iso-8859-15?q?Stellenausschreibung_f=FCr_je_eine_offen?= =?iso-8859-15?q?e_Stelle_als_wiss=2E_Mitarbeiter/in_in_NetIDE_und_SFC?= Message-ID: <> Im Fachgebiet Rechnernetze und im Fachgebiet Softwaretechnik der Fakult?t f?r Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik der Universit?t Paderborn wird zum n?chstm?glichen Zeitpunkt jeweils eine/ein wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin/wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L) f?r die Projekte NetIDE und SFC (Securing the Financal Cloud) gesucht. N?here Informationen finden sich unter der folgenden URL: Viele Gr??e Steffen Becker -- ________________________________________________ Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Becker Heinz Nixdorf Institut Universit?t Paderborn Softwaretechnik Zukunftsmeile 1 33102 Paderborn Telefon: +49 (0) 52 51 / 60 33 20 Telefax: +49 (0) 52 51 / 60 35 30 ________________________________________________ -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: steffen_becker.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 338 bytes Desc: not available URL: From taentzer at Sat Mar 15 17:22:50 2014 From: taentzer at (Gabriele Taentzer) Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 17:22:50 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] ECEASST Volume 65: Software Quality and Maintainability 2014 Message-ID: <> Dear Colleagues, we are happy to announce that Volume 65 containing the proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Software Quality and Maintainability 2014 is now available in the online and open access journal Electronic Communications of the EASST (ECEASST) ECEASST is a fully refereed journal and provides a forum for practitioners, educators and researchers for disseminating innovative research in the area of software and system technology. The journal is also intended as a medium which rapidly publishes conference and workshop proceedings, provided that all contributions are original and peer reviewed. ECEASST is an open access on-line journal, i.e. it provides unlimited access to all contributions which are published electronically only. In this way, ECEASST provides the full-text access to all papers and supports the provision of fast and broad feedback to published work. -- ------------------------------------------ Prof. Dr. Gabriele Taentzer Philipps-Universit?t Marburg Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik Hans-Meerwein-Str. D-35032 Marburg Phone: +49-6421-2821532 Email: taentzer at ------------------------------------------ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From matt.selway at Mon Mar 17 01:51:42 2014 From: matt.selway at (Selway, Matt Ryan - selmr001) Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 00:51:42 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] EDOC 2014: Final CfP (Deadline Extended) Message-ID: <> EDOC 2014 - Final Call for Papers (deadline extended) The 18th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2014) "The Enterprise Computing Conference" Main Theme: Utilizing Big Data for Enterprise of the Future Ulm, Germany September 1-5, 2014 Abstract submission (optional): March 22, 2014 (extended deadline) Full paper submission due: March 29, 2014 (extended deadline) Workshop paper submissions: April 8, 2014 Follow EDOC2014 at Twitter: About the Conference IEEE EDOC 2014 is the eighteenth conference in a series that provides the key forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of enterprise computing. EDOC conferences address the full range of models, methodologies, and engineering technologies contributing to intra- and inter-enterprise application systems. Since 1997, EDOC has brought together leading computer scientists, IT decision makers, enterprise architects, solution designers, and practitioners to discuss enterprise computing challenges, models and solutions from the perspectives of academia, industry, and government. The IEEE EDOC conference series emphasizes a holistic view on enterprise applications engineering and management, fostering integrated approaches that address and relate business processes, people and technology. EDOC'14 welcomes high quality scientific submissions as well as experience papers on enterprise computing from industry. The main theme of EDOC'14 is "Utilizing Big Data for Enterprise of the Future" and addresses the four V's of Big Data in the context of enterprise computing []: 1. new ways to utilize and manage the large *volume* of data in enterprises, 2. efficient techniques for handling the *velocity* of data where large amount of data are captured in a short time frame, 3. bringing together a large *variety* of different forms of data within and across enterprises, and 4. dealing with *veracity* or uncertainty of data leading to quality and trust in collected data. Expert panel discussions and keynotes will address current topics and issues in this domain. Topics The IEEE EDOC conference seeks high-quality contributions addressing the domains, life-cycle issues, and realization technologies involved in building, deploying and operating enterprise computing systems. Suggested areas include, but are not limited to: - Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Application Architecture * Enterprise architecture frameworks * Enterprise architecture analysis, assessment and prediction * Cloud computing and the evolution of enterprise architectures * Enterprise ontologies - Model-based Approaches * Model-driven architectures and model-driven software development * Modeling based on domain specific languages (DSL) * Approaches based on reference architectures * Collaborative development and cooperative engineering issues - Service-oriented Architectures (SOA) and Enterprise Service Architectures (ESA) * Service engineering and evolution of related specifications * Semantics-based service engineering * Service composition, orchestration and choreography * Enterprise service bus * Complex event processing and event-driven architectures - Governance in Service-oriented Architectures * Service policies, contract definition and enforcement * Security/privacy policy definition and description languages * Security/privacy policy interoperability - Business process management (BPM) * Business process modeling, verification, configuration and implementation * Process-aware information systems (PAIS), Human-centric PAIS, Social BPM * Managing business process variability, adaptation and evolution in PAIS * Process mining and its application in business analytics * Distributed and cross-organizational business processes * Data-intensive processes * Cloud impact on BPM, business processes in the cloud * Emerging BPM paradigms (e.g., adaptive case management, data-driven processes) - Business analytics * Modeling and predictive analytics for enterprise computing * Data-driven enterprise strategy * Collaboration enterprise analytic platforms * Business process intelligence (e.g., process performance management) * Continuous, online analytics for big data in the enterprise - Business rules * Business rule languages and engines * Relation between business rules and business processes * Business rules and service computing * Business rules and compliance management, business process compliance - Information integration and interoperability * Business object modeling methodologies and approaches * Taxonomies, ontologies and business knowledge integration * Master data management, data mining and (real-time) data warehousing * Flexible information models and systems (e.g., object-driven processes) * Data quality and trustworthiness - Networked Enterprise Solutions * Enterprise interoperability, collaboration and its architecture * Virtual organizations, including multi-agent system support * Cross-enterprise collaboration in a world of cloud, social and big data * Digital ecosystems * Trust management - Enterprise applications deployment and governance * Performance and operational risk prediction and measurement * Quality of service (QoS) and cost of service (CoS) * Management and maintenance of enterprise computing systems * Information assurance * Human and social organizational factors in enterprise computing - Emerging trends in distributed enterprise applications * Social information and innovation networks, social media impact on the enterprise * People-centric collaboration systems, people-centric services * Private and public cloud computing Infrastructures * Idea management and crowdsourcing * Enterprise 2.0, Web 2.0 and beyond * Mobile enterprise services * Industry specific solutions (e.g. for aerospace, automotive, finance, logistics, medicine and telecommunications) * Research and public sector collaboration (e.g. in e-health, e-government, e-science) Submission Guidelines Two types of paper submissions are solicited: 1. scientific research papers, and 2. industry experience reports or case studies. *Scientific research papers* should describe original results not been accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. These papers will be evaluated based on their scientific and technical contribution, originality, and relevance. In turn, *industry experience reports* should provide new insights gained in case studies or when applying enterprise computing technology in practice; *industry experience reports* shall further provide important feedback about the state of practice and pose challenges for researchers. These papers will be evaluated based on their appropriateness, significance, and clarity. Submissions should be full papers with 8-10 pages. All submissions must be made in PDF format and comply with the [IEEE Computer Society Conference Proceedings Format Guidelines] ( They should be made via the electronic submission system of the EDOC Conference Management system hosted on EasyChair: All papers will be refereed by at least 3 members of the international program