From klaus.havelund at Tue Apr 1 17:30:35 2014 From: klaus.havelund at (Klaus Havelund) Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2014 08:30:35 -0700 Subject: [fg-arc] [fm-announcements] 2nd International Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems, GRENOBLE, FRANCE, JULY 7-10, 2014 Message-ID: [~~~~~~ Please disseminate widely within your teams & contacts ~~~~~~] 2nd International Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems July 7-10, 2014 Grenoble, France Universit? Joseph Fourier, PERSYVAL-Lab, and NASA-JPL are organizing the second edition of the CPS Summer School. The broad objective of the CPS Summer School is to explore the manifold relationship between networked embedded systems ("the internet of things") and humans as their creators, users, and subjects. The format of the Summer School is a four days meeting, organized around different aspects of rigorous engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems. This year, the objective of the school is to survey fundamental and applied aspects of modelling, monitoring and learning of systems as well as to identify novel opportunities and research directions in these areas through a series of lectures by international experts. Participants will also experience the relevant technologies during hands-on courses and be given a chance to present their own work. The school will provide a great opportunity to know other people working in the field, to meet distinguished scholars, and to establish contacts that may lead to research collaborations in the future. The school will concentrate on the fields of system modelling, monitoring and learning. Over the last ten years we have seen a lot of growth in these areas, building on strong theoretical foundations to apply and extend techniques to new application domains. Runtime verification is a growing field with more and more efffective applications in safety/mission-critical systems, enterprise and systems software, autonomous and reactive control systems, health management and diagnosis systems, and system security and privacy. The field of specification mining (learning specifications from system behaviour) has also seen a surge in research effort, with the establishment of a number of competitions to drive forward the development of practical tools. This research community is at an ideal stage to benefit from a school such as this, to inspire, motivate and instruct new researchers into the field. Students participating at this summer school will learn the current state of the art in modeling, monitoring, and learning. Students will be able to apply new techniques coming from various communities and backgrounds to their own domain. The CPS Summer School will be held at Grenoble University. Courses will be given in English by experts from industry and academia working in various fields of CPS. Topics System modelling. Monitoring. Learning. Medical devices. Sensor networks. Scientific Organization Universit? Joseph Fourier (UJF) is located at the heart of the Alps, in outstanding scientific and natural surroundings. UJF is a leading University of Science, Technology and Health. Featuring in all of the major international rankings (Top 150 World Universities - Shanghai Ranking), the UJF offers initial and further education for jobs of the future in a wide range of fields: Physics and Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science, Biology, Medicine and Pharmacy, Engineering and Technology, Earth Science and Astronomy/Astrophysics, Environmental Studies, Geography and Territorial Sciences, as well as the Science of Physical and Sports Activities. PERSYVAL-Lab focuses on pervasive systems and algorithms at the convergence of physical and digital worlds. PERSYVAL-lab is built over high-level research laboratories present at Grenoble in Mathematics, Computer Science, Automatic Control, Signal Processing, and Hardware Architecture. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is a federally funded research and development center located in Pasadena, California, United States. JPL is managed by the nearby California Institute of Technology (Caltech) for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The laboratory's primary function is the construction and operation of robotic planetary spacecraft. Confirmed Speakers Eric Bodden (TU Darmstadt and EC SPRIDE, Germany). Olivier Coutelou (Schneider Electric, France). Radu Grosu (Technical Univesity Wien, Austria). Klaus Havelund (NASA JPL, USA). Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg University, Denmark). Jean Goubault-Larrecq (ENS Cachan, France). Martin Leucker (University of L?beck, Germany). Roberto Passerone (Universita' degli Studi di Trento, Italy). Grigore Rosu (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA). Mohamad Sawan (Ecole Polytechnique de Montr?al, Canada). Bernhard Steffen (Technical University Dortmund, Germany). Andreas Zeller (Saarland University, Germany). Organization Committee Saddek Bensalem (University of Grenoble, France). Yli?s Falcone - (University of Grenoble, France). Klaus Havelund - (NASA JPL, USA). Fees The registration fee to the CPS Summer-School is: 250 euros for students, 400 euros for academics and people from industry. The registration comprises lunches, coffee breaks, and a reception party. Application Procedure and Important Dates Attendance is limited to 80, so we will be selecting amongst the candidates. The application procedure is as follows: Applicants declare their intention to apply by registering at before April 14, 2014. The application should comprise a resume and contact information. The organization committee provides a response to applicants before April 21, 2014. Applicants proceed with online Registration and Fee payment before May 10, 2014. Online Registration Online Registration will be available only for selected applicants mid April 2014. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- --- To opt-out from this mailing list, send an email to fm-announcements-request at with the word 'unsubscribe' as subject or in the body. You can also make the request by contacting fm-announcements-owner at From Wendelin.Serwe at Fri Apr 4 13:30:09 2014 From: Wendelin.Serwe at (Wendelin Serwe) Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 13:30:09 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] FMICS 2014: deadlines extended Message-ID: <> Our apologies if you have received multiple copies. ############################################################################ LAST CALL FOR PAPERS FMICS 2014 19th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems 11-12 September 2014, Florence, Italy In co-location with EPEW, FORMATS, QEST, and SAFECOMP ( ############################################################################ The aim of the FMICS workshop series is to provide a forum for researchers who are interested in the development and application of formal methods in industry. In particular, FMICS brings together scientists and engineers that are active in the area of formal methods and interested in exchanging their experiences in the industrial usage of these methods. The FMICS workshop series also strives to promote research and development for the improvement of formal methods and tools for industrial applications. Important Dates Abstract submission: April 11th Paper submission: April 18th Notification: June 10th Final version due: June 27th Workshop: September 11th-12th Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): Design, specification, code generation and testing based on formal methods. Methods, techniques and tools to support automated analysis, certification, debugging, learning, optimization and transformation of complex, distributed, real-time systems and embedded systems. Verification and validation methods that address shortcomings of existing methods with respect to their industrial applicability (e.g., scalability and usability issues). Tools for the development of formal design descriptions. Case studies and experience reports on industrial applications of formal methods, focusing on lessons learned or identification of new research directions. Impact of the adoption of formal methods on the development process and associated costs. Application of formal methods in standardization and industrial forums. Paper Submission Submissions must describe authors' original research work and results. Submitted papers must not have previously appeared in a journal or conference with published proceedings and must not be concurrently submitted to any other peer-reviewed workshop, symposium, conference or archival journal. Any partial overlap with any such published or concurrently submitted paper must be clearly indicated. Submissions should clearly demonstrate relevance to industrial application. Case study papers should identify lessons learned, validate theoretical results (such as scalability of methods), or provide specific motivation for further research and development. Submissions should not exceed 15 pages formatted according to the LNCS style (Springer), and should be submitted as Portable Document Format (PDF) files using the EasyChair submission site. All submissions will be reviewed by the program committee who will make a selection among the submissions based on the novelty, soundness and applicability of the presented ideas and results. The proceedings of the workshop will be published in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). An USB stick with an electronic version of the proceedings will be distributed among participants during the workshop. Participants will give a presentation of their papers in twenty minutes, followed by a ten-minute round of questions and discussion on participants' work. Following the tradition of the past editions, a special issue of the journal Science of Computer Programming will be devoted to FMICS 2014. Selected participants will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers after the workshop. These extended versions will again be reviewed by a program committee, which will decide on their final publication on the special issue. Programme Committee PC Chairs Francesco Flammini (Ansaldo STS, Italy) Fr?d?ric Lang (Inria & LIG, France) Publicity Chair Wendelin Serwe (Inria & LIG, France) PC Members Maria Alpuente (Universitat Polit?cnica de Val?ncia, Spain) Alvaro Arenas (IE University, Spain) Jiri Barnat (Masaryk University, Czech Republic) Cinzia Bernardeschi (University of Pisa, Italy) Simona Bernardi (Centro Universitario de la Defensa, AGM, Zaragoza, Spain) Jean Paul Blanquart (Astrium Satellites, France) Eckard B?de (Offis, Germany) Rocco De Nicola (IMT Lucca, Italy) Michael Dierkes (Rockwell Collins, France) Susanna Donatelli (University of Torino, Italy) Cindy Eisner (IBM Research - Haifa, Israel) Alessandro Fantechi (Universit? di Firenze, Italy) J?r?me Feret (CNRS & ENS & Inria, France) Wan Fokkink (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and CWI, Netherlands) Andrew Gacek (Rockwell Collins, USA) Stefania Gnesi (ISTI-CNR, Italy) Matthias G?demann (Systerel, France) Keijo Heljanko (Aalto University, Finland) Jan J?rjens (TU Dortmund & Fraunhofer ISST, Germany) Tiziana Margaria (University of Potsdam, Germany) Pedro Merino (University of M?laga, Spain) Benjamin Monate (TrustInSoft, France) Gethin Norman (University of Glasgow, UK) Dave Parker (University of Birmingham, UK) Charles Pecheur (Universit? catholique de Louvain, Belgium) Ralf Pinger (Siemens AG, Germany) Wendelin Serwe (Inria & LIG, France) Hans Svensson (Quviq, Sweden) Jaco van de Pol (University of Twente, Netherlands) Valeria Vittorini (University of Naples Federico II, Italy) Angela Vozella (CIRA, Italy) From david.knuplesch at Sat Apr 5 00:09:05 2014 From: david.knuplesch at (David) Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2014 00:09:05 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] final CfP: CeSCoP'14: Intl Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and Security in Cross-Organizational Processes (in Conjunction with EDOC'14) Message-ID: <014501cf5052$81740b40$845c21c0$> Final CfP - CeSCoP'14 In Conjunction with EDOC'14 - International Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and Security in Cross-Organizational Processes [Apologies for cross-posting] *************************************** Final Call for Papers: CeSCoP'14 In Conjunction with EDOC'14, September 01-05, 2014 - Ulm, Germany The 1st International Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and Security in Cross-Organizational Processes, In conjunction with EDOC 2014 - The Enterprise Computing Conference, Ulm, Germany. URL: *************************************** Important Dates - Paper submissions: April 8, 2014 - Paper acceptance notifications: May 20, 2014 - Camera-ready papers due: June 14, 2014 Workshop Organizers - Stefanie Rinderle-Ma and Walid Fdhila, University of Vienna - Manfred Reichert and David Knuplesch, University of Ulm - Johannes Reich, SAP AG, Germany Scope of the Workshop Globalization and competitive pressure created the need for collaborations among business partners who join their forces and combine their services in order to provide added-value products. Despite the benefits of such cross-organizational collaborations, new challenges raise; e.g., mainly the ability to cope with security, adaptation, compliance and privacy. The CeSCoP workshop focuses on the research problems faced in cross-organizational processes and aims to support investigation and novel solutions with regard to the specific requirements arising in this context. Recommended Topics The SeSCoP?14 workshop focuses on research in cross-organizational business processes, and aims to investigate the following topics. - Governance, risk and compliance - Compliance rule specification - Compliance verification - Security, privacy and trust - Compliance monitoring - Soundness Criteria - Adaptation, evolution, and versioning - Mining, monitoring - Dynamic changes and change propagation - Change mining - Impact analysis and predictive analytics - Exception handling - Data-aware cross-organizational and distributed processes - Shared and distributed data objects - Data (exchange) semantics - Data-aware soundness - Component models - Modeling and implementation of business to business interactions - Coordination models of different interactions within business processes - Maintainability, extensibility Submission Guidelines We invite two types of contributions to the workshop: full scientific papers and short papers. Full scientific papers must present unpublished work that is not being considered in another forum, but can present unfinished research. It should clearly establish the research contribution and relation to previous research. Authors are requested to prepare submissions in English of no more than 10 pages. Short papers of no more than 5 pages can be submitted for inclusion in the proceedings. Short papers can be practical experience reports or tool demos. Submissions will be reviewed by at least three PC members based on their originality, significance, technical soundness and clarity of exposition. All submissions must be made in PDF format and comply with the IEEE Computer Society Conference Proceedings Format Guidelines. Submissions can be uploaded via EasyChair: Program Committee - Raffael Accorsi, University of Freiburg, Germany. - Franois Charoy, University of Lorraine, France. - Marlon Dumas, University of Tartu, Estonia. - Peter Emmel, SAG AG, Germany. - Khaled Gaaloul, CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg. - Luciano Garcia-Banuelos, University of Tartu, Estonia. - Claude Godart, University of Lorraine, France. - Anat Goldstein, Ben Gurion University, Israel. - Akhil Kumar, Penn State University, PA, USA. - Martin Leucker, University of Luebeck, Germany. - Niels Lohmann, University of Rostock, Germany. - Thao Ly, University of Ulm, Germany. - J?rgen Mangler, University of Vienna, Austria. - Lars M?nch, University of Hagen, Germany. - Munindar Singh, North Carolina State University, NC, USA. - Elham Ramezani Taghiabadi, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands. - Barbara Weber, University of Innsbruck, Austria. If you have any questions regarding CeSCoP?14, please email david.knuplesch at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From neha.s.rungta at Fri Apr 4 23:18:57 2014 From: neha.s.rungta at (Rungta, Neha S. (ARC-TI)[Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies Inc. (SGT Inc.)]) Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2014 21:18:57 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] [fm-announcements] 21st International Symposium on Model Checking of Software - SPIN 2014 (Extended deadline: April 19th) Message-ID: Apologies for multiple postings ====================================================================== 21st International Symposium on Model Checking of Software - SPIN 2014 San Jose, CA, USA, July 21-23, 2014 Joint Sessions with ISSTA on July 23rd ====================================================================== The SPIN Symposium is a leading forum for practitioners and researchers interested in software verification and engineering. There are two tracks for paper submissions. *** Software Verification Track *** We solicit submissions on theoretical techniques, novel algorithms and empirical evaluation for state-space exploration based techniques. We welcome submissions describing the development and application of state space exploration techniques in testing and verifying embedded software, mobile platforms, security-critical software, enterprise and web applications, and other interesting software platforms. *** New this year: Software Engineering Track *** New this year we solicit submissions on techniques and approaches that extend or leverage existing state-space exploration based techniques such as model checking and symbolic execution to assist in automating software engineering tasks such as design, implementation, analysis, testing, and maintenance of software systems. ====================================================================== Submission Guidelines ====================================================================== SPIN 2014 invites high quality contributions describing significant, original, and unpublished results for submission in two categories: (a) Research papers describing fully developed work and complete results (10 pages) (b) Short papers describing tools, experience reports, descriptions of new ideas, or work in progress with preliminary results (4 pages) ====================================================================== Important Dates ====================================================================== Paper Submission: April 19, 2014 (firm) Author Notification: May 23, 2014 Camera-Ready Paper: June 16, 2014 ====================================================================== Invited Speakers ====================================================================== Karen Gundy-Burlet, NASA Ames Research Center, USA Henny Sipma, Kestrel Technology, USA Cormac Flanagan, UC Santa Cruz, USA (Joint speaker with ISSTA) ====================================================================== Program Chairs ====================================================================== Neha Rungta, NASA Ames Research Center, USA Oksana Tkachuk, NASA Ames Research Center, USA ====================================================================== Program Committee ====================================================================== Ezio Bartocci,TU Wien, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Dirk Beyer, University of Passau, Germany Alastair Donaldson, Imperial College London, UK Alex Groce, Oregon State University, USA Arie Gurfinkel, Software Engineering Institute, CMU, USA Gerard Holzmann, NASA/JPL, USA Franjo Ivancic, NEC Laboratories America, Inc., USA Sarfraz Khurshid, The University of Texas at Austin, USA Shuvendu Lahiri, Microsoft Research, USA Stefan Leue, University of Konstanz, Germany Eric Mercer, Brigham Young University, USA David Parker, University of Birmingham, UK Suzette Person, NASA Langley Research Center, USA Zvonimir Rakamaric, University of Utah, USA C. R. Ramakrishna, Stony Brook University, USA Robby, Kansas State University, USA Scott Stoller, Stony Brook University, USA Murali Talupur, Intel, USA Suresh Thummalapenta, IBM Research, India Jaco Van De Pol, University of Twente, Netherlands Willem Visser, Stellenbosch University, South Africa Michael Whalen, University of Minnesota, USA --- To opt-out from this mailing list, send an email to fm-announcements-request at with the word 'unsubscribe' as subject or in the body. You can also make the request by contacting fm-announcements-owner at From mail at Sun Apr 6 21:11:36 2014 From: mail at (Ansgar Scherp) Date: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 21:11:36 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] Letzter CfP DOKTORANDENPROGRAMM der INFORMATIK 2014 in Stuttgart / Final CfP Doctoral Programme of INFORMATIK 2014 Message-ID: <1396811496.19251.4.camel@scherp-ThinkPad-X1> CfP - Letzter Aufruf zum DOKTORANDENPROGRAMM der INFORMATIK 2014 in Stuttgart [Note: English Version below!] === Aufruf zum DOKTORANDENPROGRAMM der INFORMATIK 2014 === === am 25. und 26. September 2014 === === im Rahmen der INFORMATIK 2014 vom 22.-26.9.2014 in Stuttgart === === siehe === Das Doktorandenprogramm der INFORMATIK 2014 erlaubt jungen Forschern und Forscherinnen ihr Thema in einem Vortrag oder als Poster einem breiten Publikum vorzustellen. Es gibt den DoktorandInnen au?erdem die M?glichkeit sich mit anderen Forschern und Doktoranden auszutauschen, gegenseitige Kontakte zu kn?pfen, Probleme und deren L?sungswege zu diskutieren und R?ckmeldungen von promovierten WissenschaftlerInnen und ProfessorInnen auf verwandten Forschungsgebieten zu erhalten. Neben den wissenschaftlichen Pr?sentationen und Diskussionen steht daher im Doktorandenprogramm der pers?nliche Kontakt und Austausch mit erfahrenen Forschern im Vordergrund. Das Doktorandenprogramm der INFORMATIK 2014 findet zusammen mit dem Doktorandenprogramm der Konferenz f?r K?nstliche Intelligenz (KI) statt. Einreichungen aus dem Themenbereich der KI werden daher dasselbe Begutachtungsverfahren wie die anderen Einreichungen des Doktorandenprogramms durchlaufen. Die eingereichten Beitr?ge werden nach den Kriterien Relevanz, Innovation und Interesse f?r ein gr??eres Publikum bewertet und bei Annahme entweder als Vortrag oder im Rahmen einer Poster-Session pr?sentiert. Einreichungen erbitten wir in L?nge von 10-12 Seiten gem?? den Formatierungsrichtlinien der INFORMATIK 2013 (das hei?t im GI-Format). Neben einer inhaltlichen Fokussierung der Einreichung ist auch die Einbettung in das ?bergeordnete Thema der Dissertation auf 1-2 Seiten zu beschreiben. Zudem sind in 2014 auch Einreichungen als Kurzbeitr?ge der L?nge von 4-6 Seiten m?glich. Diese werden im Rahmen der Postersession am Donnerstag pr?sentiert. Eine Einbettung in das ?bergeordnete Thema ist f?r Kurzbeitr?ge nicht erforderlich. Alle akzeptierten Beitr?ge erscheinen im Konferenzband der GI Jahrestagung! Im Sinne eines Doktorandenkolloquiums wird ausdr?cklich gebeten, dass die Beitr?ge in Alleinautorenschaft der Doktoranden erstellt werden. Die akzeptierten Beitr?ge m?ssen von den Doktoranden als Vortrag beziehungsweise als Poster pr?sentiert werden. Die Poster werden gemeinsam mit den Postern der GI Jahrestagung sowie den Postern des Studierendenprogramms der GI Jahrestagung vorgestellt. Auf Wunsch k?nnen die Doktoranden zudem an einem Mentorenprogramm teilnehmen, bei dem f?r das Thema passende erfahrene Forscher ausgesucht und f?r ein pers?nliches Gespr?ch zur Verf?gung stehen. Interesse an der Teilnahme an diesem Programm kann bei der Einreichung der Beitr?ge angegeben werden. Das Mentorenprogramm erfolgt vorbehaltlich einer hinreichenden Passgenauigkeit verf?gbarer erfahrener Forscher und wird rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben. Am 26. September wird zudem ein Promotionsworkshop mit eingeladenen Vortr?gen zum Thema "Wie promoviere ich?" angeboten. Dieser Workshop ist offen f?r alle interessierte Forscher und Forscherinnen der INFORMATIK 2014. ** Best Paper Award ** Im Rahmen des Doktorandenprogramms der INFORMATIK 2014 wird ein Preis f?r den besten Vollbeitrag ausgelobt. Der Preis wird gemeinsam von der GI Jahrestagung und der KI festgelegt und im Rahmen der Postersession bekanntgegeben. ** Wichtige Daten ** - Einreichung der Beitr?ge: 22. April 2014 - Benachrichtigung zur Begutachtung: 20. Mai 2014 - Einreichung der finalen Version: 23. Juni 2014 - Vortr?ge: 25. / 26. September 2014 - Vorstellung der Poster: 25. September 2014 (Poster-Session der INFORMATIK 2014) - Mentorenprogramm: am 25. September 2014 ** Informationen zur Einreichung ** * Umfang und Gestaltung der Vollbeitr?ge: - 10-12 Seiten (gem?? den Formatierungsrichtlinien der INFORMATIK 2014 im GI-Format). - Beitr?ge sollen einen thematischen Fokus haben sowie auf 1-2 Seiten die Einbettung in das ?bergeordnete Thema der Dissertation beschreiben. * Umfang und Gestaltung der Kurzbeitr?ge: - 4-6 Seiten (gem?? den Formatierungsrichtlinien der INFORMATIK 2014 im GI-Format). - Beitr?ge sollen einen thematischen Fokus haben. Eine Einbettung in das ?bergeordnete Thema der Dissertation ist nicht notwendig. * Beitr?ge k?nnen in Deutsch oder Englisch (bevorzugt!) eingereicht werden. * Akzeptierte Vollbeitr?ge werden entweder als Vortrag oder Poster-Pr?sentation vorgestellt. Akzeptierte Kurzbeitr?ge werden als Poster pr?sentiert. * Einreichung von Beitr?gen erfolgt ?ber EasyChair der INFORMATIK 2014. ** Leitung des Doktorandenprogramms ** - Ansgar Scherp, Universit?t zu Kiel und Leibniz Informationszentrum f?r Wirtschaft - Dirk Pfl?ger, Universit?t Stuttgart - Markus Kr?tzsch, TU Dresden (KI) ** Programmkomittee ** Prof. Andreas Dengel, Technische Universit?t Kaiserslautern Prof. Andreas Henrich, Universit?t Bamberg Prof. Andreas Winter, Universit?t Oldenburg Prof. Antonio Kr?ger, Saarland University Prof. Bernd Neumann, Universit?t Hamburg Prof. Collin Atkinson, Universit?t Mannheim Prof. Dirk Nowotka, Universit?t zu Kiel Prof. Harald Kosch, Universit?t Passau Prof. Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Universit?t Mannheim Prof. Ingo Schmitt, Universit?t Cottbus Prof. Isabella Peters, Universit?t Kiel Prof. Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Universit?t Hildesheim Prof. Lars Schmidt-Thieme, Universit?t Hildesheim Prof. Melanie Herschel, Universite Paris Sud, Frankreich Prof. Michael Gertz, Universit?t Heidelberg Prof. Miriam Mehl, Universit?t Stuttgart Prof. Philipp Slusallek, Universit?t des Saarlandes Prof. Ralf Reussner, Universit?t Karlsruhe Prof. Ra?l Rojas, FU Berlin Prof. Rolf Drechsler, Universit?t Bremen Prof. Sebastian Rudolph, TU Dresden Prof. Stefan Conrad, Universit?t D?sseldorf Prof. Stefan Wagner, Universit?t Stuttgart Prof. Stefan Wrobel, Universit?t Bonn Prof. Thomas Neumann, TU M?nchen Prof. Thomas Plagemann, Universit?t Oslo Prof. Uli Sattler, University of Manchester Prof. Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans Prof. Volker Turau, TU Hamburg-Harburg Prof. Wilhelm (Willi) Hasselbring, Universit?t zu Kiel Prof. Wolf-Tilo Balke, Universit?t Braunschweig Prof. Wolfgang Effelsberg, Universit?t Mannheim --- CfP - Final Call for Participation to the Doctoral Programme of INFORMATIK 2014 === 2nd Call for DOCTORAL PROGRAMME of INFORMATIK 2014 === === to be held during September 25-26, 2014 === === at INFORMATIK 2014 from September 22-26, 2013 in Stuttgart, Germany === === details: === The doctoral programme of INFORMATIK 2014 allows young researchers to present his or her topic to a broader audience. Accepted submissions will be presented either as oral presentation or poster. In addition, the doctoral programme allows the researchers to exchange experiences with other students, build contacts, discuss problems and solutions, and receive feedback from senior researchers in related research areas. Thus, focus of the doctoral programme is besides scientific presentations and discussions also the possibility for socializing with researchers in related fields and getting feedback from experienced researchers. The doctoral programme is held in conjunction with the 44th annual meeting of the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft f?r Informatik e.V. (GI)). The doctoral programme of INFORMATIK 2014 is co-organized with the doctoral programme of the conference K?nstliche Intelligenz (KI). Submissions to the topics of KI will undergo the same reviewing procedure as the other submissions to the doctoral programme. Submitted papers are evaluated by relevance, innovation, and interest for a larger audience. We expect full paper submissions of 10-12 pages adhering to the formatting guidelines of INFORMATIK 2014 (i.e., GI format). The papers should be focused on a particular research question as well as provide a 1-2 page description of the broader topic of the dissertation. In addition, we accept short papers of 4-6 pages. They are presented during the poster session on Thursday. A description of the broader topic of the dissertation is not required for short paper submissions. All accepted papers are published in the proceedings of the GI annual meeting. In terms of a doctoral programme, we kindly ask that the papers are authored and submitted by the doctoral students being the only author. Accepted papers are to be presented by the doctoral students either as oral presentation or poster. The posters will be presented together with the posters of the annual GI meeting and the posters of the students programme. Interested students can sign up for a mentoring programme. The organizers will select experienced researchers and assign slots for a personal coaching. Expression of interest to the mentoring programme can be done when submitting the papers. The mentoring programme is offered under the condition of proper fit to the topic and availability of experienced researchers. It will be given due notice. On September 26, there will be an additional PhD workshop on "How to accomplish a Phd study?". This workshop is open to all interested researchers attending INFORMATIK 2014. ** Best Paper Award ** The doctoral programme of INFORMATIK 2014 will issue an award for the best full-length paper. The award is granted jointly by the annual GI meeting and the KI conference and will be announced during the poster session. ** Important Dates ** Submission of papers April 22, 2014 Notification: Mai 20, 2014 Camera ready version: June 23, 2014 Presentations: September 25/26, 2014 Poster session: September 25, 2014 (poster session of INFORMATIK 2014) Mentoring programme: planned for September 25, 2014 ** Details about the submission: ** * Full papers: - 10-12 pages (according to formatting guidelines of INFORMATIK 2014 in GI format) - Submissions are expected to focus on a research question as well as describe on 1-2 pages the context of the dissertation * Short papers: - 4-6 pages (according to formatting guidelines of INFORMATIK 2014 in GI format) - Submissions are expected to focus on a research question. Description of the broader context of the dissertation is not required. * Submissions in English are preferred, other submission language is German * Accepted submissions are either presented in oral (full papers) or as poster (full papers/short papers). * Submissions are handled through EasyChair of INFORMATIK 2014. ** Organizers of the Doctoral Programme ** - Ansgar Scherp, Kiel University and Leibniz Information Center for Economics, Kiel, Germany - Dirk Pfl?ger, University of Stuttgart - Markus Kr?tzsch, TU Dresden (KI) ** Program Comittee ** Prof. Andreas Dengel, Technische Universit?t Kaiserslautern Prof. Andreas Henrich, Universit?t Bamberg Prof. Andreas Winter, Universit?t Oldenburg Prof. Antonio Kr?ger, Saarland University Prof. Bernd Neumann, Universit?t Hamburg Prof. Collin Atkinson, Universit?t Mannheim Prof. Dirk Nowotka, Universit?t zu Kiel Prof. Harald Kosch, Universit?t Passau Prof. Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Universit?t Mannheim Prof. Ingo Schmitt, Universit?t Cottbus Prof. Isabella Peters, Universit?t Kiel Prof. Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Universit?t Hildesheim Prof. Lars Schmidt-Thieme, Universit?t Hildesheim Prof. Melanie Herschel, Universite Paris Sud, Frankreich Prof. Michael Gertz, Universit?t Heidelberg Prof. Miriam Mehl, Universit?t Stuttgart Prof. Philipp Slusallek, Universit?t des Saarlandes Prof. Ralf Reussner, Universit?t Karlsruhe Prof. Ra?l Rojas, FU Berlin Prof. Rolf Drechsler, Universit?t Bremen Prof. Sebastian Rudolph, TU Dresden Prof. Stefan Conrad, Universit?t D?sseldorf Prof. Stefan Wagner, Universit?t Stuttgart Prof. Stefan Wrobel, Universit?t Bonn Prof. Thomas Neumann, TU M?nchen Prof. Thomas Plagemann, Universit?t Oslo Prof. Uli Sattler, University of Manchester Prof. Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans Prof. Volker Turau, TU Hamburg-Harburg Prof. Wilhelm (Willi) Hasselbring, Universit?t zu Kiel Prof. Wolf-Tilo Balke, Universit?t Braunschweig Prof. Wolfgang Effelsberg, Universit?t Mannheim -- Prof. Dr. Ansgar Scherp Leibniz Information Center for Economics (ZBW) and Kiel University Phone: +49 431 8814-443 Fax : +49 431 8814-520 Mail : mail at WWW: -- WWW: From matt.selway at Wed Apr 9 03:19:17 2014 From: matt.selway at (Selway, Matt Ryan - selmr001) Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2014 01:19:17 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] EDOC 2014 - Workshop CfP (Deadline Extended) Message-ID: <> Nine Workshops at EDOC 2014 - (Paper Deadline extended) The 18th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2014) "The Enterprise Computing Conference" Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Communications Society. Ulm, Germany, September 1-5, 2014 Follow EDOC2014 on Twitter: Workshop and demo paper submissions: April 28, 2014 (extended deadline) Workshops paper acceptance notifications: May 27, 2014 All camera-ready papers due: June 14, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ WORKSHOPS OVERVIEW ------------------------------------------------------------ W1: 5th International Workshop on Models and Model-driven Methods for Service Engineering (3M4SE'14) [] W2: 3rd International Workshop on Adaptive Case Management and other non-workflow approaches to BPM (AdaptiveCM'14) [] W3: 1st International Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and Security in Cross-Organizational Processes (CeSCoP'14) [] W4: 1st International Workshop on Enterprise Model Analysis (EMA'14) [] W5: 1st International Workshop on Engineering Cloud Applications and Services (EnCASE'14) [] W6: 7th International Workshop on Evolutionary Business Processes (EVL-BP'14) [] W7: 2nd International Workshop on Methodical Development of Modeling Tools (ModTools'14) [] W8: 6th International Workshop on Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Engineering (SoEA4EE'14) [] W9: 9th International Workshop on Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research (TEAR'14) [] ------------------------------------------------------------ W1: 5th International Workshop on Models and Model-driven Methods for Service Engineering (3M4SE'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: Recent developments in metamodelling and model transformation techniques have led to increasing adoption of model-driven engineering practices. The increase in interest and significance of the model-driven approach has also accelerated its application in the development of large (distributed) IT systems to support (collaborative) enterprises. Shifting attention from source code to models allows enterprises to focus on their core concerns, such as business processes, services and collaborations, without being forced to simultaneously consider the underlying technologies. Different models typically address different concerns, with transformations between these models and ultimately to the source code. Although the model-driven approach offers theoretical benefits for the development, maintenance and evolution of enterprise computing systems and corresponding service-oriented solutions, a number of issues for the practical application of the approach still exist. In order to solve these issues further advances in models (business goals, pragmatic interoperability, semantic interoperability) and model-driven methods (design concepts, languages, metamodels, profiles, specification frameworks) are necessary. This workshop aims at helping the convergence of research on model-driven development and practical application of the model-driven approach in the area of enterprise computing and service engineering. The workshop addresses questions with respect to the requirements on, concepts for, properties of and experience with models and model-driven methods for service engineering in the area of enterprise computing. A special focus is on the combined application of model-driven and semantic approaches in the different phases of the service lifecycle. Submissions related to model-driven approaches in cloud computing are also welcome. Organizers: Marten van Sinderen, University of Twente, The Netherlands Lu?s Ferreira Pires, University of Twente, The Netherlands Maria-Eugenia Iacob, University of Twente, The Netherlands ------------------------------------------------------------ W2: 3rd International Workshop on Adaptive Case Management and other non-workflow approaches to BPM (AdaptiveCM'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: While practitioners are trying to overcome the restrictions of workflow thinking, the research on the topic is somewhat lagging. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss theoretical and practical problems and solutions in the area of non-workflow based approaches to BPM in general, and ACM (as a leading movement) in particular. This workshop is aimed to promote new, non-traditional ways of modelling and controlling business processes, the ones that promote and facilitate collaboration and creativity in the frame of business processes. Organizers: Ilia Bider, DSV SU/Ibissoft , Stockholm, Sweden Irina Rychkova, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, France Keith Swenson, Fujitsu America, US ------------------------------------------------------------ W3: 1st International Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and Security in Cross-Organizational Processes (CeSCoP'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: Globalization and competitive pressure created the need for collaborations among business partners who join their forces and combine their services in order to provide added-value products. Despite the benefits of such cross-organizational collaborations, new challenges arise; e.g., mainly the ability to cope with security, adaptation, compliance and privacy. The CeSCoP workshop focuses on the research problems faced in cross-organizational processes and aims to support investigation and novel solutions with regard to the specific requirements arising in this context. The workshop purpose is to offer a portal for researchers and practitioners to discuss and contribute research dedicated to the investigation to the main requirements of cross-organizational processes (e.g., modeling, flexibility, monitoring, etc.). The workshop appreciates diversity in the chosen research methodology (reaching from e.g. empirical research to action research, and design science research), and welcomes technical, empirical, experiential, and exploratory contributions. Organizers: Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, University of Vienna, Austria Walid Fdhila, University of Vienna, Austria Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, Germany David Knuplesch, University of Ulm, Germany Johannes Reich SAP AG, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------ W4: 1st International Workshop on Enterprise Model Analysis (EMA'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: The Enterprise Model Analysis (EMA) workshop aims discussing research and open issues related to the analysis of enterprise architecture models. Model-based analysis assists understanding and communicating the complex relationships within an architectural model or between multiple models. It also contributes to the assessment of the value of an enterprise model and to support the overall decision making process. Different analysis techniques apply to enterprise architecture, such as functional, structural, quantitative, and qualitative analysis, which rely on information within the architectural models or on layers of additional information that relate to the models. Model analysis is also a means to understand the large volume of structured and unstructured data within an organization that needs to be processed before it becomes a value- adding asset. As such, combining large scale data management with a model-driven approach towards enterprise engineering contributes to: (1) facilitate the analysis, contextualization, communication and visualization of heterogeneous enterprise data; (2) assess the quality and conformance analysis of models according to the data and vice-versa; and (3) manage enterprise models that make use of large scale structured and unstructured data. The primary goal of the EMA workshop is therefore discussing the role of model analysis in the discipline of enterprise engineering. Organizers: Artur Caetano, University of Lisbon, Portugal Ulrich Frank, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------ W5: 1st International Workshop on Engineering Cloud Applications and Services (EnCASE'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: Cloud computing has been rapidly adopted by enterprises worldwide in the recent years. Best practices and lessons learned accumulated over this period and put into practice. However, few systematic works focus on engineering enterprise applications specifically for the cloud, or on re-engineering and migrating existing ones. The EnCASE workshop aims to address this deficit by providing a venue for the discussion on innovative engineering methods and techniques in the context of enterprise computing. Organizers: Vasilios Andrikopoulos, University of Stuttgart, Germany Elisabetta Di Nitto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy ------------------------------------------------------------ W6: 7th International Workshop on Evolutionary Business Processes (EVL-BP'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: The EVL-BP workshop series is devoted to evolution in business processes. Enterprises face the challenge of rapidly adapting to dynamic business environments. The traditional approach to process management is only partially appropriate to this new context, and calls for the advent of new, evolutionary business processes. This new approach attempts to address specific issues related to flexibility and adaptation such as design of easily adaptable processes, dynamic handling of unexpected situations, optimality of adaptations, and change management. Central to the field of evolutionary business processes is the notion of requirement, which drive the change of business processes through their life-cycles. The evolution of processes and their underlying software systems becomes more and more an important and interesting topic in business process management. Since the life time of software systems frequently spans many years, business processes modeled on top of systems cannot be assumed to remain fixed, and migration between different versions is essential. As a consequence, modeling and management techniques developed in the context of ad-hoc, short-term composition of services and their processes lack the necessary constructs to concisely express the gradual evolution of processes and software systems and new dynamic, declarative, and/or configurable approaches in this context are required. The evolutionary approach to business processes raises a number of challenges: extracting declarative specifications from domain experts, expressing these declarative specifications in an appropriate language or formalism, as well as designing, monitoring, checking compliance, configuring, or dynamically adapting business processes according to a set of requirements, identification and systematic handling of changes, management of process versions, or quality attributes and measurement of business processes as predictors of evolutionary business processes. Evolution in business processes takes place in a wide number of domains, and is expected to impact existing and future technology choices, business practices and standardization efforts. This workshop will be an opportunity for participants to exchange opinions, advance ideas, and discuss preliminary results on current topics related to dynamic and declarative business processes. A particular interest will be taken in bridging theoretical research and practical issues. To this end, contributions stating open problems, case studies, tool presentations, or any other work assessing the practical significance of dynamic and declarative business processes by means of concrete examples and situations, will be particularly welcome. Work in progress, position papers stating broad avenues of research, and work on formal foundations of dynamic and declarative business processes are also sought-after. Organizers: Mohsen Asadi, Simon Fraser University, Canada Gerd Groener, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany Bardia Mohabbati, Simon Fraser University, Canada ------------------------------------------------------------ W7: 2nd International Workshop on Methodical Development of Modeling Tools (ModTools'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: The workshop Methodical Development of Modeling Tools focuses on procedures and architectural principles related to the creation of software for presenting, editing, or analyzing models. Software tools for modeling are a prerequisite for scientific and practical applications of modeling methods and modeling languages in enterprise computing. To test and exemplify new modeling approaches, research prototypes of model editors are required, as well as tools for presenting and analyzing models. To be able to efficiently develop such modeling tools, it is desirable to methodically guide the development of modeling tools, and elaborate procedures to align their design with the conceptualization of new modeling languages and modeling methods. Organizers: Jens Gulden, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Jens Henning von Pilgrim, NumberFour AG, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------ W8: 6th International Workshop on Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Engineering (SoEA4EE'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: Enterprise Engineering is the application of engineering principles to the design of Enterprise Architectures. It allows deriving the Enterprise Architecture from the enterprise goals and strategy. Enterprise architecture aims (i) to understand the interactions and all kind of articulations between business and information technology, (ii) to define how to align business components and IT components, as well as business strategy and IT strategy, and more particularly (iii) to develop and support a common understanding and sharing of those purposes of interest. Enterprise architecture is used to map the enterprise goal and strategy to the enterprise's resources (actors, assets, IT supports) and to take into account the evolution of this mapping. It also provides documentation on the assignment of enterprise resources to the enterprise goals and strategy. There are different paradigms for creating enterprise architecture. The most important is to encapsulate the functionalities of IT resources as services. By this means, it is possible to clearly describe the contributions of IT both in terms of functionality and quality and to define a service-oriented enterprise architecture (SoEA). The goal of the workshop is to develop concepts and methods to assist the engineering and the management of service-oriented enterprise architectures and the software systems supporting them. Organizers: Selmin Nurcan, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, France Rainer Schmidt, Aalen University, Aalen, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------ W9: 9th International Workshop on Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research (TEAR'14) ------------------------------------------------------------ Web: The field of Enterprise Architecture (EA) has gained considerable attention over the last of years. EA is important because organisations need to adapt increasingly fast to changing customer requirements and business goals. This need influences the entire chain of activities of an enterprise, from business processes to IT support. Moreover, a change in a particular part of the overall architecture may influence many other parts of the architecture. For example, when a new product is introduced, business processes for production, sales and after-sales need to be adapted. It might be necessary to change applications, or even adapt the IT infrastructure. Each of these fields will have its own (partial) architectures. To keep the enterprise architecture coherent and aligned with the business goals, the relations between these different architectures must be explicit, and a change should be carried through methodically in all architectures. In contrast to traditional architecture management approaches such as IT architecture, software architecture or IS architecture, EA explicitly incorporates "pure" business-related artifacts in addition to traditional IS/IT artifacts. For Enterprise Architecture the focus is on the overall enterprise and concerns its organization, its components, the relationship between components and principles governing its design and evolution. Organizers: James Lapalme, Ecole de technologie superieure, Canada Florian Matthes, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------ For further information, please visit the conference website at: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From klaus.havelund at Thu Apr 10 09:16:04 2014 From: klaus.havelund at (Klaus Havelund) Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 09:16:04 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] [fm-announcements] RV 2014, Deadlines extended: abstract April 18, full paper April 25 Message-ID: <> [DEADLINES EXTENDED] [Apologizes for duplicates] 14th International Conference on Runtime Verification September 22 ? 25, 2014 Toronto, Canada Scope: Runtime verification is concerned with monitoring and analysis of software and hardware system executions. Runtime verification techniques are crucial for system correctness, reliability, and robustness; they are significantly more powerful and versatile than conventional testing, and more practical than exhaustive formal verification. Runtime verification can be used prior to deployment, for testing, verification, and debugging purposes, and after deployment for ensuring reliability, safety, and security and for providing fault containment and recovery as well as online system repair. Topics of interest to the conference include: specification languages specification mining program instrumentation monitor construction techniques logging, recording, and replay fault detection, localization, containment, recovery and repair program steering and adaptation metrics and statistical information gathering combination of static and dynamic analyses program execution visualization monitoring techniques for safety/mission-critical systems monitoring distributed systems, cloud services, and big data applications monitoring security and privacy policies Application areas of runtime verification include safety/mission-critical systems, enterprise and systems software, autonomous and reactive control systems, health management and diagnosis systems, and system security and privacy. Technical Research Papers Track: Technical research papers can be submitted in two categories: regular and short papers. Papers in both categories will be reviewed by the conference Program Committee. All accepted technical papers will appear in an LNCS volume. Submitted papers must use the LNCS style. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend RV?14 to present the paper. Papers must be submitted electronically using the EasyChair system. Regular papers (up to 15 pages) should present original unpublished results. Theoretical and experimental papers as well as papers on applications of runtime verification and case studies are all welcome. A non-monetary Best Paper Award will be given. A selection of accepted regular papers will be invited to appear in a special issue of the Springer Journal on Formal Methods in System Design. Short papers (up to 5 pages) may present novel but not necessarily thoroughly worked out ideas, for example emerging runtime verification techniques and applications, or techniques and applications that establish relationships between runtime verification and other domains. Accepted short papers will be presented in special short talk (10 minutes) and poster sessions. Program committee Borzoo Bonakdarpour (University of Waterloo, Canada), co-chair Scott Smolka (Stony Brook Universtiy, USA), co-chair Gul Agha (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) Thomas Ball (Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA) Howard Barringer (The University of Manchester, UK) Ezio Bartocci (TU Wien, Austria) David Basin (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) Saddek Bensalem (Verimag, France) Ivona Brandic (TU Wien, Austria) Marsha Chechik (University of Toronto, Canada) Michael Clarkson (George Washington University, USA) Laura Dillon (Michigan State University, USA) Shlomi Dolev (Ben Gurion University, Israel) Alastair Donaldson (Imperial College London, UK) Dawson Engler (Stanford University, USA) Ylies Falcone (Universit? Joseph Fourier, France) Vijay Garg (University of Texas at Austin, USA) Steve Goddard (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA) Ganesh Gopalakrishnan (University of Utah, USA) Wolfgang Grieskamp (Google, USA) Radu Grosu (TU- Wien, Austria) Klaus Havelund (NASA/JPL, USA) Mats Heimdahl (University of Minnesota, USA) Laurie Hendren (McGill University, Canada) Gerard Holzmann (NASA/JPL, USA) Daniel Keren (Haifa University, Israel) Sandeep Kulkarni (Michigan State University, USA) Marta Kwiatkowska (University of Oxford, UK) Insup Lee (University of Pennsylvania, USA) Axel Legay (IRISA/INRIA, France) Martin Leucker (University of L?beck, Germany) Leonardo Mariani (University of Milano Bicocca, Italy) Patrick Meredith (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) David Naumann (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA) Doron Peled (Bar Ilan University, Israel) Mauro Pezze (University of Lugano, Switzerland) Lee Pike (Galois Inc., USA) Zvonimir Rakamaric (University of Utah, USA) Grigore Rosu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) Andrey Rybalchenko (TU-Munich, Germany) Andre Schiper (EPFL, Switzerland) Oleg Sokolsky (University of Pennsylvania, USA) Scott Stoller (Stony Brook University, USA) Serdar Tasiran (Koc University, Turkey) Michael Whalen (University of Minnesota, USA) Lenore Zuck (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA) Tool Demonstrations Track: The aim of the RV 2014 tool demonstration track is to provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to show and to discuss the latest advances, experiences and challenges in devising and developing reliable software tools for runtime verification. Tool demonstration papers will be reviewed by the Tools Track Program Committee. All accepted tool demonstration papers will appear in the conference proceedings LNCS volume. Submitted papers must use the LNCS style. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend RV?14 to present the paper. Papers must be submitted electronically using the EasyChair system. Tool papers should meet the following criteria: A tool paper should present a new tool, a new tool component or novel extensions to existing tools supporting runtime verification. Each submission should be original and not published previously in a tool paper form. Each submission must not exceed 8 pages in the LNCS/Springer proceeding format, including all text, references and figures. The paper must be written in English and provided in PDF format. Each submission must be accompanied at the time of the submission by a short screencast (between 5-10 minutes), with voice and overlay text commentary illustrating the demonstration of the tool (a link to it should be provided in the paper). The paper must include information on tool availability, maturity, selected experimental results and it should provide a link to a website containing the theoretical background and user guide. Furthermore, we strongly encourage authors to make their tools and benchmarks available with their submission. Each tool paper must include a script in an appendix (not included in the page count) describing how the demo will be conducted during the conference presentation with screenshots presenting step-by-step the tool?s capabilities, highlighting the main characteristics and the usage. Evaluation Each submission will be reviewed by at least four members of the tool demonstration track program committee. The evaluation criteria will include: the presentation quality the availability (possibly in a open-source format) of the software. the relevance for the Runtime Verification audience the technical soundness of the presented tool the originality of the underlying ideas Tool Demonstration Committee Ezio Bartocci, (TU-Vienna, Austria), chair Alastair Donaldson (Imperial College London, UK) Dawson Engler (Stanford University, USA) Yli?s Falcone (Universit? Joseph Fourier, France) Klaus Havelund (NASA/JPL, USA) Michael Whalen (University of Minnesota, USA) Important Dates: Both research papers and tool demonstration tracks will follow the following timeline: Abstract deadline: April 18, 2014 (extended) Full paper deadline: April 25, 2014 (extended) Rebuttal phase: May 18-20, 2014 Acceptance notification: June 10, 2014 Camera ready submission: June 25, 2014 Conference dates: 22-25 September, 2014 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: aj_TP9yJPke-zJXXjVqKV1KQwEEEjeUks7DLgyZC37fKY66RlVbh0k1nDJyho7klJBfsoWmyQorTXA=s0-d-e1-ft.jpeg Type: image/jpeg Size: 8535 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- --- To opt-out from this mailing list, send an email to fm-announcements-request at with the word 'unsubscribe' as subject or in the body. You can also make the request by contacting fm-announcements-owner at From philippe.geril at Wed Apr 9 14:00:14 2014 From: philippe.geril at (Philippe Geril) Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 14:00:14 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] 1st CFP: 28th European Simulation and Modelling Conference - ESM'2014, October 22-24, 2014, FEUP - University of Porto, Portugal Message-ID: <> 1ST CALL FOR PAPERS ESM'2014 The 28th annual European Simulation and Modelling Conference FEUP - University of Porto Porto - Portugal October 22-24, 2014 Organised by The European Technology Institute and Sponsored by EUROSIS For latest information see: or AIM OF ESM'2014 The ESM'2014 (The 28th annual European Simulation and Modelling Conference) is the original international European conference concerned with state of the art technology in modelling and simulation. ESM'2014 aims to provide an overview of academic research in the field of computer simulation. A number of major tracks of simulation research are presented next to specific workshops, which capture the art and science of present-day simulation research. ESM'2014 consists of four major parts. A part concerns itself with simulation methodology, another with simulation applications, then there are the specialised workshops, the exhibition and last but not least the poster sessions for students. The ESM conferences are indexed on ISI, IET (INSPEC), SCOPUS and Engineering Village All submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the International Program Committee. Accepted papers will be published in the conference Proceedings (both print and electronic format), that will be copyrighted and widely disseminated. All talks and tutorials, must be accompanied by a paper of between three to eight Proceedings pages. Keynote and Invited Speakers A number of keynotes will be invited. The first confirmed speaker is Jerzy Respondek, Silesian University of Technology, AEI, Faculty, Dept. of Computer Science, Gliwice, Poland who will talk on "Tree data structures in the synthesis of effective computational algorithms with special focus on algorithms operating on the special matrices" For more info and details see: Themes The conference will cover the following themes: - Modelling Methodology - Modelling Simulation Tools - Object-Orientation and Re-use - Random Simulation - Discrete Simulation Modelling Techniques and Tools - Simulation and AI - AI and Expert Systems - AI and Neural Networks - AI and Fuzzy Systems - Agent Based Simulation - Simulation and Optimization - High Performance/Parallel and Large Scale Computing - Simulation in Education and Graphics/Data Visualization - Simulation in Environmental Ecology, Biology and Medicine - Simulation in Biological Systems - Analytical and Numerical Modelling Techniques - Web Based Simulation - Cloud Based Simulation - Physics modelling and Cosmological Simulation - Poster Session - Student Session - Tutorials - Exhibition For more info and details see: Workshops The conference will feature the following workshops: - Simulation and Modelling for humanitarian/emergency operations - Supply Chain Scheduling - Predictive Models in Software Engineering - Intelligent Systems - Real-time GPS Simulation and Service Applications - Simulation with Petri Nets - Simulation with Bond Graphs - DEVS - Fluid Flow Modelling Simulation - Models and simulations for Emergency and Risk Management For more info and details see: TUTORIALS A first tutorial is already announced on "How to use Quaternions on Modelling Rotations in 3d Space" by Feliz Manuel Teixeira, FEUP- University of Porto, Porto, Portugal Other tutorials can be proposed in the following three categories: T1- Introductory tutorials T2- State of the Art Tutorials T3- Software and Modelware Tutorials Tutorial proposals should be emailed to Philippe.Geril at before MAY 1ST. POSTER SESSION The poster session only features work in progress. Next to the actual poster presentation, these submissions also feature as short papers in the Proceedings. STUDENTS SESSION This session is for students who want to present their work in progress or part of their doctoral thesis as a paper. Student papers are denoted by the fact that only the name of the student appears on the paper as an author. They are published as short papers in the Proceedings. DIVERSE ACTIVITIES For demonstrations or video sessions, please contact EUROSIS. Special session will be set up for vendor presentations in co- ordination with the scientific program. User Group meetings for simulation languages and tools can be organised the day before the conference. If you would like to arrange a meeting, please contact the Conference Chairs. We will be happy to provide a meeting room and other necessary equipment. Partners for projects session(s) will be organised by EUROSIS to give potential project teams or individuals the opportunity to present their research in order to link up with fellow researchers for future research projects. Those wishing to participate in this session need to send a proposal to EUROSIS. A EUROSIS TC Meeting and an EU Project update meeting EXHIBITION A special exhibition will be held during the conference focused on industrial applications. For more information please contact EUROSIS for further details. Email: Philippe.Geril at IMPORTANT DEADLINES EARLY BIRD SUBMISSION DEADLINE: JUNE 15TH, 2014 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: JULY 5TH, 2014 LATE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: JULY 30TH, 2014 NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION: AUGUST 25TH - SEPTEMBER 1, 2014 Authors provide camera-ready manuscript: OCTOBER 1ST, 2014 CONFERENCE AT the University of Porto: OCTOBER 22-24, 2014 Send all submissions in an ELECTRONIC FORM ONLY in (zipped) Microsoft Word format, or PDF format (preferred submission)indicating the designated track and type of submission (full paper or an extended abstract) to EUROSIS (Philippe.Geril at Please provide your name, affiliation, full mailing address, telephone / fax number and Email address on all submissions as well. For submissions please put in the subject of your Email the following indications: ESM'2014 and designated track or USE THE ONLINE SUBMISSION FORM. Only original papers, which have not been published elsewhere, will be accepted for publication Journal Publication Only accepted and presented extended papers are eligible for journal publication in any of the journals listed here. Quality Control In order to ensure the quality of the proceedings, Thomson-Reuters ISI and IET will receive the listing of the actually presented papers, next to the copies of the Proceedings. All EUROSIS Proceedings are indexed by Thomson ISI, IET (INSPEC), SCOPUS and Engineering Village REGISTRATION FEES Registration Fees Author EUROSIS members Other Participants Pre-registration before October 1, 2014 ? 500 plus VAT ? 500 plus VAT ? 555 plus VAT Registration after October 1, 2014 Pre-registration required ? 545 plus VAT ? 595 plus VAT Registration Fees Students Author EUROSIS members Other Participants Pre-registration before October 1, 2014 ? 370 plus VAT ? 370 plus VAT ? 410 plus VAT Registration after October 1, 2014 Pre-registration required ? 390 plus VAT ? 430 plus VAT The full registration fee includes one copy of the Conference Proceedings, conference materials, tutorials, coffee and tea during the breaks, all lunches, a conference dinner and a guided visit. SOCIAL PROGRAMME More information to follow. PAPER SUBMISSION TYPES FULL PAPER (including abstract, conclusions, diagrams, references) During review, the submitted full papers can be accepted as a regular 5 page paper. If excellent, full papers can be accepted by the program committee as an extended (8-page) paper. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the ESM'2014 International Program Committee. EXTENDED ABSTRACT (at least five pages) Participants may also submit a 5 page extended abstract for a regular (5 pages) or short (3 pages) paper or poster, which will be reviewed by the International Program Committee. All accepted papers will be published in the ESM'2014 Conference Proceedings. SHORT ABSTRACT (at least four pages) Participants may also submit a 4 page abstract for a short paper or poster, which will be reviewed by the International Program Committee. All accepted papers will be published in the ESM'2014 Conference Proceedings. PLEASE NOTE: ONE (1) PAGE ABSTRACTS ARE NOT ACCEPTED AND ARE NOT EVEN SUBMITTED TO THE REVIEW PROCESS CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Philippe Geril EUROSIS-ETI European Simulation Office Greenbridge Science Park Ghent University - Ostend Campus Wetenschapspark 1 - Plassendale 1 B-8400 Ostend Belgium Tel: +32.59.255330 Fax: +32.59.255339 Email: philippe.geril at OUTSTANDING PAPER AWARD The 2014 ESM Conference Committee will select the Outstanding Paper of the Conference. The author of this paper will be awarded a free registration for a EUROSIS conference. Only papers SUBMITTED AS FULL papers will be eligible for the Outstanding Paper Award. VALID FOR 2 YEARS LANGUAGE The official conference language for all papers and presentations is English CONFERENCE VENUE The conference will be held at FEUP University of Porto. see: This page will be expanded shortly CONFERENCE HOTELS A list of conference hotels in Porto will be expanded shortly. See the preliminary page here: REPLY CARD First Name: Surname: Occupation and/or Title: Affiliation: Mailing Address Zip code: City: Country. Telephone: Fax: E-Mail: Yes, I intend to attend the ESM'2014: [ ] Presenting a paper, by submitting a full paper [ ] Presenting a short paper (by submitting an extended abstract) [ ] Participating in the industrial program [ ] Organizing a vendor session [ ] Proposing a panel discussion (please mention names of panellists) [ ] Contributing to the exhibition [ ] Without presenting a paper The provisional title of my paper / exhibited tool is: With the following highlights: The paper belongs to the category (please tick only one): [ ] Modelling Methodology [ ] Modelling Simulation Tools [ ] Object-Orientation and Re-use [ ] Random Simulation [ ] Discrete Simulation Modelling Techniques and Tools [ ] Simulation and AI [ ] AI and Expert Systems [ ] AI and Neural Networks [ ] AI and Fuzzy Systems [ ] Agent Based Simulation [ ] Simulation and Optimization [ ] High Performance/Parallel and Large Scale Computing [ ] Simulation in Education and Graphics/Data Visualization [ ] Simulation in Environmental Ecology, Biology and Medicine [ ] Simulation in Biological Systems [ ] Analytical and Numerical Modelling Techniques [ ] Web Based Simulation [ ] Cloud Based Simulation [ ] Physics modelling and Cosmological Simulation [ ] Simulation and Modelling for humanitarian/emergency operations [ ] Supply Chain Scheduling [ ] Predictive Models in Software Engineering [ ] Intelligent Systems [ ] Real-time GPS Simulation and Service Applications [ ] Simulation with Petri Nets [ ] Simulation with Bond Graphs [ ] DEVS [ ] Fluid Flow Modelling Simulation [ ] Models and simulations for Emergency and Risk Management [ ] Poster Session [ ] Student Session [ ] Tutorials [ ] Exhibition Other colleague(s) interested in the topics of the conference is/are: Name: Address: Name: Address: ESM is a European registered trademark of the European Technology Institute under nr: 002433290 - Philippe Geril EUROSIS -ETI Greenbridge Science Park Ghent University - Ostend Campus Wetenschapspark 1, Plassendale 1 B-8400 Ostend, Belgium Tel: + - Fax: +32.59.255339 E-mail: philippe.geril at E-mail: pgeril at URL: ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. From at Mon Apr 14 17:16:00 2014 From: at (Lina Ye) Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 17:16:00 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [fg-arc] Call for Papers: Workshops Colocated with SEFM 2014 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Our apologies if you have received multiple copies. #################################################################### CALL FOR PAPERS Five Workshops Colocated with SEFM 2014 Grenoble, France September 1-2, 2014 #################################################################### WEB SITES AND IMPORTANT DATES - 1st Workshop on Human-Oriented Formal Methods: From Readability to Automation This workshop aims to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners from academia and industry to baseline the state of the art in the increasingly important domain: applications of human factors to the analysis and to the optimization of formal methods area. It also aims to develop a future vision and roadmap of usability and automation, focusing especially on readability and ease of use. For more details please see Paper Submission: 10 June, 2014 Notification of Acceptance: 5 July, 2014 Post-proceedings Final version: 15 September 2014 Workshop Date: 1 September, 2014 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 3rd International Symposium on Modelling and Knowledge Management applications: Systems and Domains The aim of the Symposium is to bring together practitioners and researchers from academia, industry, government and non-government organisations to present research results and exchange experience, ideas, and solutions for modelling and analysing complex