committee. The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and be made accessible through IEEE Xplore and the IEEE Computer Society Digital Library. Post Conference Publication The authors of a collection of selected papers will be invited to prepare a substantially revised and extended version of their papers for publication in a special journal issue. The journal will be announced in due course. Important Dates: * Abstract submission (optional): March 22, 2014 (extended deadline) * Full paper submission due: March 29, 2014 (extended deadline) * Conference paper acceptance notifications: May 13, 2014 * Workshop paper submissions: April 8, 2014 * Workshops paper acceptance notifications: May 27, 2014 * All camera-ready papers due: June 14, 2014 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From at Mon Mar 17 17:57:25 2014 From: at ( at Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 17:57:25 +0100 (CET) Subject: [fg-arc] SEFM 2014: Extended Deadlines Message-ID: <> Our apologies if you have received multiple copies. #################################################################### FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS -- EXTENDED DEADLINES 12th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2014) Grenoble, France September 1-5, 2014 #################################################################### IMPORTANT DATES Abstract Submission: March 21, 2014 (extended) Paper Submission: March 28, 2014 (extended) Notification: May 19, 2014 Camera Ready: June 13, 2014 Workshops: September 1-2, 2014 Main conference: September 3-5, 2014 -------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES The aim of the conference is to bring together practitioners and researchers from academia, industry and government to advance the state of the art in formal methods, to scale up their application in the software industry and to encourage their integration with practical engineering methods. Papers that apply formal methods to software engineering are especially welcome. -------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPICS OF INTEREST The topics of this conference include, but are not limited to: - Formal requirement analysis, modeling, specification and design - Abstraction and refinement - Formal methods for probabilistic verification and synthesis - Programming languages, program analysis and type theory - Formal methods for self-adaptive systems, service-oriented and cloud computing - Formal aspects of security and mobility - Model checking, theorem proving and decision procedures - Formal methods for real-time, hybrid and embedded systems - Formal methods for safety-critical, fault-tolerant and secure systems - Software architecture and coordination languages - Software verification and validation - Component, object and multi-agent systems - Formal aspects of software evolution and maintenance - Formal methods for testing, re-engineering and reuse - Light-weight and scalable formal methods - Tool integration - Applications of formal methods, industrial case studies and technology transfer - Education and formal methods - Interactive systems and human error analysis - Formal methods for HCI - Formal analysis of human behaviour -------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. They will be evaluated on the basis of originality, contribution to the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the conference. Papers should conform to the Springer LNCS style and should describe, in English, original work that has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. PDF versions of papers should be submitted electronically via EasyChair: We solicit two categories of papers: - Research papers should describe fully developed work and should not exceed 15 pages. Authors of papers reporting experimental work are strongly encouraged to make their experimental results available to reviewers. Case study papers should describe significant case studies and lessons learned. - Tool papers should describe an operational tool and its contributions. Tool papers should not exceed 6 pages. Please include the URL of the tool (if available). Two additional pages of appendices are allowed that will not be included in the proceedings. The proceedings of SEFM'14 will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series. After the conference, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to be considered for publication in two special issues, one in the Formal Aspects of Computing journal and the other in the Software and Systems Modeling journal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION FEES The main conference lasts 3 days. It is preceded by 2 days of workshops. - Main conference and 2 days of workshops (5 days in total): 450 euros - Main conference (3 days): 350 euros - 2 days of workshop: 140 euros - 1 day of workshop: 80 euros - Main conference and 1 day of workshop: 350 + 80 = 430 euros (no discount) -------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFERENCE CHAIR Radu Mateescu - Inria Grenoble, Rh?ne-Alpes, France PROGRAM CHAIRS Dimitra Giannakopoulou, NASA Ames, USA Gwen Sala?n, Grenoble INP, Inria, France WORKSHOP CHAIRS Carlos Canal, University of Malaga, Spain Marc Frappier, Sherbrooke University, Canada Akram Idani, Grenoble INP, France PROGRAM COMMITTEE Wolfgang Ahrendt, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden Bernhard K. Aichernig, TU Graz, Austria Dalal Alrajeh, Imperial College, London, UK Farhad Arbab, CWI, The Netherlands Luis Barbosa, Universidade do Minho, Portugal Howard Barringer, The University of Manchester, UK Domenico Bianculli, University of Luxembourg Jonathan P. Bowen, Birmingham City University, UK Mario Bravetti, Universit? di Bologna, Italy Tevfik Bultan, UC Santa Barbara, USA Hung Dang Van, Vietnam National University, Vietnam Francisco Duran, University of Malaga, Spain George Eleftherakis, CITY College of Thessaloniki, Greece Jos? Luiz Fiadeiro, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK Mamoun Filali, IRIT CNRS Universit? de Toulouse, France Martin Fr?nzle, Carl von Ossietzky Universit?t Oldenburg, Germany Marc Frappier, Sherbrooke University, Canada Hubert Garavel, Inria, France Stefania Gnesi, ISTI-CNR, Italy Klaus Havelund, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA Rob Hierons, Brunel University, UK Mike Hinchey, Lero-the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre, Ireland Falk Howar, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Florentin Ipate, University of Bucharest, Romania Martin Leucker, University of L?beck, Germany Peter Lindsay, The University of Queensland, Australia Ant?nia Lopes, University of Lisbon, Portugal Mercedes G. Merayo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Stephan Merz, Inria, France Mizuhito Ogawa, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan Fernando Orejas, Universitat Polit?cnica de Catalunya, Spain Gordon Pace, University of Malta, Malta Dave Parker, University of Birmingham , UK Corina Pasareanu, NASA Ames, USA Anna Philippou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Sanjiva Prasad, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India Jakob Rehof, Fraunhofer ISST, Germany Leila Ribeiro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Augusto Sampaio, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil Gerardo Schneider, Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Sweden Marjan Sirjani, Reykjavik University, Iceland Matthew Staats, University of Luxembourg Martin Steffen, Olso University, Norway Jing Sun, University of Auckland, New Zealand Jun Sun, Singapore University of Technology and Design Serdar Tasiran, Koc University, Turkey Massimo Tivoli, University of L'Aquila, Italy Dongmei Zhang, Microsoft Research, China Jianjun Zhao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China From mr at Mon Mar 17 20:10:25 2014 From: mr at (=?utf-8?Q?Martin_R=C3=B6sch_=282005-2011_Wagenlei?= =?utf-8?Q?ter=29?=) Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 20:10:25 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] =?utf-8?q?Fristverl=C3=A4ngerung_17=2E03=2E=3A_DFF_2014_?= =?utf-8?q?-_6=2E_Workshop_=E2=80=9EDesign_For_Future_=E2=80=93__La?= =?utf-8?q?nglebige_Softwaresysteme=E2=80=9C?= In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <013801cf4214$8db0d830$a9128890$> Da das Anmeldeverfahren f?r EasyChair mir keine Email schickt, sende ich meinen Kurzbeitrag zur Langlebigkeit auf diesem Weg. Die zweite Seite kann ich heute leider nicht mehr fertigstellen, hole dies bei Interesse aber gerne nach. In diesem Fall bitte ich um eine kurze Nachricht. Mit freundlichem Gru? Martin R?sch mr at Von: fg-arc [mailto:fg-arc-bounces at] Im Auftrag von Stefan Sauer Gesendet: Sonntag, 9. M?rz 2014 08:14 An: ak-l2s2 at; ak-mda at; ak-traceability at; fg-arc at; fg-sw-arch at; reengineering at; Mailinglist SPP1593-CB Betreff: [fg-arc] Fristverl?ngerung 17.03.: DFF 2014 - 6. Workshop ?Design For Future ? Langlebige Softwaresysteme? Auf mehrfachen Wunsch haben wir die Einreichungsfrist f?r Papiere zum 6. Workshop ?Design For Future ? Langlebige Softwaresysteme? DFF 2014 auf Montag, den 17. M?rz 2014 verl?ngert. Weitere Informationen im nachfolgenden Call for Papers oder auf Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Beitr?ge! _____ 6. Workshop ?Design For Future ? Langlebige Softwaresysteme? des GI-Arbeitskreises ?Langlebige Software-Systeme? (AK L2S2) der Fachgruppen ?Architekturen? und ?Software-Reengineering? 28.-30. April 2014 in Bad Honnef gemeinsam mit dem 16. Workshop Software-Reengineering (WSR 2014) Aufruf zur Einreichung von Beitr?gen Inhalt und Ziele Auch Software altert! Dieses Problem ist vor allem bei gro?en betrieblichen Informationssystemen unter dem Begriff Legacy bekannt und wird sich in Zukunft noch weiter versch?rfen. Zum einen gewinnen eingebettete Systeme immer gr??ere Bedeutung, in denen aufw?ndige Software in langlebigen technischen Ger?ten eingesetzt wird. Zum anderen macht die steigende Vernetzung von Systemen in gro?en Anwendungslandschaften die Situation zunehmend komplexer. Diese Probleme haben enorme ?konomische Bedeutung. Wissenschaft und Industrie sind gefordert, neue Methoden der Softwaretechnik zu entwickeln, um die erheblichen Investitionen in gro?e Softwaresysteme zu sch?tzen und massive Probleme durch steigende Software-Erosion zu verhindern. Aktuelle Ans?tze in der Softwaretechnik, insbesondere in den Bereichen modellbasierte Entwicklungsmethoden, Lifecycle-Management, Softwarearchitektur, Requirements Engineering und Re-Engineering, k?nnen dazu beitragen, die Situation zu verbessern, wenn sie geeignet weiterentwickelt und angewandt werden. Der Arbeitskreis ?Langlebige Softwaresysteme (L2S2)? der GI Fachgruppen Architekturen und Software-Reengineering hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Wissenschaftler und Praktiker zusammenzubringen, die an diesen Themenstellungen Interesse haben. Im 6. Workshop des Arbeitskreises sollen die oben geschilderte Entwicklung, Erfahrungen hierzu sowie L?sungsans?tze sowohl aus praktischer als auch aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht beleuchtet werden, um die verschiedenen Facetten und Herausforderungen der Software-Alterung zu identifizieren und beherrschen. Im Workshop sollen sowohl L?sungen als auch praktische Erfahrungen betrachtet und diskutiert werden, um die Entstehung neuer Legacy-Probleme und die Erosion von Software zu verhindern. Themenschwerpunkte Beitr?ge werden insbesondere zu der folgenden, nicht abschlie?enden Liste von Themen erwartet: * Anpassungsf?hige und zukunftssichere Software * (Co-)Evolution von Modellen und Code * Verhinderung von Software-Erosion * Re-Engineering zum Erkennen und Beheben von Legacy-Problemen * Entwicklungsmethoden und Lifecycle-Management f?r langlebige Softwaresysteme * Qualit?tsmanagement f?r langlebige Softwaresysteme * Fallstudien und Benchmarks zu diesen Themen * Praxis- und Erfahrungsberichte * Ausbildung, Dokumentation und Wissensmanagement f?r die Wartung langlebiger Softwaresysteme Einreichungen und Publikation Praktiker und Wissenschaftler, die auf dem Gebiet der Entwicklung von Konzepten, Methoden, Techniken oder Werkzeugen zur Erstellung, Wartung bzw. Weiterentwicklung langlebiger Softwaresysteme t?tig sind, werden aufgefordert, Kurzbeitr?ge im Umfang von 2 Seiten im Format der Softwaretechnik-Trends einzureichen (siehe Die eingereichten Beitr?ge sollten den Bezug zum Thema des Workshops klar herausstellen. Die Beitr?ge werden vom Programmkomitee des Workshops begutachtet. Die akzeptierten Beitr?ge werden elektronisch und gedruckt in den Softwaretechnik-Trends ver?ffentlicht. F?r die Einreichung und den Begutachtungsprozess wird das System EasyChair verwendet. Der Zugang ist unter freigeschaltet. Wichtige Termine Einreichung von Beitr?gen 17. M?rz 2014 7. M?rz 2014 Benachrichtigung der Autoren 24. M?rz 2014 21. M?rz 2014 Einreichung der finalen Fassung 4. April 2014 Anmeldeschluss zur Teilnahme 14. April 2014 Workshop 28.?30. April 2014 Workshop-Organisation Der Workshop wird organisiert vom GI-Arbeitskreis ?Langlebige Software-Systeme? (AK L2S2), siehe Er wird gemeinsam mit dem 16. Workshop Software-Reengineering (WSR 2014) der Fachgruppe ?Software-Reengineering? durchgef?hrt. Organisatoren Verantwortliche Organisatoren des DFF 2014 sind: * Benjamin Klatt, FZI Karlsruhe * Thomas P. Ruhroth, TU Dortmund * Stefan Sauer, s-lab, Universit?t Paderborn Kontakt dff2014 at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Kurzbeitrag.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 54340 bytes Desc: not available URL: From zimmer at Wed Mar 19 11:14:26 2014 From: zimmer at (Prof. Dr. Wolf Zimmermann) Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 11:14:26 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] CfP: Third European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC2014) Message-ID: <> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ESOCC 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Third European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing 2-4 September 2014, Manchester, United Kingdom esocc2014 at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR PAPERS The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier conference on the advances in the state of the art and practice of Service-Oriented Computing and Cloud Computing in Europe. ESOCC has evolved from the ECOWS (European Conference on Web Services) conference series, after the Steering Committee decided to renew and broaden its scope, and to start a new conference series on advanced topics of service-oriented and cloud computing. The first edition of the new series, ESSOC 2012, was successfully held in Bertinoro, Italy, the second edition, ESOCC 2013, was held in Malaga, Spain, and will be continued by ESOCC 2014 in Manchester, UK. The main objectives of this conference are to facilitate the exchange between researchers and practitioners in the areas of SOC and Cloud Computing and to foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond. ESOCC 2014 will include invited talks, presentations of selected research papers and an industrial track with the participation of top researchers from industry. ESOCC 2014 will also include a PhD symposium and a series of satellite workshops. BACKGROUND The continued success of service-oriented distributed applications has shown that tightly coupled software systems may be useful for niche markets, whereas loosely coupled software systems have proven to be more flexible, adaptive and often more appropriate for practical applications. Loose coupling makes it easier for a given system to interact with other system components (including legacy systems) that have been developed independently somewhere in a heterogeneous universe of services. Thus, service-oriented applications can evolve more easily during their lifespan and adapt better to changing or even unpredictable environments. In such scenarios, cloud computing enables a new execution paradigm for distributed software application where resources can be shared, optimally realized as well as utilized and exchanged between heterogeneous execution platforms and the cloud, so as to achieve fast response times and to ensure immersive and non-interrupted user experience. Services today are developed independently, deployed as well as freely composed, and they can be implemented in a variety of technologies a fact which is of particular importance from a business perspective. Similarly, cloud computing aims at enabling mobility as well as device, platform and/or service independence by offering centralized sharing of resources. It promotes interoperability, portability and security standards, and raises a completely new set of security issues. On the implementation side, essential agreement has been reached on integration technologies and consensus has emerged in today's middleware market. Customers use web technologies extensively; however, service developers, providers, and integrators need to create methods, tools and techniques to support cost-effective and secure development and use of dependable devices, platforms, services and service- oriented applications in the cloud. TOPICS OF INTEREST ESOCC 2014 seeks original, high quality papers related to all aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, which constitute the main technology available to date for implementing service-oriented architectures and cloud computing. Topics of interest to the Research and Industry Tracks include, but are not limited to: ? Business Process Management and Web Services ? Cloud Services Management and Composition using Web Services ? Dynamic and Adaptive Web Services ? Economics Models and Web Services ? Enterprise Architecture and Web Services ? Emerging Trends of Service Composition and Mashups ? Experience reports of novel applications of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing in Health, Commerce, Finance, Telecom, Scientific Computing and other domains ? Service Modeling, Service-Oriented Analysis and Design ? Formal Methods for Web Services ? Frameworks for Building Web Service-Based Applications ? Architectural Models for Cloud Computing ? Identity and Access Management using Web Services ? Mobile Web Services ? Model-Driven Web Service Engineering ? Next Generation Web Services Middle-ware and Service Repositories ? Service quality and service interface design guidelines ? RESTful for Clouds and Web Services ? Self-Organizing Service Oriented and Cloud Architectures ? Semantic Web Services ? Service Level Agreements for Web services ? Service-Oriented Business Collaboration ? SOA Governance and Web Services ? Web Services for Grids and Clouds ? Service Computing and Web Services ? Service Marketplaces ? Service-oriented Software Engineering ? Service System Design ? Service Value Networks ? Web Services in Service-Oriented Environments ? Service System Engineering ? Web Services Life-Cycles ? Web Services Security and Privacy ? Big Data Management ? Crowd-sourcing Business Services ? Cloud Interoperability and Federation ? Emerging Trends in Storage, Computation and Network Clouds ? Cloud Computing Business Services ? Service Science ? Smart Services ESOCC 2014 solicits both new research papers (in the main track) as well as reports on practical experiences from industry (industry track). However, papers on existing products or product marketing information are not within the scope of the ESOCC 2014 Industry Track. CALL FOR WORKSHOPS & PhD SYMPOSIUM ESOCC 2014 Workshops provide an opportunity for participants to discuss specific topics in the Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing related domains. ESOCC 2013 PhD Symposium is an international forum for PhD students working in any of the topics of the