systems and using knowledge management strategies, technology and systems in various domain areas (e.g., ecology, biology, medicine, climate, economy, governance, education and social software engineering) that address problems of sustainable development. For more details please see Paper Submission: 6 June 2014 Notification of Acceptance: 5 July 2014 Pre-proceedings Final version: 31 July 2014 Post-proceedings Final version: 15 September 2014 Symposium Date: 2 September 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 8th International Workshop on Foundations and Techniques for Open Source Software Certification The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from Academia and Industry who are broadly interested in 1) the quality assessment of the open source software projects, and 2) metrics, procedures, and tools that could be useful in assessing and qualifying individual participation and collaboration patterns in the open source software communities. For more details please see Paper Submission: 6 June 2014 Notification of Acceptance: 11 July 2014 Notification of Early Registration: 15 July 2014 Pre-proceedings Final version: 31 July 2014 Post-proceedings Final version: 15 September 2014 Workshop Date: 1 September 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 1st Workshop on Safety and Formal Methods Formal methods have traditionally been advocated for improving the reliability of safety-relevant systems. The SaFoMe workshop aims to provide a forum for people from academia and industry to communicate their latest results on theoretical advances, industrial case studies, and lessons learned in the application of formal methods to safety certification, verification and/or validation in (but not limited to) component-based systems. For more details please see Abstract Submission: 23 May, 2014 Paper Submission: 30 May, 2014 Notification of Acceptance: 30 June, 2014 Camera-ready Paper Due: 15 July, 2014 Registration deadline: 15 July, 2014 Workshop Date: 1 September, 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 4th Workshop on Formal Methods in the Development of Software The aim of WS-FMDS is to bring together scientists and practitioners who are active in the area of formal methods and interested in exchanging their experiences in the industrial usage of these methods. This workshop also strives to promote research and development for the improvement of theoretical aspects of formal methods and tools focused on practical usability for industrial applications. For more details please see Paper Submission: 23 May, 2014 Notification of Acceptance: 9 June, 2014 Camera-ready Paper Due: 20 June, 2014 Workshop Date: 1-2 September, 2014 #################################################################### PUBLICATION All accepted papers will be published by Springer in a volume of LNCS. Condition for inclusion in the post-proceedings is that at least one of the co-authors has presented the paper at the workshop. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Wendelin.Serwe at Mon Apr 14 11:47:40 2014 From: Wendelin.Serwe at (Wendelin Serwe) Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 11:47:40 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] FMICS 2014: submission still open Message-ID: <> ############################################################################ LAST CALL FOR PAPERS FMICS 2014 19th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems ( 11-12 September 2014, Florence, Italy In co-location with EPEW, FORMATS, QEST, and SAFECOMP ( ############################################################################ The aim of the FMICS workshop series is to provide a forum for researchers who are interested in the development and application of formal methods in industry. In particular, FMICS brings together scientists and engineers that are active in the area of formal methods and interested in exchanging their experiences in the industrial usage of these methods. The FMICS workshop series also strives to promote research and development for the improvement of formal methods and tools for industrial applications. Important Dates Paper submission: April 18th Notification: June 10th Final version due: June 27th Workshop: September 11th-12th Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): Design, specification, code generation and testing based on formal methods. Methods, techniques and tools to support automated analysis, certification, debugging, learning, optimization and transformation of complex, distributed, real-time systems and embedded systems. Verification and validation methods that address shortcomings of existing methods with respect to their industrial applicability (e.g., scalability and usability issues). Tools for the development of formal design descriptions. Case studies and experience reports on industrial applications of formal methods, focusing on lessons learned or identification of new research directions. Impact of the adoption of formal methods on the development process and associated costs. Application of formal methods in standardization and industrial forums. Paper Submission Submissions must describe authors' original research work and results. Submitted papers must not have previously appeared in a journal or conference with published proceedings and must not be concurrently submitted to any other peer-reviewed workshop, symposium, conference or archival journal. Any partial overlap with any such published or concurrently submitted paper must be clearly indicated. Submissions should clearly demonstrate relevance to industrial application. Case study papers should identify lessons learned, validate theoretical results (such as scalability of methods), or provide specific motivation for further research and development. Submissions should not exceed 15 pages formatted according to the LNCS style (Springer), and should be submitted as Portable Document Format (PDF) files using the EasyChair submission site. All submissions will be reviewed by the program committee who will make a selection among the submissions based on the novelty, soundness and applicability of the presented ideas and results. The proceedings of the workshop will be published in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). An USB stick with an electronic version of the proceedings will be distributed among participants during the workshop. Participants will give a presentation of their papers in twenty minutes, followed by a ten-minute round of questions and discussion on participants' work. Following the tradition of the past editions, a special issue of the journal Science of Computer Programming will be devoted to FMICS 2014. Selected participants will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers after the workshop. These extended versions will again be reviewed by a program committee, which will decide on their final publication on the special issue. Programme Committee PC Chairs Francesco Flammini (Ansaldo STS, Italy) Fr?d?ric Lang (Inria & LIG, France) Publicity Chair Wendelin Serwe (Inria & LIG, France) PC Members Maria Alpuente (Universitat Polit?cnica de Val?ncia, Spain) Alvaro Arenas (IE University, Spain) Jiri Barnat (Masaryk University, Czech Republic) Cinzia Bernardeschi (University of Pisa, Italy) Simona Bernardi (Centro Universitario de la Defensa, AGM, Zaragoza, Spain) Jean Paul Blanquart (Astrium Satellites, France) Eckard B?de (Offis, Germany) Rocco De Nicola (IMT Lucca, Italy) Michael Dierkes (Rockwell Collins, France) Susanna Donatelli (University of Torino, Italy) Cindy Eisner (IBM Research - Haifa, Israel) Alessandro Fantechi (Universit? di Firenze, Italy) J?r?me Feret (CNRS & ENS & Inria, France) Wan Fokkink (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and CWI, Netherlands) Andrew Gacek (Rockwell Collins, USA) Stefania Gnesi (ISTI-CNR, Italy) Matthias G?demann (Systerel, France) Keijo Heljanko (Aalto University, Finland) Jan J?rjens (TU Dortmund & Fraunhofer ISST, Germany) Tiziana Margaria (University of Potsdam, Germany) Pedro Merino (University of M?laga, Spain) Benjamin Monate (TrustInSoft, France) Gethin Norman (University of Glasgow, UK) Dave Parker (University of Birmingham, UK) Charles Pecheur (Universit? catholique de Louvain, Belgium) Ralf Pinger (Siemens AG, Germany) Wendelin Serwe (Inria & LIG, France) Hans Svensson (Quviq, Sweden) Jaco van de Pol (University of Twente, Netherlands) Valeria Vittorini (University of Naples Federico II, Italy) Angela Vozella (CIRA, Italy) From franconi at Tue Apr 15 12:23:41 2014 From: franconi at (Enrico Franconi) Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 12:23:41 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] TWO research fellow/assistant professor openings in Bozen-Bolzano Message-ID: <> The faculty of computer science in Bozen-Bolzano (Italy) has two openings at the level of research fellow / assistant professor (RTD-a), associated to the KRDB research centre . The research activity of the KRDB centre is focused on knowledge representation and database theories and technologies for semantic-based intelligent information system design, integration, access, and navigation. According to the current Italian legislation, the RTD-a position is a necessary prerequisite to start the tenure track (RTD-b) leading to associate professor. The contract is for 3 years, and the salary is up to 59000 ? p.a. gross including all the benefits and the bonuses. There is some teaching duty to be performed at the BSc or MSc level. For any question and more detailed information, please do not hesitate to ask prof. Enrico Franconi at . The call will close at the end of May 2014. Enrico Franconi - franconi at Free University of Bozen-Bolzano - Faculty of Computer Science - Phone: (+39) 0471-016-120 I-39100 Bozen-Bolzano BZ, Italy - Fax: (+39) 0471-016-009 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From winter at Wed Apr 16 10:10:39 2014 From: winter at (Andreas Winter) Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 10:10:39 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] CFP: Energy Aware Software Engineering and Development (EASED@EnviroInfo) Message-ID: CALL FOR PAPERS 4th workshop on Energy Aware Software-Engineering and Development (EASED at EnviroInfo) September 11, 2014, Oldenburg, Germany EASED at EnviroInfo is collocated to the 28th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection (EnviroInfo 2014) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Software-Engineering aims at developing and evolving software systems in an economic manner, considering project specific needs and quality goals. One of these quality goals, which become more and more important, is ?energy efficiency of software systems?. Im-proving the energy consumption of mobile devices will not only increase the uptime and battery lifespan, it will also improve the carbon footprint. Viewing energy efficiency, is not only restricted to mobile devices, it also affects e.g. embedded systems and data centers, where energy is a major factor in costs and environmental burden. Next to serious and ongoing efforts in hardware design, on operating system level, and by optimized code generation, software engineering techniques also contribute to optimizing energy consumption by improving software design: wasting energy can be avoided by e.g. removing energy code smells, improving data-base queries and storage methodologies, exchanging fast, but energy consuming components by slower but more energy efficient alternatives or by transferring functionality to the cloud, where integrated energy optimization on all technical levels can be applied. This list gives only some examples of optimizing energy consumption on software level. These and further approaches are to be discussed at EASED. The EASED workshop series on Energy Aware Software-Engineering and Development, focusses on the intensive presentation and discussion of methods and technologies to optimize the energy consumption of systems by improving software-components in software intensive, embedded systems. Among others, these techniques include techniques - detecting energy smells, - optimizing code, - avoiding energy waste, - measuring energy consumption, caused by software, and - modeling software caused energy behavior of embedded systems. EASED at EnviroInfo follows up the Workshop on Developing Energy Aware Software Systems (EEbS 2012), held at the annual GI Conference in September 2012, the 2nd workshop on Energy Aware Software-Engineering and Development (EASED at BUIS), held at BUIS Tage in April 2013, and the 3rd workshop on Energy Aware Software-Engineering and Development (EASED at GI 2013), held together with the workshop ?UINW ? Umweltinformatik zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Wandel? at the GI Conference in September 2013. Publications Accepted papers for ESEAD at EnviroInfo will be published in the workshop section of the EnvrioInfo 2014 proceedings. Authors of the best paper at ESEAD at EnviroInfo will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper to the ?EnviroInfo 2014 Selected Papers? publication issued by Springers book series ?Environmental Science and Engineering?. Submissions Authors are encouraged to submit their papers (6 pages following the EnviroInfo Layout not later than June 20, 2014 through easychair. When submitting, please tick ?Workshop: Energy Aware Software-Engineering and Development?. Program Committee Javier Britch, National University of Technology, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lester Cowley, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, Southafrica. Holger Eichelberger, University Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany. Marion Gottschalk, OFFIS, Oldenburg, Germany. Sebastian G?tz, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany. Theo H?rder, TU Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany. Timo H?nig, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, N?rnberg, Germany. Erik Kamsties, FH Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany. Wolfgang Lohmann, Empa. Somayeh Malakuti, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany. Wolfgang Nebel, OFFIS, Oldenburg, Germany. Birgit Penzenstadler, University of California, Irvine, U.S.A. Gunter Saake, University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany. Norbert Siegmund, Universiy of Passau, Passau, Germany. Heribert Vollmer, THI Hannover, Hannover, Germany. Claas Wilke, Acando GmbH, Hamburg, Germany. Organizing Committee Christian Bunse, University of applied Sciences Stralsund, Stralsund, Germany. Stefan Naumann, University of the Applied Sciences Trier, Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Germany. Andreas Winter, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany. Important Dates paper submission deadline: June 20, 2014 author notification: July 4, 2014 camera ready deadline: July 18, 2014 workshop: September 11, 2014 _______________________________________________________________________ Prof. Dr. Andreas Winter Carl von Ossietzky University Department for Computer Science voice: +49 441 798-2992 Software Engineering winter at 26111 Oldenburg, Germany _______________________________________________________________________ From maurizio.proietti at Thu Apr 17 12:31:15 2014 From: maurizio.proietti at (Maurizio Proietti) Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 12:31:15 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] LOPSTR 2014: Second Call for Papers Message-ID: ================== SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS ================== 24th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation LOPSTR 2014 University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, September 10-11, 2014 DEADLINES Abstract submission: May 30, 2014 Paper/Extended abstract submission: June 6, 2014 ============================================================ The aim of the LOPSTR series is to stimulate and promote international research and collaboration on logic-based program development. LOPSTR is open to contributions in logic-based program development in any language paradigm. LOPSTR has a reputation for being a lively, friendly forum for presenting and discussing work in progress. Formal proceedings are produced only after the symposium so that authors can incorporate this feedback in the published papers. The 24th International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2014) will be held at the University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom; previous symposia were held in Madrid, Leuven, Odense, Hagenberg, Coimbra, Valencia, Lyngby, Venice, London, Verona, Uppsala, Madrid, Paphos, London, Venice, Manchester, Leuven, Stockholm, Arnhem, Pisa, Louvain-la-Neuve, and Manchester. LOPSTR 2014 will be co-located with PPDP 2014 (International ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming). Topics of interest cover all aspects of logic-based program development, all stages of the software life cycle, and issues of both programming-in-the-small and programming-in-the-large. Both full papers and extended abstracts describing applications in these areas are especially welcome. Contributions are welcome on all aspects of logic-based program development, including, but not limited to: * synthesis * transformation * specialization * composition * optimization * inversion * specification * analysis and verification * testing and certification * program and model manipulation * transformational techniques in SE * applications and tools Survey papers that present some aspects of the above topics from a new perspective, and application papers that describe experience with industrial applications are also welcome. Papers must describe original work, be written and presented in English, and must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal, conference, or workshop with refereed proceedings. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally published workshop proceedings may be submitted (please contact the PC co-chairs in case of questions). Important Dates Abstract submission: May 30, 2014 Paper/Extended abstract submission: June 6, 2014 Notification: July 18, 2014 Camera-ready (for electronic pre-proceedings): August 25, 2014 Symposium: September 10-11, 2014 Submission Guidelines Authors should submit an electronic copy of the paper (written in English) in PDF, formatted in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science style. Each submission must include on its first page the paper title; authors and their affiliations; contact author's email; abstract; and three to four keywords which will be used to assist the PC in selecting appropriate reviewers for the paper. Page numbers should appear on the manuscript to help the reviewers in writing their report. Submissions cannot exceed 15 pages including references but excluding well-marked appendices not intended for publication. Reviewers are not required to read the appendices, and thus papers should be intelligible without them. Paper should be submitted via the Easychair submission website for LOPSTR 2014. If electronic submission is impossible, please contact the program co-chairs for information on how to submit hard copies. Proceedings The formal post-conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Full papers can be directly accepted for publication in the formal proceedings, or accepted only for presentation at the symposium and inclusion in informal proceedings. After the symposium, all authors of extended abstracts and full papers accepted only for presentation will be invited to revise and/or extend their submissions in the light of the feedback solicited at the symposium. Then, after another round of reviewing, these revised papers may also be published in the formal proceedings. Program Committee Slim Abdennadher German University of Cairo, Egypt ?tienne Andr? Universit? Paris 13, France Martin Brain University of Oxford, UK Wei-Ngan Chin National University of Singapore, Singapore Marco Comini University of Udine, Italy Wlodzimierz Drabent IPIPAN, Poland and Link?ping University, Sweden Fabio Fioravanti University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy J?rgen Giesl RWTH Aachen University, Germany Miguel G?mez-Zamalloa Complutense University of Madrid, Spain Arnaud Gotlieb SIMULA Research Laboratory, Norway Gopal Gupta University of Texas at Dallas, USA Jacob Howe City University London, UK Zhenjiang Hu National Institute of Informatics, Japan Alexei Lisitsa University of Liverpool, UK Yanhong Annie Liu Stony Brook University, USA Jorge Navas NASA, USA Naoki Nishida Nagoya University, Japan Corneliu Popeea Technische Universit?t M?nchen, Germany Maurizio Proietti IASI-CNR, Italy (Program Co-Chair) Tom Schrijvers Ghent University, Belgium Hirohisa Seki Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan (Program Co-Chair) Jon Sneyers K.U. Leuven, Belgium Fausto Spoto University of Verona, Italy Wim Vanhoof University of Namur, Belgium German Vidal Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain Program Co-Chairs: Maurizio Proietti, IASI-CNR, Italy (maurizio.proietti at Hirohisa Seki, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan (seki at Symposium Co-Chairs Olaf Chitil and Andy King School of Computing University of Kent CT2 7NF Kent, UK Organizing Committee Emanuele De Angelis, University of Chieti-Pescara and IASI-CNR, Italy Fabrizio Smith, IASI-CNR, Italy ============================================================ From neha.s.rungta at Fri Apr 18 23:15:38 2014 From: neha.s.rungta at (Rungta, Neha S. (ARC-TI)[Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies Inc. (SGT Inc.)]) Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 21:15:38 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] [fm-announcements] SPIN 2014, Submission Deadline: April 19th (Saturday) Message-ID: <> Apologies for multiple postings ====================================================================== 21st International Symposium on Model Checking of Software - SPIN 2014 San Jose, CA, USA, July 21-23, 2014 Joint Sessions with ISSTA on July 23rd ====================================================================== The SPIN Symposium is a leading forum for practitioners and researchers interested in software verification and engineering. There are two tracks for paper submissions. *** Software Verification Track *** We solicit submissions on theoretical techniques, novel algorithms and empirical evaluation for state-space exploration based techniques. We welcome submissions describing the development and application of state space exploration techniques in testing and verifying embedded software, mobile platforms, security-critical software, enterprise and web applications, and other interesting software platforms. *** New this year: Software Engineering Track *** New this year we solicit submissions on techniques and approaches that extend or leverage existing state-space exploration based techniques such as model checking and symbolic execution to assist in automating software engineering tasks such as design, implementation, analysis, testing, and maintenance of software systems. ====================================================================== Submission Guidelines ====================================================================== SPIN 2014 invites high quality contributions describing significant, original, and unpublished results for submission in two categories: (a) Research papers describing fully developed work and complete results (10 pages) (b) Short papers describing tools, experience reports, descriptions of new ideas, or work in progress with preliminary results (4 pages) ====================================================================== Important Dates ====================================================================== Paper Submission: April 19, 2014 (firm) Author Notification: May 23, 2014 Camera-Ready Paper: June 16, 2014 ====================================================================== Invited Speakers ====================================================================== Karen Gundy-Burlet, NASA Ames Research Center, USA Henny Sipma, Kestrel Technology, USA Cormac Flanagan, UC Santa Cruz, USA (Joint speaker with ISSTA) ====================================================================== Program Chairs ====================================================================== Neha Rungta, NASA Ames Research Center, USA Oksana Tkachuk, NASA Ames Research Center, USA ====================================================================== Program Committee ====================================================================== Ezio Bartocci,TU Wien, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Dirk Beyer, University of Passau, Germany Alastair Donaldson, Imperial College London, UK Alex Groce, Oregon State University, USA Arie Gurfinkel, Software Engineering Institute, CMU, USA Gerard Holzmann, NASA/JPL, USA Franjo Ivancic, NEC Laboratories America, Inc., USA Sarfraz Khurshid, The University of Texas at Austin, USA Shuvendu Lahiri, Microsoft Research, USA Stefan Leue, University of Konstanz, Germany Eric Mercer, Brigham Young University, USA David Parker, University of Birmingham, UK Suzette Person, NASA Langley Research Center, USA Zvonimir Rakamaric, University of Utah, USA C. R. Ramakrishna, Stony Brook University, USA Robby, Kansas State University, USA Scott Stoller, Stony Brook University, USA Murali Talupur, Intel, USA Suresh Thummalapenta, IBM Research, India Jaco Van De Pol, University of Twente, Netherlands Willem Visser, Stellenbosch University, South Africa Michael Whalen, University of Minnesota, USA -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- --- To opt-out from this mailing list, send an email to fm-announcements-request at with the word 'unsubscribe' as subject or in the body. You can also make the request by contacting fm-announcements-owner at From neha.s.rungta at Fri Apr 18 23:15:38 2014 From: neha.s.rungta at (Rungta, Neha S. (ARC-TI)[Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies Inc. (SGT Inc.)]) Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 21:15:38 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] [fm-announcements] SPIN 2014, Submission Deadline: April 19th (Saturday) Message-ID: <> Apologies for multiple postings ====================================================================== 21st International Symposium on Model Checking of Software - SPIN 2014 San Jose, CA, USA, July 21-23, 2014 Joint Sessions with ISSTA on July 23rd ====================================================================== The SPIN Symposium is a leading forum for practitioners and researchers interested in software verification and engineering. There are two tracks for paper submissions. *** Software Verification Track *** We solicit submissions on theoretical techniques, novel algorithms and empirical evaluation for state-space exploration based techniques. We welcome submissions describing the development and application of state space exploration techniques in testing and verifying embedded software, mobile platforms, security-critical software, enterprise and web applications, and other interesting software platforms. *** New this year: Software Engineering Track *** New this year we solicit submissions on techniques and approaches that extend or leverage existing state-space exploration based techniques such as model checking and symbolic execution to assist in automating software engineering tasks such as design, implementation, analysis, testing, and maintenance of software systems. ====================================================================== Submission Guidelines ====================================================================== SPIN 2014 invites high quality contributions describing significant, original, and unpublished results for submission in two categories: (a) Research papers describing fully developed work and complete results (10 pages) (b) Short papers describing tools, experience reports, descriptions of new ideas, or work in progress with preliminary results (4 pages) ====================================================================== Important Dates ====================================================================== Paper Submission: April 19, 2014 (firm) Author Notification: May 23, 2014 Camera-Ready Paper: June 16, 2014 ====================================================================== Invited Speakers ====================================================================== Karen Gundy-Burlet, NASA Ames Research Center, USA Henny Sipma, Kestrel Technology, USA Cormac Flanagan, UC Santa Cruz, USA (Joint speaker with ISSTA) ====================================================================== Program Chairs ====================================================================== Neha Rungta, NASA Ames Research Center, USA Oksana Tkachuk, NASA Ames Research Center, USA ====================================================================== Program Committee ====================================================================== Ezio Bartocci,TU Wien, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Dirk Beyer, University of Passau, Germany Alastair Donaldson, Imperial College London, UK Alex Groce, Oregon State University, USA Arie Gurfinkel, Software Engineering Institute, CMU, USA Gerard Holzmann, NASA/JPL, USA Franjo Ivancic, NEC Laboratories America, Inc., USA Sarfraz Khurshid, The University of Texas at Austin, USA Shuvendu Lahiri, Microsoft Research, USA Stefan Leue, University of Konstanz, Germany Eric Mercer, Brigham Young University, USA David Parker, University of Birmingham, UK Suzette Person, NASA Langley Research Center, USA Zvonimir Rakamaric, University of Utah, USA C. R. Ramakrishna, Stony Brook University, USA Robby, Kansas State University, USA Scott Stoller, Stony Brook University, USA Murali Talupur, Intel, USA Suresh Thummalapenta, IBM Research, India Jaco Van De Pol, University of Twente, Netherlands Willem Visser, Stellenbosch University, South Africa Michael Whalen, University of Minnesota, USA -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- --- To opt-out from this mailing list, send an email to fm-announcements-request at with the word 'unsubscribe' as subject or in the body. You can also make the request by contacting fm-announcements-owner at From mit at Wed Apr 16 08:22:17 2014 From: mit at (Michael Thielscher) Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 16:22:17 +1000 Subject: [fg-arc] KI 2014: Last Call for Papers Message-ID: <> **** Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call **** ====================================================================== KI 2014 - The 37th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence Stuttgart, September 22--26, 2014 **** Last Call for Papers **** ====================================================================== KI 2014 is the 37th edition of the German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, which traditionally brings together academic and industrial researchers from all areas of AI, providing a premier forum for exchanging news and research results on theory and applications of intelligent system technology. The technical program of KI 2014 will comprise paper and poster presentations and a variety of workshops and tutorials. KI 2014 will be co-located with Informatik 2014 (Annual Conference of the German Informatics Society) and MATES 2014 (The 12th German Conference on Multi- Agent System Technologies). The conference invites original research papers from all areas of AI, its fundamentals, its algorithms, its history and its applications. You are invited to submit original research and application papers on all aspects of AI research, including but not limited to the following: - Agent-based and multiagent systems - AI applications and innovations - Cognitive modeling - Commonsense reasoning - Computer vision - Constraint satisfaction, search, and optimization - Evolutionary computation - Game playing and interactive entertainment - Information retrieval, integration, and extraction - Knowledge acquisition and ontologies - Knowledge representation and reasoning - Machine learning and data mining - Multidisciplinary AI - Natural language processing - Planning and scheduling - Robotics - Uncertainty in AI - Web and information systems We especially welcome application papers that provide novel insights on the interplay of AI and the real world, as well as papers that bring useful computational technologies from other areas of computer science into AI. ======== Important Dates ======== Full/Short Paper submission: May 1 Acceptance notification: June 23 Final version due: July 4 KI Workshops and Conference: September 22-26 ======== Workshops, Tutorials, Doctoral Consortium ======== Together with the main conference, we plan to organize a small number of high-quality workshops and tutorials. We especially encourage workshops organized by AI Special Interest Groups (GI-Fachgruppen), workshops that bring together researchers from different disciplines, and workshops that highlight emerging topics of AI research. Tutorials should target a large percentage of conference participants, including graduate students as well as experienced researchers, and practitioners. The technical program of KI2014 is also complemented by a doctoral consortium that invites participation by PhD students at any stage and from any subject area within AI. The KI doctoral consortium is organized as a joint event with the doctoral program of Informatik 2014, and includes a mentoring program, a PhD workshop, and poster presentations. For details on submitting workshop and tutorials and for applying to the doctoral consortium, please see the KI2014 web page. ======== Submission ======== Submitted papers, which have to be in English, must not exceed 12 pages in Springer LNCS style for full technical contributions and 6 pages for short papers. Full technical papers are expected to report on new research that makes a substantial technical contribution to the field. Short papers are also included in the main proceedings and can report on new research or other issues of interest to the AI community. Examples of work suitable for short paper submissions include: novel ideas whose scope is not large enough for a full paper: important implementation techniques; novel interesting benchmark problems; short experimental studies; interesting applications that are not yet completely solved or analyzed; position or challenge papers; etc. Short paper submissions are especially invited for software demonstration or PhD work in progress. Submission will be through the Easychair conference management system : Papers will be subject to blind peer review. All papers will be reviewed based on the standard criteria of relevance, significance of results, originality of ideas, soundness, and quality of the presentation. All accepted papers will be published in the main conference proceedings, and will be presented at the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the contribution. The KI 2014 proceedings will be published by Springer as a volume of the LNAI (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) series. ======== Main Organizers ======== Program Chairs * Carsten Lutz (Universit?t Bremen) * Michael Thielscher (University of New South Wales) Workshop and Tutorial Chair * Frieder Stolzenburg (Hochschule Harz) Doctoral Consortium Chair * Markus Kr?tzsch (TU Dresden) For enquiries, please contact ki2014 at From pc-chairs at Wed Apr 16 10:58:26 2014 From: pc-chairs at (=?utf-8?q?Frederic_Benhamou_=26_Milad_Doueihi_-__=23di2014_Co-Chairs?=) Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 10:58:26 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] [Reminder] CFP - #di2014 - DIGITAL INTELLIGENCE - Sept. 17-19 - FRANCE - Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From neha.s.rungta at Sun Apr 20 17:59:21 2014 From: neha.s.rungta at (Rungta, Neha S. (ARC-TI)[Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies Inc. (SGT Inc.)]) Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 15:59:21 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] [fm-announcements] April 22, Extended SPIN 2014 deadline Message-ID: <> The paper submission deadline for SPIN 2014 has been extended to April 22, 11:59PM AOE. ====================================================================== 21st International Symposium on Model Checking of Software - SPIN 2014 San Jose, CA, USA, July 21-23, 2014 Joint Sessions with ISSTA on July 23rd ====================================================================== The SPIN Symposium is a leading forum for practitioners and researchers interested in software verification and engineering. There are two tracks for paper submissions. *** Software Verification Track *** We solicit submissions on theoretical techniques, novel algorithms and empirical evaluation for state-space exploration based techniques. We welcome submissions describing the development and application of state space exploration techniques in testing and verifying embedded software, mobile platforms, security-critical software, enterprise and web applications, and other interesting software platforms. *** New this year: Software Engineering Track *** New this year we solicit submissions on techniques and approaches that extend or leverage existing state-space exploration based techniques such as model checking and symbolic execution to assist in automating software engineering tasks such as design, implementation, analysis, testing, and maintenance of software systems. ====================================================================== Submission Guidelines ====================================================================== SPIN 2014 invites high quality contributions describing significant, original, and unpublished results for submission in two categories: (a) Research papers describing fully developed work and complete results (10 pages) (b) Short papers describing tools, experience reports, descriptions of new ideas, or work in progress with preliminary results (4 pages) ====================================================================== Important Dates ====================================================================== Paper Submission: April 22, 2014 (11:59 PM AOE) Author Notification: May 23, 2014 Camera-Ready Paper: June 16, 2014 ====================================================================== Invited Speakers ====================================================================== Karen Gundy-Burlet, NASA Ames Research Center, USA Henny Sipma, Kestrel Technology, USA Cormac Flanagan, UC Santa Cruz, USA (Joint speaker with ISSTA) ====================================================================== Program Chairs ====================================================================== Neha Rungta, NASA Ames Research Center, USA Oksana Tkachuk, NASA Ames Research Center, USA ====================================================================== Program Committee ====================================================================== Ezio Bartocci,TU Wien, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Dirk Beyer, University of Passau, Germany Alastair Donaldson, Imperial College London, UK Alex Groce, Oregon State University, USA Arie Gurfinkel, Software Engineering Institute, CMU, USA Gerard Holzmann, NASA/JPL, USA Franjo Ivancic, NEC Laboratories America, Inc., USA Sarfraz Khurshid, The University of Texas at Austin, USA Shuvendu Lahiri, Microsoft Research, USA Stefan Leue, University of Konstanz, Germany Eric Mercer, Brigham Young University, USA David Parker, University of Birmingham, UK Suzette Person, NASA Langley Research Center, USA Zvonimir Rakamaric, University of Utah, USA C. R. Ramakrishna, Stony Brook University, USA Robby, Kansas State University, USA Scott Stoller, Stony Brook University, USA Murali Talupur, Intel, USA Suresh Thummalapenta, IBM Research, India Jaco Van De Pol, University of Twente, Netherlands Willem Visser, Stellenbosch University, South Africa Michael Whalen, University of Minnesota, USA -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- --- To opt-out from this mailing list, send an email to fm-announcements-request at with the word 'unsubscribe' as subject or in the body. You can also make the request by contacting fm-announcements-owner at From matthias.tichy at Tue Apr 22 08:47:29 2014 From: matthias.tichy at (Matthias Tichy) Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 06:47:29 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] CfP: GraBaTs 2014, 8th International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools @ICGT 2014 Message-ID: ==================================================================== Call for Papers GraBaTs 2014 8th International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools A satellite event of ICGT'14 July 25th, 2014, University of York, UK ==================================================================== *** Aims and Scope *** The 8th International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools is the continuation of the GraBaTs series of workshops which provides a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in the development and application of graph-based tools. Based on rigorous mathematical concepts, graphs are at the core of tools and techniques in various application areas and are used for many practical concerns. The topics of interests are (but are not limited to): - Model-driven development tools, - Meta modeling tools, generators and frameworks, - Visual language tools (UML, Domain-specific languages, etc.) - Model transformation and model management tools, - Formal graph-based modeling tools, - Visualization, animation and simulation tools, - Analysis of models, transformations and programs (validation, verification, static analysis, quantitative analysis, testing, etc.), - Tool integration techniques, - Software engineering and software evolution tools, - Efficient algorithms for graph models (pattern matching, handling of large graph models, graph traversal algorithms, etc.). In all these areas, tools are developed that retrieve, store, transform and display graphs. It is the purpose of this workshop to survey the state of the art of graph-based tools, bring together developers of graph-based tools in different application fields and to encourage new tool development cooperations. We solicit papers on the aforementioned topics, as well as case studies, empirical and experimental results on tool scalability and uses of graph-based tools on novel application areas. *** Submissions *** The proceedings of this workshop will be published in the Electronic Communications of the EASST. We are soliciting papers (up to 14 pages) which present original and evaluated research or novel ideas, identified challenges, and experiences related to the workshop's theme. Two kinds of papers are solicited to be presented at the workshop: For preparing your manuscript, please use the ECEASST templates (specifically prepared for GraBaTs 2014) available here: - Please submit your abstract and paper using EasyChair: - *** Important Dates *** May 18, 2014 Abstract submission May 25, 2014 Paper submission June 27, 2014 Notification of acceptance July 11, 2014 Revised version for preproceedings July 25, 2014 Workshop September 15, 2014 Camera-ready version *** Contact Info *** Matthias Tichy (matthias.tichy at, University of Gothenburg (Sweden) Bernhard Westfechtel (bernhard.westfechtel(at), University of Bayreuth (Germany) *** Program Committee *** Artur Boronat, University of Leicester (UK) Claudia Ermel, Technical University of Berlin (Germany) Joel Greenyer, University of Hannover (Germany) Esther Guerra, Universidad Aut?noma de Madrid (Spai)n Dimitris Kolovos, University of York (UK) Christian Krause, Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam (Germany) Tihamer Levendovszky, Vanderbilt University (USA) Mark Minas, Universit?t der Bundeswehr M?nchen (Germany) Arend Rensink, University of Twente (The Netherlands) Gabriele Taentzer, Philipps-Universit?t Marburg (Germany) Matthias Tichy, Chalmers | University of Gothenburg (Sweden) Pieter Van Gorp, Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands) Hans Vangheluwe, University of Antwerp (Belgium) / McGill University (Canada) Gergely Varr?, TU Darmstadt (Germany) Bernhard Westfechtel, University of Bayreuth (Germany) Andreas Winter, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg (Germany) Albert Z?ndorf, University of Kassel (Germany) From mail at Tue Apr 22 15:22:10 2014 From: mail at (Michael Lang - Info) Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 15:22:10 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] Bitte mich aus dem Verteiler nehmen - Vielen Dank! Message-ID: <00e701cf5e2d$e10898d0$a319ca70$> Mit freundlichen Gr??en Kind Regards _______________________________________________ Michael Lang Office +49 731 14112085-0 Fax +49 731 14112085-9 Phone +49 731 28065652 Mobil +49 157 92314271 Email mail at Connect with Me: Contact Me: mikle.long Join Us: businessmodelyoucamp _______________________________________________ Quotation of the Month ?Die F?higkeit zur Innovation entscheidet ?ber unser Schicksal.? (Roman Herzog, Berliner Rede, 1997) -------------- n?chster Teil -------------- Ein Dateianhang mit HTML-Daten wurde abgetrennt... URL: -------------- n?chster Teil -------------- Ein Dateianhang mit Bin?rdaten wurde abgetrennt... Dateiname : image001.png Dateityp : application/octet-stream Dateigr??e : 14225 bytes Beschreibung: nicht verf?gbar URL : -------------- n?chster Teil -------------- Ein Dateianhang mit Bin?rdaten wurde abgetrennt... Dateiname : image002.png Dateityp : application/octet-stream Dateigr??e : 989 bytes Beschreibung: nicht verf?gbar URL : -------------- n?chster Teil -------------- Ein Dateianhang mit Bin?rdaten wurde abgetrennt... Dateiname : image003.jpg Dateityp : image/jpeg Dateigr??e : 779 bytes Beschreibung: nicht verf?gbar URL : -------------- n?chster Teil -------------- Ein Dateianhang mit Bin?rdaten wurde abgetrennt... Dateiname : image004.png Dateityp : application/octet-stream Dateigr??e : 1746 bytes Beschreibung: nicht verf?gbar URL : -------------- n?chster Teil -------------- Ein Dateianhang mit Bin?rdaten wurde abgetrennt... Dateiname : image005.png Dateityp : application/octet-stream Dateigr??e : 710 bytes Beschreibung: nicht verf?gbar URL : -------------- n?chster Teil -------------- Ein Dateianhang mit Bin?rdaten wurde abgetrennt... Dateiname : image006.png Dateityp : application/octet-stream Dateigr??e : 1728 bytes Beschreibung: nicht verf?gbar URL : -------------- n?chster Teil -------------- Ein Dateianhang mit Bin?rdaten wurde abgetrennt... Dateiname : image007.png Dateityp : application/octet-stream Dateigr??e : 1746 bytes Beschreibung: nicht verf?gbar URL : -------------- n?chster Teil -------------- Ein Dateianhang mit Bin?rdaten wurde abgetrennt... Dateiname : image008.png Dateityp : application/octet-stream Dateigr??e : 1746 bytes Beschreibung: nicht verf?gbar URL : -------------- n?chster Teil -------------- Ein Dateianhang mit Bin?rdaten wurde abgetrennt... Dateiname : image009.png Dateityp : application/octet-stream Dateigr??e : 950 bytes Beschreibung: nicht verf?gbar URL : From artur.caetano at Wed Apr 23 15:32:48 2014 From: artur.caetano at (Artur Caetano) Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 14:32:48 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] Last CfP: Enterprise Model Analysis Workshop @ EDOC 2014 Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From zimmer at Thu Apr 24 08:20:10 2014 From: zimmer at (Prof. Dr. Wolf Zimmermann) Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 08:20:10 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] CfP: ESOCC - Extended Deadline for Submissions Message-ID: <> ESOCC 2014 Extended Deadline: 14 May 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Third European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing 2-4 September 2014, Manchester, United Kingdom esocc2014 at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR PAPERS The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier conference on the advances in the state of the art and practice of Service-Oriented Computing and Cloud Computing in Europe. ESOCC has evolved from the ECOWS (European Conference on Web Services) conference series, after the Steering Committee decided to renew and broaden its scope, and to start a new conference series on advanced topics of service-oriented and cloud computing. The first edition of the new series, ESSOC 2012, was successfully held in Bertinoro, Italy, the second edition, ESOCC 2013, was held in Malaga, Spain, and will be continued by ESOCC 2014 in Manchester, UK. The main objectives of this conference are to facilitate the exchange between researchers and practitioners in the areas of SOC and Cloud Computing and to foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond. ESOCC 2014 will include invited talks, presentations of selected research papers and an industrial track with the participation of top researchers from industry. ESOCC 2014 will also include a PhD symposium and a series of satellite workshops. BACKGROUND The continued success of service-oriented distributed applications has shown that tightly coupled software systems may be useful for niche markets, whereas loosely coupled software systems have proven to be more flexible, adaptive and often more appropriate for practical applications. Loose coupling makes it easier for a given system to interact with other system components (including legacy systems) that have been developed independently somewhere in a heterogeneous universe of services. Thus, service-oriented applications can evolve more easily during their lifespan and adapt better to changing or even unpredictable environments. In such scenarios, cloud computing enables a new execution paradigm for distributed software application where resources can be shared, optimally realized as well as utilized and exchanged between heterogeneous execution platforms and the cloud, so as to achieve fast response times and to ensure immersive and non-interrupted user experience. Services today are developed independently, deployed as well as freely composed, and they can be implemented in a variety of technologies a fact which is of particular importance from a business perspective. Similarly, cloud computing aims at enabling mobility as well as device, platform and/or service independence by offering centralized sharing of resources. It promotes interoperability, portability and security standards, and raises a completely new set of security issues. On the implementation side, essential agreement has been reached on integration technologies and consensus has emerged in today's middleware market. Customers use web technologies extensively; however, service developers, providers, and integrators need to create methods, tools and techniques to support cost-effective and secure development and use of dependable devices, platforms, services and service- oriented applications in the cloud. TOPICS OF INTEREST ESOCC 2014 seeks original, high quality papers related to all aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, which constitute the main technology available to date for implementing service-oriented architectures and cloud computing. Topics of interest to the Research and Industry Tracks include, but are not limited to: ? Business Process Management and Web Services ? Cloud Services Management and Composition using Web Services ? Dynamic and Adaptive Web Services ? Economics Models and Web Services ? Enterprise Architecture and Web Services ? Emerging Trends of Service Composition and Mashups ? Experience reports of novel applications of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing in Health, Commerce, Finance, Telecom, Scientific Computing and other domains ? Service Modeling, Service-Oriented Analysis and Design ? Formal Methods for Web Services ? Frameworks for Building Web Service-Based Applications ? Architectural Models for Cloud Computing ? Identity and Access Management using Web Services ? Mobile Web Services ? Model-Driven Web Service Engineering ? Next Generation Web Services Middle-ware and Service Repositories ? Service quality and service interface design guidelines ? RESTful for Clouds and Web Services ? Self-Organizing Service Oriented and Cloud Architectures ? Semantic Web Services ? Service Level Agreements for Web services ? Service-Oriented Business Collaboration ? SOA Governance and Web Services ? Web Services for Grids and Clouds ? Service Computing and Web Services ? Service Marketplaces ? Service-oriented Software Engineering ? Service System Design ? Service Value Networks ? Web Services in Service-Oriented Environments ? Service System Engineering ? Web Services Life-Cycles ? Web Services Security and Privacy ? Big Data Management ? Crowd-sourcing Business Services ? Cloud Interoperability and Federation ? Emerging Trends in Storage, Computation and Network Clouds ? Cloud Computing Business Services ? Service Science ? Smart Services ESOCC 2014 solicits both new research papers (in the main track) as well as reports on practical experiences from industry (industry track). However, papers on existing products or product marketing information are not within the scope of the ESOCC 2014 Industry Track. SUBMISSIONS Original papers, not submitted for publication elsewhere, can be submitted via EasyChair. ? Research papers: ? Industry-Track papers: Paper submissions should be formatted according to the LNCS proceedings guidelines and the templates available at and they should not exceed 15 pages. A paper might be accepted as a full paper (15 pages), as a short paper (8 pages) or as a poster (a 2-page abstract in the proceedings). Conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. IMPORTANT DATES Research papers: ? Submission: 14 May 2014 ? Notification: 6 June 2014 ? Final version: 20 June 2014 Industrial papers: ? Submission: 14 May 2014 ? Notification: 6 June 2014 ? Final version: 20 June 2014 From artur.caetano at Wed Apr 23 15:31:49 2014 From: artur.caetano at (Artur Caetano) Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 14:31:49 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] Last CfP: Enterprise Model Analysis Workshop @ EDOC 2014 Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From artur.caetano at Thu Apr 24 13:58:17 2014 From: artur.caetano at (Artur Caetano) Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 12:58:17 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] Last CfP: Enterprise Model Analysis Workshop @ EDOC 2014 Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mail at Thu Apr 24 22:15:18 2014 From: mail at (Ansgar Scherp) Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 22:15:18 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] =?iso-8859-1?q?