ESOCC conference. SUBMISSIONS Original papers, not submitted for publication elsewhere, can be submitted via EasyChair. ? Research papers: ? Industry-Track papers: ? Workshop proposals: guadalupe.ortiz at ? PhD Symposium submissions: wolf.zimmermann at Paper submissions should be formatted according to the LNCS proceedings guidelines and the templates available at and they should not exceed 15 pages. A paper might be accepted as a full paper (15 pages), as a short paper (8 pages) or as a poster (a 2-page abstract in the proceedings). Conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. IMPORTANT DATES Research papers: ? Submission: 23 April 2014 ? Notification: 25 May 2014 ? Final version: 15 June 2014 Industrial papers: ? Submission: 23 April 2014 ? Notification: 25 May 2014 ? Final version: 15 June 2014 PhD Symposium papers: ? Submission: 11 August 2014 ? Notification: 23 August 2014 ? Final version: 30 August 2014 Workshop proposals: ? Submission: 21 March 2014 ? Notification: 27 March 2014 From mit at Mon Mar 17 08:59:02 2014 From: mit at (Michael Thielscher) Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 18:59:02 +1100 Subject: [fg-arc] KI 2014: Second Call for Papers Message-ID: <> **** Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call **** ====================================================================== KI 2014 - The 37th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence Stuttgart, September 22--26, 2014 ====================================================================== KI 2014 is the 37th edition of the German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, which traditionally brings together academic and industrial researchers from all areas of AI, providing a premier forum for exchanging news and research results on theory and applications of intelligent system technology. The technical program of KI 2014 will comprise paper and poster presentations and a variety of workshops and tutorials. KI 2014 will be co-located with Informatik 2014 (Annual Conference of the German Informatics Society) and MATES 2014 (The 12th German Conference on Multi- Agent System Technologies). The conference invites original research papers from all areas of AI, its fundamentals, its algorithms, its history and its applications. You are invited to submit original research and application papers on all aspects of AI research, including but not limited to the following: - Agent-based and multiagent systems - AI applications and innovations - Cognitive modeling - Commonsense reasoning - Computer vision - Constraint satisfaction, search, and optimization - Evolutionary computation - Game playing and interactive entertainment - Information retrieval, integration, and extraction - Knowledge acquisition and ontologies - Knowledge representation and reasoning - Machine learning and data mining - Multidisciplinary AI - Natural language processing - Planning and scheduling - Robotics - Uncertainty in AI - Web and information systems We especially welcome application papers that provide novel insights on the interplay of AI and the real world, as well as papers that bring useful computational technologies from other areas of computer science into AI. ======== Important Dates ======== Workshop/Tutorial submission: March 15 Full/Short Paper submission: May 1 Acceptance notification: June 23 Final version due: July 4 KI Workshops and Conference: September 22-26 ======== Workshops, Tutorials, Doctoral Consortium ======== Together with the main conference, we plan to organize a small number of high-quality workshops and tutorials. We especially encourage workshops organized by AI Special Interest Groups (GI-Fachgruppen), workshops that bring together researchers from different disciplines, and workshops that highlight emerging topics of AI research. Tutorials should target a large percentage of conference participants, including graduate students as well as experienced researchers, and practitioners. The technical program of KI2014 is also complemented by a doctoral consortium that invites participation by PhD students at any stage and from any subject area within AI. The KI doctoral consortium is organized as a joint event with the doctoral program of Informatik 2014, and includes a mentoring program, a PhD workshop, and poster presentations. For details on submitting workshop and tutorials and for applying to the doctoral consortium, please see the KI2014 web page. ======== Submission ======== Submitted papers, which have to be in English, must not exceed 12 pages in Springer LNCS style for full technical contributions and 6 pages for short papers. Full technical papers are expected to report on new research that makes a substantial technical contribution to the field. Short papers are also included in the main proceedings and can report on new research or other issues of interest to the AI community. Examples of work suitable for short paper submissions include: novel ideas whose scope is not large enough for a full paper: important implementation techniques; novel interesting benchmark problems; short experimental studies; interesting applications that are not yet completely solved or analyzed; position or challenge papers; etc. Short paper submissions are especially invited for software demonstration or PhD work in progress. Submission will be through the Easychair conference management system : Papers will be subject to blind peer review. All papers will be reviewed based on the standard criteria of relevance, significance of results, originality of ideas, soundness, and quality of the presentation. All accepted papers will be published in the main conference proceedings, and will be presented at the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the contribution. The KI 2014 proceedings will be published by Springer as a volume of the LNAI (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) series. ======== Main Organizers ======== Program Chairs * Carsten Lutz (Universit?t Bremen) * Michael Thielscher (University of New South Wales) Workshop and Tutorial Chair * Frieder Stolzenburg (Hochschule Harz) Doctoral Consortium Chair * Markus Kr?tzsch (TU Dresden) For enquiries, please contact ki2014 at From pnse14 at Mon Mar 17 11:12:29 2014 From: pnse14 at (PNSE14) Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 11:12:29 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] Call for Papers: PNSE'14 Petri Nets and Software Engineering Message-ID: <> PNSE'14 International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering Tunis, Tunisia, June 23-24, 2014 a satellite event of Petri Nets 2014 and ACSD 2014 35th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLICATION AND THEORY OF PETRI NETS AND CONCURRENCY AND 14th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLICATION OF CONCURRENCY TO SYSTEM DESIGN More information: Contact e-mail: pnse14 at __________________________________________________________________ Important Dates Deadline for full papers: April 1st, 2014 Deadline for short papers: April 1st, 2014 Notification of paper acceptance: May 1st, 2014 Deadline for posters: May 10th, 2014 Notification of poster acceptance: May 12th, 2014 Deadline for final revisions: May 15th, 2014 __________________________________________________________________ Scope For the successful realisation of complex systems of interacting and reactive software and hardware components the use of a precise language at different stages of the development process is of crucial importance. Petri nets are becoming increasingly popular in this area, as they provide a uniform language supporting the tasks of modelling, validation, and verification. Their popularity is due to the fact that Petri nets capture fundamental aspects of causality, concurrency and choice in a natural and mathematically precise way without compromising readability. The workshop PNSE'14 (Petri nets and Software Engineering) will take place as a satellite event of Petri Nets 2014 and ACSD 2014. The use of Petri nets (P/T-nets, coloured Petri nets and extensions) in the formal process of software engineering, covering modelling, validation, and verification, will be presented as well as their application and tools supporting the disciplines mentioned above. __________________________________________________________________ Topics We welcome contributions describing original research in topics related to Petri nets in combination with software engineering, addressing open problems or presenting new ideas regarding the relation of Petri nets and software engineering. Furthermore we look for surveys addressing open problems and new applications of Petri nets. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: Modelling * representation of formal models by intuitive modelling concepts * guidelines for the construction of system models * representative examples * process-, service-, state-, event-, object- and agent-oriented approaches * adaption, integration, and enhancement of concepts from other disciplines * views and abstractions of systems * model-driven architecture * modelling software landscapes * web service-based software development Validation and Execution * prototyping * simulation, observation, animation * code generation and execution * testing and debugging * process mining * efficient implementation Verification * structural methods (e.g. place invariants, reduction rules) * results for structural subclasses of nets * relations between structure and behaviour * state space based approaches * efficient model checking * assertional and deductive methods (e.g. temporal logics) * process algebraic methods * applications of category theory and linear logic * general analysis for software engineering contexts Application of Petri nets in Software Engineering, in particular the use of Petri nets in the domains of * flexible manufacturing * logistics * telecommunication * workflow management * embedded systems Tools in the fields mentioned above __________________________________________________________________ Submissions The programme committee invites submissions of full contributions (up to 20 pages) or short contributions (up to 5 pages). Ongoing work (up to 2 pages) can also be presented in a special poster session. Please note that for full contributions up to 15 pages are recommended. Papers should be submitted in electronic form (PDF) using the Springer LNCS-format (see Submissions should include title, authors' addresses, E-mail addresses, keywords and an abstract. For your submission in PDF format please use the online conference management system at Just login or create a new account and then upload your paper. (Later you will be able to see your reviews there.) The papers will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the PC. Accepted contributions will be included in the workshop proceedings, which will be published online at as one volume. __________________________________________________________________ Some of the best papers from the workshop will be invited for publication in a volume of the journal sub line of Lecture Notes in Computer Science entitled "Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency" (ToPNoC). The papers are expected to be thoroughly revised and they will go through a totally new round of reviewing as is standard practice for journal papers. Papers from previous instances of this workshop (PNSE'07, PNDS'08, PNSE'09, PNSE'10, PNSE'11, PNSE'12 and PNSE'13) made it into ToPNoC volumes in the Springer LNCS series (volumes 5100, 5460, 5800, 6550, 6900 and 7400). __________________________________________________________________ Chairs * Daniel Moldt (University of Hamburg, Germany) * Heiko R?lke (DIPF, Germany) -- Please use mailto:pnse14 at or to contact us with respect to PNSE14 PNSE14 PC-Chairs: Daniel Moldt and Heiko R?lke *** Event: Petri Nets and Software Engineering, June 23/24, 2014 *** *** visit: *** From quaticconference at Mon Mar 17 12:26:02 2014 From: quaticconference at (Quatic) Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 04:26:02 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [fg-arc] Call for Papers - QUATIC 2014 Message-ID: <18605990.33.1395055559389.JavaMail.s4@s4-PC> CALL FOR PAPERS QUATIC'2014 9th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology Guimar?es, Portugal, 23 to 26 September 2014 GOALS AND SCOPE ------------------------------------- The International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC) serves as a forum for disseminating advanced methods, techniques and tools for supporting quality approaches to ICT engineering and management. Practitioners and researchers are encouraged to exchange ideas and approaches on how to adopt a quality culture in ICT process and product improvement and to provide practical studies in varying contexts. We invite researchers and practitioners to submit a paper to this conference, and join us in Portugal, in the beautiful and historic city of Guimar?es, in September. The conference program is organized on a series of Thematic Tracks, each corresponding to a specific topic of interest: - ICT Verification and Validation - ICT Process Improvement and Assessment - Quality in ICT Requirements Engineering - Quality in Agile Methods - Evidence-Based Software Quality Engineering - Quality in Web Engineering - Quality in IT Service Management - Quality in Technology Enhanced Learning - Quality in Model Driven Engineering The conference will also have a Business Day to foster the dissemination of best practices and to allow a lively discussion of hot topics and quality concerns in specific application domains. During the Business Day conference sponsors will share their knowledge and promote hands-on contact with new tools. Another event, SEDES, will bring together Software Engineering PhD students to present and discuss their work. PROCEEDINGS PUBLICATION --------------------------------------- As in the previous editions, papers accepted at the Thematic Tracks will be published by Conference Publishing Services (CPS), submitted for archiving in the IEEE Digital Library, and submitted for indexing in ISI Web of Science, SCOPUS, ACM Portal, DBLP and DOI System. Authors of the best papers accepted in the Thematic Tracks will be invited to submit extended versions for presentation in the Main Track. During the closing session of QUATIC?2014, awards will be given to the best papers presented during the meeting. Authors of selected papers presented in the Main Track, will be invited to submit extended and improved versions to be published in Software Quality Professional, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Society for Quality. IMPORTANT DATES --------------------------------------- Thematic Tracks - Abstract submission: April 7, 2014 - Paper submission: April 14, 2014 - Authors? notification: May 26, 2014 - Camera-ready: July 10, 2014 Main Track - Invitation to main track: May 26, 2014 - Extended paper submission: June 16, 2014 - Authors? notification: July 7, 2014 - Camera-ready: July 21, 2014 PAPER SUBMISSION --------------------------------------- Please follow the specific instructions provided at the page of the respective Thematic Track, from COMMITTEES --------------------------------------- General program chairs: - Alberto Silva, University of Lisbon, Portugal - Ant?nio Rito Silva, University of Lisbon, Portugal Organizing chairs: - Ricardo Machado, University of Minho, Portugal - Miguel Abrunhosa de Brito, University of Minho, Portugal Thematic tracks program chairs: - Karol Fr?hauf, INFOGEM AG, Switzerland (ICT Process Improvement and Assessment) - Guilherme Horta Travassos, COPPE - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Fernando Brito Abreu, ISCTE-IUL & CITI/FCT/UNL, Portugal (Evidence-Based Software Quality Engineering) - Maria Lencastre, University of Pernambuco, Brazil (Quality in ICT Requirements Engineering) - Marion Lepmets, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland (Quality in IT Service Management) - Eda Marchetti, ISTI-CNR, Italy (ICT Verification and Validation) - Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano ? DEIB, Italy (Quality in Web Engineering) - Panagiotis Sfetsos, Alexander Technological Educational Institution, Greece (Quality in Agile Methods) - Francisco Arcega, University of Zaragoza, Spain (Quality in Technology Enhanced Learning) - Marjan Mernik, University of Maribor, Slovenia (Quality in Model Driven Engineering) Program Committee (Main Track): - Rui Abreu (FEUP) - Pedro Ad?o (SQIG, IST) - Ademar Aguiar (FEUP) - Vasco Amaral (FCT-UNL) - Francisco Arcega (University of Zaragoza) - Fernando Brito e Abreu (ISCTE-IUL) - Kival Chaves Weber (SOFTEX / PBQP) - Fran?ois Coallier (?TS) - Nelly Condori-Fern?ndez (PROS Research Center) - Taz Daughtrey (James Madison University) - Safiullah Faizullah (Hewlett-Pakard) - David Ferreira (IST-UL) - Hugo Ferreira (FEUP) - Karol Fru?hauf (INFOGEM) - Pedro Guerreiro (University of Algarve) - Guilherme Horta Travassos (COPPE - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) - Trudy Howles (Rochester Institute of Technology) - Kai Jakobs (RWTH Aachen University) - Maria Lencastre (University of Pernambuco) - Marion Lepmets (Dundalk Institute of Technology) - Ricardo Machado (University of Minho) - Eda Marchetti (ISTI-CNR) - Maristella Matera (Politecnico di Milano - DEIB) - Marjan Mernik (University of Maribor) - Miguel Mira da Silva (IST-UL) - Ana Moreira (New University of Lisbon) - Maurizio Morisio (Politecnico di Torino) - Ana Paiva (FEUP) - Jo?o Pascoal Faria (FEUP) - Mark Paulk (CMU) - Jo?o Pereira (IST-UL) - Ana Regina Rocha (COPPE / Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) - Paulo Rupino da Cunha (University of Coimbra) - Claudio Sant'Annna (Federal University of Bahia) - Gleison Santos (UNIRIO) - Jo?o Saraiva (DefineScope) - Stephen Seidman (Texas State University) - Panagiotis Sfetsos (Alexander Technological Educational Institution) - Maria Clara Silveira (ESTG-IPG) - Carlos Soares (University of Porto) - Marcello Thiry (Univali / Incremental Tecnologia) - Nikolai Tillman (Microsoft Research) - Ambrosio Toval (University of Murcia) - Joost Visser (Software Improvement Group) - George Wilkie (University of Ulster) From Kristin.Y.Rozier at Thu Mar 20 02:51:13 2014 From: Kristin.Y.Rozier at (Kristin Yvonne Rozier) Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:51:13 -0700 Subject: [fg-arc] [fm-announcements] NFM 2014: Second Call for Participation Message-ID: <> Please find the NFM 2014 Call for Participation below. With no registration fee and very reasonable costs for accommodations this conference is an excellent value to attend even without presenting a paper. It is also a great place to bring students for exposure to real-world applications! ************************************************** The Sixth NASA Formal Methods Symposium 29 April - 1 May 2014 NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, USA ************************************************** Registration (free!) -------------------- There will be no registration fee for participants. All interested individuals, including non-US citizens, are welcome to attend, to listen to the talks, and to participate in discussions; however, all attendees must register. Registration URL: We strongly encourage participants to register early and reserve accomodations. A block of hotel rooms are available at $98.00 per night for reservations made before April 7. The registration deadline is April 22. Keynote Speakers: ----------------- * "NASA Future Challenges in Formal Methods" by Bill McAllister, Chief, Safety and Mission Assurance, International Space Station Safety Panels, Avionics and Software Branch * "Theorem Proving and the Real Numbers: Overview and Challenges" by Larry Paulson, University of Cambridge, UK * "Compositional Temporal Synthesis" by Moshe Y. Vardi, Rice University, USA Panel: "Future Directions of Specifications for Formal Methods" --------------------------------------------------------------- Panelists: Matt Dwyer, University of Nebraska, USA Hadas Kress-Gazit, Cornell University, USA Moshe Y. Vardi, Rice University, USA Panel Description: Specifications are required for all applications of formal methods yet extracting specifications for real-life safety critical systems often proves to be a huge bottleneck or even an insurmountable hurdle to the application of formal methods in practice. This is the state for safety-critical systems today and as these systems grow more complex, more pervasive, and more powerful in the future, there is not a clear path even for maintaining the bleak status quo. Therefore, we propose highlighting this issue in the home of an important critical system, the Mission Control Center of NASA's most famous critical systems, and asking our panelists where we can go from here. Accepted Papers: ---------------- * Darren Cofer and Steven Miller "DO-333 Certification Case Studies" * Andr? De Matos Pedro, David Pereira, Lu?s Miguel Pinho and Jorge Sousa Pinto "A Compositional Monitoring Framework for Hard Real-Time Systems" * Pedro Antonino, Marcel Vinicius Medeiros Oliveira, Augusto Sampaio, Klaus Kristensen and Jeremy W. Bryans "Leadership Election: an Industrial SoS Application of Compositional Deadlock Verification" * Lars Noschinski, Christine Rizkallah and Kurt Mehlhorn "Verification of Certifying Computations through AutoCorres and Simpl" * Robert M. Hierons and Uraz Cengiz Turker "Distinguishing Sequences for Partially Specified FSMs" * Seppo Horsmanheimo, Maryam Kamali, Mikko Kolehmainen, Mats Neovius, Luigia Petre, Mauno R?nkk? and Petter Sandvik "On Proving Recoverability of Smart Electrical Grids" * Dustin Hoffman, Aditi Tagore, Diego Zaccai and Bruce Weide "Providing Early Warnings of Specification Problems" * Bj?rn Bartels "Mechanized, Compositional Verification of Low-Level Code" * Fabian Immler "Formally Verified Enclosures of Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations" * Mohamed Yousri and Sofiene Tahar "On the Quantum Formalization of Coherent Light in HOL" * Hern?n Vanzetto and Stephan Merz "Type Inference with Refinements Types for TLA+" * Matthew Danish and Hongwei Xi "Using lightweight theorem proving in an asynchronous systems context" * Aboubakr Achraf El Ghazi, Mattias Ulbrich, Christoph Gladisch, Shmuel Tyszberowicz and Mana Taghdiri "JKelloy: A Proof Assistant for Relational Specifications of Java Programs" * Andrew Sogokon, Paul Jackson, Lawrence Paulson and James Bridge "Verifying Hybrid Systems Involving Transcendental Functions" * William Denman Verifying Nonpolynomial Hybrid Systems by Qualitative Abstraction and Automated Theorem Proving" * Paolo Masci, Yi Zhang, Patrick Oladimeji, Enrico D?Urso, Paul Jones, Harold Thimbleby, Paul Curzon and Cinzia Bernardeschi "Combining PVSio with Stateflow" * Lo?c Correnson "Qed: Computing what Remains to be Proved" * Ethel Bardsley and Alastair Donaldson "Warps and Atomics: Beyond Barrier Synchronization in the Verification of GPU Kernels" * Temesghen Kahsai, Pierre-Loic Garoche, Falk Howar and Xavier Thirioux "Testing-based compiler validation for synchronous languages" * Johann Schumann and Stefan-Alexander Schneider "Automated Testcase Generation for Numerical Support Functions in Embedded Systems" * Luc Engelen and Anton Wijs "REFINER: Towards Formal Verification of Model Transformations" * Franco Mazzanti, Giorgio Oronzo Spagnolo and Alessio Ferrari "Design of a Deadlock-free Train Scheduler: a Model Checking Approach" * Adri? Gasc?n and Ashish Tiwari "A Synthesized Algorithm for Interactive Consistency" * Christel Baier, Marcus Daum, Clemens Dubslaff, Joachim Klein and Sascha Klueppelholz "Energy-Utility Quantiles" * Grigory Fedyukovich, Arie Gurfinkel and Natasha Sharygina "Incremental Verification of Compiler Optimizations" * Peter Gj?l Jensen, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Jiri Srba, Mathias Grund S?rensen and Jakob Haahr Taankvist "Memory Efficient Data Structures for Explicit Verification of Timed Systems" * Stephan Arlt, Cindy Rubio-Gonz?lez, Philipp Ruemmer, Martin Sch?f and Natarajan Shankar "The Gradual Verifier" * Bogdan Mihaila and Axel Simon. "Synthesizing Predicates from Abstract Domain Losses" * Nuno Carvalho, Cristiano Da Silva Sousa, Jorge Sousa Pinto and Aaron Tomb "Formal Veri?cation of kLIBC with the WP Frama-C plug-in" -- ____________________________________________________________ __ /\ \ \_____ / \ ###[==_____> / \ /_/ __ / __ \ \ \_____ | ( ) | ###[==_____> /| /\/\ |\ /_/ / | | | | \ / |=|==|=| \ Kristin Yvonne Rozier, Ph.D. / | | | | \ Research Computer Scientist / USA | ~||~ |NASA \ NASA Ames Research Center |______| ~~ |______| Phone: (650) 604-3197 (__||__) Fax: (650) 604-3594 /_\ /_\ !!! !!! Any opinions expressed in this email are my own. --- To opt-out from this mailing list, send an email to fm-announcements-request at with the word 'unsubscribe' as subject or in the body. You can also make the request by contacting fm-announcements-owner at From klaus.havelund at Thu Mar 20 05:10:15 2014 From: klaus.havelund at (Klaus Havelund) Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 21:10:15 -0700 Subject: [fg-arc] [fm-announcements] RV 2014: 3rd Call for Papers, Deadline in 3 weeks Message-ID: <> [Apologizes for duplicates] 14th International Conference on Runtime Verification September 22 ? 25, 2014 Toronto, Canada Scope: Runtime verification is concerned with monitoring and analysis of software and hardware system executions. Runtime verification techniques are crucial for system correctness, reliability, and robustness; they are significantly more powerful and versatile than conventional testing, and more practical than exhaustive formal verification. Runtime verification can be used prior to deployment, for testing, verification, and debugging purposes, and after deployment for ensuring reliability, safety, and security and for providing fault containment and recovery as well as online system repair. Topics of interest to the conference include: specification languages specification mining program instrumentation monitor construction techniques logging, recording, and replay fault detection, localization, containment, recovery and repair program steering and adaptation metrics and statistical information gathering combination of static and dynamic analyses program execution visualization monitoring techniques for safety/mission-critical systems monitoring distributed systems, cloud services, and big data applications monitoring security and privacy policies Application areas of runtime verification include safety/mission-critical systems, enterprise and systems software, autonomous and reactive control systems, health management and diagnosis systems, and system security and privacy. Technical Research Papers Track: Technical research papers can be submitted in two categories: regular and short papers. Papers in both categories will be reviewed by the conference Program Committee. All accepted technical papers will appear in an LNCS volume. Submitted papers must use the LNCS style. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend RV?14 to present the paper. Papers must be submitted electronically using theEasyChair system. Regular papers (up to 15 pages) should present original unpublished results. Theoretical and experimental papers as well as papers on applications of runtime verification and case studies are all welcome. A non-monetary Best Paper Award will be given. A selection of accepted regular papers will be invited to appear in a special issue of the Springer Journal on Formal Methods in System Design. Short papers (up to 5 pages) may present novel but not necessarily thoroughly worked out ideas, for example emerging runtime verification techniques and applications, or techniques and applications that establish relationships between runtime verification and other domains. Accepted short papers will be presented in special short talk (10 minutes) and poster sessions. Program committee Borzoo Bonakdarpour (University of Waterloo, Canada), co-chair Scott Smolka (Stony Brook Universtiy, USA), co-chair Gul Agha (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) Thomas Ball (Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA) Howard Barringer (The University of Manchester, UK) Ezio Bartocci (TU Wien, Austria) David Basin (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) Saddek Bensalem (Verimag, France) Eric Bodden (TU ? Darmstadt, Germany) Ivona Brandic (TU Wien, Austria) Marsha Chechik (University of Toronto, Canada) Michael Clarkson (George Washington University, USA) Laura Dillon (Michigan State University, USA) Shlomi Dolev (Ben Gurion University, Israel) Alastair Donaldson (Imperial College London, UK) Dawson Engler (Stanford University, USA) Ylies Falcone (Universit? Joseph Fourier, France) Vijay Garg (University of Texas at Austin, USA) Steve Goddard (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA) Ganesh Gopalakrishnan (University of Utah, USA) Wolfgang Grieskamp (Google, USA) Radu Grosu (TU- Wien, Austria) Klaus Havelund (NASA/JPL, USA) Mats Heimdahl (University of Minnesota, USA) Laurie Hendren (McGill University, Canada) Gerard Holzmann (NASA/JPL, USA) Daniel Keren (Haifa University, Israel) Sandeep Kulkarni (Michigan State University, USA) Marta Kwiatkowska (University of Oxford, UK) Insup Lee (University of Pennsylvania, USA) Axel Legay (IRISA/INRIA, France) Martin Leucker (University of L?beck, Germany) Leonardo Mariani (University of Milano Bicocca, Italy) Patrick Meredith (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) David Naumann (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA) Doron Peled (Bar Ilan University, Israel) Mauro Pezze (University of Lugano, Switzerland) Lee Pike (Galois Inc., USA) Zvonimir Rakamaric (University of Utah, USA) Grigore Rosu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) Andrey Rybalchenko (TU-Munich, Germany) Andre Schiper (EPFL, Switzerland) Oleg Sokolsky (University of Pennsylvania, USA) Scott Stoller (Stony Brook University, USA) Serdar Tasiran (Koc University, Turkey) Michael Whalen (University of Minnesota, USA) Lenore Zuck (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA) Tool Demonstrations Track: The aim of the RV 2014 tool demonstration track is to provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to show and to discuss the latest advances, experiences and challenges in devising and developing reliable software tools for runtime verification. Tool demonstration papers will be reviewed by the Tools Track Program Committee. All accepted tool demonstration papers will appear in the conference proceedings LNCS volume. Submitted papers must use the LNCS style. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend RV?14 to present the paper. Papers must be submitted electronically using the EasyChair system. Tool papers should meet the following criteria: A tool paper should present a new tool, a new tool component or novel extensions to existing tools supporting runtime verification. Each submission should be original and not published previously in a tool paper form. Each submission must not exceed 8 pages in the LNCS/Springer proceeding format, including all text, references and figures. The paper must be written in English and provided in PDF format. Each submission must be accompanied at the time of the submission by a short screencast (between 5-10 minutes), with voice and overlay text commentary illustrating the demonstration of the tool (a link to it should be provided in the paper). The paper must include information on tool availability, maturity, selected experimental results and it should provide a link to a website containing the theoretical background and user guide. Furthermore, we strongly encourage authors to make their tools and benchmarks available with their submission. Each tool paper must include a script in an appendix (not included in the page count) describing how the demo will be conducted during the conference presentation with screenshots presenting step-by-step the tool?s capabilities, highlighting the main characteristics and the usage. Evaluation Each submission will be reviewed by at least four members of the tool demonstration track program committee. The evaluation criteria will include: the presentation quality the availability (possibly in a open-source format) of the software. the relevance for the Runtime Verification audience the technical soundness of the presented tool the originality of the underlying ideas Tool Demonstration Committee Ezio Bartocci, (TU-Vienna, Austria), Chair Eric Bodden (TU ? Darmstadt, Germany) Alastair Donaldson (Imperial College London, UK) Dawson Engler (Stanford University, USA) Ylies Falcone (Universit? Joseph Fourier, France) Klaus Havelund (NASA/JPL, USA) Michael Whalen (University of Minnesota, USA) Important Dates: Both research papers and tool demonstration tracks will follow the following timeline: Abstract deadline: April 8, 2014 Full paper deadline: April 15, 2014 Rebuttal phase: May 18-20, 2014 Acceptance notification: June 10, 2014 Camera ready submission: June 25, 2014 Conference dates: 22-25 September, 2014 Competition on Software for Runtime Verification (CSRV-2014) A satellite event of RV?14 is the first International Competition on Software for Runtime Verification (CRVS?14). The main aims of CSRV-2014 competition are to: Stimulate the development of new efficient and practical runtime verification tools and the maintenance of the already developed ones. Produce a benchmark suite for runtime verification tools, by sharing case studies and programs that researchers and developers can use in the future to test and to validate their prototypes. Discuss the metrics employed for comparing the tools. Provide a comparison of the tools running with different benchmarks and evaluating using different criteria. Enhance the visibility of presented tools among the different communities (software engineering, formal methods and automated verification, distributed computing, security, and safety-critical systems) involved in software monitoring. CRVS?14 will follow the following time line: Declaration of intent: December 15, 2013 Deadline for submission of benchmarks: April 1, 2014 Monitoring tool submission: July 1, 2014 Notification: August 1, 2014 For more information, visit or contact the event organizers: Ezio Bartocci (TU-Wien, Austria), ezio.bartocci at Borzoo Bonakdarpour (U. Waterloo, Canada), borzoo at Ylies Falcone (U. Joseph Fourier, France), ylies.falcone at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: pdf.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 4731 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- --- To opt-out from this mailing list, send an email to fm-announcements-request at with the word 'unsubscribe' as subject or in the body. You can also make the request by contacting fm-announcements-owner at From reussner at Tue Mar 25 18:11:22 2014 From: reussner at (Ralf Reussner) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 18:11:22 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] CfP VAO: 2nd Workshop on View-Based, Aspect-Oriented and Orthographic Software Modelling Message-ID: <> Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, anbei der Aufruf zur Einreichung f?r den diesj?hrigen VAO-Workshop. Ich w?rde mich freuen, wenn Sie ihn an Interessentinnen und Interessenten weiterleiten k?nnten. Beste Gr??e Ralf Reussner --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | VAO 2014 - Call for Contributions | | | | 2nd Workshop on | | View-Based, Aspect-Oriented and Orthographic Software Modelling | | | | A satellite event of STAF 2014 | | | | 22 July 2014, York, United Kingdom | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | For a complete PDF version of this call please visit: | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- In Model-Driven Engineering, the functionality of complex systems lies beyond the representative capabilities of a single model. Therefore, an increasing variety of heterogeneous models and languages are used in the various phases of software development. Information about a system is consequently spread across these various models with possible overlaps, redundancies, and inconsistencies. To cope with this complexity, which normally exceeds the cognitive capacity of a single individual, various approaches have been developed to re-organize information during systems development. Different approaches that allow system modelling from various perspectives or according to separate concerns focus on such diverse issues that it is difficult to compare and evaluate them. Some of them present solutions for a specific set of modelling languages or views, but make it hard to assess the applicability in other scenarios. Others provide means to define new views on models, but do not consider how redundancy-free models can be established. Goal ---- The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners with an interest in model-driven software development to foster a fruitful cross-pollination of ideas between different communities dealing with the separation and integration of views or concerns in system modelling. The workshop will prepare the development of a case-study designed to facilitate the comparison and evaluation of multi-view modelling approaches and to simplify the identification of problems that require further research. In break-out sessions requirements for a common, multi-view modelling case-study will be elicited, possible comparison criteria will be collected, and ideas for case-study scenarios will be discussed. In order to provide a foundation for these discussions, we encourage submissions on new concepts, implementations or formalism as well as submissions on controversial positions, requirements for a common case-study or case-study scenarios. Submissions should contribute to investigating and discussing the benefits and drawbacks of different multi-view modelling approaches or identifying best practices. Topics ------ The workshop is interested in submissions that prepare a common, multi-view modelling case study and in submissions on all topics related to model-driven development that deal with the separation and integration of different perspectives, languages, abstractions, views or concerns. More specifically, this includes: - bridging the gap between different views or metamodels, - generating, defining and evolving different views, models and metamodels, - round-trip engineering and co-evolution of different models, - composition of different views, models and metamodels, - (bidirectional) transformations of metamodels, - avoiding inconsistencies, overlap and redundancies between modelling artefacts, - generating models and metamodels for multiple views or formalisms, - separating and re-integrating cross-cutting concerns or model weaving, - dynamic information hiding for partial views Contributions ------------- Submissions to the workshop are possible in three categories. Research papers should describe original work on a problem or solution that pertains to the systematic separation or integration of models, concerns, views, or other modelling artefacts on six to eight pages. Position papers should present a well-defined position on how various modelling languages, viewpoints, heterogeneous subsystems, or concerns should be handled in MDE on two to four pages. Case-study papers should discuss requirements, criteria, or scenarios for a common multi-view modelling case-study for comparing and evaluating different