=5BVerl=E4ngerte_Einreichungsfrist=5D_CfP?= =?iso-8859-1?q?_DOKTORANDENPROGRAMM_der_INFORMATIK_2014_in_Stuttgart_/_?= =?iso-8859-1?q?=5BDeadline_Extion=5D_CfP_Doctoral_Programme_of_INFORMATIK?= =?iso-8859-1?q?_2014?= Message-ID: <> Auf Grund mehrerer Anfragen wurde die Einreichungsfrist auf den 4.5.2014 verl?ngert. Due to multiple request, we extended the deadline to May 4, 2014. ... CfP - Aufruf zum DOKTORANDENPROGRAMM der INFORMATIK 2014 in Stuttgart [Note: English Version below!] === Aufruf zum DOKTORANDENPROGRAMM der INFORMATIK 2014 === === am 25. und 26. September 2014 === === im Rahmen der INFORMATIK 2014 vom 22.-26.9.2014 in Stuttgart === === siehe === Das Doktorandenprogramm der INFORMATIK 2014 erlaubt jungen Forschern und Forscherinnen ihr Thema in einem Vortrag oder als Poster einem breiten Publikum vorzustellen. Es gibt den DoktorandInnen au?erdem die M?glichkeit sich mit anderen Forschern und Doktoranden auszutauschen, gegenseitige Kontakte zu kn?pfen, Probleme und deren L?sungswege zu diskutieren und R?ckmeldungen von promovierten WissenschaftlerInnen und ProfessorInnen auf verwandten Forschungsgebieten zu erhalten. Neben den wissenschaftlichen Pr?sentationen und Diskussionen steht daher im Doktorandenprogramm der pers?nliche Kontakt und Austausch mit erfahrenen Forschern im Vordergrund. Das Doktorandenprogramm der INFORMATIK 2014 findet zusammen mit dem Doktorandenprogramm der Konferenz f?r K?nstliche Intelligenz (KI) statt. Einreichungen aus dem Themenbereich der KI werden daher dasselbe Begutachtungsverfahren wie die anderen Einreichungen des Doktorandenprogramms durchlaufen. Die eingereichten Beitr?ge werden nach den Kriterien Relevanz, Innovation und Interesse f?r ein gr??eres Publikum bewertet und bei Annahme entweder als Vortrag oder im Rahmen einer Poster-Session pr?sentiert. Einreichungen erbitten wir in L?nge von 10-12 Seiten gem?? den Formatierungsrichtlinien der INFORMATIK 2013 (das hei?t im GI-Format). Neben einer inhaltlichen Fokussierung der Einreichung ist auch die Einbettung in das ?bergeordnete Thema der Dissertation auf 1-2 Seiten zu beschreiben. Zudem sind in 2014 auch Einreichungen als Kurzbeitr?ge der L?nge von 4-6 Seiten m?glich. Diese werden im Rahmen der Postersession am Donnerstag pr?sentiert. Eine Einbettung in das ?bergeordnete Thema ist f?r Kurzbeitr?ge nicht erforderlich. Alle akzeptierten Beitr?ge erscheinen im Konferenzband der GI Jahrestagung! Im Sinne eines Doktorandenkolloquiums wird ausdr?cklich gebeten, dass die Beitr?ge in Alleinautorenschaft der Doktoranden erstellt werden. Die akzeptierten Beitr?ge m?ssen von den Doktoranden als Vortrag beziehungsweise als Poster pr?sentiert werden. Die Poster werden gemeinsam mit den Postern der GI Jahrestagung sowie den Postern des Studierendenprogramms der GI Jahrestagung vorgestellt. Auf Wunsch k?nnen die Doktoranden zudem an einem Mentorenprogramm teilnehmen, bei dem f?r das Thema passende erfahrene Forscher ausgesucht und f?r ein pers?nliches Gespr?ch zur Verf?gung stehen. Interesse an der Teilnahme an diesem Programm kann bei der Einreichung der Beitr?ge angegeben werden. Das Mentorenprogramm erfolgt vorbehaltlich einer hinreichenden Passgenauigkeit verf?gbarer erfahrener Forscher und wird rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben. Am 26. September wird zudem ein Promotionsworkshop mit eingeladenen Vortr?gen zum Thema "Wie promoviere ich?" angeboten. Dieser Workshop ist offen f?r alle interessierte Forscher und Forscherinnen der INFORMATIK 2014. ** Best Paper Award ** Im Rahmen des Doktorandenprogramms der INFORMATIK 2014 wird ein Preis f?r den besten Vollbeitrag ausgelobt. Der Preis wird gemeinsam von der GI Jahrestagung und der KI festgelegt und im Rahmen der Postersession bekanntgegeben. ** Wichtige Daten ** - Einreichung der Beitr?ge: 22. April 2014 - Benachrichtigung zur Begutachtung: 20. Mai 2014 - Einreichung der finalen Version: 23. Juni 2014 - Vortr?ge: 25. / 26. September 2014 - Vorstellung der Poster: 25. September 2014 (Poster-Session der INFORMATIK 2014) - Mentorenprogramm: am 25. September 2014 ** Informationen zur Einreichung ** * Umfang und Gestaltung der Vollbeitr?ge: - 10-12 Seiten (gem?? den Formatierungsrichtlinien der INFORMATIK 2014 im GI-Format). - Beitr?ge sollen einen thematischen Fokus haben sowie auf 1-2 Seiten die Einbettung in das ?bergeordnete Thema der Dissertation beschreiben. * Umfang und Gestaltung der Kurzbeitr?ge: - 4-6 Seiten (gem?? den Formatierungsrichtlinien der INFORMATIK 2014 im GI-Format). - Beitr?ge sollen einen thematischen Fokus haben. Eine Einbettung in das ?bergeordnete Thema der Dissertation ist nicht notwendig. * Beitr?ge k?nnen in Deutsch oder Englisch (bevorzugt!) eingereicht werden. * Akzeptierte Vollbeitr?ge werden entweder als Vortrag oder Poster-Pr?sentation vorgestellt. Akzeptierte Kurzbeitr?ge werden als Poster pr?sentiert. * Einreichung von Beitr?gen erfolgt ?ber EasyChair der INFORMATIK 2014. ** Leitung des Doktorandenprogramms ** - Ansgar Scherp, Universit?t zu Kiel und Leibniz Informationszentrum f?r Wirtschaft - Dirk Pfl?ger, Universit?t Stuttgart - Markus Kr?tzsch, TU Dresden (KI) ** Programmkomittee ** Prof. Andreas Dengel, Technische Universit?t Kaiserslautern Prof. Andreas Henrich, Universit?t Bamberg Prof. Andreas Winter, Universit?t Oldenburg Prof. Antonio Kr?ger, Saarland University Prof. Bernd Neumann, Universit?t Hamburg Prof. Collin Atkinson, Universit?t Mannheim Prof. Dirk Nowotka, Universit?t zu Kiel Prof. Harald Kosch, Universit?t Passau Prof. Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Universit?t Mannheim Prof. Ingo Schmitt, Universit?t Cottbus Prof. Isabella Peters, Universit?t Kiel Prof. Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Universit?t Hildesheim Prof. Lars Schmidt-Thieme, Universit?t Hildesheim Prof. Melanie Herschel, Universite Paris Sud, Frankreich Prof. Michael Gertz, Universit?t Heidelberg Prof. Miriam Mehl, Universit?t Stuttgart Prof. Philipp Slusallek, Universit?t des Saarlandes Prof. Ralf Reussner, Universit?t Karlsruhe Prof. Ra?l Rojas, FU Berlin Prof. Rolf Drechsler, Universit?t Bremen Prof. Sebastian Rudolph, TU Dresden Prof. Stefan Conrad, Universit?t D?sseldorf Prof. Stefan Wagner, Universit?t Stuttgart Prof. Stefan Wrobel, Universit?t Bonn Prof. Thomas Neumann, TU M?nchen Prof. Thomas Plagemann, Universit?t Oslo Prof. Uli Sattler, University of Manchester Prof. Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans Prof. Volker Turau, TU Hamburg-Harburg Prof. Wilhelm (Willi) Hasselbring, Universit?t zu Kiel Prof. Wolf-Tilo Balke, Universit?t Braunschweig Prof. Wolfgang Effelsberg, Universit?t Mannheim --- CfP - Call for Participation to the Doctoral Programme of INFORMATIK 2014 === 2nd Call for DOCTORAL PROGRAMME of INFORMATIK 2014 === === to be held during September 25-26, 2014 === === at INFORMATIK 2014 from September 22-26, 2013 in Stuttgart, Germany === === details: === The doctoral programme of INFORMATIK 2014 allows young researchers to present his or her topic to a broader audience. Accepted submissions will be presented either as oral presentation or poster. In addition, the doctoral programme allows the researchers to exchange experiences with other students, build contacts, discuss problems and solutions, and receive feedback from senior researchers in related research areas. Thus, focus of the doctoral programme is besides scientific presentations and discussions also the possibility for socializing with researchers in related fields and getting feedback from experienced researchers. The doctoral programme is held in conjunction with the 44th annual meeting of the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft f?r Informatik e.V. (GI)). The doctoral programme of INFORMATIK 2014 is co-organized with the doctoral programme of the conference K?nstliche Intelligenz (KI). Submissions to the topics of KI will undergo the same reviewing procedure as the other submissions to the doctoral programme. Submitted papers are evaluated by relevance, innovation, and interest for a larger audience. We expect full paper submissions of 10-12 pages adhering to the formatting guidelines of INFORMATIK 2014 (i.e., GI format). The papers should be focused on a particular research question as well as provide a 1-2 page description of the broader topic of the dissertation. In addition, we accept short papers of 4-6 pages. They are presented during the poster session on Thursday. A description of the broader topic of the dissertation is not required for short paper submissions. All accepted papers are published in the proceedings of the GI annual meeting. In terms of a doctoral programme, we kindly ask that the papers are authored and submitted by the doctoral students being the only author. Accepted papers are to be presented by the doctoral students either as oral presentation or poster. The posters will be presented together with the posters of the annual GI meeting and the posters of the students programme. Interested students can sign up for a mentoring programme. The organizers will select experienced researchers and assign slots for a personal coaching. Expression of interest to the mentoring programme can be done when submitting the papers. The mentoring programme is offered under the condition of proper fit to the topic and availability of experienced researchers. It will be given due notice. On September 26, there will be an additional PhD workshop on "How to accomplish a Phd study?". This workshop is open to all interested researchers attending INFORMATIK 2014. ** Best Paper Award ** The doctoral programme of INFORMATIK 2014 will issue an award for the best full-length paper. The award is granted jointly by the annual GI meeting and the KI conference and will be announced during the poster session. ** Important Dates ** Submission of papers April 22, 2014 Notification: Mai 20, 2014 Camera ready version: June 23, 2014 Presentations: September 25/26, 2014 Poster session: September 25, 2014 (poster session of INFORMATIK 2014) Mentoring programme: planned for September 25, 2014 ** Details about the submission: ** * Full papers: - 10-12 pages (according to formatting guidelines of INFORMATIK 2014 in GI format) - Submissions are expected to focus on a research question as well as describe on 1-2 pages the context of the dissertation * Short papers: - 4-6 pages (according to formatting guidelines of INFORMATIK 2014 in GI format) - Submissions are expected to focus on a research question. Description of the broader context of the dissertation is not required. * Submissions in English are preferred, other submission language is German * Accepted submissions are either presented in oral (full papers) or as poster (full papers/short papers). * Submissions are handled through EasyChair of INFORMATIK 2014. ** Organizers of the Doctoral Programme ** - Ansgar Scherp, Kiel University and Leibniz Information Center for Economics, Kiel, Germany - Dirk Pfl?ger, University of Stuttgart - Markus Kr?tzsch, TU Dresden (KI) ** Program Comittee ** Prof. Andreas Dengel, Technische Universit?t Kaiserslautern Prof. Andreas Henrich, Universit?t Bamberg Prof. Andreas Winter, Universit?t Oldenburg Prof. Antonio Kr?ger, Saarland University Prof. Bernd Neumann, Universit?t Hamburg Prof. Collin Atkinson, Universit?t Mannheim Prof. Dirk Nowotka, Universit?t zu Kiel Prof. Harald Kosch, Universit?t Passau Prof. Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Universit?t Mannheim Prof. Ingo Schmitt, Universit?t Cottbus Prof. Isabella Peters, Universit?t Kiel Prof. Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Universit?t Hildesheim Prof. Lars Schmidt-Thieme, Universit?t Hildesheim Prof. Melanie Herschel, Universite Paris Sud, Frankreich Prof. Michael Gertz, Universit?t Heidelberg Prof. Miriam Mehl, Universit?t Stuttgart Prof. Philipp Slusallek, Universit?t des Saarlandes Prof. Ralf Reussner, Universit?t Karlsruhe Prof. Ra?l Rojas, FU Berlin Prof. Rolf Drechsler, Universit?t Bremen Prof. Sebastian Rudolph, TU Dresden Prof. Stefan Conrad, Universit?t D?sseldorf Prof. Stefan Wagner, Universit?t Stuttgart Prof. Stefan Wrobel, Universit?t Bonn Prof. Thomas Neumann, TU M?nchen Prof. Thomas Plagemann, Universit?t Oslo Prof. Uli Sattler, University of Manchester Prof. Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans Prof. Volker Turau, TU Hamburg-Harburg Prof. Wilhelm (Willi) Hasselbring, Universit?t zu Kiel Prof. Wolf-Tilo Balke, Universit?t Braunschweig Prof. Wolfgang Effelsberg, Universit?t Mannheim -- Prof. Dr. Ansgar Scherp Leibniz Information Center for Economics (ZBW) and Kiel University Phone: +49 431 8814-443 Fax : +49 431 8814-520 Mail : mail at WWW: From david.knuplesch at Wed Apr 30 14:23:03 2014 From: david.knuplesch at (David Knuplesch) Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 14:23:03 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] CeSCoP'14 - DEADLINE EXTENSION until MAY, 5th: Intl Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and Security in Cross-Organizational Processes (in Conjunction with EDOC'14) In-Reply-To: <014a01cf5052$823efc60$86bcf520$> References: <014a01cf5052$823efc60$86bcf520$> Message-ID: <> [Apologies for cross-posting] *************************************** Call for papers CeSCoP'14: Deadline Extension until May, 5th *************************************** The 1st International Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and Security in Cross-Organizational Processes, in conjunction with EDOC 2014 - The Enterprise Computing Conference, September 1-5, Ulm, Germany. URL: *************************************** Important Dates - Paper submissions (Extended deadline): May 5, 2014 - Paper acceptance notifications: May 27, 2014 - Camera-ready papers due: June 14, 2014 Workshop Organizers - Stefanie Rinderle-Ma and Walid Fdhila, University of Vienna - Manfred Reichert and David Knuplesch, University of Ulm - Johannes Reich, SAP AG, Germany *************************************** Scope of the Workshop Globalization and competitive pressure created the need for collaborations among business partners who join their forces and combine their services in order to provide added-value products. Despite the benefits of such cross-organizational collaborations, new challenges raise; e.g., mainly the ability to cope with security, adaptation, compliance and privacy. The CeSCoP workshop focuses on the research problems faced in cross-organizational processes and aims to support investigation and novel solutions with regard to the specific requirements arising in this context. Recommended Topics The CeSCoP workshop focuses on research in cross-organizational business processes, and aims to investigate the following topics. - Governance, risk and compliance - Compliance rule specification - Compliance verification - Security, privacy and trust - Compliance monitoring - Soundness Criteria - Adaptation, evolution, and versioning - Mining, monitoring - Dynamic changes and change propagation - Change mining - Impact analysis and predictive analytics - Exception handling - Data-aware cross-organizational and distributed processes - Shared and distributed data objects - Data (exchange) semantics - Data-aware soundness - Component models - Modeling and implementation of business to business interactions - Coordination models of different interactions within business processes - Maintainability, extensibility Submission Guidelines We invite two types of contributions to the workshop: full scientific papers and short papers. Full scientific papers must present unpublished work that is not being considered in another forum, but can present unfinished research. It should clearly establish the research contribution and relation to previous research. Authors are requested to prepare submissions in English of no more than 10 pages. Short papers of no more than 5 pages can be submitted for inclusion in the proceedings. Short papers can be practical experience reports or tool demos. Submissions will be reviewed by at least three PC members based on their originality, significance, technical soundness and clarity of exposition. All submissions must be made in PDF format and comply with the IEEE Computer Society Conference Proceedings Format Guidelines. Submissions can be uploaded via EasyChair: Program Committee - Raffael Accorsi, University of Freiburg, Germany. - Franois Charoy, University of Lorraine, France. - Marlon Dumas, University of Tartu, Estonia. - Peter Emmel, SAG AG, Germany. - Khaled Gaaloul, CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg. - Luciano Garcia-Banuelos, University of Tartu, Estonia. - Claude Godart, University of Lorraine, France. - Anat Goldstein, Ben Gurion University, Israel. - Akhil Kumar, Penn State University, PA, USA. - Martin Leucker, University of Luebeck, Germany. - Niels Lohmann, University of Rostock, Germany. - Thao Ly, University of Ulm, Germany. - J?rgen Mangler, University of Vienna, Austria. - Lars M?nch, University of Hagen, Germany. - Munindar Singh, North Carolina State University, NC, USA. - Elham Ramezani Taghiabadi, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands. - Barbara Weber, University of Innsbruck, Austria. If you have any questions regarding CeSCoP?14, please email david.knuplesch at