approaches on two to four pages. All paper submissions have to adhere to the ACM SIG Proceedings Style (alternate format). Organizers ---------- Colin Atkinson, University of Mannheim, Germany Erik Burger, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany Thomas Goldschmidt, ABB Corporate Research, Ladenburg, Germany Ralf Reussner, Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI), Karlsruhe, Germany Programme Committee ------------------- Omar Alam, McGill University, Montr?al, Canada Olivier Barais, University of Rennes, France Steffen Becker, University of Paderborn, Germany Franck Fleurey, SINTEF, Oslo, Norway Jacques Klein, University of Luxembourg Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen, Germany Antonio Vallecillo, Unversity of M?laga, Spain Markus V?lter, Stuttgart, Germany Guido Wachsmuth, TU Delft, Netherlands Steffen Zschaler, King's College London, United Kingdom Dissemination ------------- The proceedings of VAO 2014 will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Important Dates --------------- Abstract submission: 18 April 2014 Paper submission: 25 April 2014 Author notification: 16 May 2014 Camera-ready version: 13 June 2014 Workshop date: 22 July 2014 Contact ------- vao-workshop at Homepage -------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI) Prof. Dr. Ralf H. Reussner KIT: Chair Software Design and Quality: reussner at FZI: Executive: reussner at Am Fasanengarten 5, Building 50.34, Room 328 D-76131 Karlsruhe GERMANY Phone: +49 721 608-45993 Fax: +49 721 608-45990 / KIT -- University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association -------------------------------------------------------------- From klaus.havelund at Mon Mar 31 18:34:54 2014 From: klaus.havelund at (Klaus Havelund) Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 09:34:54 -0700 Subject: [fg-arc] [fm-announcements] RV 2014: LAST Call for Papers, Deadline in 1 week Message-ID: <> [Apologizes for duplicates] 14th International Conference on Runtime Verification September 22 ? 25, 2014 Toronto, Canada Scope: Runtime verification is concerned with monitoring and analysis of software and hardware system executions. Runtime verification techniques are crucial for system correctness, reliability, and robustness; they are significantly more powerful and versatile than conventional testing, and more practical than exhaustive formal verification. Runtime verification can be used prior to deployment, for testing, verification, and debugging purposes, and after deployment for ensuring reliability, safety, and security and for providing fault containment and recovery as well as online system repair. Topics of interest to the conference include: specification languages specification mining program instrumentation monitor construction techniques logging, recording, and replay fault detection, localization, containment, recovery and repair program steering and adaptation metrics and statistical information gathering combination of static and dynamic analyses program execution visualization monitoring techniques for safety/mission-critical systems monitoring distributed systems, cloud services, and big data applications monitoring security and privacy policies Application areas of runtime verification include safety/mission-critical systems, enterprise and systems software, autonomous and reactive control systems, health management and diagnosis systems, and system security and privacy. Technical Research Papers Track: Technical research papers can be submitted in two categories: regular and short papers. Papers in both categories will be reviewed by the conference Program Committee. All accepted technical papers will appear in an LNCS volume. Submitted papers must use the LNCS style. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend RV?14 to present the paper. Papers must be submitted electronically using the EasyChair system. Regular papers (up to 15 pages) should present original unpublished results. Theoretical and experimental papers as well as papers on applications of runtime verification and case studies are all welcome. A non-monetary Best Paper Award will be given. A selection of accepted regular papers will be invited to appear in a special issue of the Springer Journal on Formal Methods in System Design. Short papers (up to 5 pages) may present novel but not necessarily thoroughly worked out ideas, for example emerging runtime verification techniques and applications, or techniques and applications that establish relationships between runtime verification and other domains. Accepted short papers will be presented in special short talk (10 minutes) and poster sessions. Program committee Borzoo Bonakdarpour (University of Waterloo, Canada), co-chair Scott Smolka (Stony Brook Universtiy, USA), co-chair Gul Agha (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) Thomas Ball (Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA) Howard Barringer (The University of Manchester, UK) Ezio Bartocci (TU Wien, Austria) David Basin (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) Saddek Bensalem (Verimag, France) Ivona Brandic (TU Wien, Austria) Marsha Chechik (University of Toronto, Canada) Michael Clarkson (George Washington University, USA) Laura Dillon (Michigan State University, USA) Shlomi Dolev (Ben Gurion University, Israel) Alastair Donaldson (Imperial College London, UK) Dawson Engler (Stanford University, USA) Ylies Falcone (Universit? Joseph Fourier, France) Vijay Garg (University of Texas at Austin, USA) Steve Goddard (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA) Ganesh Gopalakrishnan (University of Utah, USA) Wolfgang Grieskamp (Google, USA) Radu Grosu (TU- Wien, Austria) Klaus Havelund (NASA/JPL, USA) Mats Heimdahl (University of Minnesota, USA) Laurie Hendren (McGill University, Canada) Gerard Holzmann (NASA/JPL, USA) Daniel Keren (Haifa University, Israel) Sandeep Kulkarni (Michigan State University, USA) Marta Kwiatkowska (University of Oxford, UK) Insup Lee (University of Pennsylvania, USA) Axel Legay (IRISA/INRIA, France) Martin Leucker (University of L?beck, Germany) Leonardo Mariani (University of Milano Bicocca, Italy) Patrick Meredith (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) David Naumann (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA) Doron Peled (Bar Ilan University, Israel) Mauro Pezze (University of Lugano, Switzerland) Lee Pike (Galois Inc., USA) Zvonimir Rakamaric (University of Utah, USA) Grigore Rosu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) Andrey Rybalchenko (TU-Munich, Germany) Andre Schiper (EPFL, Switzerland) Oleg Sokolsky (University of Pennsylvania, USA) Scott Stoller (Stony Brook University, USA) Serdar Tasiran (Koc University, Turkey) Michael Whalen (University of Minnesota, USA) Lenore Zuck (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA) Tool Demonstrations Track: The aim of the RV 2014 tool demonstration track is to provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to show and to discuss the latest advances, experiences and challenges in devising and developing reliable software tools for runtime verification. Tool demonstration papers will be reviewed by the Tools Track Program Committee. All accepted tool demonstration papers will appear in the conference proceedings LNCS volume. Submitted papers must use the LNCS style. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend RV?14 to present the paper. Papers must be submitted electronically using the EasyChair system. Tool papers should meet the following criteria: A tool paper should present a new tool, a new tool component or novel extensions to existing tools supporting runtime verification. Each submission should be original and not published previously in a tool paper form. Each submission must not exceed 8 pages in the LNCS/Springer proceeding format, including all text, references and figures. The paper must be written in English and provided in PDF format. Each submission must be accompanied at the time of the submission by a short screencast (between 5-10 minutes), with voice and overlay text commentary illustrating the demonstration of the tool (a link to it should be provided in the paper). The paper must include information on tool availability, maturity, selected experimental results and it should provide a link to a website containing the theoretical background and user guide. Furthermore, we strongly encourage authors to make their tools and benchmarks available with their submission. Each tool paper must include a script in an appendix (not included in the page count) describing how the demo will be conducted during the conference presentation with screenshots presenting step-by-step the tool?s capabilities, highlighting the main characteristics and the usage. Evaluation Each submission will be reviewed by at least four members of the tool demonstration track program committee. The evaluation criteria will include: the presentation quality the availability (possibly in a open-source format) of the software. the relevance for the Runtime Verification audience the technical soundness of the presented tool the originality of the underlying ideas Tool Demonstration Committee Ezio Bartocci, (TU-Vienna, Austria), Chair Alastair Donaldson (Imperial College London, UK) Dawson Engler (Stanford University, USA) Ylies Falcone (Universit? Joseph Fourier, France) Klaus Havelund (NASA/JPL, USA) Michael Whalen (University of Minnesota, USA) Important Dates: Both research papers and tool demonstration tracks will follow the following timeline: Abstract deadline: April 8, 2014 Full paper deadline: April 15, 2014 Rebuttal phase: May 18-20, 2014 Acceptance notification: June 10, 2014 Camera ready submission: June 25, 2014 Conference dates: 22-25 September, 2014 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... 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